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青年文化:青年社会化的新视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青年文化,作为在青年中流行、并对青年产生重大影响的因子,是青年社会化的主要执行者。同时,随着时代的发展,青年文化又使青年社会化出现了新特点,蕴含着当今青年社会化的二重性。因此,积极加强青年文化建设,对青年社会化的顺利实现乃至社会的发展都有着极大的现实意义。  相似文献   

论转型期青年社会化中的主体性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
转型期青年社会化的主体性具体表现为:反权威性、独立性、创新性、文化反哺和内控性;青年社会化主体性不断增强,与青年自身的生理、心理特点、成长的家庭环境特点和转型期社会环境的特点分析。  相似文献   

Leadership and career readiness are important goals for youth development. Entrepreneurship has recently been considered as a potential intervention to support these aims. This study examined a venture development program for low-income youth through participant surveys (n?=?57) and a comparison group (n?=?72). Findings from structural equation modeling indicate relationships between the program and project management skills, which in turn was associated with youth leadership. Findings also showed relationships between the program and financial literacy, which was associated with an increase in future orientation. This study shows early evidence of entrepreneurship and venture creation as mechanisms to support marginalized youth.  相似文献   

This article examines the experiences of six Karen peer leaders involved in research evaluating the effectiveness of a teen dating violence (TDV) program. Seven categories were identified: 1) the benefits of peer leadership, 2) motivation to become a peer leader, 3) concerns, 4) favorite part of the experience, 5) lessons learned about research, 6) TDV content learned, and 7) recommendations for researchers. Associated themes emerged within each category. Implications for prevention programs include providing an abbreviated version of the program to the peer leaders and engaging parents in recruitment. Future research should focus on conducting similar studies with Karen or other refugee youth in other areas of the United States.  相似文献   

In this conclusion we examine the implications of the special issue findings for the development of the self. We discuss how well the young adolescent experiences in schoolwork, maintenance, talk, and leisure provide bases for an evolving adjstment to the adult roles of work, love, and play. Gender differences clearly emerged in the experience of daily life; children entered adolescence with differences in how time is experienced already firmly established, and by midadolescence these differences were intensifying. Our data support the three heuristics of communion versus agency, gender intensification, and the public versus private dichotomy. Concern is raised as to the viability of traditional sex role socialization when adult roles may demand more egalitarian behavior.  相似文献   

This study fills a gap in the literature in regards to the effectiveness of youth diversity programs by exploring the sustaining effects of a week-long youth diversity camp program. Using both qualitative and quantitative methods, the study results suggest the camp achieved positive, sustaining impacts. Some of these findings include (1) enhancement of leadership skills; (2) greater understanding of “the other”; and (3) increased communication skills, particularly when oppression was observed. These effects were observed in the respondents who had recently attended the camp, as well as those who had attended a long time prior. Such impact reported in the study reiterates that more diversity programs for youth should be developed, implemented, and evaluated.  相似文献   

On a set of classical moral dilemmas and on a set of practical moral dilemmas 60 randomly selected eighth- and twelfth-grade students were asked to (a) judge the actions of others (judgment) and (b) reach a personal decision and give reasons for what they would do (deliberation). The interviews were transcribed and scored for stage of moral reasoning. Stage of moral reasoning associated with deliberation on practical moral dilemmas was found to be significantly lower than their moral judgment on classical moral dilemmas. An explanation was presented which combined social learning and cognitive-developmental moralization theory.Received his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin at Madison. Research interests include the nature of moral character and the implications involved for the moral education curriculum.  相似文献   

This research contributes a first-hand account of the experiences of youth’s substantial unpaid familial caregiving in the context of long-term illness, disability or problems related to alcohol and/or other drugs. A qualitative focus group methodology explored the benefits and challenges of youth’s caregiving via a sample of 15 youth caregivers (or young carers) from both the Greater Toronto area and the Niagara Region of Southern Ontario. The findings reveal evidence for a unique “young carer penalty,” a term coined by this research to build upon the gendered “care penalty” experienced by adult women (especially mothers) when performing care work.  相似文献   

