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This article presents findings from a longitudinal study1 that sought to evaluate a treatment program for child sexual abusers. A triangulated methodological approach was adopted drawing upon quantitative and qualitative methodological techniques. The focus here is upon one element of this research.2 Ninety-one in-depth interviews were conducted over a four-year period with a small, nonrandom sample of twenty-one male offenders who had been convicted of sexual offenses against children. All of the men were subject to probation orders with a psychiatric condition (Criminal Justice Act, 1991). One of the aims of this element of the research was to explore the extent to which evidence of denial could be found in offenders' accounts of offense circumstance and also to explore the extent to which offenders minimized the nature and extent of abuse perpetrated. Offenders' accounts of offense circumstances were compared to victim statements, and stark differences emerge. These findings have considerable implications for treatment practice with sex offenders, where victims' perceptions could be used to directly confront offender denial and minimization.  相似文献   

This study examines three hypotheses: (1) there is an association of parental and offspring substance abuse for sex offenders and paraphilics; (2) there is a higher occurrence of substance abuse among the parents of sex offenders and paraphilics than seen in the general population; (3) substance abuse among the parents will be associated with a higher frequency of birth and developmental abnormalities, learning disabilities (LD), mental retardation, attertion deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and school learning problems (school dropouts, grade failures, and placement in special education) common in sex offenders and paraphilics. A sample of 1,012 male sex offenders and paraphilics were asked about substance abuse among their parents and about their own birth and developmental abnormalities and school learning problems. Three in five families had a parent who was a substance abuser and there was a significant concordance of parental and offspring substance abuse. Substance abusing parents more often than nonabusing parents had sons with developmental and learning problems on every measure examined. Results suggest that parental substance abuse appears to play a role in the neurodevelopment, associated learning problems, and substance abuse reported in studies of sex offenders and paraphilics and it should be explored as a possible factor in the genesis of sexual disorders.  相似文献   

The study objective was to compare elders with a dementia with those without a dementia as to method of disclosure of sexual abuse, forensic markers of sexual abuse and legal outcome of cases. A convenience sample was obtained of 284 forensic cases known to a multidisciplinary group of professionals who investigated, examined or consulted on elder sexual abuse victims. The Comprehensive Sexual Assault Assessment (CSAAT) was used to enter data from case files. 60 percent of the 284 elders were diagnosed with some degree of dementia. Elders with dementia, compared to those without a diagnosis, were abused more often by persons known to them (family member, caregiver or another nursing home resident) than a stranger, presented behavior cues of distress rather than verbal disclosures, were easily confused and verbally manipulated, and were beaten. Suspects who were identified whom abused elders with dementia had less chance of being arrested, indicted or plea bargained. All reported suspected cases of elder sexual abuse need a complete physical examination as well as a sexual assault evidence kit. Patterns of verbal, behavioral or physical changes of elders can be used to support an allegation of sexual assault.  相似文献   

This study examines the recidivism of sexual offenders in New Jersey at three different time intervals: three years, five years, and ten years after release from prison. The sample is comprised of sexual offenders released from the general prison population (untreated sample, n = 150) and the Adult Diagnostic and Treatment Center (ADTC) (treated sample, n = 150), a sex offender specific facility. The goals of this study were twofold: (1) to identify the recidivism rates of sexual offenders and to determine whether sexual offenders who receive treatment demonstrate lower levels of recidivism and (2) to examine whether differences in recidivism exist among the varying time frames and offender subtypes. The results indicate that treated sex offenders maintained decreased nonsexual recidivism rates. Additionally, offenders who committed acts of rape and offenders followed up after six years had increased rates of recidivism.  相似文献   

This exploratory investigation examines the influence of race, gender, and prior sexual victimization on attitudes and behaviors related to date rape from a large sample of college students (n = 3,084) in the United States. The results of this study indicate that gender was a salient factor, with males more likely to subscribe to undesirable attitudes toward date rape and to engage in behaviors that increase the risk of both men and women perpetrating date rape. Findings also indicate that racial differences exist in that black students were less likely to subscribe to undesirable attitudes and to engage in sexual behaviors that increase the risk of perpetrating date rape than were white students. Finally, the analyses found previous sexual victimization experiences unexpectedly increased undesirable attitudes toward and behaviors associated with date rape. Implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the prevalence of substance abuse indicators in a sample of male sexual offenders (N = 679) and to examine the influence of adverse childhood experiences (ACE) on the likelihood of substance abuse outcomes. Half of these sex offenders reported a history of drug or alcohol abuse, and nearly one in five reported a substance-related arrest. Higher ACE scores were associated with endorsement of a greater number of substance-abuse-related problems, suggesting that accumulation of early trauma may increase the likelihood for substance misuse. By enhancing our understanding of the frequency and antecedents of dynamic risk factors such as substance abuse, we can better devise clinical interventions that respond to the comprehensive needs of sexually abusive individuals and reduce risk for sexual reoffense. As well, early interventions for at-risk families and maltreated youth may interrupt their trajectory toward adulthood substance abuse and criminal behavior, including sex offending.  相似文献   

