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John Kerry Visits China
U.S. Secretary of State ,John Kerry opened his 24-hour China visit on the morning of February 14 by meeting President Xi Jinping at the Great Hall of the People. He also met Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and State Councilor Yang ,Jiechi and held talks with Foreign Minister Wang Yi later in the day.  相似文献   

正Danish Queen Margrethe II Visits China President Xi Jinping held talks with Queen Margrethe II of Denmark in Beijing on April 24,2014.Sino-Danish relations have never been better,said Xi Jinping,on the occasion of the Danish Queen’s visit.China has become Denmark’s largest trade partner in Asia and  相似文献   


China is the second largest source of international buyers of U.S. properties, next only to Canada, according to the National Association of Realtors 2013 Profile of International Home Buying Activity. During the year ending March 2013, Chinese purchasers spent US $12.3 billion on U.S. real estate, hey appear most interested in houses in the upper price range, of a median price of US $425,000 - almost double that within the States and 50 percent higher than the median price for international purchases. Even more astonishing is the fact that around 70 percent of Chinese buyers pay in full.  相似文献   

Australian PM Sees Future in Asia The scale and pace of Asia’s rise is staggering, and there are signi cant opportunities and challenges for all Australians, said Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard during the release of a government white paper, Australia in the  相似文献   

10 Million Households
A meeting of the State Council adopted a decision to renovate houses for 10 million households in rundown areas across China over the next five years. Of the total, 3.04 million households are scheduled to be serviced within the year. The program was initiated in parts of China including Uaoning Province in 2004, and was extended nationwide in 2008. By the end of 2012, it had significantly improved the living conditions of 10 million households.  相似文献   

正Spanish PM Visits China Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy paid an offi cial visit to China from September 24to 27.During their meeting,Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said that China highly values its relations with Spain,and is ready to maintain high-level engagement on international and regional affairs.He urged the two sides to expand bilateral trade and investment,and promote balanced and sustained trade growth.He also promised to strengthen bilateral cooperation in a range of fields  相似文献   

正International Engineering Sci-Tech Conference Held in Beijing Over 1,500 experts from 15 countries and regions attended the International Engineering Sci-Tech Conference in Beijing on June 2 and 3,2014.The conference,themed"Engineering and the Future of Humankind,"was held by UNESCO,the International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences(CAETS)and the Chinese Academy of Engineering(CAE).Chinese President Xi Jinping,in his keynote speech,said,China’s 42 million talents in engineering and technology are"China’s most valuable resources in exploring the future."China takes innovation-driven development  相似文献   

South African President Jacob Zuma Visits China Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with his South African counterpart Jacob Zuma on December 4,2014.Xi said that China and South Africa are both large developing countries and emerging markets.The two nationsare good friends who understand and support each other.Xi stressed that the Sino-South African relationship  相似文献   

Chinese Bridge Crosses the Danube Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vui attended the completion ceremony of a new bridge across the Danube River in Belgrade on December 18,2014.The 1.5 km-long bridge is the first to be constructed by a Chinese company in Europe,and also the first to cross the Danube in Serbia in nearly seven decades.Premier Li and Prime Minister Vui cut the ribbon together and unveiled a monument marking the bridge’s completion.Li Keqiang expressed gratitude to all Chinese and Serbian participants in the project.He said that the bridge’s completion will promote the local economy.It is not only a bridge of  相似文献   

正U.S.VP Visits China The U.S.vice president,Joe Biden,visited China on December 4 and 5,2013.During his talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang,both sides agreed to enhance dialogue,exchanges and cooperation between the two countries.Xi stressed that both countries should maintain high-level commuU.Du sid co  相似文献   

Xi Jinping Hopes for New China-Africa Exchange Opportunities China’s Vice President Xi Jinping delivered a key-note speech at the opening ceremony of the second China-Africa People’s  相似文献   

正Saudi Crown Prince Visits China Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud in Beijing on March 13,pledging to strengthen strategic partnership of the two countries.Hailing Saudi Arabia as China’s good friend,brother and partner in the Middle East and Gulf region,Xi said developing a bilaterally friendly relationship is China’s established and long-term policy,and that the two sides should maintain high-level exchanges and support  相似文献   

正Chinese,Australian FMs Host Diplomatic and Strategic DialogueOn September 7 Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and his Australian counterpart Julie Bishop co-hosted the second round of China-Australia Diplomatic and Strategic Dialogue in Sydney.Wang Yi said that bilateral relations have maintained an optimistic momentum.To enhance bilateral ties,both sides need to promote mutual trust and mutual  相似文献   

RMB 516 Billion According to the Ministry of Railways statistics,China invested RMB 461 billion in railway line construction in 2011,and even more last year.The 2012 budget was first set at RMB 406 billion,but later increased to RMB 516 billion.During the 12th Five-year Plan period  相似文献   


Chinese FM Wang Yi Meets with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with UN SecretaryGeneral Ban Ki-moon at the UN headquarters in New York on February 23,2015.Wang Yi said that the UN Security Council(UNSC)Open Debate proposed by China was widely supported and welcomed by the international community.This fully indicates that under the turbulent international situation,referred to  相似文献   

40 Percent The Water Resources Group, an Australian low-cost water treatment technologies company, forecasts that by 2030 globalwater demand may outstrip supply by 40 percent,while the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) predicts that almost half the world’s people will be living under severe water stress. By 2050, according  相似文献   

RMB 7.969 Billion According to the Ministry of Finance, the 2013 budget for oicial receptions, oicial cars and overseas business visits of the central government is set at RMB 7.969 billion, downRMB126millionfromactualspending on these items last year.The 2012 expenses overranthebudgetbyRMB111milliontosettle at RMB 8.095 billion,  相似文献   

By the end of July 2013, the number of China's trade union members reached 280 million, of which 109 million are migrant workers. They are registered with 2.75 million unions around the country, With the 2008 aggregation at 212 million, the membership has been growing on average by 14.485 million annually over recent years. And 30 provinces/autonomous regions and cities have set up the joint meeting mechanism for unions and local governments to discuss and negotiate labor issues.  相似文献   

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