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我国外资具有东部集聚的地理特征和以加工贸易为主的产业特征,这与国内地方保护的体制特征结合在一起,产生了国内市场一体化滞后于外部市场一体化的状,各地区在与国际经济贸易联系日益密切的同时,省际之间的贸易联系出现弱化的趋势,为了统筹国内经济与对外经济发展,必须在体制、投资与贸易等领域推进改革。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化不断地深入发展,区域经济一体化也正在加速发展,双边FTA不断在国家之间签署,以自由贸易区为主要形式的区域贸易安排不断出现。该文选取2002年-2017年中国和FTA协议国双边的贸易数据,运用PSM-DID模型分析中国签订FTA对双边贸易依存度的影响如何。研究结果发现:第一,签订FTA对中国和协议国双方的贸易依存度具有提升作用;第二,中国与不同发展程度、不同区域类型的国家签订FTA对双边贸易依存度的影响不同,与发达国家签订FTA对双边贸易依存度的提升作用比发展中国家作用明显,与周边国家签订FTA对双边贸易依存度的影响也更大。  相似文献   

林雄弟 《中国发展》2007,7(3):59-63
改革开放以来,中国和东盟的贸易发展迅速,尤其是近年来,中国加入WTO,双方自由贸易协议的签定,使中国与东盟贸易发展更是突飞猛进,发展前景非常乐观,但是也应看到在中国和东盟贸易中,既存在互补的一面,也存在竞争的一面,对此必须要有清醒的认识。同时中国与东盟存在各自的比较优势,中国与东盟应该采取措施发挥各自的比较优势,使双方贸易互补的一面得到扩大,同时使双方贸易竞争的一面在一定程度上得以消除,从而使双边贸易得到健康的发展。  相似文献   

黎慈 《桂海论丛》2010,25(2):59-63
金融危机导致国际贸易萎缩,继而加剧国际市场竞争,也促使各国采取更为保守的贸易政策和措施,从而加剧国际贸易摩擦。最近发生的轮胎特保案就是由于美国奉行贸易保护政策的典型实例。美国的贸易限制对中国经济的影响非常大,不仅直接影响到中国众多企业的生存发展,而且会对中国整个经济发展带来冲击。如何应对美国对华实施的贸易保护政策已经成为一项非常复杂而又十分紧迫的任务,这其中,政府的引导和协调起着不可替代的主导作用。  相似文献   

尽管近年中国服务贸易发展迅速,但中国服务行业的创新能力相对薄弱,服务贸易的国际竞争力依然不强,整体发展水平明显滞后,对拉动国内经济增长的贡献还非常有限。为此,本研究围绕如何推动中国服务贸易创新发展问题,以波特的钻石模型理论为基础,从分析影响服务贸易创新发展的诸要素入手,重点探讨了目前中国服务贸易发展中存在的突出问题以及制度瓶颈,强调服务贸易创新发展的动力来源于政府的制度环境改善和企业的创新能力提升,并就此提出了一整套相应的促进战略举措。  相似文献   

以贸易引力模型的相关理论和方法为基础,实证检验并测算了大陆各省市(自治区)与台湾双边贸易的流量与潜力,结果表明:大陆各省市(自治区)的GDP、人均GDP和吸引台资额,各省市(自治区)与台湾之间的绝对距离,以及"两岸贸易热络区"等解释变量,是影响两岸双边贸易流量的主要因素,但影响程度各有不同。由于双边贸易的紧密程度(贸易依存度)不同,大陆各省市(自治区)与台湾的贸易潜力也不一样,对台出口和自台进口的发展空间也存在差别。因此,海峡两岸应采取针对性的措施,进一步加强经贸交流与合作,充分发挥各自的比较优势和竞争优势,消除双边投资和贸易的制约因素,实现两岸经济的共同繁荣。  相似文献   

中国外贸转型与国际分工地位改变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李欣广 《桂海论丛》2010,25(2):64-67
中国外贸增长方式转型问题关系到中国在国际分工中的地位改进。发展中国家在国际分工中的地位不平等,遭受着经济利益与生态利益的双重损失,而中国这样的大国处于垂直型国际分工的低端地位,在发展工业化进程中更是放大了背离可持续发展的后果。中国必须在外贸转型中改变国际分工地位。可从出口制造品附加值、服务贸易、原料产品加工、绿色产品、农业对外投资经营这五个领域进行这一转型的努力。  相似文献   

This paper aggregates the state of India–China economic relations with a specific focus on trade at the borders. It explicates the potential for economic activity at the border regions to generate self-sustaining and/or externally linked local development for both countries. By an examination of the existing trade and investment policies and practices, it shows how geographical contiguity is yet to be transformed into opportunity along the India–China border, a practice consistent both with the history of these regions as well as with the blueprints being drawn up for the future of these regions. Informed by the Liberal school of IR theory, the paper studies border trade through the paradigmatic optic of being an important, yet underutilized, avenue of dyadic interaction, and makes a case for upgrading the status of border trade in the overall schema of bilateral trade relations between India and China.  相似文献   

A World Trade Organization (WTO) arbitrator on January 26 ruled on the case of the United States—Countervailing Duty Measures on Certain Products From China, determining that China may impose trade retaliations against the U.S. with respect to trade in goods in the amount of$645 million annually given the U.S. failure to comply with a WTO ruling in force. China now urges the U.S. to take immediate action to right its wrongs in trade remedy investigations targeting China.  相似文献   

