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A 10-year retrospective study of pediatric toxicologic deaths was performed at the Medical University of South Carolina (Charleston, SC) from January 1989 to December 1998. During this time, 709 pediatric forensic autopsies were performed on children younger than 18 years of age. Eleven deaths were determined to be secondary to toxic exposures (excluding carbon monoxide poisonings secondary to fires). The remaining deaths were reviewed for the presence of alcohol or illicit drugs. The 11 toxicologic deaths were analyzed for age, sex, race, type of toxic exposure, cause and manner of death, location of incident, witness, and, in the younger age group, the primary caregiver at the time of exposure. The deaths had a bimodal age distribution (6 deaths in victims ages 15 to 17 and 5 deaths in victims ages 4 or younger), involving a wide range of toxins. The teenage group was composed of five males and one female, all white. The preschool group had three females and three males, all black. The manner of death ranged from accidental to suicidal to homicidal. In addition, in eight neonatal and fetal deaths, the victims tested positive for maternal cocaine use, and five of these victims tested positive for cocaine or benzoylecgonine. However, the cause of death was not stated to be cocaine in any of these neonatal and fetal cases.  相似文献   

A 20-year retrospective study of inhalant deaths in South Australia, autopsied at Forensic Science SA, was undertaken from January 1983 to December 2002. Thirty-nine cases were identified from an autopsy pool of 18,880 cases, with a male to female ratio of 12:1. Sixty-four percent of the victims (N = 25) died during voluntary inhalation of volatile substances and 28% (N = 11) committed suicide utilizing a volatile substance or gas. The remaining 3 cases involved a workplace accident (N = 1) and 2 cases of autoerotic death where inhalants were being used to augment solitary sexual activity. The mean age of the 28 victims of accidental inhalant death of 21 years (range, 13-45 years) was considerably less than that of the 11 suicide victims of 31.5 years (range, 17-48 years). No homicides were found. Approximately one quarter of the victims were Aboriginal (N = 11), 10 of whom had died as a result of gasoline inhalation ("petrol sniffing"). Other common substances of abuse were aliphatic hydrocarbons such as butane. The study has shown that those most at risk for accidental or suicidal inhalant deaths were young males, with 92% of victims overall being male, and with 77% of victims being under 31 years of age. Gasoline inhalation remains a significant problem in Aboriginal communities in South Australia.  相似文献   

Neglect, defined as the failure of a caregiver to adequately provide safety, food, clothing, shelter, education, protection, medical/dental care, and supervision for a child in his/her care, is a relatively uncommon but important cause of child mortality. A retrospective review of pediatric deaths (age 18 years or less) referred to the Medical University of South Carolina Forensic Pathology Office for autopsy over the past 25 years revealed 16 deaths due to some type of pediatric neglect. Cases were analyzed as to age, sex, race, cause and manner of death, autopsy findings, ancillary studies, past medical history, social/family history, and caregiver. Six cases of malnutrition/starvation and/or dehydration were identified, composing the most common cause of death in the neglect cases identified and the majority of the homicides due to neglect. Other deaths in which neglect contributed significantly included toxic ingestions (2 cases), hyper-/hypothermia (2 cases), unusual drowning/aspiration (4 cases), electrocution (1 case), and delayed/absent medical therapy (2 cases, including one of the previously mentioned ingestions). Of these additional cases, 7 were certified as accidental manner, 2 as natural, and 1 as a homicide. Cases which fell into a "gray zone" in which the appropriateness of invoking neglect was a matter of opinion or societal convention were excluded from the review; examples included conventional accidental drowning, choking on food or aspiration of foreign body, overlying/wedging during sleep, accidental hanging, and motor-vehicle traffic accidents (pedestrians, unrestrained passengers). The findings of this review reinforce the fact that malnutrition/starvation and dehydration compose the most common form of lethal pediatric neglect while highlighting less common forms of neglect and the difficulty of determining manner of death in cases in which neglect plays a more questionable role than in seemingly clear-cut malnutrition/starvation and dehydration cases. We demonstrate the typical victim and scenario that investigators will encounter in cases of fatal pediatric neglect, often a child under the age of 1 year who has been deprived of food and/or drink for some time, or an older, more independently mobile child who has not been adequately supervised. These children may or may not have a demonstrable prior history of maltreatment or (nonfatal) neglect, and review of medical records is an important part of the investigation. We additionally discuss key gross autopsy findings, appropriate specimen collection, helpful ancillary studies, microscopic findings of significance, potential mimickers of neglect, and other special considerations in cases of pediatric neglect.  相似文献   

