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Marathon Fervor     
正Long-distance running is gaining popularity in China Over 10,000 runners from eight countries took part in the 2016 Chengde Marathon on October 15.The event,held in the city of Chengde,north China’s Hebei Province,consisted of full,half and mini marathons.Ethiopian athletes Tigu Sefe Wendemu and Adimasu Amelework Gessesse won the men’s and women’s  相似文献   

THE second season of the Chinese Character Dictation Contest (also known as Character Hero) inspired great enthusiasm for Chinese characters last summer.The competition, in which middle school students write Chinese characters from dictation, became an instant hit after its debut on China Central Television (CCTV) in August 2013, and soon became one of the most watched TV shows in China.  相似文献   

ACCORDING to Li Guiling, deputy director of the National Office for TeachingChinese as a Foreign Language, more than 80 universities in the United States offer degree programs in Chinese, and more than 700 American universities offer Chinese courses. Surprisingly enough, not only overseas Chinese and the children of foreign citizens of Chinese origin are motivated to learn Chinese, but also many foreigners of non-Chinese origin.20 Million People Study ChineseThe office has come up w…  相似文献   

“实现又快又好发展”,既是中央的正确要求,又是地方干部群众的热切期望。但在实践中,“又快又好”有可能在一些地方变成更多对“快”的追求,导致“以快代好”、甚至“快而不好”的结果。科学发展观不应当成为人们随意使用的一顶“帽子”,而应当在制度的约束下,真正成为人们遵循的思想方针和自觉的行为选择。  相似文献   

正The world's biggest water diversion project transforms arid north As deputy mayor of Shiyan in Hubei Province in central China, Wu Ye has many things to be proud of. The city is a tourist attraction reputed for rare dinosaur egg fossils and the Wudang Mountain, a Taoist mecca. It is also a well-known automobile production base.  相似文献   

Up and Running     
正Newly--formed institutions unveiled as part of government reshuffle A day before World Environment Day on June 5,the new Ministry of Ecology and Environment bared its teeth on the governments of three localities after concluding that they had not taken strong enough measures to correct environmental problems  相似文献   

For some,simply running 21 km, or a full marathon at 42 km, isn’t enough of an achievement. I mean, you can run amarathon in almost every major city in  相似文献   

Time Running Out     
正Koreans should consolidate North -South rapport independent of the U.S.The Korean Peninsula has become restive again after thousands of propaganda leaflets were dropped into the Democratic People's Republic of Korea(DPRK) from hydrogen balloons sent from the Republic of Korea(ROK) on May 31.It was said to be the work of an organization of DPRK defectors.  相似文献   

正China’s burgeoning marathon events fuel a lucrative sports industry For sports agent Tao Shaoming,December 20,2015 was just another busy though profitable day.At the Fuzhou International Marathon held in southeast China’s Fujian Province that day,his Ethiopian and Kenyan runners swept the awards in both the men and women’s events,setting another record for the  相似文献   

Running on Fumes     
<正>OPEC’s decision to slash oil production may not hold throughMinisters of major oil exporting countries claimed to have made "historic" progress following the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries’ (OPEC’s) agreement in Vienna on November 30, 2016,  相似文献   

该文简述了依法治国和以德治国的内容,分别论述了依法治国和以德治国在国家建设中的作用,强调了依法治 国和以德治国的重要性,并就二者之间相辅相成和紧密联系的辩证关系作了阐述。  相似文献   

Ye Wei has been off to a running start in 2019,literally.The 35-year-old,who works at a state-owned enterprise (SOE),came 12th among Chinese runners at the Xiamen Marathon on January 6,clocking his personal best of 2:29 minutes.It showed how much his physical fitness has improved.The first time he took part in a full marathon in 2004,he couldn't even finish the run.  相似文献   

In early January,I arrived in Xiamen alone,determined to run my first marathon.After pounding countless km on the Beijing streets and sidewalks bordering Tsinghua University,where I’m enrolled as a Master’s student in journalism,I knew I was ready.Originally,my plan was to run the Beijing Marathon in October.  相似文献   

狱政管理部门在组织劳改人员从事外役劳动的过程中,必须从稳定压倒一切的大局出发,避免出现由于重经济效益而忽视监督改造安全的偏差。做好劳改人员外役劳动现场的防逃工作,是对狱政管理人员和狱政管理工作的一个重要考验,既关系到监狱的社会经济效益,也关系到监狱监督改造安全工作的质量。  相似文献   

THE summer of 2004 saw the highest level of overseas investment in China‘s Internet business ever. On June 15, household name search engine Google sank US $10 million into its Chinese counterpart Baidu. Shortly after Japanese Internet retailer Rakuten laid out US $110 million on a 20.4 percent share in Shenzhen-based Tencent. com, becoming its second largest stockholder.  相似文献   

江帆 《警察技术》2006,(2):68-71
一、研制背景 1.立项 “公安部1999年度科研项目指南”第五章第3节“车辆自动识别技术”摘抄:  相似文献   

车辆驾驶人总是希望用尽可能短的时间完成两地间的交通过程。有效控制车辆行驶速度,保证车辆行驶速度始终处于安全范围,对于预防和减少道路交通事故的发生、车辆超速行驶等具有重要意义。文章明确了车辆速度的定义与分类,对我国现行道路交通安全法律法规规定的车辆行驶速度进行了详细归纳和整理,并提出了有效控制车辆行驶速度的原则和方法,为车辆驾驶人的安全行车提供了帮助。  相似文献   

熊庆来办学思想初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张维 《思想战线》2001,27(3):122-126
熊庆来1937年~1949年任云南大学校长.其间,他励精图治,将这所原本不知名的边疆省立大学办成为全国知名大学,被英国<简明不列颠百科全书>(1947年)列为中国15所世界著名大学之一.熊庆来的办学思想主要体现在突出特点、提高学校地位、提高学生素质、加强科学研究、建立高效机制以及倡导学术精神等方面.这些做法值得今天的教育改革学习和借鉴.  相似文献   

法律制度、投资者保护与公司治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界各国公司治理的不同,很大程度上归因于各国法律制度对投资者保护的差异。当投资者权利的法律保护较弱时,由于失去控制权就意味着放弃控制权带来的私人利益,投资者会尽可能想办法集中所有权以保护自己的利益。集中所有权是对投资者保护弱化的适应性反应。如果法律制度对股东权益保护较好,则该国就可能有一个较发达的股票市场,企业股权融资比例就可能相应较高;如果法律制度对债权人保护较好,则该国债券市场就可能发展得较好,银行的债权投资行为就会得到鼓励,企业债务融资的比例就可能比较高;当外部股东和债权人都缺乏保护时,企业就只能依靠家族成员进行融资。在转轨经济体中,公司治理效率低下的一个根本原因在于法律制度不健全,对中小投资者的权益保护缺失。因此,推进法律改革以加强投资者的法律保护,是提高转轨经济中公司治理效率的关键。  相似文献   

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