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During a violent conflict, a young man was shot dead in front of a bar. The offender stated that he had acted in self defence after having been attacked with a knife. Taking into account the testimonies, the medical findings (f. ex. sonotomogram of the left femur) as well as the crime scene regarding the position of the body, it could not be excluded from the forensic point of view that a knife attack of the later victim had taken place. Nevertheless, the court convicted the man who had shot for murder and gave a life prison sentence.  相似文献   

We describe a case of complete decapitation following a motorcycle accident in which the victim was wearing a full face helmet. A young man lost control of his motorcycle and was thrown about 20 m, hitting his head against the barrier separating a tramline from the road. The resulting trauma caused his decapitation, the only fatal wound ascertained by the various forensic investigations. The authors present this rare case and compare it against the other two cases reported in the literature, providing some observations on the ways in which this injury can come about. The absence of abrasions or signs that the wound edges came into contact with a metal structure, the presence of signs of impact on the side of the helmet and the finding of a transversal fracture at the base of the skull point to the violent action of a side-to-side opposite force, due to the resistance provided by the lower edge of the protective helmet.  相似文献   

A wide range of cultural and social perspectives exists on the concept of sudden and unexpected death. In countries, without a formal system of death investigation, sudden death is shrouded in mysticism often based on traditional belief systems. This cultural perspective on sudden death is often at variance with medical and forensic concepts and may include explanations such as sorcery, magic, and voodoo. In this case report, the postmortem findings in an alleged victim of lethal 'black magic', known as ema halo by the indigenous people of East Timor, is described. The alleged victim died suddenly in front of witnesses. At autopsy, marked dilation of a bicuspid aortic valve with annuloaortic ectasia and a sinus of Valsalva aneurysm was found after exhumation of the body. The findings mitigated the local belief in witchcraft and established a natural manner of death.  相似文献   

The aim of forensic biomechanics is the reconstruction of traumatic events based on the pathological findings in the victim's morphology, the accident traces and the car damages. The use of forensic documentation tools (e.g. Streifenlichttopometrie) enables 3-dimensional and proportional accurate documentation of the victim's body, of its injuries and of the car damages with submillimeter precision. The generated topographic image serves as input for a multi-body system model of the victim. It allows further to determine exactly the contact points between car and victim for a computer simulated dynamical reconstruction of the impact situation. In the case of an accident involving a car and a pedestrian the generation and application of computer aided 3-dimensional reconstruction models are shown.  相似文献   

The authors report on a fatal pedestrian accident in which the victim lay on the street and got under a car being run over by one of the front wheels. Both the car driver and the killed pedestrian were strongly alcohol-intoxicated at the time of the accident (2.45 a.m.). After the car had come to a standstill, the pedestrian remained trapped under the car until she was rescued by the fire brigade. On the basis of the autopsy findings and the technical expert opinion it could be reconstructed that the pedestrian's death was not caused by the consequences of being run over by the car, but by the subsequent compression of her thorax in the final accident position.  相似文献   

目的将计算机仿真技术应用于道路交通事故鉴定领域,实现道路交通事故发生过程及当事人致伤方式的重建。方法基于对事故现场痕迹、车辆损坏和人体损伤等检验鉴定,利用事故再现软件及高性能计算机计算分析,对40起真实事故的碰撞过程及致伤方式进行重建分析,并以2起典型案例进行说明。结果事故再现效果与现场痕迹、车辆痕迹、人体损伤痕迹有关;40起事故再现中.28起符合性好,9起较好,3起欠理想;碰撞过程的准确再现有助于对致伤方式进行分析。结论计算机仿真模拟重建道路交通事故的发生过程及当事人的致伤方式在辅助道路交通事故鉴定中具有应用价值。  相似文献   

