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<正>Will China be able to outstrip Japan’s established railway technology in the race for the Indonesian market? Given the brutal magnitude of the capital and technological outlays required for entry into the rail market—a characteristic that drastically reduces the number of competitors—the industry is neither for the  相似文献   

正Shenzhen’s newly opened Metro Line 11features business-class carriages with comfortable seats and even window curtains.Reportedly,though,while passengers are packed like sardines into standard-class cars,the high-end compartments,which cost up to three times the price of their economy-class counterparts,remain almost empty.The striking contrast between the two types of carriage quickly triggered a heated debate on whether  相似文献   

Changing Gear     
正Chinese automakers are working hard to meet the challenges of the growing African market With 29 million vehicles manufactured just last year,and 3.2-percent yearon-year growth,China remains the world’s largest car manufacturer.For the past five years,Chinese automakers have been picking up speed,demonstrated by the fact that local brands now account for 60 percent of all the sales of sports utility vehicles in the country.Overall,homegrown automakers now sell nearly 50 percent of all vehicles  相似文献   

Changing Minds     
<正>Dr. Arthur Kleinman is a professor of psychiatry and medical anthropology and Director of the Harvard University Asia Center. He is an expert on global mental health and has conducted extensive  相似文献   

Changing China     
<正>Last summer,my wife and I returned to the small city of Huzhou in east China’s Zhejiang Province for the first time in three years.At the end of our stay,we visited a Buddhist temple atop a small hill near the col ege where I’d taught.As we stood on the temple’s veranda admiring the view of the sprawling city below us,an elderly nun came out of the courtyard and walked to one corner.Striking up a conversation with her,we learned that when the temple moved there about20 years ago,the same view was mostly all farmland,with only a small city center in the distance.I couldn’t imagine that.  相似文献   

Travel and time with friends have taken the place of the family get-togethers during Lunar New Year for younger Chinese  相似文献   

Changing Dreams     
The Chinese Dream, pursued by 1.3 billion Chinese people, is the object of nmch study today. If you're talking about China and you don't mention the Chinese Dream, it even seems a little strange.  相似文献   

<正>How lanterns,salt and dinosaurs are giving new life to an old industrial city in Sichuan For Zigong,a southwestern city with a population of 3 million,winter is perhaps its most glamorous season.Every year during the Chinese New Year holiday,a largescale Lantern Festival,famed as one of the most  相似文献   

Changing China     
Who was it that effected social change? None other than the people within Chinese society. Who now reflect social change? Again, the people in society who brought it about. In this issue's article, "Witness to Changes" we introduce three common, yet extraordinary, people. One is  相似文献   

第二次世界大战后,随着欧洲衰落和东方崛起,世界范围内逐渐出现了一个东方转向的潮流.东方转向不能简单等同于中国转向.在当今的世界文化格局中,中国作为东方多元文化中的一元,其地位和影响还是比较有限的.我们需要积极拓展中国与亚洲各国之间、中国与后发展国家之间、中国内部汉族与少数民族之间的比较研究,主动融入当今世界主义话语建构的历史进程,推动中国文化的学术创新.  相似文献   

IN the village where I was born, rising prices are the talk of the town. Jiaojiazhuang is in Hebei Province, some 300 kilometers from Beijing. Sur-rounded by hills, the village has a population of 1,500, and only one road linking the settlement to the outside world. But since the reform and opening-up policy was instigated 30 years ago, every aspect of life, even for those in such out-of-the-way places, has become tied up with money.  相似文献   

Ifirst visited China in 1973. I was a serving member of the Royal Australian Navy and we were engaged in the Viet Nam War.Communism was the deadly enemy of the free world back then.  相似文献   

<正>Modern life is changing the way people read April 23 was the 16th World Book and Copyright Day,also known as the World Book Day.Reading-related problems have once again attracted people’s attention.Today,living a life with an increasingly rapid pace,most people are  相似文献   

正On May 1, Beijing started implementing its mandatory domestic waste sorting regulation passed at the end of 2019.Affecting over 21 million residents, this rule is part of the Central Government’s garbage classifi cation plan aiming to recycle 35 percent of the waste generated in 46 cities, including Beijing and Shanghai, by this year.  相似文献   

Farmers reap a bumper harvest only to find that selling their grain has become more difficult  相似文献   

After three years of operation,the Qinghai-Tibet Railway has brought great changes to Tibet and its people The Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the 1,956-km transportation link that began operations over the roof of the world in 2006, made it through severe tests to its third  相似文献   

The warm and wetXishuangbanna is the onlyoasis on the desert belt onthe Tropic of Cancer. Hereis a sea of forests, one of themost beautiful forest areas in China.Growing here are more than 5,000species of plants of higher order, includ-ing 341 rare specie…  相似文献   

Exploring a new-type relationship between China and the United States The Sino-U.S.relationship is currently acknowledged as the world’s most important bilateral tie.With the successful completion of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC) last November and U.S.President Barack Obama sworn in for his second term in January,the  相似文献   

With its own development bank, the BRICS countries can work together to shape a new international monetary system 2013 is an important year for South Africa.The country will host the Fifth BRICS Summit in March and it also celebrates the 15th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations with China.On January 31,Bheki Langa,South African Ambassador to China,shared his thoughtson the upcoming  相似文献   

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