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共同富裕天然具有公平正义的基因,代表了人类对理想社会和美好生活的追求,在马克思主义价值体系中也位于最高层次。中国共产党自诞生之日起就将实现共同富裕作为自己的奋斗目标。中国共产党结合中国的历史传统以及革命、建设和改革的实际经验对马克思主义共同富裕思想进行了重大理论和实践创新,取得了马克思主义共同富裕思想中国化的巨大成功,接连产生了毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民、胡锦涛共同富裕思想,新时代习近平总书记提出了一系列关于共同富裕的重要论述,探索出极具中国特色的社会主义共同富裕道路。中国共产党共同富裕思想和中国特色社会主义共同富裕道路的产生、发展、成熟蕴含着科学、合理、严谨的内在逻辑。在新时代,我们要坚定不移地以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,进一步推动经济高质量发展、推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化、构建人类命运共同体,走好新时代中国特色社会主义共同富裕道路。  相似文献   

中国共产党坚持的民族平等、民族团结政策,是促进藏汉等各民族和谐相处的"和谐民族"政策.立足民族平等、民族团结,构建和谐政治关系.在西藏实行宗教信仰自由,尊重藏族风俗习惯等,构建和谐文化关系.在西藏实行民族区域自治,发展西藏各项社会事业,全面构建和谐民族关系.党的"和谐民族"政策在西藏得到了充分体现和落实,促进了西藏经济社会的改革、发展、稳定和繁荣.  相似文献   

EACILITATING the devel- opment of provinces away from the coast has become a top priority for China's national government.It's generally agreed that transportation holds the key to prosperity in these ar- eas.Hubei Province in central China is leading the way in this regard,rapidly developing a modern,integrated,en- vironmentally friendly transportation network.  相似文献   

黄宇蓝 《桂海论丛》2005,21(1):46-48
中国社会分层结构,目前正处于一种复杂的结构变化过程。中国社会资源的扩散和重新配置,引起社会结构的变迁,出现 数量不多的"富人"和一个有一定规模的社会底层。国家既要允许和鼓励一部分人先富起来,又要在初始分配后通过法律、法规、财政 税收和社会福利保障政策,缩小初始收入分配的差距,努力实现全体人民的共同富裕。  相似文献   

<正>A clear vote leaves problems in its wake for south Sudan The final results of a south Sudan referendum, announced by the South Sudan Referendum Commission in Khartoum on February 7,showed that 98.83 percent of voters  相似文献   

THE Nankai Middle School in Tianjin Municipality is a wellknown institute.Among its graduates were late Chinese pre-mier Zhou Enlai and the current premier Wen Jiabao.Its prin-cipal,Kang Xiuyan,is an accomplished educator with almos40years of experience.Her book Education Brings Accom-plishments to Life is included in the Contemporary Chinese Educators'WorkSeries,a key educational project of the Ministry of Education that comprisesthe works of11modern Chinese educators.iNna hnekra i…  相似文献   

中国共产党人在对“什么是社会主义、怎样建设社会主义”的艰辛探索中,创造性地探索出了独具特色的“社会主义为主体”的理论和实践。这一社会主义的崭新形态,在理论和实践中继承了经典社会主义关于社会主义的一般原则、基本制度,修正了脱离本国实际、求高求纯的传统社会主义,使马克思主义活的灵魂在新的历史条件下得以充分展现。  相似文献   

<正>Anti-corruption drive pays off in Shanxi Province North China’s Shanxi Province is one of the hardest-hit regions in the nationwide anti-corruption campaign implemented by the Communist Party of China(CPC)Central Committee since the end of 2012.Seven provincial-level officials in Shanxi were sentenced.A lot of lower-ranking officials were also placed under investigation for alleged graft.The fall of these officials was likened to an"earthquake"in  相似文献   

