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The scientific working group on DNA analysis Methods (SWGDAM) mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) population data set is used to infer the relative rarity of control region mtDNA profiles obtained from evidence samples and of profiles used for identification of missing persons. In this study, the African American haplogroup patterns in the SWGDAM data were analyzed in a phylogenetic context to determine relevant single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and to describe haplogroup distributions for Africans observed in these data sets. Over 200 SNPs (n=217) were observed in the African American data set (n=1148). These SNPs ranged from having 1-39 changes in the phylogenetic tree, with sites 152 and 16519 being the most variable. On average there were 5.8 changes for a character on the tree. The most variable sites (with 19 or more changes each) observed included 16093, 16129, 16189, 16311, 16362, 16519, 146, 150, 152, 189, and 195. These rapidly changing sites are consistent with other published analyses. Only 34 SNPs are needed to identify all clusters containing 10 or more individuals in the African American data set. The results show that the African American SWGDAM mtDNA data set contains variation consistent with that described in continental African populations. Thirteen of the 18 haplogroups previously observed in African populations were observed and include: L1a, L1b, L1c, L2a, L2b, L2c, L3b, L3d, L3e1, L3e2, L3e3, L3e4 and L3f. Haplogroup L2a is the most commonly observed cluster (18.8%) in the African American data set. The next most common haplogroups in the African American data set include the clusters L1c (11.0%), L1b (9.1%), L3e2 (9.0%) and L3b (8.1%). Approximately 8% of the haplogroups observed within African Americans were common in European Caucasians or East Asians; these were H (n=32), J (n=4), K (n=5), T (n=2), U5 (n=6), U6 (n=9 also known from North Africa), A (n=12), B (n=7), C (n=4), and M (n=16), respectively. The European Caucasian and East Asian haplogroups are expected due to admixture between individuals with recent ancestry in Western Eurasia and sub-Saharan Africa. The genetic characterization of these relevant data sets is fully consistent with other published mtDNA genetic variation. The sequence diversity observed in this data set makes it a valuable tool for forensic applications.  相似文献   

人类mtDNA控制区异质性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cao Y  Wan LH  Gu LG  Huang YX  Xiu CX  Hu SH  Mi C 《法医学杂志》2006,22(3):190-192
目的观察mtDNA的点突变异质性和长度异质性。方法运用直接测序法对50名无关个体及16名母系家族成员的血液、口腔上皮细胞、头发的mtDNAHVI、HVII区序列进行分析,并对20例HVI区直接测序失败的无关个体进行克隆后测序分析。结果同一个体的三种检材样本及16名母系家族成员的序列一致,未见异质性存在;同一个体的不同克隆的C延伸区的长度有差异,存在长度异质性。但同一个体的血液和头发具有相似的长度变异类型,即长度异质性在组织间无差异。结论mtDNA碱基序列具有同质性及稳定性,适用于法医学检案。  相似文献   

Sequencing mitochondrial DNA hypervariable regions I and II (HVI and HVII) is useful in forensic missing person and unidentified remains cases. Improvements in ease and sensitivity of testing will yield results from more samples in a timely fashion. Routinely, amplification of HVI and HVII is followed by Sanger sequencing using the BigDye® Terminator v3.1 Cycle Sequencing kit (Applied Biosystems) using 4 μL of ready reaction mix (RRM). Each sequencing reaction is then purified through column filtration before capillary electrophoresis. Using lower amounts of RRM (2 μL or 1 μL) and purification using BigDye® XTerminator? (Applied Biosystems) instead of columns showed no loss of sequence length and increased the quality and the sensitivity of testing, allowing HVI and HVII typing from mitochondrial genome equivalent to 125 fg of nuclear DNA, or 100 pg of HVI/HVII amplicons. Using this methodology, testing can be completed in 1 day, and the cost of testing is reduced.  相似文献   

中国汉族人mtDNA控制区异质性遗传规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Jiang QC  Tong DY  Sun HY  Ou JH  Chen LX  Wu XY 《法医学杂志》2006,22(3):198-203
目的探讨中国汉族人mtDNA控制区异质性分布情况和遗传规律。方法将人mtDNA控制区扩增成6个部分互相重叠的片段,利用已建立的DHPLC技术分析其异质性规律。结果对150例汉族无关个体的多种组织检测,发现异质性个体的发生率达34%(51/150);个体的组织mtDNA异质性检出率最高为脑(50/150)、心肌(48/150)、最低为骨骼(22/150);本组共发现mtDNA控制区异质性位点有36个;同一个体可有多个异质性位点,最多的不超过3个;未发现异质性发生率有性别差异;超过41岁的高年龄组的异质性发生率(27/59)高于低年龄组(24/91);同一个体在2年前后取的血样,异质性检测结果一致;同一母系不同成员的异质性位点相同,但异质性mtDNA的含量有差异。结论DHPLC检测mtDNA控制区异质性具有高分辩力;mtDNA控制区异质性在中国汉族人中广泛存在;上述结果可作为mtDNA控制区多态性作个人认定和亲权鉴定的指导性资料。  相似文献   