Pregnancy-related death is defined by the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) as the death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the cause of death. In the year 2000, a collaborative effort involving World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, and UNFPA estimated 660 maternal deaths in the United States. This averages 11 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births reported. Many pregnancy-associated deaths are not easily identified as such since the presence of a recent or current pregnancy may not be listed on the death certificate. Thus, the WHO estimates that in the United States, the maternal mortality is approximately 17/100,000 pregnancies. This is significantly higher than the goal set by the US Department of Health and Human Services in Healthy People 2010, which sets the target for maternal mortality at less than 3.3/100,000 live births. The most common causes of maternal death vary somewhat from region to region in the United States. They include pulmonary thromboembolism, amniotic fluid embolism, primary postpartum uterine hemorrhage, infection, and complications of hypertension including preeclampsia and eclampsia. Pulmonary disease, complications of anesthesia, and cardiomyopathy also are significant contributors to maternal mortality in some populations. The death of a pregnant or recently pregnant individual poses a wide scope of challenges to the forensic pathologist and investigator. The pathologist must have a broad knowledge of the physiologic and biochemical changes that occur during pregnancy, as well as the clinical and pathological manifestation of these changes. Conditions that may be "benign" in the nonpregnant individual may be lethal in the puerperal period. In addition, it should be kept in mind that deaths during pregnancy may be due to unnatural causes. Accident, homicide, and suicide must be ruled out in each case. The authors reviewed all forensic cases referred for autopsy to the Forensic Section of the Medical University of South Carolina from January 1989 through December 2003. All decedents listed as pregnant or postpartum were analyzed as to maternal age, race, past medical history, previous pregnancies and outcome, prenatal care, gestational age, fetal or neonatal outcome, location of delivery, placental findings, maternal autopsy findings, toxicology, cause of death, manner of death, and fetal or neonatal autopsy findings. The authors present this retrospective study to better determine the factors leading to maternal demise and discuss the autopsy/ancillary techniques useful in determining the cause of death in this challenging area.  相似文献   

Autoerotic death by hanging or ligature is a method of autoeroticism well known by forensic pathologists. In order to analyze autoerotic deaths of nonclassic hanging or ligature type, this paper reviews all published cases of autoerotic deaths from 1954 to 2004, with the exclusion of homicide cases or cases in which the autoerotic activity was not solitary. These articles were obtained through a systematic Medline database search. A total of 408 cases of such deaths has been reported in 57 articles. For each case, the following characteristics are presented here: sex, age, race, method of autoerotic activity, cause of death, and location where the body was found. Autoerotic death practioners were predominantly Caucasian males. Victims were aged from 9 to 77 years and were mainly found in various indoor locations. Most cases were asphyxia by hanging, ligature, plastic bags, chemical substances, or a mixture of these. Still, atypical methods of autoerotic activity leading to death accounted for about 10.3% of cases in the literature and are classified here into five broad categories: electrocution (3.7%), overdressing/body wrapping (1.5%), foreign body insertion (1.2%), atypical asphyxia method (2.9%), and miscellaneous (1.0%). All these atypical methods are further discussed individually.  相似文献   

