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正The first in a new film series about Chinese national minorities is one about southeastern Tibet’s Dengba people who make their home in the valley of the Chayu River on the border with Burma and India."The Dengba People along the Chayu River Valley"is a Chinese Academy of Social Sciences’project and part of a cultural film series about national minorities in the Himalayan region.It covers the Dengbas’religion,marriage,mountain economy,identity,sentiments,symbolism and other cultural aspects.  相似文献   

Nanjing is located in the developed economic delta as a central city in the mid-lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The municipality made a decision on rapidly developing its urban forest project. Chinaweek reporter had an interview with Mr Sheng Jinlong, one of Nanjing's mayors, to talk something about what readers both at home and abroad are much more concerned. Reporter: Building Nanjing into a green city is a system of ecological project that will serve the present and benefit the future. First of all, I'd like to ask a question about the historical background by taking such a great measure.  相似文献   

A recent documentary film about five folk artists from the region along the Yellow River moved the audience with its recording of the challenges of these people to survive in modern days and their love for the art sprung from their hometow ns. The movie, titled The River in Me, is from an idea of Su Yang, a con temporary musician from Yinchuan, capital city of northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. He later became one of the five characters in the film.  相似文献   

正Members of the Armed Police Force reinforce the embankment of the Changjiang River in Poyang, a county in Jiangxi Province in east China, with sandbags on July 13. With the rising river about to overfl ow the embankment, the policemen joined the fl ood control operation to build a 1,500-meter-long and1.5-meter-high barrier on it in the sweltering heat.  相似文献   

Jiangxinzhou, green as jade and shaped like a green plum, is inlaid on the Yangtze River, in the western part of Jianye District in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. It is only 6 kilometers away from Xinjiekou, the downtown commercial center, and is separated from the new modern city, the New District of Hexi in Nanjing, with a strip of water. The river with a distant source and long stream is just like the arms of a mother to embrace the green island of 15 kilometers and to nourish the 12,000 residents at the island.  相似文献   

Located on the Indian Ocean to the east of the African continent, Madagascar with an area of 587,000 square kilometers and picturesque scenery is the fourth largest island in the world.Lying at the mouth of the Changjiang River and facing the vast East Sea, the Chongming Island shaped like a silkworm with an area of 1,200 square kilometers is China's third largest island next to Taiwan and Hainan Island, boasting clean environment and rich resources.  相似文献   

Learning about history has never been so trendy as new TV programs and contemporary textbooks make the past pleasurable The past is catching up with China and it's now cool to learn history. Public demand for the who,why and when of events and people in ancient times is seeing a new craze in a country with 5,000 years worth of resources to delve into. While popular TV soaps about China's  相似文献   

Known as Kirin during the Manchukuo period in the earlier part of the 20th century, Jilin City is a pleasant little place with some delightful sights, great winter sports at affordable prices and the most convenient jumping-off point for Mount Changbai in summer.The city is divided in two by the Songhua River,  相似文献   

MA'ANSHAN is a young industrial city nestled in lush terrain - half mountainous and half water - in eastern Anhui, on the border with Jiangsu Province. Fifty years ago, it was still a desolate fishing village, with some 50 families living by the side of the lower reaches of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River.  相似文献   

Leteche, the large-wheeled cart (“Daur Terige” as it is termed in the Daur languge) is the traditional vehicle of the Daur ethnic group. These leleche brought the Daur to the Nenjiang River area (by China's northeast border with Russia) in the mid-17th century, moving southward from the north bank of Heilongjiang River. The Daur have a long history of making and using lele,che.  相似文献   

It is about 9:00 in the morning. The Beilunhe River ("Song Ka Long" in Vietnamese) that borders Dongxing, China, and Mong Cai, Vietnam, turns out to be a hive of activities. Boats loaded with Vietnamese passengers and goods sail across the river to the Chinese side to begin their day's trade.  相似文献   