Currently, the Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM) mtDNA dataset is used to infer the relative rarity of mtDNA profiles (i.e., haplotypes) obtained from evidence samples and for identification of missing persons. The Caucasian haplogroup patterns in this forensic dataset have been characterized using phylogenetic methods. The assessment reveals that the dataset is relevant and representative of U.S. and European Caucasians. The comparisons carried out were both the observation of variable sites within the control region (CR) and the selection of a subset of these sites, which partition the variation within human mtDNA control region sequences into clusters (i.e., haplogroups). The aligned sequence matrix was analyzed to determine both single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in a phylogenetic context, as well as to check and standardize haplogroup designations with a focus on determining the characters that define these groups. To evaluate the dataset for forensic utility, the haplogroup identifications and frequencies were compared with those reported from other published studies.  相似文献   

The 608-bp hypervariable region 1 (HV1) sequences from 36 local dogs were analyzed to characterize the population genetic structure of canid mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Sixteen haplotypes were identified. A 417-bp segment of this sequence was compared with GenBank sequences from a geographically representative sample of 201 dogs, two coyotes, and two wolves. Sixty-six haplotypes were identified including 62 found only in domestic dogs. Fourteen of these correspond to the 16 local haplotypes and were among the most frequent haplotypes. The local sample was judged to be representative of the much broader geographic sample. No correlation was observed between local haplotypes and the owner's characterization of dog breed. A 60-bp variation "hotspot" within the canid HV1 was identified as a potentially valuable molecular tool, particularly for assaying limited or degraded DNA samples.  相似文献   

We have analyzed variation of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) hypervariable segments I and II (HVS-I and HVS-II) in 185 randomly chosen individuals from Korea to provide an expanded and reliable Korean database. Combined sequence comparison of HVS-I and HVS-II led to the identification of 167 different haplotypes characterized by 154 variable sites. One hundred and fifty-one of the haplotypes were individual-specific, 14 were found in two individuals and 2 were found in three individuals. A pairwise comparison of the 185 HVS-I/II sequences found an average of 10.11 +/- 4.63 differences between individuals. The random match probability and gene diversity for the combined hypervariable regions were estimated at 0.66% and 0.9988, respectively. Analyzing the expanded database including three previously reported data sets and the present data using haplogroup-based comparisons and comparison with closely related sequences allowed errors to be detected and eliminated, thus considerably improving data quality. Sample division comparisons based on PhiST genetic distance measures revealed no significant population differentiation in the distribution of mtDNA sequence variations between the present data set and a database in The Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM), but did indicate differences from other sets of data. Based on the results of mtDNA profiles, almost all of the mtDNA types studied here could be classified into subsets of haplogroups common in east Asia, and show that the Koreans possess lineages from both the southern and the northern haplogroup complexes of east Asian populations. The new data, combined with other mtDNA sequences, demonstrate how useful comparison with closely related mtDNA sequences can be for improving database quality, as well as providing haplotype information for forensic and population genetic analyses in the Korean population.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial hypervariable regions I and II have proven to be a useful target for analysis of forensic materials, in which the amount of DNA is limited or highly degraded. Conventional mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequencing can be time-consuming and expensive, limitations that can be minimized using a faster and less expensive typing assay. We have evaluated the exclusion capacity of the linear array mtDNA HVI/HVII region-sequence typing assay (Roche Applied Science) in 16 forensic cases comprising 90 samples. Using the HVI/HVII mtDNA linear array, 56% of the samples were excluded and thus less than half of the samples require further sequencing due to a match or inconclusive results. Of all the samples that were excluded by sequence analysis, 79% could be excluded using the HVI/HVII linear array alone. Using the HVI/HVII mtDNA linear array assay, we demonstrate the potential to decrease sequencing efforts substantially and thereby reduce the cost and the turn-around time in casework analysis.  相似文献   

The forensic application of DNA-typing for the identification of dog hair provides objective evidence in the characterisation of traces found at crime scenes. During the past few years forensic dog identity testing has been improved considerably using multiplex PCR systems. However, DNA-typing from samples of one up to 10 dog hairs is often problematic in forensic science. A single dog hair contains very small quantities of DNA or the hair sample consists of hairs with roots of bad quality or even of broken hairshafts without roots. Here we describe an experimental study about dog hairs by means of a Ca(2+) improved DNA-extraction method, quantification and amplification.  相似文献   

The discriminatory power of the noncoding control region (CR) of domestic dog mitochondrial DNA alone is relatively low. The extent to which the discriminatory power could be increased by analyzing additional highly variable coding regions of the mitochondrial genome (mtGenome) was therefore investigated. Genetic variability across the mtGenome was evaluated by phylogenetic analysis, and the three most variable ~1 kb coding regions identified. We then sampled 100 Swedish dogs to represent breeds in accordance with their frequency in the Swedish population. A previously published dataset of 59 dog mtGenomes collected in the United States was also analyzed. Inclusion of the three coding regions increased the exclusion capacity considerably for the Swedish sample, from 0.920 for the CR alone to 0.964 for all four regions. The number of mtDNA types among all 159 dogs increased from 41 to 72, the four most frequent CR haplotypes being resolved into 22 different haplotypes.  相似文献   

