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In her new book called Finding Iris Chang,Paula Kamen delves into the life and mind of the author who committed suicide seven years after writing her epic novel,The Rape of Nanking Chinese-American journalist and author Iris Chang has become one of the best known advocates of unre- deemed World WarⅡwar crimes in Asia through her 1997 magnum opus The Rape of Nanking,which sold a million copies around the world. Nanking,now Nanjing,was China's capital in the first half of the 20th century.In six weeks after Japanese troops occupied the city in December 1937,more than 300,000 Chinese were killed.  相似文献   

正Xi-Hung meeting helps to promote peace and development across the Taiwan Straits By Yuan Yuan The mausoleum of Sun Yat-sen in Nanjing welcomed a new guest on October 31,as Hung Hsiu-chu,Chairperson of the Kuomintang(KMT),chose the capital city of Jiangsu Province as the first stop of her first visit to the Chinese mainland as the KMT leader.  相似文献   

TOGETHER with Dalian and 'Chengdu, the city of Nanjing is a major producer of computer software in China.People may wonder what in the world has made Nanjing, a city known for its cultural and historical heritage, a leader in China's software industry. And how did this seem to happen overnight? In spite of its relatively low profile, Nanjing has a few tricks up its sleeve the other cities don't.  相似文献   

The newly-renovated Nanjing Massacre Memorial Museum was reopened to the public on December 13,2007,just in time for the 70th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre. On December 13,1937,the Japanese army occupied Nanjing and slaughtered hundreds of thousands of unarmed civilians in the fol- lowing six weeks. Located in Nanjing,capital of east China's Jiangsu Province,the new museum covers an area of about 6.7 hectares,which is almost four times the size of the old museum.In addition to the Peace Bell and  相似文献   

<正>China continues to bring growth opportunities to the world A Reuters report on October 17 described the concerns of a young Chinese woman working in the United States that she might miss out on the new development opportunities in China and her change of mind about whether or not to return to China."This time back in China  相似文献   

SINO-AFRICAN cooperation has a long history with many high points, but there is a wide gap between the Chinese and Western world views in terms of Sino-African relations. China Today interviewed He Wenping to explore this difficult territory from her perspective as director of the Institute of West Asian and African Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He Wenping obtained her bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees from the School of International Studies, Peking University.  相似文献   

It is a painful history!It is unbearably painful to readstories of such a great numberof people got killed.On December 13, 1937, af-ter capturing the city of Nanjing,within only about 40 days, theJapanese aggressive troopsslaughtered more than 300,000innocent civilians and disarmedChinese soldiers, and raped morethan 20,000 women while onethird of the city was ruined byarson. The Nanjing Massacre,which shocked the whole world,is one of the three bloodiest mas-sacres in the World War II his…  相似文献   

The QinHuai River, Living with thousands of historyThe Qinhuai River, as one branch of Southern Bank of the Changjiang River Downstream, is about 110 Km long, with the drainage area of about 2,631Km2. The Watershed within Nanjing Area is divided into master steam and tributary, flowing from Xibei Village in Jiangning District to Entrance of the Changjiang River in Sancha River, the length is about 34 Km, as Shipping Convention, this named as Outer Qinhuai River, and as no-shipping  相似文献   

IN July two more of China’s ancient sites were desig-naied UNESCO world heritage:the Ming Tombs inBeijing and Xiaoling Mausoleum in Nanjing.Thisbrings the number of Chinese world heritage sites to29.  相似文献   

正NO matter what part of the world they come from,expats in sales and marketing jobs in China and those planning to set up new businesses here need to study how the Chinese behave in the business environment.Expats come to China to be involved in the second biggest global economy.Figuring out the four rising and falling tones in spoken Mandarin–no easy task in a month–will not,however,help in delicate business  相似文献   

In 1997,Helen Foster Snow passed away at the age of 90 in Connecticut,the United States. HELEN spent some 12 years in China, mostly in the 1930s.She first arrived in Shanghai in August 1931.The city,then the fifth largest port in the world,was to have been the first stop in her travels around the world in search of adventure and gather- ing materials for a book.She had already read Pearl Buck's classic Pulitzer Prize-winning  相似文献   

MA'ANSHAN, in eastern Anhui Province, is an iron and steel industry based city that has developed since the founding of new China. Ma'anshan is not one of Anhui's largest cities, as regards territory, population, and aggregate economy, yet its per capita major economic indexes have ranked first in the province for successive years. China's huge population dilutes per capita resources, so integrated and coordinated development of the regional economy is vital. Nanjing, capital city of neighboring Jiangsu Province, is just a 30-minute drive away, which has prompted Ma'anshan to take the initiative of merging into the Nanjing Megalopolis* and the Yangtze River Delta Economic Belt* (*see the reference box at the end of the article).  相似文献   

