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This paper presents the first experience gained in Russia in expert identification practice with complex utilization of technologies of molecular genetic individualization of biological objects for solving identification tasks requiring the maximum complete armory of mutually supplementing means. This is particularly important for forensic expert personality identification in cases with many deaths, when indirect identification has to be resorted to, consisting in the use of biological samples from relatives of the victims as the identifying objects. Methodological approaches and concepts of expert studies, used for identification of the remains of people who died in terroristic acts committed in Moscow in September, 1999, are discussed. The results of this study and methodological experience notably extend the potentialities of expert evaluation as regards forensic medical identification of victims of overall disasters, terroristic acts, and war conflicts.  相似文献   

The authors describe principles, methods and staging of molecular-genetic identification of hostages killed in the Beslan terroristic act. Cases when it was impossible to identify person definitely are explained. Precise staging of the expert investigation is of key importance.  相似文献   

The authors emphasize the need in coordination when conducting expert examinations in investigation of accidents with a great number of victims. Coordination is of special importance for combined application of molecular-genetic technologies and standard forensic medical investigations. The experience in experts cooperation in investigation of terroristic bombing in Moscow underground on February 6, 2004, according to algorithm of combined use of conventional forensic medical methods and innovating techniques of molecular-genetic identification for personal identification of dead bodies in accidents with a great number of victims is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Part I of this two-part article presents a psychological and political analysis of the terrorist mind. Part II describes the major current psychological classifications and typologies of domestic and foreign terrorism. Explanations are offered in terms of our current understanding of the personality and psychopathology of terroristic violence. A heuristic model of classifying terrorism in terms of personality and psychopathology is presented. In addition to guiding further research and theory on the psychology of terrorism, this model has immediate practical application to the investigation and interrogation of terrorist suspects.  相似文献   

Two large-scale episodes described in this paper reflect the first in Russia use of molecular genetic matrilinear markers (analysis of polymorphism of sequences of amplified fragments of mitochondrial DNA hypervariable locuses) in solution of a complex identification problem: forensic medical identification of unidentified fragments of victims of explosions of houses in Moscow in September, 1999, and of soldiers dead in the war conflict in the Chechen Republic in 1994-1996. The results of this work and methodological experience gained in it essentially extend the potentialities of expert studies as regards forensic medical identification of victims of large scale disasters, terroristic acts, and war conflicts.  相似文献   

Studies of the morphology of segments of human upper limbs helped develop a method for medical criminological personality identification by metric parameters of the arm and hand in expert evaluation of a dismembered corpse. The sampling consisted of 270 corpses of Europeoids of both sexes (150 men and 120 women) aged 17-98 years. Ten quantitative signs of the upper limbs were analyzed. Statistical modeling of body length and weight and of head and chest circumferences was performed on the basis of the hand, arm, and forearm characteristics. The data can be used for rapid personality identification in criminal cases, war actions, terroristic acts, and calamities with multiple victims.  相似文献   

自杀性恐怖犯罪是为了达成某种目标或恐怖效果而经常采取的一种犯罪行为。犯罪原因包括民族分离主义的影响、宗教极端势力的蔓延、复仇心态的形成以及社会、经济因素等。目前这类犯罪呈现地域分布全球化、数量上升、个案和系列爆炸结合、主体年轻化、女性犯罪增加、高科技倾向明显、人弹更加隐秘的新特点。对其防控对策有:加强情报收集和分析、加强打击力度、强化综合治理、缔结统一国际反恐公约,完善国内反恐怖立法、大力发展生产力、反对"双重标准"、增强公众的心理承受力、倡导不同文明间的对话、交流与合作等。  相似文献   

The role and ethical responsibilities of the forensic scientist are reviewed. The context of this discussion includes the application and support of chemical tests for alcohol statutes in the United States adversary system of justice. The goal of this review is to stimulate awareness among the various participants (that is, scientist, prosecutor, defense counsel, judges, and law enforcement officials) in traffic law enforcement situations. Their mutual understanding and cooperation is essential to the effective and efficient use of chemical test procedures. The relative scientific weight that should be given to blood, breath, and urine tests for alcohol is presented.  相似文献   

论抗辩与抗辩权   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
抗辩权包含在抗辩之中。抗辩权乃专指对抗他人请求权行使的权利。抗辩权具有永久性、无被侵害可能性、不可单独让与性、无相对义务观念性等四个特征。抗辩和抗辩权之间、抗辩和反诉及否认和反驳之间,都存在着明显的区别。  相似文献   

谢高仕 《政法学刊》2004,21(3):13-16
构成无限防卫必须是防卫的起因、时机、对象、主观等“四要件”的齐备,否则,便属于不饱和无限防卫,即不具备或不完 全具备无限防卫构成要件的情形。这种情形具体包括:起因要件之欠缺,假想无限防卫;时机要件之欠缺,无限防卫不适时;主观要件 之欠缺,互相斗殴、挑拨无限防卫、偶然无限防卫;对象要件之欠缺,防卫无辜第三者。  相似文献   

刘娜 《犯罪研究》2014,(6):60-71
刑事辩护的价值在于均衡控辩双方的力量,从而查明案件,避免刑事错案。死刑案件的复杂性、重大性和死刑的不可撤销性,使得刑事辩护在死刑案件中具有举足轻重的意义。死刑错案是发现目前死刑案件中刑事辩护所存在问题的重要途径,对完善死刑案件刑事辩护制度也有重要价值。死刑案件辩护制度的改进方向应由"有辩护"转向"有效辩护",而这需要通过设立死刑案件刑辩律师专门管理制度和特殊参与机制来予以实现。  相似文献   

