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XU BOYUAN 《人权》2009,(4):34-36
History shows that once a nation declines, chances of revival are slim, especially for very small nations. They are either assimilated by other strong nations or shut up deep in the mountains, living a slash and burn way of living. Even if there are some ancient nations that have survived and made some progress, they did so with great difficulty. Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, Greece and Persia all are proud of their glorious past and are ambitious for national revival. But the path is not smooth. The Jewish nation, however, is an exception. What is the secret of its survival and seemingly sudden revival?  相似文献   

Go Abroad     
China is currently the largest source of tourists for Asia, and by 2020 it will be the fourth largest tourist source for the world During the recent May Day holiday, Ren Hongjuan, who works for ARD-Germany Radio Beijing, traveled with her husband to Spain. They visited Madrid and some ancient towns in the area. Instead of living in hotels, they chose to camp.  相似文献   

THE Zhouzhi County Laoxiancheng Nature Reserve at the southern foot of the Qinling Mountains in Shaanxi Province is habitat to more than 30 giant pandas. They are looked upon as China's national treasure. Covering a total area of 12,611 hectares, the nature reserve is also home to other wildlife species, such as antelopes, golden monkeys, and leopards.A patrol of 11 members, formed 15 years ago, works to protect animals living on the reserve, and their natural environment. Each month it spends 3 to 5 days on three inspections. In the 1980s the patrol rescued and treated an injured giant panda they found on the mountain.  相似文献   

The world in which we are now living is becoming economically globalized, politically multi-polarized and culturally diversified. In such a global trend, the discussion on oriental culture and human rights development aims at stimulating Chinese and international human rights development, promoting China's human rights exchanges and cooperation with the theme of peace and development. This is of theoretical and practical importance.  相似文献   

IN my life I have made many friends, both Chinese and foreign, quite a number of them intimate to the extent that I can repose in them my full confidence. Israel Epstein, known as Eppy to his friends, is one of the most outstanding. In appearance he is foreign, but emotionally he is Chinese, having taken Chinese citizenship in 1957. Those who have heard and read his analyses of Chinese issues are impressed with his deep insight. Epstein, who turns 90 on April 20, is a living witness to the radical changes that have  相似文献   

JIDONG and Hulin areunder the jurisdiction ofJixi City in southeastHeilongjiang Province.Having a mining history of 100years, Jixi is known as the "CoalCity", and is the site of China'sfirst power station fueled bygangue. Since the 1980s, Jidongand Hulin have exploited rich coalresources and achieved synchro-nized development of industryand environmental protection.They have thus become the mod-els for a new development style.Jidong-Developing the"Non-Coal Economy"Jidong County is 3,2…  相似文献   

JEAN-HUGUES Depigny and his wife are from France. They have lived in China for 10 years and are known by the Chinese names Yang Peiyi and Yang An. Their home is resplendent in Chinese furnishings and ornaments. Jean-Hugues Depigny is vice president of Airbus China customer services in Beijing. Airbus and China have been in cooperation since 1985, when China Eastern Airlines, formerly the CAAC East Regional Administration, became its first client in China. Since then, Airbus and the China aviation manu-  相似文献   

Farmer workers are a new powerful workforce that has sprung up amid China's reform and door opening and in the process of the country's industrialization and urbanization. They have made great contributions to urban prosperity, rural development and their country's modernization. At present, however, fanner workers face numerous difficulties and problems in income, work safety, social security, vocational training, the schooling of their children and living conditions. To safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of farmer workers, the State Council in March 2006 issued Ideas of the State Council on Solving Farmer Workers-related Problems. In the document, the State Council promises to  相似文献   

TO be a female depicted in Peking Opera is to represent one of the few heroines of Chinese history. They must possess outstanding morals and politically savvy, be highly educated or martial arts experts. Of these strong women characters the most prominent is Zhong Wuyan.  相似文献   

"'Badai" is the name the Miao give to their shamans, who officiate at sacrificial and customary rituals and indeed all ceremonies for Miao social events. The culture of rituals is called "Badai culture," and it holds a significant place in Miao culture. The process of rituals and ceremonies, the "living fossil" of Miao history and culture so to speak, enabling the Miao people of today to inherit their ancestors' culture and social conventions. A ceremony may involve from seven to 36 Badai, and it is they who have taken up the torch from their ancestors, perpetuating the survival of the ancient culture. Though predominantly an oral tradition, the words of the rituals have now been brought together in a 176-chapter, 2,866-section "classic." It is an authentic record of Miao history and culture, with copious information about Miao religion, philosophy, history, arts, medicine, and health preservation.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代初启动的高校合并,作为我国高等教育体制改革的战略举措,在促进高校学科建设,提高教学质量和办学效益,培养新型复合型人才,为我国建设世界一流大学等方面发挥了积极作用。但是,高校合并并非简单地1 1=2,在伴随着巨型大学蜂拥而起的同时,高校合并中所出现的速度太快、摊子太大、管理太难、学科融合太慢等弊端也日益显露,引起社会的普遍关注。如何在高校合并中趋利避害,实现高校合并1 1>2的组织教学和育人的多级优化,为高校的可持续发展夯实基础,这是今后高校合并和合并后高校发展必须正视和迫切需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

面对中国经济发展方式转变和产业升级的现实要求,要保持经济社会长期可持续发展,科技创新要实现快速发展,而金融作为现代经济的核心,没有金融的带动,就没有高新技术的持续开发和产业化。要继续推进产业转型升级,必须促进科技和金融结合,进一步创新体制、制度和机制。该文通过分析中国目前科技创新与金融融合存在的问题,从科技创新企业融资、金融机构科技投资、政策性科技与金融结合等角度,提出有利于科技创新型的金融支持体系和服务平台的政策建议。  相似文献   

英美警察学者多年来采用参与者的直接观察、问卷调查、访谈、对数据和卷宗进行分析等社会科学研究方法,围绕警察职业特点,对警察在工作过程中形成的一些普遍的心理和行为方式、以及这些心理和行为方式所产生的原因加以分析,试图找出更为科学的警察培训及管理方法,其研究成果深化了人们对警察职业和警察文化的认识和了解,丰富了警察科学的内容,影响极为深远。  相似文献   

朱瑛  郭三保 《理论月刊》2004,22(6):38-39
随着科技置换军事并与经济耦合,科技的政治功能日益显现,世界已逐步由“军事政治”进入“科技政治”时代,“科技政治”已成为我们时代重要的政治特征。这告诫我们:必须发展科技以提高国际地位。  相似文献   

延伸与扩展:乡镇民主的启动与突破   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
民主跟随利益走.中国的改革是从微观开始的.整个20世纪80年代,农村改革主要是废除人民公社体制,实行分户经营,建立健全家庭经营制度.家庭成为利益主体,农民获得了生产经营自主权和人身自由支配权.  相似文献   

《大医精诚》论述了优秀的医生不仅要有高超的技术,还要具备高尚的医德。它主要从对待病人、对待同行、对待自己三个方面论述了医德的“精”和“诚”。医学院校思想政治教育工作者要重视大学生职业道德教育、要坚持以人为本、要注重言传身教。在大学生思想政治教育过程中要坚持“精”、“诚”、“合”的原则。  相似文献   

犯罪行为过程与侦查措施手段   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
犯罪不是瞬间的举动 ,而是由多个行为阶段所组成的一个系列活动过程。在这一过程中犯罪人不断地向外散发着犯罪信息 ,而这些信息都是案件侦查线索的来源。侦查工作就是要根据不同行为阶段的特点采取不同的措施手段去搜集犯罪信息 ,获取侦查线索。  相似文献   

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