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Go to Yan’an! In 1936, when news f iltered through that the Central Red Army had arrived in northern Shaanxi in October 1935, I was a senior at Yenching University in what was then known as Beiping, preparing for the mid-June fi nal exams. We progres- sive students had closely followed news of the Red Army despite, owing to the Kuomintang news blackout, its getting scant mention in the daily newspapers. I began thinking seriously about going to join the Red Army, and at about the same t…  相似文献   

正EARLIER this year sections of the Western media tried to spin a story that the world economy was experiencing"severe slowdown in China"and"strong recovery in the U.S."In other words,China’s economy was allegedly in trouble and the U.S.was doing well.Now that the factual data is in for the fi rst half of the year it shows the opposite was true.China’s economic growth was 7.5 percent to the second quarter of 2014;that of the U.S.was 2.4 percent.China’s economy thus grew more than three times as fast as the U.S.’s.Still more signifi cantly for the U.S.,its own statistical agencies and the IMF have offi cially revised their projections for long-term U.S.growth.Both now estimate it at  相似文献   

Through 3 years of efforts in a new round of adjusting its economic struc-ture, Shanxi had, by the end of 2002, achieved the objective of seeing initial success in first three years. On July 7, the provincial Party committee and the provincial government jointly held a commendation ceremony to summarize the experiences, analyze the situation and tasks ahead, and set out the next steps in its economic restructuring pro-gram in order to ensure to attain marked achievement by 2005.Since the new …  相似文献   

That China has made across-the-board progress in the past three decades is indisputable, but making this growth sustainable represents a serious challenge to the country for a protracted period in the near future.  相似文献   

GUANGDONG Province's close connections with Hong Kong and Macao made it a national role model during China's economic reform and opening in the 1980s. More recently, in order to consolidate the three localities' overall strength and competitive power the province proposed and set in motion the Greater Pearl River Delta plan. In 2004 a  相似文献   

Known as the gateway to Guangxi, Wuzhou has long been a significant trade hub in southern China. It became a trade port in 1897 and a customs office was built in the same year. Over the next half-century, it became known as a "mini Hong Kong." During the 1930s the Encyclopedia Britannia defined it: "Wuzhou, the largest commercial city in Guangxi."  相似文献   

正MUTUAL suspicions concerning security among major countries and increasing economic competition among them are further complicating the situation in the Asia-Pacific region.The U.S.is proactively advancing talks towards the TransPacific Partnership(TPP)Agreement in hopes of forging higher-level free trade agreements in the region,while China supports and is participating in the negotiations of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership(RCEP).These  相似文献   

Just as the world economy approaches the light at the end of the tunnel, the debt crisis in Greece is growing into a grim menace to economies in Europe and beyond, raising the specter of widespread regression.  相似文献   

Yunnan Revisited     
THERE is an indissoluble bond between Yunnan and me. I first went there in 1970 after graduating from university in the coastal metropolis of Shanghai. 1 left for Beijing eight years later, when the reform and opening-up policy was in its infancy. It was not until March 2006 that the opportunity arose to revisit Yunnan's rural areas. I was prepared for dramatic changes after my 28-year absence. Those that I saw in the provincial capital of Kunming were only to be expected, but I was totally unprepared for the transformation I witnessed in the rural areas isolated from Kunming by the Hengduan Mountains, most notably in Simao City where 1 embarked on my career. Some were beneficial, others less so. It was a journey of happy revelations tempered with a few misgivings.  相似文献   

SOUTHEAST China's Fujian Province is situated in prime real estate for agriculture. It borders Zhejiang Province to the north, Guangdong to the southwest, Jiangxi to the northwest, and directly faces Taiwan across the Taiwan Straights. Extending across middle and south subtropics to the coast, the area has advantages in cultivation and convenient transportation to the  相似文献   

IT was in 2007 that Didi Zhang decided that her sons - five-yearold Zhuoyang and three-year-old Zhuo’ai-should receive their basic education in China. Joseph, her French husband and the boys’ father, joined them in Beijing three months after Didi had settled in the capital.  相似文献   