科学社会主义理论是马克思主义的一个重要组成部分。俄国十月革命胜利 ,使该理论变为现实。我国的改革开放和社会主义现代化建设为其在中国的拓展提供了土壤 ,该理论在我国的发展即形成了建设有中国特色的社会主义理论—邓小平理论。  相似文献   

第二届全国社会主义论坛暨"现时代的社会主义:中国与世界"研讨会在中央社会主义学院召开。与会学者以"现时代的社会主义:中国与世界"为主题,深入探讨了社会主义的概念与本质、社会主义经济体制、社会主义民主政治建设、社会主义核心价值体系、社会主义和谐社会、世界社会主义思潮等议题,既提出了许多新的见解,也在重大问题上形成了基本共识。  相似文献   

生态社会主义的生态观对中国特色社会主义的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态社会主义是 2 0世纪末西方发达国家绿色运动中发展起来的一种社会主义思潮。生态社会主义的生态观给中国特色社会主义建设带来许多有益的思考 :保护生态基础是解决和发展生产力的前提和基础 ;解决生态危机是社会主义的重要使命之一 ;发展生态经济、优化生态经济系统是社会主义制度巩固、完善和发展的历史的必然选择。  相似文献   

Cooperation is a positive strategy of geat advantage to China and its diplomatic partners. According to the new American ambassador to China,Gary Locke,China and the United States face challenges on many fronts,but therare also many opportunites to cooperate.With the pooledresources and abilities of our businessmen and scientists,the two nations can solve not only many of the problems that still face them,  相似文献   

<正>The European Commission’s decision to slap tariffs on Chinese solar panels has met strong opposition and caused much dispute. Alongside a weak economic recovery, it might be more wise for the EU to seek cooperation and common development with China rather than provoke a trade war for partial interests.  相似文献   

正Jiangxi pulls revolutionary bases out of povertySet foot in Jieyuan Village and you will be greeted by majestic rural scenery with rows of new buildings surrounded by lush trees. But it wasn’t like this several years ago.Thanks to its remoteness,Jieyuan Village in Ruijin City of south China’s Jiangxi Province was chosen as a revolutionary base for the  相似文献   

Lin Shunsheng,a farmer from Sichuan Province who owns the use right to his land,likes to think of himself as his own boss.But Lin is no longer the highest authority entitled to the land use,despite the fact that he has owned the use right for his plot of land since 1978when the household contract responsibility system was implemented.  相似文献   

正Pan-Beibu Gulf economic cooperation will give a further leg up to the increasingly close ties between China and ASEAN countries By Deng Yaqing As the only region sharing both maritime and land borders with Southeast Asian countries,south China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region has come to the forefront  相似文献   

LIJIANG in southwest China's Yunnan Province is a land bursting with exotic ethnic cultures and stunning natural scenery. It is located on the upper reaches of the Jinsha River, near the borders of Yun-  相似文献   

<正>China and its Southeast Asian neighbors need to enhance industrial cooperation In 2019,TCL,a Chinese consumer electronics company,began to build its new manufacturing base in Viet Nam and brought its suppliers with it to the country.The new base has improved TCL’s production capacity with its products selling not only in Viet Nam but also to other markets in Southeast Asia and beyond.  相似文献   

西部地区是我国经济相对落后的多民族地区 ,随着西部大开发战略的实施 ,如何抓住新的机遇 ,正确处理好生态环境建设与农村经济发展的关系 ,逐步实现脱贫致富的目标已引起了社会各界的广泛关注。本文在分析西部地区贫困原因的基础上 ,重点阐述了在西部大开发中西部地区脱贫致富所面临的机遇和挑战 ,进而提出了加快西部地区发展 ,实现脱贫致富的基本对策  相似文献   

正A draft law on safeguarding national security in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region(HKSAR) recently reviewed by China's top legislature requires HKSAR to establish a commission of safeguarding national security. It also provides that the Central Government shall establish an offi ce of safeguarding national security in HKSAR. Edited excerpts from Xinhua News Agency reports follow:  相似文献   

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