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俄罗斯非政府组织   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苏联解体后,伴随社会转型,俄罗斯的非政府组织从无到有,迅速发展起来,并对俄社会产生了深刻而重要的影响。本文以俄社会转型为宏观历史背景,介绍苏联解体以来俄本土非政府组织的发展历程、外国非政府组织对俄的渗透,归纳俄非政府组织的构成、分类及其运作方式,深入剖析非政府组织在俄社会转型过程中的作用与影响,并对俄当局管理非政府组织的经验与教训进行较为全面的总结。  相似文献   

非政府国际组织发展现状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
非政府组织(Non-Government Organization,简称NGO)主要是相对于政府组织而言,在国际社会,非政府组织相对于政府间国际组织(Intergovernment Organization,简称IGO)而言。非政府组织的兴起是20世纪后期重要的政治和社会现象之一,非政府间国际组织的兴起则是20世纪后期国际社会的重要现象之一。NGO在国际舞台上正扮演日益重要的角色,在国际事务中发挥日益重要的作用。20世纪90年代以来NGO在许多国际组织和  相似文献   

本文分析了菲律宾作为拥有全球第三大非政府组织(NGO)的发展中国家,其非政府组织的缘起、总体情况及其发展趋势,并认为目前菲律宾NGO对国家和地区政策的影响仍然不大,但通过市民社会与国家的互动,有可能在国家政治生活中发挥更大的作用并影响政治决策。  相似文献   

This article explores the prospects for indigenous and foreign NGOs in post-Mao China. The structural complexity of the emerging NGO sector is illustrated by a typology of the new social organisations which have flourished in the last ten years. The author considers the factors favouring the expansion of this intermediary sector of quasi- and non-governmental activity, but also analyses the factors constraining the emergence in the near future of a vibrant NGO sector. Foreign NGOs eager to develop links at the forthcoming UN International Conference on Women should be prepared to work in conjunction with the Party/State and semi-official social organisations.  相似文献   

The UK government claims to exercise a responsible arms export policy and to be committed to considering sustainable development concerns in arms export licensing. Yet in December 2001, it granted BAe Systems a licence for the sale of a £28 million air-traffic-control system to Tanzania, one of the world's poorest countries. This export failed the conditions of UK export guidelines in three major ways. This article explores why the government ignored its commitments, arguing that the relationship between Labour and the arms industry lies at the heart of UK export policy. A critical analysis of the development agenda shows that the issue is not simply to get the government to stick to its declared commitments, difficult as this is, as the neo-liberal development agenda promoted by the Labour government is itself fundamentally flawed. Assessing the effectiveness of NGO activity on UK arms export issues thus requires an interrogation of their vision of sustainable development as well as their critique of government actions.  相似文献   

Most UK development NGOs engage in advocacy work at the international level in an attempt to reduce the constraints imposed on grassroots development by global economics and the actions of the official aid agencies. Thus far, their record has been disappointing, and this article explores some of the reasons which lie behind the failure of NGOs to fulfil their potential in this field. Four strategic weaknesses are identified: an overall absence of clear strategy, a failure to build strong alliances, a failure to develop alternatives to current orthodoxies, and the dilemma of relations with donors. Each weakness is analysed with reference to practical examples, and appropriate conclusions drawn.  相似文献   

南北关系研究一直是国际关系领域的一个重要课题,毫无疑问,南北非政府组织间的关系研究对于深化这一领域的研究有重要意义。本文从马来西亚非政府组织和国外非政府组织关系入手,以马来西亚非政府组织和美国基金会关系为具体案例,从南北非政府组织关系层面管窥南北关系的发展特点。  相似文献   

西方非政府人权组织近年来在国际人权保护中成为一支不可忽视的重要力量,在它们的倡议下,一些世界人权公约的实施与监督机制得到了进一步完善,联合国人权委员会的工作也因它们的参与而得到加强。西方非政府人权组织的人权思想理论在一定程度上是西方社会市民人权道德价值观的反映,同时,它们在人权标准上与西方大国政府的人权政策具有内在的一致性。它们通过发布人权信息、游说等活动,“羞辱”那些被它们认为有侵犯人权现象的国家,在实施国际人权保护的同时,也违背了《联合国宪章》中的不干涉内政原则。可以说,西方非政府人权组织已成为西方人权政治文化的一个重要组织部分。 一、西方非政府人权组织概况  相似文献   

The contribution of NGOs to the health sector has changed over recent years. Their profile and sector size have increased, and their activities are often different from those previously carried out. In some quarters NGOs are viewed as the best means of developing the health sector: regarded, among other things, as being more efficient and accountable than many developing-country governments. This article explores these developments and examines in particular one aspect that has been relatively ignored: the relationship between governments and the NGO sector within the health field. It concludes by looking at practical steps that can be taken to improve such relationships.  相似文献   

9·11事件后,美国等西方势力加大了对俄罗斯、中亚地区非政府组织的利用和支持力度,将其作为推广“民主”的重要手段。俄罗斯和中亚的非政府组织大致有宗教性非政府组织、民族主义非政府组织等七个类型。各种性质的非政府组织的存在一方面有益于中亚各国和俄罗斯的民主化进程,同时,也滋生了极端民族主义、极端宗教主义和恐怖主义,严重损害了这些国家的国家安全。  相似文献   

