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正China's plans for further development weigh heavily on the minds of the public in the run-up to the Party's national congress T he 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC) begins on November 8 in Beijing. The national congress is the highest  相似文献   

China’s first Tibetan Olympian looks to the future When China’s snowboard cross athlete Yongchin Lhamo secured a ticket to the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 in mid-January, two firsts occurred: She became the first Winter Olympian from Tibet Autonomous Region as well as the first Chinese athlete to take part in the most electrifying event the Games have to offer.  相似文献   

China’s contributions have helped the global economic recovery move forward as uncertainties about 2011 begin to surface Taking the festive season to heart, China engaged in economic gift giving to the tune of trade contracts .  相似文献   

正With China's political season approaching, how is the economy performing?When China's top lawmakers and political advisers convene their annual sessions in Beijing in March, the economy will be at the top of their agenda.  相似文献   

<正>Against the backdrop of mass migration,a section of workers are coming back home,spurred by new policies to help them start their own businesses Morning mist shrouded the hills around the stretch of water where a small boat lay moored close to something enclosed by a net. On closer inspection, it turned out to be a square-shaped fish hatchery  相似文献   

益多 《统一论坛》2012,(1):52-60
在全国人民隆重纪念西藏和平解放60周年的时候,远在印度的十四世达赖喇嘛和他的小集团再次发出“西藏独立”的密集鼓噪和梦呓。由达赖策划并审定的新版伪宪法继续谎称西藏曾是“与中国、印度并驾齐驱的大国”,“中国政府武装入侵西藏,暴力镇压西藏百姓”,再次表明这个小集团将顽固坚持其分裂中国的立场。  相似文献   

法治不只是一种制度化模式或社会组织模式,更是一种理性精神和文化意识."依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家"是现代中国社会建设的必然趋势,更是中国共产党作为执政党自觉的理性追求.现代中国法治建设的价值取向表现为法律至上、限制权力、保障自由和关注效益、民主、秩序、平等.中国传统社会的宗法伦理对法治社会建设的影响深远.宗法伦理观念并未因其是历史上的东西而自然消逝,而是不断地获得延续和传承,几经沉淀已深深地溶入国人的血液之中.它的等级精神、人治色彩、群体为重、义务为本、和为贵、无讼的价值取向大大消解了现代法治的精神.  相似文献   

宗教事务是国家事务的重要组成部分,宗教事务管理是国家事务管理的重要内容。藏传佛教事务的管理是历代中央政府的一项重要职责,特别是历代中央政府高度重视以大活佛转世管理为中心的活佛转世制度,并采取行之有效的政策和措施,逐步实现了藏传佛教活佛转世管理的规范化和法制化。  相似文献   

生物学哲学中的纲领方法论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物学哲学的正统观点强调生物学与物理学的根本区别,并将特异性与普遍性绝对地对立起来.但是,通过对孟德尔的豌豆实验和摩尔根的果蝇实验的分析,科学哲学的通用原理(如科学研究纲领方法论)对生物学理论(如摩尔根遗传学)继续有效,纲领方法论的普遍原理可以成为分析生物学理论有效的方法论工具.  相似文献   

<正>Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in northwest China has long been home to a multiethnic population.In history,Xinjiang was a major gateway connecting the East and the West in addition to being an important trade hub between Europe and Asia.For centuries,people of different ethnic groups left their footprint in this vast region.The interplay between these diverse cultures,along with the overlap and influence of many religions,has shaped Xinjiang’s unique local culture.These photos were taken by China Today magazine’s photographer Yu Xiangjun during a recent trip to the region.  相似文献   

正Four seasons in the Nalati Grassland Kazak herder Zhalyn Rakhymzhan returned to his home in the Nalati Grassland even though this meant giving up admission to a university in Urumqi, capital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, about 10 years ago. "Life is too fast in Urumqi," Zhalyn Rakhymzhan told Beijing Review, "I'm glad that I came back! We live a very simple life here."  相似文献   

Affected by the novel coronavirus pandemic,Hu Shuangquan,a Chinese agricultural specialist who had planned to wind up his mission in Africa in mid-March 2020,is still staying in Burundi.  相似文献   

正A road that unveils a wonderland in southwest China Among the celebrated scenic spots in southwest Yunnan Province,Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture is not on the frequently mentioned list. In the past, a lack of transportation infrastructure used to prevent many tourists from catching a glimpse of the region’s breathtaking vistas, so they were known only to niche travelers.  相似文献   

<正>Reading in China,as a habit,a lifestyle and a fashion One year after opening Beijing’s first24-hour bookshop,Sanlian Taofen Bookstore(STB)opened a new branch in Beijing on April 23,World Book Day.Started in 1996,STB eventually cemented itself as one of Beijing’s cultural landmarks.When the company announced their bold round-the-clock retail plan in Beijing,few people saw the hope for success against the backdrop of Beijing’s other bookshops closing down one  相似文献   

正Scientists are warning that the world has entered a dangerous new phase of the pandemic,with the World Health Organization (WHO) reporting in early August new infections globally surging up 80 percent over the previous four weeks,driven by the more transmissible and deadly Delta variant,which has been found in over 130 countries since first detected in India.  相似文献   

'Two centuries on, despite huge and profound changes in human society, the name of Karl Marx is still respected all over the world and his theory still shines with the brilliant light of truth," said Chinese President Xi Jinping at a grand gathering in Beijing to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Marx's birth on May 4.  相似文献   

据旧志记载,扬美原名“白花村”,因荆棘丛生,白花遍地而得名,现通称扬美,有激浊扬清的意思,但我更爱白花村, 那是一种写意与空蒙的幻觉,像有相村姑,一身素洁,走在茫茫的白花里,纯净的天,空旷起来。  相似文献   

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