WHEN 45-year-old Yu Li was in her youthful prime in the 1980s, so was the Shanghai skincare brand Maxam. Nowadays Maxam resides at the lower end of a Chinese beauty market flooded with myriad brand names from around the world. For Yu Li though, the local brand is still her favorite. "The best is what fits you personally. I prefer to stick with a product I know and trust rather than venturing into a new product and risk impairing my skin."  相似文献   

Recent power transitions in some of the world’s major economies imply possibilities of a change for the better. The world looks to these new leaderships to spur world politics and economy.SPRING Festival celebrations last February heralded the Year of the Snake according to the Chinese zodiac, and much bandying about of the phrase "spirited dance of the golden snake," which signifies a year of vitality and prosperity. Anxiety about the world  相似文献   

Jiangxinzhou, green as jade and shaped like a green plum, is inlaid on the Yangtze River, in the western part of Jianye District in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. It is only 6 kilometers away from Xinjiekou, the downtown commercial center, and is separated from the new modern city, the New District of Hexi in Nanjing, with a strip of water. The river with a distant source and long stream is just like the arms of a mother to embrace the green island of 15 kilometers and to nourish the 12,000 residents at the island.  相似文献   

CHINA'S economic boom has been a focus of world attention For more than a decade. Its GDP having increased almost 13-Fold in the past 15 years, economy and development are two of the most Frequently heard buzzwords in the Chinese media. China is also holding its own within the global economy. and in 2004 was the number one contributor to global trade growth. Products "Made in China" are to be seen in every country in the world, as are Chinese investors. The rapidly growing Chinese economy has indisputably brought with it improvements to living standards, but has also engendered social problems. At the Fourth Session of the Tenth National People's Congress. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao listed in his 2006 government work report the problems that have emerged in the past five years of economic and social development. They are: an irrational economic structure; lack of motivation to innovate: excessive consumption of energy resources; alarmingly high environmental pollution; uneven regional development and a widening income gap; and sluggish promotion of social welfare. In order to solve these problems, the Chinese government has proposed a new pattern of economic growth whose emphasis is on social development and conserving energy and resources. Within this new development mode, economic growth will depend less on resource consumption and more on technological and human resources. In the past, the government sacrificed rural interests in order to boost industrial development in urban areas. Its current plan is to invest in and channel funds towards stimulating the rural economy, and also to make various public services available throughout China's vast countryside.  相似文献   

In 2002 the CPAFFC gave full play to its characteristics and advantages, worked hard to serve the country's total diplomacy, economic construction and world peace, opened up new prospects in nongovernmental diplomacy, and made considerable achievements in various aspects of its work. It received 360 delegations with 5,478 person/times from 61  相似文献   

The year 2003 marked the debut of the new Chinese leaders in governing the country. Their love and care for the people have featured their governance and won extensive acclamation in China and the world. On March 18, the top legislature of China, the National People's Congress, elected Hu Jintao President of State and Wen Jiabao Premier of the State Council. The new leadership of China was formed in the applause of NPC deputies. Right after the new leadership took its office, a tough challenge confronted them as a series of disasters broke out suddenly. In spring, the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) rapidly swept over half of the country within a month; in summer, an unprecedented flood hit South China; then earthquakes erupted in Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang and Yunnan in succession. In front of these disasters, the new Chinese leaders remained calm and confident, with resolute measures they successfully brought the situation under control and tid-  相似文献   

CHINA'S stepped-up commitment to expanding her energy infrastructure is official. Premier Wen Jiabao, in astatement at the 2009 National People's Congress, redefined the direction of the country's energy strategy and development goals, clarifying that nuclear, hydroelectric, wind and solar power are all the focus of new projects. China's green energy campaign is unprecedented both on the industrial and legal fronts, and not surprising, since the country is one of the world's major energy consumers.  相似文献   

Yoga,Pray, Love     
<正>Former ELLE editor forgoes the high life in quest of enlightenment following a journey to India If you have seen the movie Eat,Pray,Love,you must remember Liz Gilbert,a writer and the movie’s main character who gives up almost everything and starts a totally new life in her 30s.In today’s material world,how many people would possess the courage to do this for real?Well,51-year-old Yin Yan for one.In 2003,Yin was editor in chief of ELLE  相似文献   

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