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'Imagined' Taiwan On the ship from Xiamen on the mainland to Jinmen on Taiwan, Reniniti, a member of the "Sun Tribe" vocal group, told me he had once heard a folk song from an ethnic group on Taiwan. In the song, an old man was telling an old but meaningful story, his lonely voice echoing among the mountains.  相似文献   

GAO Ping‘s candid artistic expression effectively communicates to art lovers a feeling of tranquility and peace. Her inspiration springs largely from scenery,the urban scenarios of her Cities series imbued with the spiritual. Metaphors implicit in the realist and conceptual images of her paintings—in tacit dialogues between human forms and mystic symbols against an urban backdrop—expand to the full the cityscape concept of her paintings.  相似文献   

IN current Chinese art circles. Song Hai is regarded as an artist with a mastery of traditional Chinese techniques as well as a sense of innovation.He began to study Chinese landscape painting in the 1970s under the instruction of several noted artists. For over two decades he worked tirelessly towards acquiring the techniquus and approaches of various schools of art, and traveled extensively across the country in order to see its mountains and rivers and feel the spiritual solace they brought.This experience has imbued his brush and ink works with a fresh,yet classical,perspective.  相似文献   

郑德东 《前沿》2010,(6):136-139
诗歌是受中国古典文化影响最为深远的艺术载体,它不仅遵循着自身的发展脉络,而且影响着其他门类艺术的理论形成。中国园林艺术作为一门营建、游赏、居闻的综合性艺术,从来就没能脱离过诗词的笼罩和控制。本文从"选地构造""草木栽培""水石经营""谐合变幻"以及"意境导引"五个部分通过对诗作与园林理论的对比分析,进而揭示出诗词在本土传统艺术理论形成中的艺术批评作用及对园林理论的积极推动。通过对"诗园互惠"的研究分析,为研究中国古典园林的演变规律提供有力的论据。  相似文献   

CHANGZHI City,on theTaihang Mountains,is acity of great heroes bothmythicalandmodern.Im-buedwithancientCentral  相似文献   

Bird's Nest     
The “Bird‘s Nest” was jointly designed by Herzog and De Meuron and the China Architecture Design Institute. It has been both acclaimed and decried.  相似文献   

传统文化的继承历来是建筑界的重要课题。改革开放以来,中国进入建筑风格多元化时期。为了创作既符合时代要求又具有鲜明中国特色的建筑,建筑设计师们进行了多方努力。这期间诞生了一批优秀作品,但同时也出现了不少艺术品位低劣的建筑。北京市建筑设计研究院有限公  相似文献   

WENZHOU is one of the more prosperous areasin China, but its initial development came at a high price - loss of credit. Its commercial beginnings epitomize China‘s nascent non-public manufacturing sector in the 1980s.  相似文献   

HINA‘S contemporary art is gaining recognition amonginternational artistic circles, despite having got off to a relatively late start. Until the 1980s, Chinese art students were expected to cultivate traditional painting techniques.  相似文献   

IN March 2009, China's top 10 seaside tourist cities were unveiled in an online survey conducted jointly by sohu.com, a leading Chinese Internet portal, and Enjoy World, a popular electronic tourist magazine. Tourism experts, journalists, independent travelers, and more than one million netizens voted Sanya, Qingdao, Qinhuangdao, Zhuhai, Rizhao, Xiamen, Beihai, Dalian, Haikou and Ningbo as their favorite seaside destinations.  相似文献   

LIU Ye‘s paintings are a surrealistic blend of fantasy and reality. His canvases are a conglomeration of images of happy childhood and of catastrophic events unrelated to daily life. They combine to express a dread of reality. Liu beckons his viewers to join in the games of this visionary world,playing whatever roles they see fit. A girl and boy dressed in sailor suits look bemused, and two youths that magnetize the viewer‘s attention are in an obscure relationship. Spears, pistols, telescopes, pictures and books are all life‘s toys to Liu, the kind of life envisioned by postmodern artists and espoused by French philosopher Derrida.  相似文献   

CHINA'S three most visited cities each offer a distinct experience: Beijing is the central witness of the creation and growth of the People's Republic, Shanghai is the nation's pulsating 21 st century metropolis, while Xi'an is China's living monu- ment to the country's ancient past.  相似文献   

MANY old-generation Chinese regard Tiexi District of Shenyang City,Liaoning Province as China’s earliest industrial city,one that carried the ideals of an era.It was known as the "Ruhrg(an industrial district of Germany) of China."Tiexi District has evolved into a showcase district proudly demonstrating how China has upgraded and transformed its old industrial bases and equipment manufacturing sectors.  相似文献   

张庆中 《今日浙江》2006,(18):63-63
(一)观潮节开幕式暨文艺演出。今年开幕式与往年不同之处是安排在晚上举行。将海宁潮由来美丽动人的传说、海塘的修筑、祭祀潮神以及海宁新时代的发展等历史文化元素融合在一起.用歌舞形式表现出来。配以高科技灯光、雾森、冷烟火等衬托效果.将为游客呈上一盘丰盛而又别具风味的文艺大餐。  相似文献   

由陈向远著,中国林业出版社出版发行的《城市大园林》近日出版。 陈向远曾主持首都园林绿化领导工作数十年,积累了丰富的实践经验,倡导并积极推行北京城市大园林建设。《城市大园林》一书倾注了他全部心血,历时5年,7易其稿,从北京的历史变迁与中国园林的产生及发展,北京园林的发展历程,城市大园林理念,城市大园林理念运用于北京现代园林的实践、运用于古典园林的实践,城市大园林理念的深化及展望等方面,进行了详尽阐述,集知识性、资料性、理论性、实用性于一体,图文并茂,装帧精美。  相似文献   

中国传统园林是中国传统文化的重要组成部分。而现代园林的建造要充分运用到中国传统园林的精髓。中国传统园林崇尚的是自然美,追求自然山水之美,在设计上讲究师法自然,造园时不对园林进行彻底改造,而是在原来的自然之美上增补一些情感进去,力求把自然中的高中形态都表现出来。  相似文献   

室内设计师景观设计师国际ICAD组织及国家职业资格认证培训◆职业资格联合认证体系简介◆为进一步推动ICAD职业资格认证项目在中国的发展,提高中国环境艺术设计人员的专业知识与能力水平,国际商业美术设计师协会(以下简称"IC AD")与中国建筑装饰协会(以下简称"中装协")决定联合进行环境艺术设计师(含室内设计和景观设计两个专业)职业资格考试认证。ICADA已正式将ICAD环境艺术设计师中国联合认证(以下简称"联合认证")纳入ICAD考试认证体系,并已报中华人民共和国劳动和社会保障部备案。  相似文献   

班琼 《当代建设》2003,(1):41-42
本文通过对外国"DESION"与中国"意匠"的对比,说明艺术设计人才的培养应该在引进外国"DESIGN"的同时,注重继承中国传统的"意匠",实现本土化.  相似文献   

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