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Designer psychostimulants are known by recreational drug users to produce a complex array of adrenergic and hallucinogenic effects. Many of these drugs are not targeted during routine toxicology testing and as a consequence, they are rarely reported. The purpose of this study was to develop a procedure for the detection of 15 psychostimulants in urine using liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC‐MS/MS), specifically 2,5‐dimethoxy‐4‐bromophenethylamine (2C‐B), 2,5‐dimethoxy‐4‐chlorophenethylamine (2C‐C), 2,5‐dimethoxy‐4‐methylphenethylamine (2C‐D), 2,5‐dimethoxy‐4‐ethylphenethylamine (2C‐E), 2,5‐dimethoxyphenethylamine (2C‐H), 2,5‐dimethoxy‐4‐iodophenethylamine (2C‐I), 2,5‐dimethoxy‐4‐ethylthiophenethylamine (2C‐T‐2), 2,5‐dimethoxy‐4‐isopropylthiophenethylamine (2C‐T‐4), 2,5‐dimethoxy‐4‐propylthiophenethylamine (2C‐T‐7), 2,5‐dimethoxy‐4‐bromoamphetamine (DOB), 2,5‐dimethoxy‐4‐chloroamphetamine (DOC), 2,5‐dimethoxy‐4‐ethylamphetamine (DOET), 2,5‐dimethoxy‐4‐iodoamphetamine (DOI), 2,5‐dimethoxy‐4‐methylamphetamine (DOM), and 4‐methylthioamphetamine (4‐MTA). Analytical recoveries using solid‐phase extraction were 64–92% and the limit of detection was 0.5 ng/mL for all drugs except 2C‐B (1 ng/mL). The assay was evaluated in terms of analytical recovery, precision, accuracy, linearity, matrix effect, and interferences. The technique allows for the simultaneous detection of 15 psychostimulants at sub‐ng/mL concentrations.  相似文献   

彭凤莲 《河北法学》2008,26(3):110-114
新中国毒品犯罪的学术研究,始自20世纪80年代中期,成果丰硕。毒品犯罪研究具有明显的应世性、阶段性、地域性特征。主要研究范式为毒品犯罪的注释性研究、犯罪学研究、诉讼法学研究、刑事一体化研究等。多种研究范式、多学科视角的运用推进了毒品犯罪研究领域的广度与深度。但这些研究范式也存在着僵化、简单化、不协调、不均衡等问题,而且毒品犯罪的刑事政策、社会政策研究的空白亟待填补。  相似文献   

应松年  何海波 《中国法学》2007,8(1):136-146
2005-2006年的行政法学研究,在教科书的编撰和外国法的译介上取得了令人瞩目的成绩,对公共治理的转型和行政法理想模式的探讨有了深化,行政法原则等一般理论的阐述得到推进,对《行政程序法》、《行政诉讼法》、信息公开法的立法研究取得丰硕的成果,对行政规制的研究成为一个新的热点,实证研究和法社会学方法的应用也出现了若干成功的案例。相对年轻的行政法学开始呈现出一幅新的面相。但它在回应现实需要、回馈其它学科方面还值得改进,法学研究中的问题意识、方法意识和规范意识还需要加强。  相似文献   

引言 美国于1994年通过破产改革法案(American Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1994)之后,国会即成立了全美破产审查委员会(National Bankruptcy Review Commission),负责调查和听取各界对破产法运行状况的反映,研究"在不改变现行法律的基本原则和均衡的基础上审查、改善和修正破产法典"的相关问题.[1]1997年10月20日破产法审查委员会向国会提交了一份改革报告,报告中提出了170多条立法建议,其中消费者破产部分的改革建议最为引人注意.改革报告的提交标志着新一轮破产法改革进程的开始.此后,国会正是以这份报告为基础多次提出修改破产法的议案.美国破产法议案之所以历经8年之久终于柳暗花明,是因为本届政府的情况有些特殊,布什总统所属的共和党在2004年11月的中期选举中大获全胜,一举夺得美国国会参、众两院的控制权,因此,新破产法案才得以顺利通过.2005年4月,美国国会通过并由布什总统签署了《2005年破产滥用预防及消费者保护法案》(Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005,以下简称"新破产法"),该法案于2005年10月17日正式生效.新破产法在一定程度上实现了近10年来美国银行等金融机构对破产法进行改革的愿望,也是近30年来美国国会对破产法作出的一次最重大的修订.  相似文献   

目的建立203种毒品的液相色谱-串联质谱筛查鉴定方法。方法选用Accucore TM Phenyl/Hexyl苯基己基柱(100 mm×2.1 mm,2.6μm)为色谱柱,柱温50℃,以甲醇乙腈混合溶剂(体积比1:1,含0.1%甲酸和2 mmol/L甲酸铵)、水(含0.1%甲酸和2 mmol/L甲酸铵)作为流动相进行梯度洗脱,流速0.4 mL/min。质谱采用电喷雾正离子模式(ESI+)进行离子化,使用多反应监测(MRM)模式采集数据,总分析时间14 min。结果该方法实现了203种毒品的筛查鉴定分析,各目标物的方法检出限均为10 ng/mL。结论建立的筛查鉴定方法具有快速、准确、灵敏等优点,能够满足禁毒工作的日常需要。  相似文献   

Alignment of fire debris data from GC‐MS for chemometric analysis is challenged by highly variable, uncontrolled sample and matrix composition. The total ion spectrum (TIS) obviates the need for alignment but loses all separation information. We introduce the segmented total ion spectrum (STIS), which retains the advantages of TIS while retaining some retention information. We compare the performance of STIS with TIS for the classification of casework fire debris samples. TIS and STIS achieve good model prediction accuracies of 96% and 98%, respectively. Baseline removal improved model prediction accuracies for both TIS and STIS to 97% and 99%, respectively. The importance of maintaining some chromatographic information to aid in deciphering the underlying chemistry of the results and reasons for false positive/negative results was also examined.  相似文献   

Designer drugs: past history and future prospects   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Historically, drugs of abuse have come from two sources: plant products and diverted pharmaceuticals. Today, new, totally synthetic drugs produced by clandestine laboratories have become an increasingly important source of abused substances. Of particular concern are the fentanyls, a family of very potent narcotic analgesics, which first appeared on the streets in California in 1979 under the name "China White". At least 10 different analogs have been identified to date and are thought to be responsible for over 100 overdose deaths. The fentanyls are not used by any particular ethic or age group, but rather by the general heroin using population. Their use, however, does seem to be restricted to suburban, rather than urban areas, and almost exclusively to the state of California. The most potent analogs, the 3-methyl- and beta-hydroxy-fentanyls, may be up to 1000 times as potent as heroin, but are not chemically related to the opiates and therefore not detected by conventional narcotic screening tests. However, using a sensitive radioimmunoassay highly specific for the fentanyls they can be measured at the very low concentrations observed in body fluids, generally less than 10 ng/mL. It is likely that, as efforts to restrict the importation of natural products and prevent diversion of pharmaceuticals become more effective, the fentanyls and other synthetics will become increasingly important drugs of abuse.  相似文献   

归纳了2005年我国海事法学的论文,并按照船舶物权法、海上货物运输法、海事法、海上保险法、海事诉讼与仲裁、其他热点问题等六个方面进行综述,概括了我国海事法研究的现状,并对今后的发展提出了希望。  相似文献   

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