Three-dimensional scanning and documentation methods are becoming increasingly employed by law enforcement personnel for crime scene and accident scene recording. Three-dimensional documentation of the victim's body in such cases is also increasingly used as the field of forensic radiology and imaging is expanding rapidly. These scanning technologies enable a more complete and detailed documentation than standard autopsy. This was used to examine a fatal pedestrian-vehicle collision where the pedestrian was killed by a van while crossing the road. Two competing scenarios were considered for the vehicle speed calculation: the pedestrian being projected forward by the impact or the pedestrian being carried on the vehicle's bonnet. In order to assist with this, the impact area of the accident vehicle was scanned using laser surface scanning, the victim was scanned using postmortem CT and micro-CT and the data sets were combined to virtually match features of the vehicle to injuries on the victim. Micro-CT revealed additional injuries not previously detected, lending support to the pedestrian-carry theory.  相似文献   

The Indian wild pig (Sus scrofa cristatus) is a protected species and listed in the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. The wild pig is often hunted illegally and sold in market as meat warranting punishment under law. To avoid confusion in identification of these two subspecies during wildlife forensic examinations, we describe genetic differentiation of Indian wild and domestic pigs using a molecular technique. Analysis of sequence generated from the partial fragment (421 bp) of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) cytochrome b (Cyt b) gene exhibited unambiguous (> 3%) genetic variation between Indian wild and domestic pigs. We observed nine forensically informative nucleotide sequence (FINS) variations between Indian wild and domestic pigs. The overall genetic variation described in this study is helpful in forensic identification of the biological samples of wild and domestic pigs. It also helped in differentiating the Indian wild pig from other wild pig races. This study indicates that domestic pigs in India are not descendent of the Indian wild pig, however; they are closer to the other wild pig races found in Asia and Europe.  相似文献   

The loss of a cotter pin in the front wheel assembly of cars and trucks has been a problem for several years. This is shown by the fact that the automobile manufacturers have been committed to a 100% inspection of the process for installing them on cars and trucks. In this paper, three accident cases are presented, along with a method by which the forensic engineer can determine if a cotter pin has ever been installed on the front wheel assembly. Testing was done to show what the spindle would look like if the cotter pin had been installed properly and forcibly removed. Photographs show both the accident and test spindle for comparison.  相似文献   

In a murder investigation, where the victim had been strangled and buried in a shallow grave, there were discrepancies between the post mortem interval (PMI) as estimated from entomological studies and estimations determined from other evidence. This inconsistency provided the impetus for examining the decay process using pig carcasses as analogues for the human cadaver. The pigs were buried in the immediate vicinity of the original burial site in December 1996, which was the month when the victim was purported to have been interred in the previous year. The buried pigs were then monitored for 5 months which, based on the evidence other than the entomological, was the period over which the corpse was thought to have lain in the ground. The pig corpses were disturbed by scavengers in mid April: this was the same time that the human corpse was discovered in the previous year by scavengers. Insects played no role in the decomposition process until the pig carcasses had been exposed by animals. Blowflies, notably Calliphora vomitoria, were attracted to the exposed tissues and laid eggs from which larvae developed. Calliphora vomitoria is a species often used to estimate PMI. This investigation has shown that soil conditions and low seasonal temperatures had preserved the pig carcasses for longer than might be expected. Using the blowfly larvae to estimate PMI would have produced erroneous results had not the burial environment and exhumation history been investigated.  相似文献   

Two cases of unexpected death in persons with epileptic seizures due to a brain tumor are presented which encompassed an astrocytoma WHO grade II and an anaplastic astrocytoma WHO grade III. A 35-year-old man was found somnolent and disoriented at home. A computed tomography (CT) scan revealed a tumor of the right frontal lobe suggestive for an oligodendroglioma. During an angiographic examination the patient experienced an epileptic seizure. Some weeks later, the man was found dead in front of his house with a fresh bite mark of the tongue. Neuropathological examination revealed an astrocytoma WHO grade II of the right frontal lobe. A 47-year-old man plunged into a swimming-pool and was found submerged some minutes later. After resuscitation he survived comatose for 8 days but finally died due to severe hypoxic brain damage. He had been operated on a brain tumor of the temporal lobe 1 year before the accident. Neuropathological examination revealed residual tumor tissue at the operation site corresponding to an anaplastic astrocytoma WHO grade III. Although rare, death in persons with epileptic seizures due to brain tumors is an important mechanism of death encountered by the forensic pathologist.  相似文献   