The global self-esteem of adolescents was examined in relation to two aspects of their daily lives: (a) the perceived quality of their relationships with parents and peers; and (b) their self-evaluation in the areas of school, popularity, and athletics. The quality of relationships with parents made significant contributions to the explained variance in self-esteem of both boys and girls. The quality of peer relationships made a significant additional contribution for girls but not boys. The importance of parent and peer relationships to self-esteem did not vary as a function of age for either sex. Self-evaluation of popularity was related to girls' global self-esteem, while evaluation of school performance was more important for boys.Received her Ph.D. from George Peabody College. Research interests include adolescent stress and coping, and parent-child relationships.Received his M.D. from Medical College of Georgia. Research interests include stress, eating disorders, and pregnancy in adolescents.  相似文献   

Despite the scarcity of studies of children's participation in housework, it has been established that children contribute a significant amount of total household labor. However, research on why some children contribute more than others has yielded ambiguous results. Using data from the National Survey of Families and Households(J. A. Sweet, L. Bumpus, and V. Call [1988], working paper NSFH-1, Center for Demography and Ecology, University of Wisconsin, Madison), this study tests two competing theories of children's labor participation. The first, dealing with child socialization,proposes that parents assign household chores to children as a socializing experience (e.g., to promote responsibility). The second posits that children are used as a labor source whenever structural constraints prevent adults from performing the necessary chores, and alter the demand for household labor.The results indicate that children average 7 hours of housework per week, representing 12% of all household labor. Both theories receive support, yet the pragmatic aspects of households (e.g., adult labor force participation) receive greater confirmation.Research interests include the sex-based division of household labor, power relations in the home, female depression, and parent-child relationships.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of aging men in a variety of preliterate traditional societies suggest that older men, across cultures, are relatively mild and uncompetitive, as compared to younger men from the same communities. Older men are more interested in receiving than in producing, more interested in communion than in agency; their sense of pleasure and security is based on food, religion, and the assurance of love. The counterculture gives priority to the same themes, and thereby seems to sponsor a premature senescence, in the psychological sense. Various contemporary myths stemming from affluence and consumerism that have led to the new geriatrics are examined, particularly the myth of the all-including, omnipotential self, which is seen as a translation of socialist, collectivist ideals into the domain of personality. The effects of the new psychic collectivism on ego development in the adolescent and postadolescent periods are also considered.The overall program of cross-cultural research has been supported by Career Development Award No. 5-K3-Hd-6043 from the National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development. Field expenses for Indian studies in Mexico and America were covered by Faculty Research Grants Nos. 1344 and 1412 from the Rackham School of Graduate Studies, the University of Michigan, and by Grant No. MH 13031-01 from the National Institutes of Mental Health. Fieldwork expenses among the Middle-Eastern Druze were covered by Grant No. M66-345 from the Foundation's Fund for Research in Psychiatry.Received Ph.D. in 1959 from the Committee on Human Development at the University of Chicago. Main fields are clinical psychology and personality theory. Research interests are comparative psychology of aging and psychosocial aspects of ego development.  相似文献   

青年志愿服务事业的机制建设,有内部机制、外部机制之分。它作用于青年志愿服务事业的全过程, 缺少任何一环机制.或者任何一个环节的机制不完善,势必影响青年志愿服务,势必影响青年志愿服务事业的发 展。  相似文献   

The status of international agricultural research as a global public good (GPG) has been widely accepted since the Green Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s. While the term was not used at the time of its creation, the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) system that evolved at that time has been described as a ‘prime example of the promise, performance and perils of an international approach to providing GPGs’. Contemporary literature on international agricultural research as a GPG tends to support this view and focuses on how to operationalize the concept. This paper adopts a different starting point and questions this conceptualization of the CGIAR and its outputs. It questions the appropriateness of such a ‘neutral’ concept to a system born of the imperatives of Cold War geopolitics, and shaped by a history of attempts to secure its relevance in a changing world. This paper draws on a multi-sited, ethnographic study of a research effort highlighted by the CGIAR as an exemplar of GPG-oriented research. Behind the ubiquitous language of GPGs, ‘partnership’ and ‘consensus’, however, new forms of exclusion and restriction are emerging within everyday practice, reproducing North–South inequalities and undermining the ability of these programmes to respond to the needs of projected beneficiaries.  相似文献   

