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<正>Employment and educational opportunities are seen as two main means of addressing the core problem of poverty in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,especially in the region’s southern part,where economic growth lags far behind the national average.In the past three years,the four prefectures Kashgar,Hotan,Aksu and Kizilsu in south Xinjiang have created nearly 5 million jobs for local people,mainly rural Uygur residents.In the  相似文献   

正Chinese Premier Li Keqiang chairs a roundtable on the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)at UN headquarters in New York City on September 19.At the event,Li released China’s national plan for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,which details China’s guiding principles and measures for accomplishing the SDGs and the challenges and opportunities therein.  相似文献   

In May 2010 the Chinese government officially announced that Kashgar in Xinjing Uygur Autonomous Region was to be a "Special Economic Zone."  相似文献   

<正>Premier Li Keqiang’s visit to Serbia was rewarded with big deals Premier Li Keqiang has put his effective salesmanship to use in exporting China’s manufacturing and technology industries.Whenever he pays a visit to a foreign country,he spares no effort to promote Chinese enterprises to the host country.  相似文献   

正Experts, officials discuss ecological conservation at forum A picture-perfect scenery has become an increasingly common sight at Erhai Lake in the city of Dali, Yunnan Province, thanks to efforts to improve its environment over the past few years. As the sunset glow reflects on the rippling water surface each afternoon, visitors and photographers follow the paths winding along the lakeside, accompanied by the chattering of black-headed gulls, looking for the best spot to capture the lake's spectacular views.  相似文献   

<正>With winter sport popularity on the rise,China anticipates a Winter Olympics at home After a two-year long bidding journey,Beijing hopes to be named the host city of the 2022 Olympic Winter Games at the 128th Session of the International Olympic Committee(IOC)in Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia on July 31.Beijing formally announced its bid in November 2013 and then was selected as  相似文献   

New concept in five-year plan can be applied worldwide and beyond 2025 The Outline for the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25)for Economic and Social Development and Long-Range Objectives Through the Year 2035 contains a section on promoting the implementation of the Peaceful China initiative to a higher level.It states that protection of people's lives comes first and public security will be improved.  相似文献   

正The decisive role of poverty reduction in China's 2020 targets The centrality of poverty reduction to China's state policy was once more strongly emphasized by the Report on the Work of the Government to this year's full session of the National People's Congress,China's top legislature.The novel coronavirus outbreak has evidently struck a heavy blow to  相似文献   

正Peking Opera seeks balance between tradition and innovation in modern times In the classic Peking Opera San Cha Kou(or The Crossway), two male roles battle each other fiercely yet quietly in the night. The stage characters pretend to be shrouded in darkness, lunging at one another by listening, smelling and touching, but never seeing. To Chao Fan, an actor with the China National Peking Opera Co., this type of performance, one without an actual physical setup, is the charm and essence of Peking Opera.  相似文献   

正President Xi reiterates China’s commitment to further opening up at the Boao forum Amid a rising tide of trade protectionism in some parts of the world,Chinese President Xi Jinping has declared that China will expand its opening up and continue to advance cooperation with its economic partners.  相似文献   

大连市第九次党代会提出建设"服务型"政府的目标,这其中就包含着政府审批制度的改革.由于这一制度是计划经济条件下政府管理社会经济的基本手段和方式,与市场经济要求很不适应,虽经几次改革,但仍未到位,且时有回溯.因此,深化我市行政审批制度改革,是加快政府职能转变,实现建设"服务型"政府的重要举措.  相似文献   

On October 24, the UN will celebrate its 65th birthday. Since it reclaimed its lawful seat in the world body in 1971, China has been increasingly involved in UN affairs.  相似文献   

<正>As the Belt and Road Initiative keeps moving forward,China and Chinese brands are coming into the spotlight.As China’s largest and most time-honored construction enterprise for iron and steel projects,the Metallurgical Corporation of China Ltd.(MCC)has built a series of major iron and steel industrial bases for companies including Baosteel,Ansteel and Pangang Group.It has  相似文献   

在现代社会里,高等教育不仅要在人才培养总量上满足劳动力市场的需求,更需要在结构上实现合理优化,达到与劳动力市场人才需求及就业结构的动态均衡.我国劳动力市场正日益呈现出由低级向高级发展、由卖方向买方转变、由东部向西部推进、由封闭向开放过渡的变化趋势,因此,高等教育的层次结构、专业结构、布局结构和体制结构等必须作出相应的调整,只有这样才能使我国高等教育培养和输送的人才不断满足劳动力市场的需要.  相似文献   

<正>CISDI Group Co.Ltd.(CISDI)is a key subsidiary of China Metallurgical Group Corp.(MCC Group),one of the worlds top 500 enterprises,affiliated to China Minmetals Corp.It is an international metallurgical engineering service provider combining technological research and development,overall planning,high-end advisory,project design,project contracting,supply of complete sets of equipment, project  相似文献   

正The convening of the 2016 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC)forum this year in Peru could not come at a more important and unusual time.The world is reeling from two much unexpected events over the last few months:first,the UK’s decision to leave the European Union,and second,the American presidential election victory of businessman Donald Trump on  相似文献   

2、蠢蠢欲动的分裂图谋——从七·八事件到西藏和平解放1949年7月8日,在中国革命取得全国胜利的前夜,西藏部分上层加快了与祖国分离的步伐,西藏地方与中央的关系出现了前所未有的严重危机。噶厦官员突然通知国民政府驻藏办事处代理处长陈锡璋  相似文献   

4、宗教背后的分裂阴谋一—从武装袭扰到中间道路达赖叛逃到印度后,并未放弃武力争取“西藏独立”的图谋。相反,在美国、印度等外国势力的支持下,达赖集团于1960年初在印度穆索里正式成立了“流亡政府”。不久,“流亡政府”迁到达兰萨拉。  相似文献   

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