The suicide rate in the 65-year and older age group has been increasing since 1980. The elderly attempt suicide less often than younger people but are successful more often. The authors retrospectively reviewed all cases referred to the Forensic Pathology Section of the Medical Examiners' Office at the Medical University of South Carolina (Charleston, SC) from January 1988 through December 1997. The cases of suicide in victims 65 years and older totaled 78, accounting for 11.5% of all suicides reviewed. Of these 78 cases, 41% were autopsied and 59% were externally examined. All of the cases were initially analyzed as to age, race, sex, and method of suicide. Files also were reviewed to determine time of year of the suicide, toxicology results, psychiatric history, social history, medical history, and whether a suicide note was left. The ages of these suicide victims ranged from 65 to 94 years; men comprised 85% of the victims, and whites, 94%. The male-to-female and white-to-black ratios were 6:1 and 15: 1, respectively. The average age of the victim was 73 years. Gunshot wound was the most common method of suicide, accounting for 80.7% of the cases. Other methods included overdose (6.4%), hanging (3.8%), fall from height (2.6%), incised wounds (2.6%), drowning (2.6%), and carbon monoxide poisoning (1.3%).  相似文献   

This retrospective case review investigates modifiable risk factors in sudden unexpected infant deaths, including those attributed to sudden infant death syndrome, and examines the impact of cosleeping with adults or siblings. The study examines sudden unexpected infant deaths from 1991 to 2000 in the state of Kentucky, excluding homicides and deaths from identifiable natural causes. Meta-analysis provides a cosleeping prevalence control in normal infants. Based on the findings described herein, we conclude that cosleeping may represent a risk factor in sudden unexpected infant deaths and that a full scene investigation, including whether the infant was cosleeping, should be sought in all cases of sudden infant death.  相似文献   

Twenty percent of deaths in the United States occur in nursing homes, yet less than 1% come to autopsy. The current study analyzed causes and manners of death in all nursing homes between 1993 and 2003, investigated by the coroner of Allegheny County, PA, which has the second highest elderly population in the United States. Two hundred eight decedents were identified, aged 19 to 91 years, 58% women and 42% men, 88% Caucasian and 22% African-American. Fifty-eight percent were accidental and 38.5% were natural manners of death, with 2 homicides, 2 suicides, and 3 undetermined cases. The manner of death was significantly different between Caucasians and African-Americans, with 92.6% of accidental deaths occurring in Caucasians and 6.6% in African-Americans (P < 0.1). Most common natural deaths were arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease, nonarteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease, pneumonia, pulmonary thromboembolism, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), seizure disorder, and atraumatic intracranial hemorrhage. Blunt force trauma was the single most commonly identified traumatic accidental death. Accidental deaths were more common in Caucasians than African-Americans. Homicides and suicides were rare events (<2%). Blunt force trauma is a major autopsy finding in accidental nursing home deaths, and a root-cause analysis may be helpful in developing policies and procedures to decrease the incidence of blunt force trauma.  相似文献   

An increasing death rate as a result of violence constitutes a large group in medicolegal autopsies. Specially, deaths due to asphyxia are one of the most important causes in violence deaths.During the 21-year period from January 1984 to October 2004, there were 134 asphyxial deaths autopsied by the Department of Forensic Medicine, Trakya University, Edirne, Turkey. Asphyxial deaths comprise 15.7% of all forensic autopsies; 20.8% of the cases are aged between 30 and 39 years, and the average age was 41.9 years. Males constitute 79.8% of all the cases.The most frequent method of asphyxiation death is hanging (56 cases, 41.8%), followed by drowning (30.5%) and carbon monoxide poisoning (8.2%). More violent methods, such as ligature or manual strangulations, constitute 2.9% and 2.3% of all asphyxial deaths, respectively. Although it was varying according to the methods of asphyxiation, suicide was found to be the manner of death in the majority of the cases.  相似文献   