The European migration crisis has had a transformative impact on many transit and destination localities in Europe, and in doing so it has mobilised many faith-based communities. This paper analyses the social action of Saint Bernard de La Chapelle, a Roman Catholic parish in northern Paris, which hosts a semi-formal association called Solidarités Saint Bernard (SSB) involved in support and relief activities for indigent migrants in the local area. Based on ethnographic research conducted within the parish and the association, I analyse how the topic of migration has become a point of exchange between the parish community and local civil society, how religious and secular discourses and motivations co-exist within SSB, and how these influences shape SSB’s social action. Through this micro-scale approach, and drawing on Luc Boltanski’s theoretical framework of regimes of action, my aim is to identify conceptual elements to better understand the broad convergence between religion, social action, and migration, and to better understand the relation between charity and justice within faith-based social action in the domain of migration advocacy more specifically.  相似文献   

The literature on victims of sexual violence in the criminal justice system has overwhelmingly pointed to the negative impact of these encounters. This research project sought to explore various aspects that might contribute to harm by conducting in-depth qualitative interviews and collecting limited quantitative data on 31 victims who had encountered various processes in the justice system. Results indicated a wide range of experiences, indicating that no interactions within the system were universally harmful or helpful. Victim experience was shaped by the attitudes and behaviors of specific people within the system demonstrating the importance each individual plays in their official capacity. In the final analysis however, victim satisfaction with the jail term was key to understanding experiences of harm.  相似文献   


We studied a representative sample of male and female inmates (N = 266) in two prisons (remand and sentenced) in Western Canada. Our research asks: what are the self-reported victimization histories of currently incarcerated men and women prior to first charge (i.e., before becoming known offenders) and during their life-course? As a second objective, we discuss how we sought to mobilize our findings to change relevant policy and police practice. We found that the overwhelming majority of our female participants had experienced violent, sexual, or property victimization throughout their life course; the majority had experienced victimization prior to first charge. Based on our findings, the local police service introduced victim services for the incarcerated population as well as made changes to their recruit training program to make new police officers aware of the victim–offender overlap and its effects. If replicated, the introduction of victim services for inmates in other jurisdictions and the education of police officers on the victim–offender overlap would emphasize the humanitarian recognition of supporting victims who need help, while also having a series of subsidiary benefits with respect to re-offending, resiliency, and police legitimacy.  相似文献   

Childhood sexual abuse is currently a problem of considerable concern. Research suggests victims experience both short-term and long-term effects due to the unresolved trauma of sexual abuse. Erik and Lyle Menendez were convicted of first-degree murder of their parents, Jose and Kitty Menendez. During the trial the defense presented an argument of alleged sexual abuse, stating that the brothers committed the murders in fear for their lives. The aim of this paper is to explore the Menendez trial in detail from sides of the defense and prosecution, and review the pertinent literature concerning the effects of childhood sexual abuse as they apply to the case. The matter of whether or not the abuse did in fact occur remains in question. The ethical issues of sexual abuse are examined where one must decide whether Erik and Lyle Menendez are responsible for their actions if the sexual abuse did occur.  相似文献   


Since the late 20th century, the federal government has regulated colleges’ and universities’ handling of campus sexual and gender-based violence (CSGBV). Although the arc of history has bent toward establishing greater protections for victims of such violence, new proposed regulation by the U.S. Department of Education under the Trump administration focuses more heavily on ensuring due process rights for students accused of CSGBV. Most recently, in November 2018, U.S. Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos submitted a proposed rule change to the regulation of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. This article provides the historical context for this most recent proposed federal regulation of CSGBV and discusses the criticism of this proposal that, if it is implemented, students would become less safe in the ivory tower.  相似文献   

Governance theory and research start from the assumption that in modern decision-making systems no formal control system can dictate the terms of the relationship between the plurality of interdependent actors and organizations (Chhotray &; Stoker, 2010 Chhotray, V. and Stoker, G. 2010. Governance theory and practice —A cross-disciplinary approach, Basingstoke, , UK: Palgrave Macmillan.  [Google Scholar]). In this article, we present the story of a government fixated on reasserting control in the age of governance. The government would not accept compliance gaps in policy implementation and deliberately redesigned the governance structure to achieve greater compliance and central control. The case is implementation of employment policies in Denmark. After reviewing the available evidence, we find that central decision makers have been successful in narrowing the former compliance gaps between policy objectives and local implementation. Although compliant implementation is not the same as effective or successful problem solving, the case shows that determined governments can succeed in reinforcing central democratic control over complex implementation processes.  相似文献   

This paper considers the role local government plays in the formation and effectiveness of local collaborative partnerships in ageing well. Collaborative processes are central to emerging models of local governance and have received considerable practical and theoretical consideration with respect to many policy domains. Such collaborations require local organisations and actors from various sectors to work together in partnerships and networks to achieve policy goals. This paper reports research from two collaborations in southeast Queensland municipalities, and shows that joint efforts between local government and community organisations pose challenges. These relate to the political context and specifically to the tensions between flexibility and coordination; and tensions between harnessing community resources and investing resources. We highlight the value of a framing role for local government to ensure that such governance models for local action on ageing realise a collaborative advantage. In particular, the findings highlight the need for local government to invest in these processes and build social infrastructure and assets in order to develop improved ways of facilitating collaborative governance.  相似文献   

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