生成与发展:刑事辩护制度的进化历程论纲   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
谢佑平 《法律科学》2002,(1):97-104
刑事辩护制度是现代刑事诉讼的基本制度 ,刑事诉讼的进化历史也可以说是刑事辩护制度不断扩大、加强的历史。从历史上看 ,从奴隶社会的弹劾式诉讼模式到封建制社会的纠问式诉讼模式 ,再到近现代社会的控辩式诉讼模式 ,刑事辩护制度的发展经历了从有到无、又从无到有 ,并不断扩大、加强的曲折历程 ,由此推动着刑事诉讼制度的不断进化和臻于完善。二战以后 ,刑事辩护制度的发展逐渐呈现出国际化趋势 ,刑事辩护的国际标准得以建立 ,这是刑事辩护制度发展史上的里程碑。  相似文献   

死刑刑罚具有不可逆转性,死刑案件指定辩护的有效性是法治从形式正义走向实质正义的必然要求。然而指定辩护中有效辩护的保障机制及无效辩护的现实之巨大反差,使得完善我国死刑案件指定辩护制度成为亟待解决的问题。实现死刑案件指定辩护的有效性需要实行死刑案件指定辩护律师资格认定制、设置辩护质量的底线标准、设置程序后果。  相似文献   

民事被告答辩制度的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张世全 《现代法学》2005,27(4):93-99
民事被告答辩制度的完善,应当以答辩是被告的诉讼权利为基础。答辩所反映的被告与对方当事人、法院之间的诉讼关系,是答辩制度的本质所在。我国民事诉讼答辩制度应以答辩方式、答辩内容、不答辩的法律后果、答辩的救济程序等具体内容的完备为核心进行重构。  相似文献   

Because of immigration in the West, increased cultural diversity poses a variety of problems for the criminal justice system. This paper examines whether a so-called "cultural defense" ought to be allowed as a freestanding defense to a criminal charge. Such a defense would "negate or mitigate criminal responsibility where acts are committed under a reasonable good-faith belief in their propriety, based on the actor's cultural heritage or tradition." The cultural defense, as a formal defense, and the use of cultural evidence in order to buttress one of the traditional defenses, are distinguished. Three cases are discussed to illustrate the issues. The possible similarity of the cultural defense to an ignorance or mistake of law defense is then considered. The latter is accepted by such theorists as Gunther Arzt and George P. Fletcher and also apparently in German law, but it is rejected by Jerome Hall on the ground that it undermines the objectivity of the criminal law. The similarity, however, is shown not to hold. It is concluded that a freestanding cultural defense should not be allowed.  相似文献   

国防专利的特殊性研究——兼谈知识产权保护制度之创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕炳斌 《时代法学》2007,5(2):78-82
关于国防专利的特殊性主要围绕权利归属和保密性两个问题展开。在权利归属问题上,有观点认为国防专利的所有权主体只能是国家,这种观点是错误的,依据有关法条和法理基础,国防专利权归属是多元化的。在保密性问题上,确实存在着与一般专利的公开性之间的冲突,这也是采取国防专利这种特殊保护模式的根本原因所在。国防专利是专利制度的一个例外。整个知识产权保护制度也在不断发展和创新,国防专利保护对其他特殊类型的知识产权保护具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

试论程序辩护   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张月满  张海莹 《法学论坛》2005,20(5):130-133
程序辩护是刑事诉讼民主、文明的体现,在我国,无论诉讼理论还是司法实践对程序辩护的关注明显不足。因此有必要对程序辩护的涵义、内容、价值作深入分析,进而提出完善程序辩护的对策建议。  相似文献   

While the plea of duress is generally accepted as a defense against criminal prosecution, the reasons why it exonerates are subject to dispute and disagreement. Duress is not easily recognizable as either an excusing or justifying condition. Additionally, duress is generally not permitted as a defense against criminal homicide, though some American jurisdictions allow the defense in felony-murder cases. In this paper, I present an argument for how and why the presence of duress can defeat a finding of criminal responsibility. This is intended to establish the philosophical foundation for the legal acceptability of the duress defense, even though I conclude that the defense does not qualify as either an excuse or a justification. I also argue that the duress defense should be allowed in cases of homicide.  相似文献   

国防资产是国防活动的物质基础,如何以法治化为归依,实现其安全、完整与有效是当前国防建设的当务之急。国防资产具有社会性、公共性、专用性、封闭性特点,产权多级委托代理及内部人控制等问题的现实存在,决定了国防资产具有易致流失的天然缺陷。在对国防资产法治保护必然性及现行法制安排检讨的基础上,应当以制定《国防资产法》为核心,构建完善的国防资产法律保护体系,通过良法之治把国防资产流失的风险降低到最低限度。  相似文献   

公知技术抗辩是专利侵权诉讼中被告保护自己利益的有效手段。用以抗辩的公知技术是指专利申请日之前已有的、处于公知状态的技术,但不必是可自由使用的技术。公知技术抗辩是否成立的判断应采用"二者比较创造说"。在既符合等同侵权又存在公知技术抗辩的情况下,应当优先适用公知技术抗辩。  相似文献   

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