The work of international non-profitmaking non-governmental development organisations (NGOs) challenges them to adopt a decentralised structure. We know little, however, about how this decentralisation is organised, and even less about its impacts on NGO performance. Based on studies in southern Africa, this article identifies the gains and losses associated with the choice to decentralise. It goes on to pose questions about decentralisation as a critical variable for the organisational design of NGOs which need to be answered by more systematic comparative study.  相似文献   

Development NGOs are in crisis. They are losing their capacity to engage in critical analysis and propose global solutions; to react to or seize the political initiative; or to situate themselves on the cutting edge of those social and political processes in which new approaches and potential solutions might be found. While some NGOs have sought to accommodate themselves around donors' policies and projects that focus on reducing the negative effects of structural adjustment, the raison d'être of NGOs is to have the autonomy, initiative, and flexibility that non-governmental status confers upon them. A growing split between NGOs' capacity to lobby and do research and their grassroots work reflects a deeper division that exists-- both practical and theoretical --between the concept and process of development and the concept and process of democratisation. The author argues that human development and participatory and representative democracy are both mutually reinforcing and indivisible and that the challenge the NGOs face is to link--theoretically and practically--democracy with development.  相似文献   

This article provides a new piece for two of the puzzles of institutionalized cooperation in Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). First, with regard to the organization's four decades of existence, there has always been a marked gap between ASEAN's rhetorical goals of cooperation and its actual achievements. What explains these systematic failures of implementation? Second, from the outset, ASEAN was criticized for its light institutionalization, which failed to deliver the substantial cooperation goals. Despite selected institutional reforms, ASEAN's autonomy has not increased remarkably and it has not made any major institutional innovations. Why does ASEAN design institutions it does not use? Why does this transformation gap occur? The author suggests a sociological institutional explanation and argues that major impulses for cooperation have come from outside Southeast Asia, most importantly from Europe. By mimicking the European integration process, ASEAN member states have effectively created an isomorphic organization. The Association's institutional development reflects a concern for international legitimacy and less an objective functional demand arising from the specific interactions of member states. This copying process has led to network governance within the organization.  相似文献   

在马来西亚,中产阶级作为一支有影响力的力量主要形成于二战后,特别是新经济政策实施后的经济高速发展时期。马来中产阶级参与到国家政治和社会生活的各个层面。本文在分析现代马来中产阶级产生原因和过程的基础上,选取巴生流域(Klang Valley),省城哥打吝鲁(Kota Bharu)和瓜拉丁加奴(Kuala Terengganu)3地的马来中产阶级对消费、环保、职业、居民和宗教这5类非政府组织的参与情况为重点分析对象。研究发现,马来中产阶级参与宗教、居民和职业组织的比例高于其他组织。几乎有三分之一的被调查者参与宗教和居民组织;五分之一参与了职业组织;参与其他组织,如消费者组织和环保组织的比例比较低。在大城市和省城,马来中产阶级对非政府组织的参与也有差别。  相似文献   

非政府组织与东南亚国家政治发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
非政府组织在东南亚国家社会政治发展进程中发挥着重要作用。非政府组织的活动已经渗透各国社会经济和政治生活的许多方面。本文在简单回顾东南亚各国非政府组织发展历史的基础上,分析各国对待非政府组织的态度和政策,及其形成这些政策的原因。随着东南亚国家政治的转型,政府对非政府组织的政策也处于进一步的调整之中,其基本趋势是,相互包容,相互促进,共谋国家发展。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,拉美地区非政府组织的发展获得了前所未有的有利条件,其与政府的关系也逐渐从过去的不信任甚至对立转向相互接近、交往与合作。但非政府组织的发展仍面临一系列严重问题,与政府的关系也面临众多挑战。为引导和规范非政府组织的发展,拉美国家在立法、行政管理、资金支持、实践引导等各环节采取措施,加大对非政府组织的管理和监督,力图最大限度地发挥这种组织在政治、经济和社会发展中的积极作用,同时抑制其不良影响。拉美国家管理非政府组织的经验值得总结和借鉴。  相似文献   

本文首先回顾了马来西亚妇女非政府组织的发展历程,然后对独立后马来西亚主要的妇女非政府组织及其活动进行介绍,最后对马来西亚妇女非政府组织与马来西亚政府的关系进行评估和分析。  相似文献   

人权非政府组织与联合国   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡拓  刘贞晔 《国际观察》2005,16(1):40-46
在二战以来的国际人权政治发展中 ,人权非政府组织与联合国已形成了日益紧密的合作关系。一方面 ,人权非政府组织积极地借助联合国来扩大自身的影响 ,并对主权国家施加更大的压力 ;另一方面 ,联合国为拓展人权事务在资源、信息和机构运作等方面也积极地倚重人权非政府组织的活动支持。人权非政府组织与联合国的这种紧密合作 ,导致了人权非政府组织对联合国人权事务和人权机构的渗透、联合国人权机构人事上的交叉任职以及复杂的国际多边人权干预 ,从而形成了包含人权非政府组织、主权国家与联合国在内的复杂三角政治关系  相似文献   

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