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DNA STR profiles have been generated from 1 ng and low copy number (LCN) templates using 28 and 34 cycles of amplification, respectively. Characteristics which facilitate the interpretation of profiles, such as heterozygous balance, allelic dropout and stutter proportions have been quantified. We demonstrate that a reduction in DNA template coupled with an increase in amplification cycle number produces an increased rate of allelic dropout out which can be correlated to the peak areas of those alleles observed. In addition, the LCN conditions increase the degree of peak area asymmetry observed from heterozygotes and the size range of stutters. Analysis of the data allows us to develop sets of guidelines appropriate for interpreting both single and mixed DNA profiles.  相似文献   

Samples containing DNA from two or more individuals can be difficult to interpret. Even ascertaining the number of contributors can be challenging and associated uncertainties can have dramatic effects on the interpretation of testing results. Using an FBI genotypes dataset, containing complete genotype information from the 13 Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) loci for 959 individuals, all possible mixtures of three individuals were exhaustively and empirically computed. Allele sharing between pairs of individuals in the original dataset, a randomized dataset and datasets of generated cousins and siblings was evaluated as were the number of loci that were necessary to reliably deduce the number of contributors present in simulated mixtures of four or less contributors. The relatively small number of alleles detectable at most CODIS loci and the fact that some alleles are likely to be shared between individuals within a population can make the maximum number of different alleles observed at any tested loci an unreliable indicator of the maximum number of contributors to a mixed DNA sample. This analysis does not use other data available from the electropherograms (such as peak height or peak area) to estimate the number of contributors to each mixture. As a result, the study represents a worst case analysis of mixture characterization. Within this dataset, approximately 3% of three-person mixtures would be mischaracterized as two-person mixtures and more than 70% of four-person mixtures would be mischaracterized as two- or three-person mixtures using only the maximum number of alleles observed at any tested locus.  相似文献   

A feasibility study of short tandem repeat (STR) genotyping of telogen phase hairs in particular, and hair shaft in general, is presented. A number of extraction procedures in common use were investigated and the quantities of nuclear DNA (nuDNA) delivered were quantified via a real-time PCR assay. The extracts were subjected to two variations on AmpFlSTR Profiler Plus PCR amplification strategies (extended cycles, two rounds of PCR) and the genotypes compared. Nuclear DNA was found to persist in human hair shafts, albeit at very low levels. Full Profiler Plus profiles consistent with the hair donor were obtained from 100 mg hair shaft samples (bleached and unbleached). These were, however, mixed profiles, indicating low copy number (LCN) contamination in the extracts. Single telogen hair clubs and single hair shafts delivered partial profiles with usually only one allele of heterozygous loci. Telogen phase hairs yielded the same amount of nuDNA (and no more) as hair shafts (either anagen or telogen). Whether hair shafts dissolved or not in lysis buffer had no effect on either the quantitated yield of DNA or on the chance of obtaining a correct genotype. These results provide evidence that genomic DNA resides on the exterior of the hair shaft and we use this information to suggest an optimal procedure for nuDNA extraction from keratinised hair samples: soaking hairs in simple digestion buffers containing Tris-HCl, a salt and a chelating agent without prior cleaning of the hair shafts. It is proposed that cleaning removes most of the recoverable DNA. This procedure was applied to obtain genotypes from 3 cm hair shafts which matched reference profiles from the donors at up to 9 out of 10 AmpFlSTR Profiler Plus STR loci. When the genotyping success was measured by counting the number of matches between the two dominant alleles at each locus for each extract with the reference DNA profile of the hair donor, the success was found to be highly dependent on the donor. The number of matching alleles varied between not less than 10 for one donor to no more than two for another donor. These results may well be linked to the environmental experience of the hairs from each donor prior to removal.  相似文献   

STR typing and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequencing were performed on the matter adhering to an earphone found at a crime scene. Experimental studies were carried out using the earphones provided by volunteers. By means of immunohistochemistry, keratinocytes and a portion of nucleated epithelial cells were proven to exist in the contents from the earphones. DNA was extracted by means of the phenol/chloroform method, and the low quantity of extracted DNA was found to be highly degraded. Six STR loci, CSFIPO, TPOX, TH01, F13A01, FESFPS and vWA, were PCR amplified and typed by using two triplex systems (CTT and FFv Multiplexes, Promega, WI), and an amelogenin locus was determined as well. Although partial profiles were observed in some experimental samples, all STR loci could be typed when a considerable amount of high molecular weight DNA was obtained (>0.5 ng/microL). Amplification and sequencing of mtDNA hypervariable region I(15997-16401) and hypervariable region 11(29-408) were all successful. The mitochondrial DNA sequence of the actual case sample, comprising two hypervariable regions and a total of 785 base pairs, showed eight mutations and two insertions with respect to the standard published reference sequence. The genotype was unique in the three published Japanese databases. These results suggest that it is possible to analyze mtDNA from minute amounts of materials and from degraded materials more effectively and routinely in forensic practice.  相似文献   

