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赵毅 《北方法学》2013,7(4):67-77
在罗马法中,本质错误与身份错误、行为性质的错误、标的物错误并称为使行为无效的四种实质性错误。本质错误与材料错误相关又不等同于材料错误。本质错误的内涵见于D.18,1,9,2中的"醋为酒卖"案,是在社会经济功能影响下的标的物之内在特性发生错误。本质错误的外延见于"古杯"案及D.18,1,11、D.18,1,14等文本,涵涉了大部分的材料错误和性别错误,并可以作为一种兜底条款适用于那些对诸如艺术品价值、作者发生错误的情形。本质错误在近代演化为法国法的"实质错误"、意大利法的"本质上的错误"、瑞士法的"重大错误"、德国法和我国台湾地区法的"性质错误",在赋予法官自由裁量权的功能上,它们和中国大陆民法的错误制度殊途同归。  相似文献   

Sequence analyses of X-chromosomal short tandem repeats, DXS6789, DXS8377 and DXS101 were performed for representatives of 3 Asian populations: 130 Japanese, 61 Bangladeshi and 89 Indonesian males. At DXS6789, the sequence polymorphism was found in 7 alleles in the Japanese, 3 in the Bangladeshis and 3 in the Indonesians. At DXS8377, the sequence polymorphism was found in 13 alleles in the Japanese, 9 in the Bangladeshis and in all alleles identified in the Indonesians. At DXS101, the sequence polymorphism was found in 7 alleles in the Japanese, 9 in the Bangladeshis and 8 in the Indonesians. Because sequence polymorphisms were found in most of the alleles at the DXS6789, DXS8377 and DXS101 loci, it was concluded that sequencing was essential for identifying the alleles at these loci in all 3 Asian populations.  相似文献   

Fatal intoxications in the 15-34 age group in the five Nordic countries during the years 1984 and 1985 (Sweden only in 1984) were investigated. The known drug addicts were studied separately. The highest incidence of intoxications, calculated per 10(5) population, was found in Finland (11.3), followed by Denmark (10.3), Sweden (8.5), Iceland (7.2) and Norway (6.6). The percentage of intoxications caused by drugs was 92 in Denmark, 71 in Norway, 66 in Sweden, 50 in Finland and 17 in Iceland. Ethanol intoxications were seen 5-7 and 2-3 times as frequently in Finland and in Iceland, respectively, than in the other three countries. Carbon monoxide intoxications accounted for two-thirds of all fatal intoxications in Iceland. Drug addicts accounted for 62% of all fatal intoxications in the Danish material. The corresponding figures were 33% in the Norwegian, 16% in the Swedish and 5% in the Finnish material. No deaths in drug addicts were found in Iceland. Most drug addicts in Denmark, Norway and Sweden died of hard drugs and most in Norway and Sweden, from heroin or morphine, whereas in Denmark other strong analgesics, such as methadone, dextropropoxyphene and ketobemidone, accounted for 40% of all hard-drug-related fatal intoxications. To a certain extent the results reflect differences in the legal autopsy routines in the various Nordic countries. However, the ascertainment of drug addicts is assumed to be near-complete in each country.  相似文献   

The feasibility of detecting methamphetamine and its major metabolite, amphetamine, in postmortem tissues over a 2-year period was examined. It is important to determine if the abuse and toxic effects of drugs can be proved from evidence found in decayed, submerged, or stained tissue materials. The blood, urine, liver, skeletal muscle, skin and extremity bones from rabbits given methamphetamine intravenously were kept at room temperature, under 4 different conditions: sealed in a test tube, dried in the open air, submerged in tap water and stained on gauze. Methamphetamine was present in all the samples, with slight change in concentration in case of sealed and air dried tissues. Changes varied in bones kept in water. There were considerable decreases in methamphetamine in blood and urine stains. Despite long term storage, drug abuse and/or toxicity could be determined, in all tissues examined.  相似文献   