Abstract: Very little genetic data exist on Haitians, an estimated 1.2 million of whom, not including illegal immigrants, reside in the United States. The absence of genetic data on a population of this size reduces the discriminatory power of criminal and missing‐person DNA databases in the United States and Caribbean. We present a forensic population study that provides the first genetic data set for Haiti. This study uses hypervariable segment one (HVS‐1) mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) nucleotide sequences from 291 subjects primarily from rural areas of northern and southern Haiti, where admixture would be minimal. Our results showed that the African maternal genetic component of Haitians had slightly higher West‐Central African admixture than African‐Americans and Dominicans, but considerably less than Afro‐Brazilians. These results lay the foundation for further forensic genetics studies in the Haitian population and serve as a model for forensic mtDNA identification of individuals in other isolated or rural communities.  相似文献   

Sequence analysis of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region is of central importance for forensic identity testing as well as for studies of human evolution. Here we report the sequencing data of the hypervariable regions I and II from 50 unrelated individuals from a western German population (Rhine area). In regions I and II, 52 and 26 sites of sequence polymorphism, respectively, were noted. Nucleotide substitution rather than insertion/deletion was the majority of variation. The distribution showed a large bias towards transitional changes than transversional changes. Furthermore we investigated uniparental inheritance in seven CEPH families each family with 7–9 maternal descendants. Most maternal relatives shared identical mtDNA sequences. Additionally sequences were compared for father:child pairs and as expected no evidence for paternal transmission of mtDNA was observed. The high variability of mtDNA control region sequences permits utility in forensic identity investigations. The data also indicate that the neomutation rate seems to be very low from one generation to the other.  相似文献   

目的建立筛选线粒体DNA异质性的DHPLC方法;检测线粒体DNA高变区的异质性频率。方法选取尸体18例,分别提取血、心、肝、脾、肺、肾、胰腺、脑、肌肉、皮肤、肋骨、指甲及毛发的mtDNA,用DHPLC筛选异质型样本,并用直接测序法进行验证。结果9例个体存在异质性,肌肉组织出现的异质性频率最高。结论正确认识线粒体DNA异质性对于法医学应用领域具有指导意义。  相似文献   

A 60 bp sequence variation hotspot in the canine mitochondrial DNA hypervariable region 1 was evaluated for its use in forensic investigations. Nineteen haplotypes containing 18 single nucleotide polymorphisms were observed among laboratory-generated and GenBank-derived domestic dog sequences representing five regional localities in the U.S. Samples from the different localities were highly variable with the levels of intra-population variability being similar among the populations studied. AMOVA further confirmed that there was no significant genetic structuring of the populations. Assays using these haplotypes were robust, canid specific and portend a rapid method for correctly excluding individual dogs as noncontributors of forensic evidence. Species-specificity of the primers was confirmed by means of in-tube polymerase chain reaction of human and cat DNA and in-silico assessment of the genomes of several animal species. Breed-specific fragments were not detected among the common haplotypes but there is evidence that this assay may be capable of differentiating domestic dog, wolf, and coyote sequences.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that many of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) databases published in the fields of forensic science and molecular anthropology are flawed. An a posteriori phylogenetic analysis of the sequences could help to eliminate most of the errors and thus greatly improve data quality. However, previously published caveats and recommendations along these lines were not yet picked up by all researchers. Here we call for stringent quality control of mtDNA data by haplogroup-directed database comparisons. We take some problematic databases of East Asian mtDNAs, published in the Journal of Forensic Sciences and Forensic Science International, as examples to demonstrate the process of pinpointing obvious errors. Our results show that data sets are not only notoriously plagued by base shifts and artificial recombination but also by lab-specific phantom mutations, especially in the second hypervariable region (HVR-II).  相似文献   

Domestic dogs are increasingly involved, often as protagonists, in the forensic scene. Acknowledging this fact and benefiting from the accumulated experience on human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analyses, we propose a standard for Canis familiaris mtDNA sequences as a prerequisite for the launching of the corresponding database.  相似文献   

目的建立简单、有效的m tDNA单倍型检测及异质性筛查技术,并获取其相应的汉族人群频率分布。方法用PCR-DGGE技术对200例武汉汉族无关个体外周血m tDNA HVⅠ15997~16174nt和16208~16401nt区域进行分型检测。结果200例汉族无关个体中,15997~16174nt和16208~16401nt区域分别检出20种和22种单倍型,其单倍型多样性(HD值)分别为0.8159和0.8844;m tDNA HVⅠ组合单倍型共90种,其HD值达0.9803。两区域分别有4名和2名个体观察到异质性,其发生率为3%。结论PCR-DGGE是一种简单、灵敏、高效的m tDNA多态性及异质性检测技术,可应用于法医学实践。  相似文献   

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