CSF1PO is one of the thirteen core loci used for the CODIS database, and alleles reported for this short tandem repeat (STR) locus contain from 6 to 15 repeats of the tetranucleotide AGAT. Screening of DNA from 76 individuals by gel electrophoresis and silver stain detection yielded one sample that contained a rare, off-ladder CSF1PO allele; an allele larger than CSF1PO15 was detected in a heterozygote that also contained a CSF1PO10 allele. Capillary electrophoresis analysis using GeneScan software demonstrated that the variant allele contained four bases more than CSF1PO15. Following agarose gel electrophoresis to separate the two alleles of the heterozygote and cycle sequencing using dye terminators, sequence analysis showed that the variant, which was otherwise identical to the CSF1PO GenBank sequence, contained exactly 16 AGAT repeats. These results demonstrate the existence of an additional CSF1PO allele, a previously unreported size variant, CSF1PO16.  相似文献   

In order to increase the discriminating power of DNA analysis in forensic science, we devised a new triplex STR system using three novel STR loci we previously reported, D14S299 (wglc5), D15S233 (wgldl), and 9q2h2. We designated this system a CDH triplex system. The CDH triplex system showed a high discriminating power, especially in Caucasians. This system is composed of three STR loci showing only regular tetranucleotide repeat alleles. We easily enlarged the databases mainly of Japanese, using this system, and compared them with those of Caucasian and Chinese. This CDH triplex system therefore appears to be useful for forensic practice.  相似文献   

The 4977 bp deletion of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) accumulates in postmitotic tissues with advancing age. The purpose of our study was to detect and quantify these deletion even in blood cells with a high turnover activity. Whole venous blood, isolated human platelets and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were collected from 10 unrelated donors aged 20-71 years and total DNA was extracted. PCR was performed for total and mutated mtDNA using two different primer pairs and two fluorogenic probes labeled with the fluorescent dyes FAM and VIC. Specific PCR products were generated, detected and quantified in a real-time PCR. The amplification products of total and deleted mtDNA could be detected in each sample and did not exhibit any differences in the amount of the deleted mtDNA in whole blood, human platelets or PBMCs. Our data did not show any accumulation of the 4977 bp deletion with increasing age as it was observed for several other tissues.  相似文献   

New multiplex PCR sets of commonly used short tandem repeat (STR) markers have been developed to produce PCR products that are reduced in size when compared to standard commercial STR kits. The reduction in size of these amplicons can facilitate the examination and analysis of degraded DNA evidence by improving amplification efficiency. This "miniSTR" approach will permit current forensic practitioners to use STR markers and instrumentation already present in their laboratories and to generate genotyping data that is directly comparable to reference samples and searchable through the FBI's Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) databases. This paper discusses the development of these new primer sets and presents some initial results in the analysis of degraded and aged DNA samples. A method for removal of problematic fluorescent dye artifacts is also described. Comparison studies in over 100 samples have verified that these miniSTR primers can provide fully concordant results to commercial STR kits and can provide improved signal from degraded DNA specimens. These miniplex sets should prove valuable in the analysis of samples where allele dropout and reduced sensitivity of larger STR alleles occurs.  相似文献   