TEXT and the city - a lot is being said about Shanghai 2010, so let's not forget this is the first time in the past century and a half that a city has "attended" the World Expo as an independent participant. The Urban Best Practices Area on the south- em bank of the Huangpu River is certainly making the most of that spotlight and is expected to be the highlight of the World Expo 2010. For an exhibition of 15.08 hectares (only 3 percent of the entire Expo space) this may seem ambitious,  相似文献   

The Seoul World Cup Stadium is located in Sangam-dong,along the banks of the Han River. It has one underground level andsix levels above ground. With a seating capacity of about 65,000,it's already known as the largest football stadium in Asia. from a bird's eye view, the shape of the stadium's roofappears to be a traditional kite, and the whole structure bringsto mind an image of the sailboats that used to ply the watersof the Han River from the Mapo ferry site.  相似文献   

We gather here today to mark the 100th birthday of our genuine and esteemed friend Edgar Snow. This year also coincides with the 60th anniversary of the victory of the World's Anti-Fascist War as well as the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in China. It is against this historical background that I would like to talk about Edgar Snow's unique contribution of communicating to the world about the Chinese revolution. Edgar Snow is the most widely read and influential American journalist on 20th century China. He was the first American journalist who in 1936 risked his life and broke through the Kuomintang blockade visited Bao'an in the Northwest and gave the first authentic account of  相似文献   

FOR Chinese people, "South China" is synonymous with grace and romance. Depictions of the South in many grand poems of the Tang and Song dynasties - the golden period of classical Chinese poetry and prose - ensure successive generations of young Chinese continue to read and dream about the region’s easy charm. The South’s starlets are Hangzhou and Suzhou, whose myriad lakes and gardens embody the region’s delicate beauty. But Zhenjiang City, sitting at the confluence of the Yangtze River and the Grand Canal in Jiangsu Province,  相似文献   

The Three Gorges area on the middle reaches of the Yangtze River is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and exciting places in China,and the perfect destination to admire China's natural and manmade marvels.In May,I followed my inner siren call and visited the area on a sunny weekend with my boyfriend.We took a cruise on the Yangtze.The ship was swarming with domestic tourists and several foreigners,many of us leaning over the railings in awe.I had booked seats on the top deck,and we were not disappointed as the panorama of the Xiling Gorge passed us by along with the lush vegetation on the hills and teal waters of the Yangtze.  相似文献   

FENGDU County is located in the center of Chongqing Mu- nicipality,a two hours’drive from Chongqing International Airport,on the banks of the Yangtze River.It has a long history,with evidence of human occupation as long as 100,000 years ago.During the Zhou Dynasty(C 1100-256 B.C.)Fengdu was the capital of the mysterious Ba Kingdom,and later  相似文献   

VISITORS to the San- xingdui Museum in Chengdu, capital city of southwestern China’s Sichuan Province, are seldom content with just one trip. The that ended in antiquity. The Yellow River across northern China and the Yangtze that traverses the south are considered the cradles of the Chinese civilization. The Sanxingdui was a highly developed and relatively museum, as its guide says, “is an intrigu- ing riddle.” No amount of intent brows- ing can shed any light on the origins of its…  相似文献   

Suzhou City A city known for its history, culture and tourist attractions, Suzhou is located in the southeast part of Jiangsu Province, right in the middle of the Yangtze River Delta, in an economically developed coastal region. Suzhou borders Shanghai in the east, Zhejiang Province in the south and Wuxi in the west, with the Yangtze flowing across its northern edge. The cultural heritage of Suzhou plus the beauty of its classical gardens contributes its fame as a "paradise on earth."  相似文献   

HUANGSHI isa beautiful,densely populated andnew industri- al city on thebanks of the Yangtze River inHubei Province. It is abundantin coal and power resources,and also hosts the famous DayeIron Mine.For preventing floods fromthe Yangtze River, an embankment of about 60 kilometers ─the last section of embankments in the river's middlereaches in Hubei ─ safeguardsHuangshi City. Because of thelocation, Huangshi has beenlisted as one of the major citiesto effectively control floods bythe…  相似文献   

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