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The Third Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in October 2003 put forward a scientific approach of people-centered, all-round, coordinated and sustainable development and made it a strategy for governing the country, putting it in command of all economic and social development. Since reform and opening up in 1978, China has persisted in the central task of economic development and put development in the first place. The evolution of the concept "development is the  相似文献   

General Secretary Hu Jintao set forth six guidelines for the peaceful development of the relations across the Taiwan Straits at the Forum Marking the 30th Anniversary of the Issuance of the Message to Our Compatriots in Taiwan. The six guidelines constitute a collected, systematic and complete exposition of the framework, prospects, structure, path, motivation, conditions, and internal relations of the peaceful development of cross-Straits relations; the relation between peaceful development and peaceful reunification; and the strategic conception of and tactical require ments for peaceful development, and they put the ongoing progress of the peaceful develop ment of cross-Straits relations on track.  相似文献   

正In the past 30 years, successive Xiamen municipal and SEZ leaders have taken development as the top priority. However the international situation changed, they put economic construction as their key task. They have focused their efforts on accelerating economic and social development, improving the comprehensive competitiveness and economic strength of the city, and coordinating the development speed with structure, effectiveness and qual-  相似文献   

China's development miracle decoded It's hard to disassociate President Xi Jinping and his philosophy on governance from China's rapid development.After reading Xi Jinping:The Governance of China,I have up-to-date understanding of China's development in the new era,the development philosophy of the Communist Party of China(CPC),and the development blueprint for this big country with a population of 1.4 billion people.In recent years.  相似文献   

In January,the diplomatic relations between China and France mark their 55th anniversary.The history and experience accumulated in the development of the ties, including their mainstream achievements and the difficulties that have been resolved, create a good foundation for better development of the relationship in the future.  相似文献   

In a speech at a meeting in Beijing to advance the work on coordinating the prevention and control of COVID19 and economic and social development on February 23,Chinese President Xi Jinping said the Chinese nation has experienced many ordeals in its history,but it has never been overwhelmed.Instead,it has become more courageous,growing up and rising up from the hardships.He called for unremitting efforts to fully unleash the huge potential and powerful driving force of China’s development and strive to achieve the goals and tasks for economic and social development.  相似文献   

COORDINATING and unifying ecological protection and socio-economic development is the defining challenge facing the construction of the Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone. Coveting 51200 square kilometers and a population of 20 million, the zone will become a national, or even international, showcase for the comprehensive development of great lakes.  相似文献   

zhao chuandong 《人权》2006,5(5):26-27
Of the 55 ethnic minorities, 22 each has a population of less than 100,000. These minority people are relatively backward in economic and social development and poverty haunts them. In 2005, the State Council launched a 5-year program to support the development of these small ethnic minorities and the State Development and Reform Com-  相似文献   

正Held under the banner of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation,the China-Africa Industrial Forum(CAIF)is committed to promoting development and cooperation between China and African countries.It aims to encourage rapid and sound economic development in China as well as African countries and boost exchanges and cooperation in politics,the economy,culture,science and technology,and tourism.  相似文献   

Modernity Awaits     
Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), has called for the development of a modernized economy to push the country's development to the next level. Xi made the remarks while presiding over the third group study of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee on January 30. Xi called developing a modernized economy "a key subject in theory and practice, a strategic goal for the country's development, and an imperative for the shift of the development mode, economic structure and growth momentum."  相似文献   

正Held under the banner of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation,the China-Africa Industrial Forum(CAIF)is committed to promoting development and cooperation between China and African countries.It aims to encourage rapid and sound economic development in China as well as African countries and boost exchanges and cooperation in politics,the economy,culture,science and technology,and tourism.  相似文献   

正Held under the banner of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation,the China-Africa Industrial Forum(CAIF)is committed to promoting development and cooperation between China and African countries.It aims to encourage rapid and sound economic development in China as well as African countries and boost exchanges and cooperation in politics,the economy,culture,science and technology,and tourism.  相似文献   

CLIMATE change is a major global challenge facing the world today. It relates to the survival of the human beings and the development of all countries, and threatens social and economic development and people's livelihoods. Current research shows that global climate is mainly characterized by warming over the past 100 years; meanwhile, there still remains great uncertainty in the science of climate change.  相似文献   

China World Trade Center is the largest commercial, multi-used development and the world's second-largest world trade center. It was established in 1985 and fully opened in 1990. CWTC shows the development of China's top-quality service industry and the enhancement of the investment environment. It is a mini-city with  相似文献   

CHEN MO 《人权》2010,(5):34-39
The village was born out of necessity for human survival. With the development of productive forces, primitive cave dwelling and cave dwelling-style settlement has gradually developed, through the ancient village and the modem village, into the contemporary village, which incorporates modem planning ideas, has a fairly rich range of facilities and is relatively stable in form. Development of the village accompanies the survival and development of mankind.  相似文献   

The world in which we are now living is becoming economically globalized, politically multi-polarized and culturally diversified. In such a global trend, the discussion on oriental culture and human rights development aims at stimulating Chinese and international human rights development, promoting China's human rights exchanges and cooperation with the theme of peace and development. This is of theoretical and practical importance.  相似文献   

XUE JINWEN 《人权》2010,(1):22-25
Human rights are the rights and freedoms of humans in their nature, and represent the basic conditions for the free and complete development of the humankind. The educational develop- ment level is an important mark of the level of realization of human rights. China's higher education realized the historic development in the 1998- 2007 period, and the number of the enrolled students at common colleges and universities across the nation had exploded from 3.4 million to 18.85 million, the number one in the world.  相似文献   

CHINA'S economic boom has been a focus of world attention For more than a decade. Its GDP having increased almost 13-Fold in the past 15 years, economy and development are two of the most Frequently heard buzzwords in the Chinese media. China is also holding its own within the global economy. and in 2004 was the number one contributor to global trade growth. Products "Made in China" are to be seen in every country in the world, as are Chinese investors. The rapidly growing Chinese economy has indisputably brought with it improvements to living standards, but has also engendered social problems. At the Fourth Session of the Tenth National People's Congress. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao listed in his 2006 government work report the problems that have emerged in the past five years of economic and social development. They are: an irrational economic structure; lack of motivation to innovate: excessive consumption of energy resources; alarmingly high environmental pollution; uneven regional development and a widening income gap; and sluggish promotion of social welfare. In order to solve these problems, the Chinese government has proposed a new pattern of economic growth whose emphasis is on social development and conserving energy and resources. Within this new development mode, economic growth will depend less on resource consumption and more on technological and human resources. In the past, the government sacrificed rural interests in order to boost industrial development in urban areas. Its current plan is to invest in and channel funds towards stimulating the rural economy, and also to make various public services available throughout China's vast countryside.  相似文献   

China Zhongtie Major Bridge Engineering Group Co. Ltd was founded 55 years ago for the purpose of building the Wuhan Yangtze Bridge, and has made great contributions to the development of science and technology in China's bridge engineering, traffic and economy. The top ideal and mission statement for our company is “to promote the development of bridge engineering in China, and to surpass the world advanced science and technology level.”  相似文献   

汪习根 《人权》2015,(2):122-132
During the revolutionary times, the Chinese people had fought for national independence, whereas now they are devoted to free and comprehensive development. The transition from the former to the latter is a fundamental characteristic of human rights development in contemporary China. Standing at this juncture in history, human development in China and the dream of national rejuvenation in a globalized world can actually be interpreted as a "human rights dream" shared by each and every individual in China.  相似文献   

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