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正Residents of Taiyuan, Shanxi Province in north China, buy decorations on January 31 in preparation of the Spring Festival on February 12.Vaccine Progress Seven Chinese-produced novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19)vaccines have entered Phase III clinical trials, according to an official with the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST),Xinhua News Agency reported on January 31.  相似文献   

To meet the needs of readers above an intermediate English level, we have produced a special issue of China Today- Interpreting China, customized for undergraduates who enjoy reading about Chinese cultural, social, and economic issues in English.  相似文献   

只要有一个女人觉得自己坚强因而讨厌柔弱的伪装定有一个男人意识到自己也有脆弱的地方因而不愿再伪装坚强  相似文献   

IN addition to being a big hit with female urban professionals, the recently released film Perpetual Motion is a main source of feminist discussion. The film's four main characters are successful career women. One of them, middle-aged Niuniu, discovers that her husband is having an extra-marital affair. She invites her three woman friends - fashion model Qinqin, real estate dealer Ye and artist Lala - one of whom she suspects is emotionally entangled with her husband, to her siheyuan home at Spring Festival. The four talk, comparing emotional experiences and the men they have known. The suspense aspect of the film i.e. which of the women is having an affair with Niuniu's husband, is superseded by this frank, unequivocal baring of emotions and repressed desires. The  相似文献   

Editor'sNote:Inthepast50yearsChinesefineartshaveundergoneatremendousburgeoning.GroupsofartistshavemadegreatendeavorstoincorporatethecreamofinternationalartwiththeexcellenttraditionalcultureofChina,asameansofenrichingtheircreativescope.Thissenseofmissionhasresultedinacollectionofworksofthehighestartisticlevel.Inthe21stcentury,Orientalartswilldrawtheattentionoftheworld.OurpurposeinopeningthiscolumnistoarouseawiderinterestincontemporaryChinesepaintersandtheirworks.ITHINthelonghistoryofChines…  相似文献   

THE c o v e r of t h e J u l y 11 is-sue of Business Week bearsthe legend: Stars of Asia:25 Leaders at the Forefrontof Change. It is a tribute toprominent businesspeople for their crisisleadership, managerial know-how andinnovation. Cher Wang, chairwoman ofVIA Technologies Inc of Taiwan, is theonly woman in this exalted company.Her name also appears in the Wall StreetJournal's Top Ten Asian Women Entre-preneurs.Cher Wang is initiator and chairwom-an of VIA Technologies Inc. a lead…  相似文献   

尊敬的巴赫主席,尊敬的各位同事,女士们,先生们,朋友们:在中国人民欢度新春佳节的喜庆日子里,同各位新老朋友在北京相聚,我感到十分高兴。首先,我代表中国政府和中国人民,代表我的夫人,并以我个人的名义,对来华出席北京冬奥会的各位嘉宾,表示热烈的欢迎!向所有关心和支持北京冬奥会的各国政府、各国人民及国际组织表示衷心的感谢!  相似文献   

As they watch the bright moon gradually disappear,villagers shout,"The Celestial Dog is eating the moon!" and race home to fetch the nearest acoustic implement to hand.The entire village then takes to the streats and makes as big a commotion as possible-setting off firecrackers,beating drums and gongs,and banging pots and pans-until the moon completely reemerges.  相似文献   

虞花荣 《理论月刊》2004,(11):20-21
江泽民同志从我国社会的现状和妇女事业发展的历史进程出发,把马克思主义妇女理论和中国妇女运动的实践相结合,精辟地阐述了妇女观问题。  相似文献   

LIANGSHANYiAutonomousPrefectureinsouthwestSichuanProvinceisthelargestethnicYiinhabitedarea.Beforethe1950s,itwasstillaslavesociety,andsinceitadvancedintothesocialisteraundertheleadershipoftheChineseCommunistParty,thelocalpeople'Slivingstandardhaveimproveddramatically.Still,thereareseriouspoyer'typroblemsintheareaduetoitsweakeconomicfoundation.TheMianningCountyisoneofthe17citiesandcountiesadministratedbyLiangshanYiAutonomousPrefecture,anditsmagistrateisa34-yearoldwomannamedZhuChunxiu,w…  相似文献   