Because of the increase of evidence of blood stains, that have been washed or cleaned in an attempt to mask the analysis of DNA profiles, there is also an increase in the use of presumptive tests on samples sent to laboratories. Some of the presumptive tests, used to identify blood and semen stains, could potentially affect the recovery of high molecular weight DNA from the samples, or extinguish them, especially those already present in small quantities. After the presumptive tests, often these samples are discarded. This study aimed to examine the possibility of obtaining a DNA profile from samples submitted for presumptive testing and cleaned with bleaches with and without chlorine. Two different protocols were conducted: (a) A unique sample of human blood in natura (5 μL), already typed through the DNA techniques with the genetic profile previously known (control), was distributed onto cotton fabrics and dried at room temperature. Four samples of fabric were macerated in saline solution and Coombs serum and then stored for three months (room temperature and freezer −20 °C). (b) Another sample of human blood, type A, in natura, already typed through the techniques of DNA (control) was used. Aliquots of 200 μL were distributed in: cotton, denim and synthetic fabric. The samples were dried at room temperature for 24 h. The blood stains in those fabrics (cotton, denim and synthetic) were then divided into three groups: unwashed, cleaned with chlorine bleach and cleaned with chlorine bleach and soap powder. The samples were again dried at room temperature for 24 h, before the use of luminol. The DNA were extracted with Chelex 100 and amplified with the Identifiler Kit (Applied Biosystems). The blood stains exposed to saline and Coombs serum had DNA profiles consistent with untreated samples (controls). This result shows that the experts should keep and store the samples treated with saline and Coombs serum for future DNA confrontation when necessary. Also discussed in this paper the pattern of blood stains after washing with bleaching solutions, as well as the quantity of DNA obtained from these samples.  相似文献   

Y-chromosome linked short tandem repeat (STR) loci are inherited as a closely linked haplotype, which appears to remain stable in a given paternal lineage over many generations. In forensic cases, Y-linked STRs are particularly useful for the identification of human remains as well as in rape cases with mixed male/female stain samples. DYS385 is derived from tandemly duplicated segments of the Y chromosome thus giving rise to two fragments of variable length which do not behave like alleles but genotypes. The European DNA Profiling (EDNAP) group has carried out a collaborative exercise among 14 participating laboratories using DYS385 for typing of five unknown bloodstains and a control sample. Furthermore, population data from eight different European countries with samples sizes between 91 and 150 male individuals were collected. The results confirm previous observations that DYS385 is one of the most informative Y-linked STR loci. It could also be demonstrated that reproducible results can be obtained independently from the electrophoretic separation and detection methods used. Thus DYS385 may serve as a useful complementation to the routinely used autosomal STR systems in special cases.  相似文献   

目的利用TE-MAGS在TECAN工作站上结合磁珠试剂盒,建立自动化工作站批量纯化现场检材DNA的方法,并探讨其在法医物证检案中的应用。方法灵敏度测试:标准品使用0.1ng/μL 9947A,用200μL TES稀释制备DNA总量0.1ng~1ng共10种的标准样品,采用本文方法提取纯化,使用IdentifilerTM试剂盒扩增,用3130XL型测序仪检测,Gene Mapper ID-X分析,分析STR图谱质量;纯化能力测试:在1ng总量的标准样品中加入腐殖酸、血红素,采用本文方法提取纯化、扩增检测,分析STR图谱质量;实际案件应用对比:收集304份现场检材,分别采用本方法和硅珠法进行提取纯化,经扩增检测,统计对比两种提取纯化方法 STR分型成功率。结果灵敏度测试:0.1ng~0.2ng总量标准样品提取的DNA模板,扩增后可检测到部分基因座STR图谱,0.3ng~1ng总量标准样品提取的DNA模板,扩增后可以得到完整的STR图谱;纯化能力测试:对混合有一定浓度的腐殖酸、血红素的标准样品的提取产物检测图谱未见明显抑制;实际案件应用对比测试:304份现场检材工作站磁珠法检出成功率(50%)高于硅珠法(40.8%)。结论本文所建立的方法缓冲范围较大,回收率高,纯化能力强,提取产物STR分型成功率高,适合现场检材批量化DNA检验。  相似文献   

Allele frequencies for three tetrameric short tandem repeat (STR) loci D3S1358, HUMVWA, and HUMFGA were determined in a Slovene Caucasian population sample. DNA samples from a total of 221 Slovenes were amplified by multiplex PCR using the commercial kit AmpFISTR Blue (Perkin-Elmer). Separation and detection of the amplified STR fragments were carried out using a 377 automated genetic analyzer (Applied Biosystem Division/Perkin Elmer). Seven alleles at the D3S1358 locus, 8 alleles at the HUMVWA31A locus, and 13 alleles at the HUMFGA locus were observed. A deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was observed, only at the HUMVWA31A locus (p = 0.045, exact test). The departure at this locus was not significant after Bonferroni correction. There were no detectable departures between pairwise comparisons of the loci. The combined power of discrimination for all three loci is 0.9998, and the power of exclusion is 0.9526. The observed allele frequencies for the loci D3S1358, HUMVWA31A, and HUMFGA are similar to those in European and U.S. Caucasian populations.  相似文献   