I document 25 consecutive years (1963-1987) of unnatural deaths within the State of Oregon's mental and correctional institutions in Marion County. This study includes 93 unnatural deaths in the Oregon State Hospital, 18 in the Forensic Psychiatric Program, 52 in the Fairview Training Center, and 45 in the Corrections Department facilities. These institutional unnatural deaths are compared with the 2,618 unnatural deaths that occurred during this same period in Marion County (exclusive of these state facilities). Death rates are shown in five 5-year blocks of time to illustrate death trends. Accidents and suicides were the predominant types of unnatural death in the Oregon State Hospital; suicides predominated in the Forensic Psychiatric Program and the corrections facilities; and accidents predominated in the Fairview Training Center. Extremely high total unnatural death rates were found in the Oregon State Hospital (approximately 520/100,000 or 8.46 times that found in Marion County) and the Forensic Psychiatric Program (approximately 561/100,000 or 9.13 times that found in Marion County). The overall accident death rate for the Fairview Training Center was approximately 119/100,000 or 2.84 times that found in Marion County. The overall total unnatural death rate for the corrections facilities was approximately 75/100,000 or 1.23 times that found in Marion County. I compare these data with those of other investigators in the United States, Canada, and western Europe. The total unnatural death rate appears to represent a valid criterion of violent death within a community.  相似文献   

A retrospective study of autopsy cases was conducted at the Department of Forensic Medicine, Tongji Medical College (DFM-TMC), in Hubei, China to describe the characteristics of poisoning deaths from 1999 to 2008. A total of 212 poisoning deaths were investigated by DFM-TMC during the 10-year period. The poisoning deaths ranged from 17 cases in 1999 to 27 cases in 2008. Of the 212 cases, 82 deaths (38.7%) were from pesticides, 36 deaths (17.0%) from carbon monoxide, 34 deaths (16.0%) from drugs, 22 deaths (10.4%) from alcohol, 17 deaths (8.0%) from other chemicals, 15 deaths (7.1%) from poisonous plants and animals, and six deaths (2.8%) from heavy metals. Of the 82 pesticide poisoning deaths, 43 (52.4%) cases were caused by rodenticides, mainly tetramine (N = 39). The majority of poisoning deaths were accidents (63.7%), followed by suicides (25.9%) and homicides (3.8%). The manner of death could not be determined in 14 cases (6.6%).  相似文献   

This study aims to identify the macroscopic and microscopic changes that occur in the heart in different causes of cardiovascular death and sudden cardiac death in autopsy cases and evaluate the difficulties that a forensic practitioner may encounter during autopsies. All forensic autopsy cases in the Morgue Department of the Council of Forensic Medicine, Antalya Group Administration between January 1, 2015, and December 31, 2019, were examined, retrospectively. The cases were chosen according to inclusion and exclusion criteria, and their autopsy reports were examined in detail. It was determined that 1045 cases met the study criteria, 735 of which were also met the sudden cardiac death criteria. The top three common causes of death were ischemic heart disease (n = 719, 68.8%), left ventricular hypertrophy (n = 105, 10%), and aortic dissection (n = 58, 5.5%). The frequency of myocardial interstitial fibrosis was significantly higher in deaths due to left ventricular hypertrophy than in deaths due to ischemic heart disease and other causes (χ2(2) = 33.365, p < 0.001). Despite detailed autopsy and histopathological examinations, some heart diseases that cause sudden death may still not be detected.  相似文献   

Hypothermia and hyperthermia related cases recorded for the period 1973 to 1984 were collected from the files of the Department of Forensic Medicine, University of Oulu, and the necropsy protocols including toxicological results were analyzed. The fact that similar alcohol concentrations were found in both types of fatalities points to the poikilothermic effect of alcohol in humans, as found in animal studies. Both types of deaths seem to be associated with the alcohol elimination phase. Antidepressants and neuroleptics were most often found in the hypothermia cases, but benzodiazepines were also quite frequently present. In spite of the diminished use of barbiturates, these still appear in hypothermia fatalities. Certain other drugs that affect thermoregulation were also noted in solitary cases. Extended toxicological analysis was seldom made in the cases of hyperthermia deaths, and no firm conclusions on the poikilothermic effect of psychotropic drugs could be reached, for example. Therapeutic drug concentrations did not alone predispose the subjects to hypothermia, but appeared in connection with alcohol consumption or chronic diseases.  相似文献   