本文报告11例因脑外伤致死的案例。肉眼观察10例有轻重不等的大脑皮质挫伤;10例有蛛网膜下腔出血;3例有脑干出血;1例有视丘下部出血。光镜及扫描电镜下见大脑皮质挫伤10例;其余挫伤,在距大脑皮质挫伤3cm的脑白质6例,视丘下部8例,丘脑、中脑各6例,桥脑5例,延髓4例,侧脑室壁8例及视神经4例。镜下检查挫伤远较肉眼为多。10例神经细胞有不同程度变性、坏死及缺血性病变。9例大脑及脑干轴索、髓鞘有不同程度断裂、变性、排列紊乱、崩解及坏死,其中7例轴索断端查见收缩球。作者对脑外伤死因及法医学鉴定应注意的问题作了简要的讨论。  相似文献   

医学院校卫生法学专业课程设置探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过研究我国医学院校卫生法学专业课程设置的现状,剖析了卫生法学专业课程设置中存在的课程名称不明确、课程内容不合理、研究认识不统一、教学组织及实施不一致等问题。针对这些问题,从优化卫生法学专业课程结构、编写高质量卫生法学教材、改革卫生法学教学方法、加强卫生法学师资培养、扩展卫生法学研究活动五个方面提出了完善卫生法学课程设置的对策建议。  相似文献   

Diphenhydramine is an antihistamine available in numerous over-the-counter preparations. Often used for its sedative effects in adults, it can cause paradoxical central nervous system stimulation in children, with effects ranging from excitation to seizures and death. Reports of fatal intoxications in young children are rare. We present five cases of fatal intoxication in infants 6, 8, 9, 12, and 12 weeks old. Postmortem blood diphenhydramine levels in the cases were 1.6, 1.5, 1.6, 1.1 and 1.1 mg/L, respectively. Anatomic findings in each case were normal. In one case the child's father admitted giving the infant diphenhydramine in an attempt to induce the infant to sleep; in another case, a daycare provider admitted putting diphenhydramine in a baby bottle. Two cases remain unsolved; one case remains under investigation. The postmortem drug levels in these cases are lower than seen in adult fatalities. We review the literature on diphenhydramine toxicity, particularly as it pertains to small children, and discuss the rationale for treating these cases as fatal intoxications.  相似文献   

黄旭巍 《法学杂志》2012,33(7):161-164
相对于认定故意犯形态的原因自由行为有诸多疑难而言,在过失犯形态的原因自由行为之中承认原因行为的实行行为性并没有太多争议。但无论如何,过失犯形态的原因自由行为至少在表象上有别于一般的过失犯,其特点就在于可以划分为原因行为和结果行为这两个阶段,而在结果行为阶段又的确是丧失了责任能力甚至是行为能力。相关判例印证了在自陷无责的情形中构成要件模式的正确性,即原因自由行为实质上并不是一种需要特殊归责的构造,而只是一种现象上有独特之处,但完全可以被包括在一般的归责形态(无论是过失犯还是故意犯)之中的说明形式(说明实行行为到底在何处)而已。要成立过失犯形态的原因自由行为,关键在于如何在具体情况下认定行为人的过失心理,它可能有三种表现形式。  相似文献   

Many studies in the literature have highlighted the utility of virtual 3D databanks as a substitute for real skeletal collections and the important application of radiological records in personal identification. However, none have investigated the accuracy of virtual material compared to skeletal remains in nonmetric variant analysis using 3D models. The present study investigates the accuracy of 20 computed tomography (CT) 3D reconstruction models compared to the real crania, focusing on the quality of the reproduction of the real crania and the possibility to detect 29 dental/cranial morphological variations in 3D images. An interobserver analysis was performed to evaluate trait identification, number, position, and shape. Results demonstrate a false bone loss in 3D models in some cranial regions, specifically the maxillary and occipital bones in 85% and 20% of the samples. Additional analyses revealed several difficulties in the detection of cranial nonmetric traits in 3D models, resulting in incorrect identification in circa 70% of the traits. In particular, pitfalls included the detection of erroneous position, error in presence/absence rates, in number, and in shape. The lowest percentages of correct evaluations were found in traits localized in the lateral side of the cranium and for the infraorbital suture, mastoid foramen, and crenulation. The present study highlights important pitfalls in CT scan when compared with the real crania for nonmetric analysis. This may have crucial consequences in cases where 3D databanks are used as a source of reference population data for nonmetric traits and pathologies and during bone-CT comparisons for identification purposes.  相似文献   