Ban Zhao, the first known Chinese woman historian, lived during the Eastern Han Dynasty( 25-220 A.D.), and is renowned for her contribution to the completion of Han Shu( History of the Han Dynasty), which covers the entire Western Han period( 206B.C.-24A.D.). As China's first book on dynastic history, it constitutes the second volume in Twenty-Four Histories, and sets the style of writing for the rest of the dynastic annals. Han Shu consists of 120 volumes divided in to four parts: Biographies of the 12 Western Han emperors and major events during the reign of each emperor, the "Eight Tables," chronologically listing the names of princes, the emperor's in laws and the leading officials; the "The Registries," dealing with rules and laws and Biographies of 70 outstanding personalities. Of the four parts, the "Eight Tables" was compiled by Ban Zhao.  相似文献   

本文通过一个案例剖析村落性别规范的内容、运行逻辑。性别规范有3个层次的内容:(1)日常生活中的言行举止、生活方式,(2)两性分工的内外之别,(3)双重标准的性别规范。通过对村落性别规范运行逻辑的分析,发现村落文化变迁的趋势:村落文化的地域性特征逐渐弱化之后,原有道德规范失去继承,村落社会评价机制发生改变,同时舆论惩罚失去效力,性别规范在村落文化变迁之时也在重新建构。  相似文献   

三从四德,中国古来有之,三从出自《礼记》:妇人从人者也,幼从父兄,嫁从夫,夫死从子,四德出自《周礼》:掌妇学之法,以教九御妇德、妇言、妇容、妇功。汉朝的班固完整地解释了四德:妇德,不必才明绝异也;妇言,不必辩口利辞也;妇容,不必颜色美丽也;妇功,不必工巧过人也。  相似文献   

农村妇女教育地位研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本研究以湖北省第二期妇女社会地位抽样调查问卷为基本素材,运用社会学理论与方法,从教育程度、受教育机会、学业成就三个方面描述了农村妇女的教育地位状况。并通过不同时期农村妇女以及农村妇女与城市妇女教育地位的比较分析,得出了农村妇女的教育地位是由农村生产力发展水平决定的,提高农村妇女教育地位是一个历史的自然过程的结论。  相似文献   

I first heard the name LeiJieqiong on June 23, 1946,at the time of the XiaguanTragedy in Nanjing. Theeight-year War of Resistance against JapaneseAggression had just ended, and the Chinese peoplelooked forward to a peaceful life. However, in order tomaintain his rule, Chiang Kai-shek, the KMT leader,had plans to launch a civil war, which the Shanghaipeople opposed by setting up the Shanghai Union ofPeople's Organizations. On June 23, 1946, a union del-egation, consisting of ten social…  相似文献   

:BystaffreporterRENYINGNNAChennault,widowofAmericanAirForceGeLneraICIaireLeeChennault,iswellknowninChinaandtheUnitedStates.HerChinesefamilynameisChenandhergivennameisXiangmei,meaning"fragrantplumflower."InChina,peopleregardplumflowersasasymbolofaniron-willedandunyieldingperson.Annaisexactlythatkindofperson.AnIndependentIVlindBorninBeijingin1925,AnnagraduatedfromLingnanUniversityinHongKongin1934.ShethenbecamethefirstwomanreporteroftheCentralNewsAgency,KundringBranch.Atthattime…  相似文献   

Icouldn't stop traveling once I statred.Wherever I went,I had completely different feelings as I experienced each place,  相似文献   

WANG Qiuyang's slightbuild and ostensiblydelicate demeanor couldnot be more misleading.She has proved herselfcapable of withstanding hardship thatwould test the fittest of men her age.An Armyman's DaughterWang Qiuyang was born and raisedin a mountainous area of Fujian Prov-ince, her father a deputy commander ofa field army stationed there. As a childshe was always, what is termed in theWest, a tomboy, preferring to climb treesand rocks rather than play with dolls.During her childhood Wang…  相似文献   

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