A breath alcohol profile is generated as a continuous function of time while a person is providing a breath sample. This paper describes a data acquisition system which samples breath alcohol concentrations at discrete intervals during exhalation. The data are stored on disk for later analysis. It is shown that the area under the profile curve for samples preceded by breath-holding is significantly larger than when breathing is normal prior to sample provision (p less than 0.001). The differences between the breath alcohol concentration measurements are also statistically significant (p less than 0.001) for the two different breathing patterns prior to breath exhalation. These results have physiological implications and suggest another means of evaluating breath alcohol profiles.  相似文献   

A modified alkaline lysis protocol for extracting DNA from forensically relevant specimens is evaluated and compared with the chelex 100 method. For whole blood, bloodstains and sperm stains, both methods yielded comparable results after amplification for a pentameric STR locus (HumCD4). The main advantages of the new method are: only approximately ten minutes and two pipetting steps are necessary and the expenses for the extraction are extremely low as only NaOH, TrisHCl buffer and a single microcentrifuge tube are required. Alkaline lysis also proved to yield DNA suitable for typing longer STRs by using dye-labeled primers and capillary electrophoresis. These advantages should render this protocol especially interesting for high-throughput laboratories in combination with multiplex PCR and fluorescent dye technology, although the storability of the extracts proved to be problematic.  相似文献   

二组分混合DNA样品STR图谱解释   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:8  
对混合样品STR图谱的结果进行解释。实验模拟二组分DNA混合样品 ,复合扩增荧光检测 10个基因座 ,比较混合样品谱带 ,计算等位基因峰面积比。结果发现 :二组分DNA混合样品的等位基因数增加 ,样品的混合比例不同就出现峰面积的不平衡。在等位基因峰面积比值与样品组分混合比例接近时 ,可由峰面积比值推断混合样品的混合比例。在混合比例为 1∶2 0时 ,基本上检测不到来自少量混合成分的等位基因 ,表现为单一组分图谱 ;在混合比例为 1∶10时 ,含量低的组分的等位基因峰面积接近与主要组分的“Stutter”峰面积 ,与来自主要组分的等位基因峰面积差异很明显。能检出混合样品中少量成分等位基因的最高混合比例为 1∶10  相似文献   

A boy and a girl with their mother brought a paternity suit against an alleged but deceased father. We tested six conventional genetic markers, the AmpliType PM+ DQA1 and twelve STR loci the children and mother together with the alleged paternal grandparents. We also DNA typed the bloodstain found later in the alleged father's medical record. Only the result at D3S1358 in a nineplex STR system excluded the alleged father from parentage of the boy, whereas all markers were inclusive for the girl. Accordingly, we performed sequence analysis at D3S1358 to confirm the presence of a paternal exclusion or mutation. The sequence analysis indicated that the boy's allele 17 could have originated from either of the alleged father's allele 16 or 18 by a single-step mutation associated with slippage mutation in STR loci. We carried out minisatellite variant repeat mapping by PCR (MVR-PCR) at loci D1S8 (MS32) and D7S21 (MS31A) and mapped allele haplotypes of all individuals except the deceased alleged father. The MVR-PCR analysis showed that the boy has no inconsistency with the relationship between the alleged grandparents, and was very effective at increasing the paternity index (PI) value. We conclude that there is biological relationship between not only the girl but also the boy and the alleged father.  相似文献   

An aim of the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI) is to produce a DNA database of second generation multiplex (SGM) STR profiles that is representative of the resident cosmopolitan populations. To achieve this, data were collected from 24 different populations. All of the data were combined to form one database of 5700 profiles from which allele proportions were calculated. The robustness of this combined European database was tested by estimating parameter d for every DNA profile, where d=log(10)(Pm(c)/Pm(E)) Pm(c) is the match probability of the profile calculated from its cognate database and Pm(E) is the match probability of the combined European database. Overall there was a small tendency for Pm(c)>Pm(E) primarily because of sampling bias. This bias was removed by the simple expediency of applying an adjustment factor to the calculation of Pm(E). These were selected from the Balding size bias correction, the Balding and Nichols Fst correction, a minimum allele proportion (between 0.01 and 0.02), an upper bound of a 95% confidence interval (CI) and a lower bound on the genotype match probability. It was demonstrated that a single European database is a feasible proposition. A combination of different adjustment methods can be used to ensure that the result is conservative relative to the cognate database, and their effect measured by parameter d.  相似文献   

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