A finding in the autopsy of John Paul Jones, the American Revolutionary War naval hero, may explain his terminal illness. During his last 2 years, he had a persistent productive cough and dyspnea. Ten days before death, he developed rapidly progressive dependent edema and ascites. He died in France in 1792. His body, preserved in alcohol in a lead coffin, was, in 1905, removed to the United States. Glomerulonephritis was noted on an autopsy, performed in France, but there was no comment then or since about ventricular wall thickness being the same in both ventricles at 5–6 mm. Hypertrophy and dilatation with biventricular failure followed by tissue shrinkage during 113 years in alcohol could have resulted in these ventricular wall findings. Systemic hypertension and left ventricular failure are consistent with his respiratory symptoms complicated perhaps by pulmonary emboli, right ventricular failure with tricuspid regurgitation, peripheral congestion, and jaundice.  相似文献   

张爱玲小说创作继承的民族传统,主要来自明清世情小说、晚清谴责小说和民国社会小说,表现在描写世态人情、写实性、结构散漫性、全知视角、含蓄笔法和通俗性等方面。其小说的艺术优长和缺失,包括狭窄的婚恋题村、平实琐碎的生活细节、松散随意的结构、说书人的叙述角度、微妙的隐喻和暗示以及通俗小说趣味,都源于她对上述中国旧小说传统的继承。旧小说成就了张爱玲的小说风格,也从根本上影响和制约了其思想价值和艺术品质。  相似文献   

The short‐run deleterious effects of gang involvement during adolescence have been well researched. However, surprisingly little empirical attention has been devoted to understanding how gang involvement in adolescence influences life chances and criminal behavior in adulthood. Drawing on the life‐course perspective, this study argues that gang involvement will lead to precocious transitions that, in turn, will have adverse consequences on the fulfillment of adulthood roles and statuses in the economic and family spheres. Moreover, problems fulfilling these conventional roles are hypothesized then to lead to sustained involvement in criminal behavior in adulthood. Using data from a sample of males from the Rochester Youth Development Study, results from structural equation models support the indirect link between gang membership and noncriminal and criminal outcomes in adulthood. Specifically, gang involvement leads to an increase in the number of precocious transitions experienced that result in both economic hardship and family problems in adulthood. These failures in the economic and family realms, in turn, contribute to involvement in street crime and/or arrest in adulthood. Implications for the criminal desistance process are discussed.  相似文献   

张胜利 《河北法学》2012,(5):185-189
英国行政裁判所通过调整以适用英国社会、经济的发展变化,彰显行政裁判所的制度优势,特别是2007年《裁判所、法院和执行法》颁布后,英国行政裁判所在性质、组织、管辖、程序以及监督机关等方面具有更加突出的特点。英国行政裁判所经验对完善我国行政复议制度具有借鉴意义,行政复议法律制度修改需要适应我国社会、经济快速发展变化的需求,发挥行政复议制度优势,保障行政复议组织独立性和裁决公正性。  相似文献   

For the purpose of the population genetics study of the HUMARA locus, the allele, and genotype frequencies were determined in two Chinese population samples (Han-101, Bei-113) using PCR, PAGE, and silver staining. Fourteen alleles were found. The size of amplified fragments were 258 bp-315 bp. The observed heterozygosities were 0.83 in the Han population and 0.73 in the Bei population respectively. The expected heterozygosities were 0.91 in the Han population and 0.97 in the Bei population respectively. Both populations meet Hardy-Weinberg expectation, Han population x2 = 17.7206, df = 11, p > 0.05; Bei population x2 = 7.4268, df = 10, p > 0.05. The discrimination power were 0.95 in females and 0.89 in males in the Han population, 0.94 in females and 0.88 in males in the Bei population. Thus, the allelic frequency data can be used in the personal identification and parentage testing in the forensic science practice. The PCR test established in this study is robust and reproducible.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated homicides in the two Scandinavian capitals, Copenhagen, Denmark and Oslo, Norway, for the 10-year period from 1985 to 1994. The total number of homicides was 431; 63.8% occurred in Copenhagen and 36.2% in Oslo. The average homicide rate was 1.6/100,000 in Copenhagen and 1.8/100,000 in Oslo. Blunt force, sharp force, and strangulation were the most common methods. Firearms were also used but did not account for >20% in either of the two cities. This is probably due to strict gun laws in both countries. There was no clear difference between the homicide victim populations in the two cities with regard to age, gender, or social and marital status. The proportion of alcoholics and unemployed persons was much higher than in the background population and to a similar extent in both cities, indicating that the homicide victim populations differ from the background populations. The perpetrator knew the victim in the majority of the cases. The most frequent motives or circumstances in both cities were fights, family rows, financial controversies, or jealousy.  相似文献   