Rupture of a varicose vein is a rare cause of sudden death. It occurs when the failure of venous valves causes an increase in venous pressure great enough to provoke rupture of the blood vessel. When it does happen, the victim is often found surrounded by a pool of blood, and the examination of the scene can mislead the forensic team to think of violent death. Until now, the bloodstain patterns in these fatal cases have not been described. An examination of the bloodstain pattern in a case of fatal varicose vein rupture in an 84-year-old man is here reported.  相似文献   

An adult man (A) entered a pit to collect seepage at an industrial waste site in Japan. As he suddenly lost consciousness, three colleagues (B, C, D) entered the pit to rescue him. All of these men lost consciousness in the pit. Two workers (A and B) died soon after the accident, one worker (C) died 22 days after the accident, and one worker (D) survived. Since hydrogen sulfide gas was detected in the atmosphere of the pit, gas poisoning was suspected. Toxicological analyses of sulfide and thiosulfate, a metabolite of sulfide, in blood and urine of the victims were made using the extractive alkylation technique combined with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Sulfide was detected in the blood of A and B at levels of 0.13 and 0.11 mg/L, respectively, somewhat higher than in healthy persons. Thiosulfate was detected in whole blood of deceased victims A and B, in the plasma of deceased victim C, at concentrations of 10.53, 4.59, and 4.14 mg/L, respectively. These values were similar to those found in fatal cases of hydrogen sulfide poisoning. Thiosulfate was not detected in the plasma of survivor D. With respect to urine samples, thiosulfate was the highest in the non-acute death victim C (137.20 mg/L), followed by that in the survivor D (29.34 mg/L), and low (0.90 mg/L) and not detected in the acute death victims, A and B, respectively. Based on these results, all four patients were victims of hydrogen sulfide poisoning. The concentrations of thiosulfate in blood and urine were more useful than that for sulfide for determining hydrogen sulfide poisoning. Thiosulfate in urine was the only indicator of hydrogen sulfide poisoning in the non-fatal victim.  相似文献   

Occupational accidents, often presenting with lethal outcomes, are a rarely reported issue in forensic literature. However, these incidents are part of medicolegal casework with special regard to reconstruction, liabilities and insurance law-related issues, respectively. We report on a lethal occupational accident in a metropolitan sewage plant. When performing routine controls, a technician fell into an overflow sewer and was immediately pulled into a 30 cm diameter drain. Rescue efforts were initiated immediately, but had to be terminated due to gas warning. Rescue teams continued the search, however, the body remained undiscoverable. Forty-eight hours later, the cadaver was found in an adjacent digester tank, from where it was finally rescued. It was concluded, that the body had been transported between the overflow sewer and the digester tank through a 120 m pipeline with several 90 degrees bendings and branch connections with a minimum diameter of 25 cm at the discharge valve. On medicolegal examination, the cadaver showed marked signs of advanced decomposition caused by anaerobic microorganisms in the 37 degrees C biomass environment. Moreover, as a consequence of the passage of the pipeline system, signs of massive trauma (several comminuted and compound fractures) were disclosed at autopsy. To us, this is the first report on a lethal occupational accident in a sewage plant; our observations demonstrate the rapid progress of putrefaction in a warm anaerobic bacterial environment and the massive trauma sustained.  相似文献   