MORE than 2,300 universities in over 100 countries have introduced Chinese courses to their curricula, and young overseas nationals flock to China each year to learn Chinese. In 2004, the number of international students in China was 400,000. with an annual increase of 20 percent in the past five years, according to the Chinese Ministry of Education.  相似文献   

THE recent publication of America's second quarter GDP data, following that for China, makes it possible to accurately compare the recent performance of the world's two largest economies and the results are extremely striking. In the last year the slowdown in the U.S. economy has been far more serious than in China. Therefore while both economies are being adversely affected by current negative trends in the world economy, China is dealing with these much more successfully than the U.S. In light of media discussion about China's economic "slowdown" it is equally important that attention is paid to understanding why the U.S.'s own economic slowdown is much worse than China's when confronted with similar global economic trends.  相似文献   

WITH its back to the enchanting Taihang Mountains and its face to the Yellow River, Jiaozuo City in central China's Henan Province is traditionally known as the Golden Plain of Cornucopia. But until recently, its stunning scenery had a hefty price: its mountains and rivers practically cut the city off from the rest of the nation. This has all changed with the construction of an extensive highway network in the region. To the north, it is  相似文献   

Dynamic Xinjiang     
XINJIANG is one of the five ethnicminority autonomous regions in China.Formerly known as the Western Regions,it came under China's jurisdiction 2,000years ago. It was after the Qing imperialgovernment had unified the WesternRegions in the mid-18th century that it became known asXinjiang, meaning "New Frontier." In 1955, Xinjiang UygurAutonomous Region was established. Today, Xinjiangcovers roughly the same area as did the Western Regions.It occupies 1.66 million square kilometers and…  相似文献   

In the three decades between the founding of New China in 1949 and implementation of the reform and opening-up policy in 1978, China practiced a unitary economic system in which public interest took precedence over that of individuals and localities. This system proved effective in pooling and optimizing limited national resources, especially during the initial period of the People's Republic when the industrialization process started from scratch. Its drawbacks, however, manifest in the inhibition of human initiative and the country's modernization, gradually became apparent as the Chinese economy grew.  相似文献   

RAPID industrial development in Ordos, Inner Mongolia, has brought the city great wealth. The city's new development policy, moreover, has been of benefit to all Ordos residents, including herdsmen and farmers living in areas of pastureland."We've been hit by droughts in our banner in recent years," says a farmer in Ejin Horo Banner of Ordos, "so the more sheep we raised, the greater our losses, as they either died or had to be sold at rock bottom prices. A times, all five members of our household lived off the income of our son, who has a job in town. Luckily, the government sent officials to our house to assess our situation, and we were provided with a minimum living subsidy. Otherwise, we would have starved."  相似文献   

Modern Man     
WHEN the Chinese C o n t e m p o r a r y opened in London’s posh Mayfair dis- trict in 1996, a neighboring gallery owner wandered in to snigger, “Don’t tell me you’re sell- ing this to English people.” It was the f irst gallery in London – and one of Eu- rope’s f irst – to sell contemporary Chi- nese art, and few British dealers gave it a chance. But the 38,000 British pounds it cleared in that fi rst year of business has multiplied many fold since, says co- director Ludovic Bois…  相似文献   

Several regions in China are known for their business-savvy residents. One of them is Wenzhou in Zhejiang Province. With their economic aptitude and pragmatic attitude, Wenzhou people, dubbed the "Chinese Jews," can be found in almost all sectors of the economy, and have accumulated huge amounts of wealth. Small and medium-sized private enterprises are the mainstay of the city's economy. Under the onslaught of the financial crisis the number of these businesses has fallen by 20 percent, but the survivors have demonstrated the same robust flexibility which helped tide them over difficult times in the past.  相似文献   

BAICHENG aims to become China's auto accessoriescapital .Since the 1960s,particularly in the past 10 years,Baicheng's competitive capacity in the auto accessoriesmarket has grown significantly. The city now has 24 auto accesson enterprises,includingsuch backbones of the industry as the Delphi Baicheng Packard,Zhongyi Precise Forge,Jinpeng Gear,Hongzuan Auto Electric,  相似文献   

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