外商在华直接投资持续增长产生的贸易转移效应,推动了中国加工贸易规模增长、依存度提高和贸易顺差不断扩大。这一对外贸易结构性特征反映了中国经济对国际市场的依赖程度不断增加,对实现国民经济持续、健康、稳定运行的影响越来越大。改善和优化对外贸易结构仍是一项急迫任务。  相似文献   

There are claims that China's influence on ASEAN is direct in that she has encouraged more exports to flow into her huge markets and changed trade flows amongst member countries. Demand and supply are deemed to have therefore become more China-centred. This paper looks at the plausibility of China as a ‘factor’ that influences bilateral intra-ASEAN trade flows through demand (exporting country) and supply (partner country). The key finding of the study is that China's trade association with the region increases intra-ASEAN exports. China is therefore the most practical choice for the ASEAN+1 FTA to initiate deeper trade integration within the region. China, as the ‘core’ country of the ACFTA can provide complementarities in the export performance of ASEAN.  相似文献   

Joshua Eisenman 《当代中国》2012,21(77):793-810
China's trade patterns with African countries have made Beijing the focal point of new anti-Chinese resistance narratives in Africa. Unlike the Maoist era, when China's trade policies served its leaders' political goals, now they aim to access markets as part of China's larger domestic development strategy. China's state-run firms can channel China–Africa trade through extra-market decisions that influence flows, yet, ultimately, Beijing's ability to direct trade with Africa is constrained by market forces. Despite suggestions that shared illiberalism drives China–Africa trade the author concludes that five interrelated causal factors overwhelmingly determine China–Africa trade: China's comparative advantage in labor-intensive and capital-intensive production; Africa's abundant natural resource endowments; China's rapid economic growth; China's emphasis on infrastructure building at home and in Africa; and the emergence of economies of scale in China's shipping and light manufacturing sectors.  相似文献   

2008年马英九上台后,在两岸交流方面理性务实,经贸文化交流迅速扩大,赢得了各方好评.但他所主张的"不统、不独、不武"又使两岸的政治谈判之路处于困境之中,一直未能找到突破点.三年来,虽然两岸在经贸文化交流方面取得了重大突破,但在政治方面两岸关系并没有多少实质性进展.为此,从民共交流的加强、两岸"领域合作"的扩大、军事互...  相似文献   

Paulo Estivallet de Mesquita, Brazilian Ambassador to China China has been Brazil's main trading partner since 2009, and Brazil ranked ninth as China's main trading part-ner in 2020. Last year, Brazil and China established a record-high bilateral trade flow, with over $102 billion. A new bilateral trade record has already been achieved in 2021: From January to September, Brazil-China trade has surpassed $105 billion. Thus, it is fair to say that we have a mature and mutually beneficial commercial relation-ship. However, there is always room for improvement and that is why events such as the CIIE play an important role. More than 22 Brazilian companies were rep-resented at the CIIE, all of them aiming at deepening their knowl-edge of the Chinese market and increasing their local presence.  相似文献   

后发优势与比较优势--中国对外贸易增长的动力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张伟 《思想战线》2003,29(1):15-18
改革开放以来 ,我国的对外贸易获得了巨大的发展 ,保持了较高的增长速度。对于贸易增长的原因 ,一般认为是发挥了比较优势作用 ,进一步的分析则发现中国贸易的增长实际上是比较优势和后发优势双重作用的结果。后发优势的利用促进了贸易比较优势的形成与转换 ,以制度学习效应和技术学习效应为核心的后发优势在贸易增长中起到了巨大的作用。  相似文献   

After U.S. National Intelligence Director John Ratcliffe proclaimed that "China is National Security Threat No.1" in a Wall Street Journal article on December 3, 2020, he followed it up with a Fox News interview a few days later, claiming that China is "altering DNA" of its 2-million-strong military personnel, "trying to make them stronger through gene editing."  相似文献   

吴远富 《桂海论丛》2006,22(3):83-85
中越“两廊一圈”经贸合作议题的提出,既是对多年来蓬勃发展的两国经贸关系的肯定,同时也显示两国经贸交往还潜在着巨大的可开发空间。“两廊一圈”性质上是中国—东盟自由贸易区之下的中越自由贸易区,它在内容和实施步骤上将以中国—东盟自由贸易区的相关协议为蓝本和框架,其建设进程不会快于中国—东盟自由贸易区时间表。  相似文献   

蒋英红 《桂海论丛》2007,23(6):91-93
近20年来,世界人口老龄化问题日趋普遍,许多国家都在探讨其解决途径。而中国的人口老龄化问题却有其自身的历史和制度根源。文章在探讨我国人口老龄化形势的基础上,分析了计划生育政策对人口老龄化的影响,总结了三点政策调整的新思路。  相似文献   

李珊 《桂海论丛》2011,27(1):92-95
构建中国—东盟争端解决机制,对于加强东盟各国的贸易关系有重要意义。《中国—东盟争端解决机制协定》的签署,使解决贸易争端有了法律依据,但该协定在运用时尚存在诸多不足,需要进一步完善。为此,应当从立法上扩大主体的范围,建立一份专家名单,设立常设仲裁庭,增设仲裁裁决的复核程序,建立"跟随执行监督制度",增设贸易和投资纠纷预防机制,建立中国—东盟投资争端解决机制。  相似文献   

自从中国走上了改革开放之路,综合国力与日俱增,国际地位一路攀升,我国的对外贸易也取得了令人瞩目的辉煌成绩.在对外贸易领域,进出口总额进一步增加,继续提升着中国在世界上的大国形象.在对外贸易交易中,商务英语一直作为基础性的语言工具,起着毋庸置疑的桥梁作用.对外贸易中如何更好发挥商务英语的语言艺术,是国际交流与合作成功的重要保证.  相似文献   

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