This study examined 733 child abduction murders (CAMs) occurring from 1968 to 2002 to explore the influence of forensic evidence on case solvability in CAM investigations. It was hypothesized that the presence of forensic evidence connecting the offender to the crime would enhance case solvability in murder investigations of abducted children. This study examined the impact of CAM of different types of forensic evidence and the impact of the summed total of forensic evidence items on case solvability by controlling for victim age, victim race, victim gender, and victim-offender relationship. Time and distance theoretical predictors were also included. Binomial logistic regression models were used to determine whether forensic evidence was a critical solvability factor in murder investigations of abducted children. This research indicated that, while forensic evidence increased case solvability, the impact of forensic evidence on solvability was not as important as other solvability factors examined.  相似文献   

The authors describe a singular case of fatal impalement due to penetration of a metal tube at the level of the neck in a victim of a road traffic accident. The man was traveling in the passenger seat ("death seat") of a car that hit the parapet of a bridge head on; death was attributed to hemorrhagic shock, which was brought on virtually instantly at the moment of impact.  相似文献   

A 15-year-old male died of cardiac rupture due to blunt chest trauma from a traffic accident involving a low-speed scooter carrying 3 people and a head-on collision with a tree. The victim was sitting on the footrest of the scooter. It was concluded that the victim was compressed between the handlebar of the scooter and the other 2 passengers, causing cardiac ruptures via bidirectional compression and intravascular hydrostatic pressure. The victim may have served as a cushion for the other 2 passengers, who were not thrown from the scooter and sustained only minor injuries.  相似文献   

We report three cases where fatal neck injuries were caused by blanks from starting pistols. The weapons were loaded with blank cartridges or tear gas cartridges. Neither live ammunition nor any form of projectile was used. All three cases involved a contact discharge. The gas pressure caused by firing the weapons created extensive wound cavities in all three cases. Each victim died from blood loss as a result of ruptured cervical vessels; there were no air embolisms. In one case, a man shot himself eight times with two different starting pistols, and the wounds could be matched to each gun by the muzzle imprint marks on the neck.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that as crime scene location deprivation increases (lower socioeconomic status), the recovery of forensic material, principally DNA and fingerprints, also increases. However, this increase does not result in more crimes being solved by forensic means. In this study, we analyze stolen vehicle data and find a statistically significant positive association between deprivation and the amount of forensic material that matched either the victim or an associate of the victim on a criminal database. The nature of this association was investigated further by inspecting recovered stolen vehicles to establish whether the condition of a stolen vehicle and the tidiness of its interior influenced the recovery of forensic material that was attributed to the victim or an associate. Contradictory results suggest that other factors may contribute to understanding the association between the recovery of victim- or associate-attributable forensic material and crime scene location deprivation.  相似文献   

We report a case in which a 33-year-old man was discovered unconscious following a fistfight with another man. Emergency neurosurgical efforts to repair a depressed temporoparietal skull fracture and associated brain injuries were unsuccessful. The forensic anthropologist and pathologist worked in tandem to sort out a complex combination of cranial evidence, including healed antemortem trauma, perimortem blunt force trauma, remote and recent neurosurgical intervention, and the craniotomy cut performed at autopsy. The victim had suffered head injuries and a right temporoparietal craniotomy ten years prior to death. The perimortem cranial fractures were centrally located within a surgically repaired roundel of bone involving portions of the right temporal and parietal bones. Reportedly, the victim was punched on the right side of his head as he was lying on the ground with the left side of his head against an asphalt surface. A primary question in the case was whether a blow with a fist could have produced the observed cranial injuries. To adequately answer that question, known data on the minimum amount of force required to fracture the temporoparietal region were compared to data on the amount of force generated by a blow with a fist. A biomechanics expert demonstrated that a single blow with a fist to the rigidly supported head of the victim could generate the required force to produce the observed fractures. The previous medical condition possibly predisposed the victim to the cranial fractures and contributed to the depressed nature of the fractures. Although depressed cranial fractures do not typically result from a blow with a fist, it was determined in this case that the fracture pattern was consistent with a punch to the head.  相似文献   

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