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The mainland stock boom is drawing many profitable Hong Kong-listed Chinese companies back home September saw a wave of Hong Kong-listed Chinese companies returning to the mainland stock market,helping the Shanghai Stock Exchange surpass Hong Kong to become the sixth largest stock exchange in the world.  相似文献   

ThePeony,China'sKingofFlowersBystaffreporterHUOJLANYINGFORSOMETHINGlike1,500yearsthepeonyhasbeenregardedasthesymbolofwealth,l...  相似文献   

CHINESE people like to bank their cash; this is evident in the 300 million deposit accounts currently in existence.  相似文献   

Full enjoyment of human rights, a lofty ideal pursued by the human race for a long time, is what the people of contemporary China have spared no efforts to attain. The Chinese people were virtually denied human rights when the three large mountains-imperialism, feudalism and the bureaucratic bour-geoisie-oppressed them. To achieve national liberation, independence, democracy, freedom and human rights, the unyielding Chinese people fought protracted struggles for which they made huge sacrifices.  相似文献   

INDECEMBEROF1986,43membersofHongkoun'sLeecoDutintoaPlasticcaseamementothatheorsheconsideredthemostrepresentdeandspeantoftheches.Thecasewasthensealedandburled.OnDecember27,1996,thecasemeunearthedandthecontentswererevealed.Theyshowed,generallyaverypessimisticviewonthefutureofHongkong.TenyearsagotheaImualHangSengaveragewaslessthan1,600points-Anopdri-isticforecastoftheindexfor1996,madetenyearsbefore,Puitataround3,2OOpoints.0necouncilmemberpredict-edthattheHonghngex-changewoulddeclineto2o…  相似文献   

From watch repairman to cable magnate, Jiang Xipei takes success in his stride Jiang Xipei, Chairman of Far East Group, has worked his way up from being an ordinary watch repairman to being China's "King of Cable"-leading his company to a ranking of 30th in the 2006 Hurun IT Magnates List. He has undertak- en corporate restructuring on four occasions, and plays an active role in  相似文献   

K I N G of Hi- C’ or not, the perfor- mance skills of world- renowned tenor Pava-rotti are not necessarily equal to performing Peking Opera, which requires mastery of the balletic as well as vocal arts…” Such was Ghaffar Pourazar’s appraisal of the virtu- osity required to be a Peking Opera player, expressed before going onstage to perform the leading role in the famous opera Havoc in Heaven. The predominantly overseas au- dience obviously enjoyed the performance, which was presented …  相似文献   

Known as “sea-turtles“ for their foreign experience, overseas Chinese students now find their career arena at home.  相似文献   

A MONG the collections of more than 200 museums in 47 countries are 1.67 million cultural relic exhibits from China, according to UNES- CO statistics, yet they represent only a tenth of the Chinese relics held in pri- vate domestic and overseas collections. The Special Exhibition for Cultural Heritages Day held in China’s National Museum from June 5 to July 5, 2006 celebrated the return to China of nation- al treasures that have been held in vari- ous European museums for 100 years o…  相似文献   

THERE is a saying among Chinese tea lovers: "If you drink tea, you should not miss Chinese kungfu tea; ifyou drink kungfu tea, you should not miss Tie Guanyin; if you drink Tie Guanyin, go to Anxi."  相似文献   

EVERY Chinese is proud of their country's 5,000 years of cultural his tory. However, if people from the Western world were to interpret this culture in the wrong way, it would be quite difficult to communicate. Bearing in mind the cultural differences, many expats will have encountered conversational awkwardness with Chinese employees or colleagues.  相似文献   

Hongkong'sEconomyDuringtheFirstYearofReturnArockinaseaofturmoil,HongKongstandstallandproud.ByCHENKEKUNONEyearhaspassedsinceHo...  相似文献   

THISISSUEofChinaTodaybringsusintospecialyear.Theyear1997willbeofgreatsignifi-canoeinChinesehistory,withtheChinesegovernmentresumingsovereigntyoverHongkongonJuly1.ThereturnofbothHongkongandMacaowillhopefullystandaslandmarksforChina,bothpoliticallyandeconomically.Accordingtothe"Onecountry,twosystems"policyandthe"BasicLaw"enactedforeachoftheHongkongandMacaospecialadministrativeregions,thesocialsysteminthetworegionsshallremainunchangedandtheregionsshallalsoexerciseahighdegreeofautonomy.As…  相似文献   

The brains behind the Beijing Pop Festival, Ja- son Magnus talks about getting Sebastian Bach and Placebo to play China's only international rock festival. W E had a thousand security offi cers last year and 600 this year.” That’s progress for Jason Magnus. It’s also a sign of how far government relations can take a rock promoter who has managed to bring some of the biggest names in popular music to a park in the most raref ied district of the Chinese capital for the Beijing Pop Festi…  相似文献   

ON June 19, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) announced that prices for petrol and diesel would rise by RMB 1,000 per ton the following day. Liu Su was driving to his suburban home when he heard the news on the radio. He immediately headed for the narest gas station.  相似文献   

The year 2002 is the Year of the Horse, and the State Postal Bureau has issued a set of two stamps in its honor. One stamp pictures a white clay horse sculpture set against a red background, and on the second is printed the old-style complex Chinese chara…  相似文献   

China's once prosperous nonferrous metal industry has fallen on hard timesas demand and metal prices have dropped  相似文献   

Do you know what your Chinese sign of the zodiac is? According to the Chinese lunar calendar,every year corre- sponds to one of twelve animals(rat,ox,tiger,rabbit,dragon, snake,horse,sheep,monkey,rooster,dog and pig)and these animals are used to identify years. After the Lunar New Year in 2008 we enter the rat year. All those born in 1996,1984,1972.1960,1948,1936 or 1924, also have a rat as their sign.  相似文献   

ThePulseoftheNationIN1994,inconstructingitssocialistmarketeconomy,Chinainitiatedimportantreformsintaxation,finance,investment...  相似文献   

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