The notion of planned and unplanned complex suicides first appeared in 1974 by Marcinkowski and, since then, no systematic study of complex suicides has been published in the English forensic literature. Here, the authors present a 5-year retrospective study of complex suicides. Nineteen complex suicides were reviewed: five unplanned and 14 planned, including the first case of an unplanned complex suicide in a woman. All cases were analyzed in terms of gender, age, methods of suicide, the presence of a suicide note, and past suicide attempts, and statistically compared with a 50-case sample of simple suicides. A further comparison was established with compiled data from the literature. Similarities were revealed regarding incidence of complex suicides, male gender predominance, and types of methods used. In contrast, results showed a higher average age for planned complex suicide victims. Finally, the authors discuss the application of the complex suicide definition.  相似文献   

Death by overlaying and wedging: a 15-year retrospective study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Overlaying, the accidental death by smothering caused by a larger individual sleeping on top of an infant, is a cause of death that has been documented for centuries. The hazard of death has been reported to be greater in infants less than 5 months of age but may occur in children up to the age of 2 years. When an adult or older child rolls on top of an infant, mechanical asphyxia results. The face may be pressed into the mattress or into the body of the sleeping adult or older child. The infant's air may be expressed, and he or she is unable to cry due to pressure on the thorax and the inability to inhale. Some pathologists and investigators believe that the victims of overlaying have no pertinent physical findings at autopsy and that any injury is indicative of inflicted trauma. Others believe that one may see contusions and abrasions from overlaying in and of itself. Wedging is another form of accidental mechanical asphyxia that may have negative autopsy findings. The prevalence of bruising, contusions, or facial and ocular petechiae is not clear. The author reviewed all pediatric forensic cases referred for autopsy to the Forensic Section of the Medical University of South Carolina/Medical Examiners' Office over the past 15 years, from 1985 to 1999. Of these, all cases of overlaying, cases listed as undetermined sudden infant death syndrome versus overlaying, and wedging were included. The cases were analyzed as to victims' age, sex, race, location/bedding, bed-sharer, and whether the bed-sharer was known to have ingested drugs or alcohol before sleep. Postmortem physical findings were also reviewed, particularly for documentation of contusions, abrasions, or facial or ocular petechiae. By clarifying not only the victim, bed-sharer, and scenario but also the presence or absence of physical findings in cases of overlaying, wedging, and other accidental asphyxia, we can better categorize these cases.  相似文献   

Occasionally interpretation guidelines from validation studies are difficult to apply to real forensic casework, especially in the case of mixed samples. Exogenous contamination, an unknown number of contributors or unbalanced proportion of each one in the sample and a varied degree of degradation of the biological materials, contribute to the difficulties in the interpretation of sample profiles. In this paper we have reviewed all the mixed genetic STR profiles encountered in our laboratory over 4 years (1997-2000) and evaluated the problems in the interpretation of the results. From 1547 criminal cases with 2424 samples typed, 163 showed a mixed profile (6.7%). We have observed that occasionally, a mixture appeared in the same sample with one multiplex amplification kit (e.g. Blue) and not with another (e.g. Green). From our results, it can be suggested that technical characteristics of the different fluorochrome groups in the multiplexes override the molecular characteristics of each STR in their capacity to detect mixtures.  相似文献   

The number of suicides in the pediatric age group is rising, and death investigators need to be aware of the common scenarios, risk factors, and victims as they investigate such cases to properly assign the cause and manner of death. We reviewed all pediatric cases referred to the Medical University of South Carolina, Forensic Section, from January 1988 through January 1998. Thirty-one cases of pediatric suicide were analyzed with regards to age, gender, race, cause of death, surrounding circumstances, and past history. Sixty-eight percent of victims were aged 16 or 17 years, 84% were male, 68% were white, 78% used firearms to commit suicide, 81% were found within close vicinity of their home, and 26% had a documented history of mental illness. Suicide is a manner of death that is often difficult for the public to accept, especially in pediatric cases. We report our findings in this 10-year retrospective study to better understand this entity and work toward the prevention of future cases.  相似文献   

Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning as a cause of death is well documented in industrialized countries. The objective of this study was to compare demographic data in deaths due to accidents (in fires) and suicides in the same population between 1988 and 1998. Furthermore, the potential effect of a community wide education effort regarding safety in the home was assessed. Postmortem reports were reviewed for all deaths examined at the Office of the Cuyahoga County Coroner in Cleveland, OH, USA. During the study period, there were 209 accidental deaths due to fires in the home (6.5% of all accidents in the home) and 182 CO deaths by suicide (9.8% of all suicides). Demographic characteristics of the two groups differed: while males represented the majority of cases in both groups (55% of accidents, 70% suicides), race specific death rates were higher for whites than blacks (18/100,000 white, 3/100,000 black) in suicides compared with 29/100,000 deaths for blacks and 11/100,000 for whites in accidental cases. Fire deaths were prevalent in the young (0-9 years) and old (>60) whereas in the suicide group the age specific death rate was highest for those over 70 years. The majority of fire deaths occurred in the city of Cleveland but suicides were prevalent in the suburbs. More fire deaths occurred in December than any other month whereas more suicides occurred in April. In 1992, there was a community wide effort to provide free smoke detectors to residents in Cleveland. In 1992, there were 4.2/100,000 fire deaths in the city. This decreased to 0.6/100,000 in 1996, increased to 1.2/100,000 in 1997 followed by a decrease to 0.8/100,000 in 1998. This suggested that the program may have aided in decreasing these types of deaths. Deaths due to fires in the suburbs were <1/100,000 throughout the study period.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that up to 50% of adult drownings are related to the consumption of alcohol. Little information is available in the literature regarding the possible contribution of ethanol and other drugs to drownings.All records of deaths occurring in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, from 1994-2003, in which drowning was listed as the cause of death, were reviewed. Toxicology analysis was performed on cases where specimens were submitted. Review of the 187 cases showed that the majority (78%) of drowning deaths were ruled as accidents, 26 (14%) as suicide, 5 (3%) as homicide, and 11 (6%) as undetermined.Among the accidental deaths (n=141), 97 (69%) were negative for all drugs, including ethanol, and 30 cases (21%) were positive for ethanol only. Illicit drugs were detected in 4 of the cases (3%). In the suicides (n=26), 16 (62%) were negative for all drugs, including ethanol, and 7 cases (27%) were positive for ethanol only (mean blood alcohol concentration [BAC] 0.03 g/dL). Illicit drugs were detected in 3 of the cases (12%). Two of the 5 homicide cases (40%) were positive for ethanol. There were no cases in which the victim tested positive for illicit drugs.Of the 11 cases ruled as undetermined, 64% (n=7) were negative for all drugs, including ethanol. The remainder of the cases tested positive for ethanol only. There were no cases in which illicit drugs were detected. This study demonstrates that the majority of drowning deaths in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, were not drug related. Deaths in which drugs were detected were typically accidental deaths, with ethanol the most common drug detected.  相似文献   

Fatal autoerotic asphyxia refers to death during solitary sexual activity with self-induced asphyxiation meant to be brief and reversible. However, an unexpected fatality results from a failure of a release mechanism apparatus. The large majority of victims of autoerotic death are Caucasian males between the second and fourth decade. While autoerotic death may encompass a myriad of other means of achieving sexual gratification, which includes asphyxia by plastic bag or inhalation of noxious chemicals, the most common method is by ligature about the neck. This study presents a 9-year retrospective review of deaths due to autoerotic asphyxia, specifically ligature asphyxia, in Kentucky between 1993 and 2001. Of the sixteen victims, all were Caucasian males between the ages of 14 and 59 years, with a mean age of 38.3 years. Cross-dressing was a feature in 4 cases. A thorough review of the decedent's background, meticulous scene investigation, and complete postmortem examination may shed light on the mechanism and psychosocial predisposition associated with autoerotic asphyxia.  相似文献   

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