当今世界 ,知识经济已初露端倪 ,它必然会对青年干部的素质提出新的要求。具体而言 ,知识经济的发展对青年干部素质有 5方面的新要求 :提高驾驭知识经济发展的能力 ;具有经得起历史考验的科学发展观 ;对当代资本主义的新认识 ;把学习能力和创造能力培养成自身的核心能力 ;养成健康开放的现代人格。  相似文献   

A theory-based evaluation of an in-progress program for the development of new youth centers the South of Italy is presented in this article. The study investigated if and to what extent the program was working to increase youth participation. Data were collected through document analysis of the program, in-depth interviews and a survey with the managers of the youth centers. Consistent with some previous study, results suggested that some program mechanisms related to cultural openings, obligations and opportunities of participation had been effective in the activation of youth participation. Some contextual factors behind such mechanisms were also taken into account. Then, the study confirmed the need to further develop forms of youth work able to mediate between the regulatory pressures expressed by public institutions and the claims of autonomy and participation manifested by youth.  相似文献   

Despite long concern in the United States over alcohol consumption by adolescents and problems associated with drinking among Native Americans, few studies have dealt with the functions of drinking for Native American and White youth. The findings presented here are based on responses to a self-report questionnaire administered to ninth- through twelfth-grade students at two high schools in Fremont County, Wyoming — the county where the great majority of Wyoming's Native American population resides. Based on work by Jessor, Carman and Grossman, 30 items concerning positive-social, personal-effect, and experiential reasons for drinking were examined. Although there are some statistically significant differences in responses to individual items and statistically significant differences between Indian and White males and females on the Personal-Effect and Positive-Social categories of items, the functions of drinking appear to be quite similar for these Indian and White youth.Received his Ph.D. in sociology from Yale University in 1966. Current research interest is determining the impact of a heroin treatment program on the incidence and prevalence of heroin use in Cheyenne, Wyoming.  相似文献   

网络对青少年的负面影响剖析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
网络是一把双刃剑 ,既有无可替代的优越功能 ,也有一些不足和危害。青少年由于其独特的心理特征 ,更容易受到网络的伤害。分析网络对青少年造成的心理损害和社会化障碍 ,探讨网络对青少年的负面影响 ,可以引起有关方面的重视 ,采取有效措施 ,保证青少年的健康成长。  相似文献   

This article reports the first results of the three-year longitudinal study of the social maps of children beginning the transition to adolescence. This exploratory study is guided by Bronfenbrenner's conception of the ecology of human development, stressing the importance of a phenomenological orientation to development in the context of ecological transitions. The study focuses on characteristics of children's social networks (the web of relationships in which the individual is involved) as a function of neighborhood type, socioeconomic status, and level of physical maturation. The social heterogeneity of the social network (e.g., the relative salience of peers versus adults) is a primary concern. The child's and parent's perceptions of the network, of the people available to help the child, and the child's friends are compared within the context of ecological, socioeconomic, and maturational factors. The results (for 111 sixth-grade children from three contrasting neighborhood schools) shed some light on age segregation and the overall heterogeneity of the social environments of children facing the transition to adolescence. They provide a context and a baseline for the longitudinal study.A version of this paper was presented at the 85th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, August 25–30, 1977.Received his Ph.D. in human development and family studies from Cornell University in 1973. Principal interests are the ecology of social development and child maltreatment.  相似文献   

城市社区青年志愿者工作初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市青年志愿工作必须努力完成营造社区环境、促进社会保障事业、服务青少年成长的任务 ,必须遵循其工作原则 ,坚持其发展方向。  相似文献   

市场经济条件下 ,对青少年事务管理的行为研究十分重要。然而 ,市场经济条件下的社会大背景带来了青少年及青少年事务的变化。政府在管理青少年事务时 ,一是通过构建青少年政策法律法规体系 ,提供政策支持和法律保障 ;二是通过政策主导、青年组织各显其能 ,走社会化管理之路。  相似文献   

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