Although drowning in rainwater tanks is a generally rare phenomenon, this method for suicide has been observed in parts of Croatia. Review of autopsy records at the University of Rijeka, Croatia, was undertaken from 1987 to 2016 to examine this phenomenon. Of 469 drowning deaths, there were 35 suicides in rainwater tanks (7.5%). Overall drowning deaths showed no temporal trends. In contrast, suicidal drownings in rain water tanks showed a marked decline over the years, with 15 cases in 1987–1991, seven in 1992–1996, six in 1997–2001, six in 2002–2006, one in 2007–2011, and none in 2012–2016. Thus, suicidal drowning cases as a percentage of overall drownings dropped from 18% to zero (p<0.001). This study reports a very unusual method of suicide that may have occurred because of the ready availability of large water reservoirs in homes. The recent fall in numbers may relate to less reliance on domestic reservoirs of water.  相似文献   

Beetles associated with carrion play an important role in recycling organic matter in an ecosystem. Four experiments on decomposition, one per season, were conducted in a semirural area in Bahía Blanca, Argentina. Melyridae are reported for the first time of forensic interest. Apart from adults and larvae of Scarabaeidae, thirteen species and two genera of other coleopteran families are new forensic records in Argentina. Diversity, abundance, and species composition of beetles showed differences between stages and seasons. Our results differed from other studies conducted in temperate regions. Four guilds and succession patterns were established in relation to decomposition stages and seasons. Dermestidae (necrophages) predominated in winter during the decomposition process; Staphylinidae (necrophiles) in Fresh and Bloat stages during spring, summer, and autumn; and Histeridae (necrophiles) and Cleridae (omnivores) in the following stages during those seasons. Finally, coleopteran activity, diversity and abundance, and decomposition rate change with biogeoclimatic characteristics, which is of significance in forensics.  相似文献   

证据开示制度19世纪始于英国,此后,受到各国重视。各国的证据开示制度都有各自的发展和完善历程。在具体的证据开示范围、方法及限制、制裁等方面也有所不同。我国在审判方式改革中,部分地区试行了庭前证据交换,但也存在不少问题,且有关诉讼体制、法制环境、诉讼观念等运行环境问题,尤其值得深思和研究。  相似文献   

利多卡因在蛛网膜下腔和静脉注射致死犬体内的死后分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的比较利多卡因在蛛网膜下腔和静脉注射致死犬体内的死后分布特点。方法犬12只,其中6只经蛛网膜下腔,另6只经股静脉匀速注入利多卡因(5×15mg/kg)致死,迅速解剖动物,取大脑、侧脑室脑脊液、腰段脊髓腔脑脊液、不同脊髓节段(颈髓、胸髓、腰髓、骶髓),心、肺、肝、脾、肾、胆汁、尿、心血、周围血、注射部位肌肉和注射部位20 cm以外肌肉等脏器组织和体液,用气质联用法定性,气相色谱法定量检测其中利多卡因含量。结果蛛网膜下腔注射致死犬体内利多卡因的含量由高到低顺序依次为腰段脊髓腔脑脊液、骶段脊髓、胸段脊髓、侧脑室脑脊液、腰段脊髓、颈段脊髓、肺、肾、注射部位肌肉、心、大脑、脾、心血、肝、周围血、胆汁、注射部位20 cm以外的肌肉、尿;静脉注射致死犬体内利多卡因的含量由高到低顺序依次为肾、心、肺、脾、大脑、肝、周围血、胆汁、心血、颈段脊髓、胸段脑脊液、注射部位肌肉、腰段脊髓、注射部位20 cm以外的肌肉、侧脑室脑脊液、尿、腰段脊髓腔脑脊液、骶段脊髓。结论蛛网膜下腔注射致死犬背侧脊髓液中利多卡因含量最高,静脉注射致死犬肾脏利多卡因含量最高,此分布特征可为利多卡因麻醉意外法医学鉴定中入体途径的判定提供参考。  相似文献   

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