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本文从青年亚文化受不同时代媒体类型变迁影响关系入手,揭示青年亚文化即便具有自我生成和发展的历史脉络,但与媒体的变迁也有深刻的文化互动关系,在这样的关系中,不同媒介时代的青年亚文化都具有明显的各自特点,从而呈现不同的青年亚文化的媒体特征和多义倾向。  相似文献   

商业对于青年亚文化的全面收编使"网购狂欢节"逐步取代"光棍节"成为11月11日的符号意指,而节日本身的特殊性、文化内核的一致性、群体的相似性和媒介的共通性,为电子商务收编光棍节创造了绝佳条件。文章以淘宝为例,具体分析商业对于光棍节这一青年亚文化的"收编"过程。  相似文献   

香港青年亚文化,主要表现为一种消费亚文化。在香港特殊的社会历史条件下,这种亚文化受市场经济发展和市民心态的刺激,以及外来青年文化的冲击,形成了自己的特点,成为我们考察香港青年发展的“窗口”。本文根据香港学者和社会工作者的一些研究报告,对这种亚文化进行一些肤浅的探讨。一、香港青年亚群体和亚文化的产生香港青年亚群体和亚文化的出现,有其特殊的社会背景,是香港现代经济发展和外来文化冲击的产物。有的香港学者认为:“在60年代以前的香港社会形态及传统道德中,‘年青人’或‘青少年’这些概念根本不存在,社会成员只有三种——‘儿童’、‘成年人/大人’  相似文献   

伯明翰学派青年亚文化理论的生成语境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡疆锋 《青年研究》2007,(12):14-20
亚文化是通过风格化的和另类的符号对主导文化进行挑战从而建立认同的附属性文化方式。青年亚文化研究是伯明翰学派和早期英国文化研究的探索重心所在。伯明翰学派亚文化理论的生成与英国的"文化-文明"传统、新左派、二战后的工人阶级成人教育和战后青年亚文化等因素有着密切的关系。  相似文献   

王梦蝶  张曼 《理论导刊》2023,(3):99-106
网络青年亚文化是在主流文化占主导地位的社会背景下,以青年为主要群体,以网络为传播载体的文化形态。近年来,随着网络媒介的发展,网络青年亚文化历经对主流文化的反叛弱化、碰撞催化、交融强化等阶段,呈现出主流化转向之态势。基于社会、青年、亚文化自身三重维度,网络青年亚文化主流化转向因于社会发展的切实成就与困境、青年思想与价值观念的变迁及文化传播机制与形式的拓展。新时代,推进网络青年亚文化主流化转向的良性发展,需明确青年主体性发展的多元诉求、认可包容网络青年亚文化的存在发展、引导规制网络青年亚文化的消极因素,以确保网络青年亚文化在主流文化引导下实现理性回归。  相似文献   

英国伯明翰文化研究中心自创立起,其青年亚文化研究一直存在着"男性中心主义"的倾向,女性在亚文化研究中未获得应有的重视。20世纪70年代,以默克罗比为代表的妇女研究小组开始关注青年亚文化中的性别问题,将女性主义引入青年亚文化研究,后来又对女性青年亚文化内部的种族问题进行了细致的思考。这一时期,受现代主义与结构主义的影响,研究者多采取整体性思路对女性青年亚文化进行探讨。80年代中期,女性青年亚文化的研究范式发生了巨大转换。研究者开始从女性受压迫的个体性与复杂性着手分析;同时也改变了之前对女性青年亚文化的浪漫看法,不再将消费主义与亚文化视为互不相容的力量,而是将两者结合起来进行分析。伯明翰学派中女性青年亚文化研究的经验、视角与方法值得当代中国学界批判地进行吸收和借鉴。  相似文献   

冲突管理思维对社会秩序的偏执性追求、对青年亚文化的过度管控,损害了青年亚文化的自运行机能,在一定程度上也破坏了社会的整体文化生态。协调治理思维主张对青年亚文化采取分类治理与分级治理相结合、宏观引导与微观规范相结合、平等互动与协商合作相结合、动态均衡与整体最优相结合的治理原则与治理方法,有助于实现青年亚文化与主流意识形态的良性互动和社会整体文化生态的良性发展。  相似文献   

青年文化是青年生活方式的总和,它指的是被青年社会的成员作为合适的行为导向所认可的、并共同具有的规范、观念态度和习俗,青年亚文化是青年文化的重要内容。一、关于青年亚文化的争议关于青年亚文化,加拉赫(Girallagher,1979)的观点是,遵奉与成人价值观念相反的友伴群体文化及其价值观念。这种亚文化主要存在于中学。青少年在那里组成一个小型社会,他们大多数的重要交往是在它的内部,与外部的成人社会只有很少一些联系。发生这种情况,是因为孩子们呆在学校,并参加越来越多的课外活动。与成人世界的隔离,使他们发展了与成人不同的、具有自己的语言、方式和特别重要的价值体系的亚文化。作为生活在一个被隔离了的社会的结果,出现了能得到友伴认同但不为成人所同意的亚文化。  相似文献   

“丧文化”阻碍青年志气、骨气和底气的养成,削弱主流意识形态影响力,影响国家人才强国战略实施。解析青年“丧文化”表征,应兼容运用“亚文化”和“后亚文化”理论。既要借鉴“亚文化”研究理论的经典方法——剖析“风格”,又要审视“后亚文化”视域下研究范式嬗变形势,创新“新部落”“生活方式”“场景”等研究手段。“丧文化”易导致青年滋生价值虚无主义,引发青年集体焦虑,造成青年社会退缩,污染青年成长环境,影响主流意识形态传播效果。探索多层次、多维度的引导路径,应坚持以社会主义核心价值观为总引领,既要解决青年工作生活方面的实际问题,又要提供青年成长所需的人文关怀;既要激发青年主体意识觉醒,又要营造满足青年健康成长的文化环境。  相似文献   

在青年亚文化研究中权力是个复杂的概念,阶级、性别、种族都在不断地强化权力观念,对文化研究的发展起着推动作用。早期伯明翰学派的亚文化研究建立在阶级分析基础上,他们将亚文化现象纳入到以"阶级"为轴心的权力关系之中。然而,这种研究模式被伯明翰中心内部的女权主义者打破,并将亚文化研究关注的焦点从阶级研究向性别研究迁移。但这种迁移并非终结,而是引出了与权力相关的一系列问题,亚文化研究的视角被无限延展。阶级、性别、种族等维度的阐释对伯明翰学派的亚文化研究理论既有模式的修正,也将英国的文化研究推向多元文化研究的新阶段,最终使亚文化研究完成了后现代的转向。  相似文献   


Groups of racist skinheads now constitute a significant element of the global radical right. The British youth subculture of the late 1960s has thus been transformed into a worldwide social movement, the violent cutting-edge of white supremacist resistance to multiculturalism. Pollard examines the historical development of the racist skinhead phenomenon and, in particular, analyses the origins, nature and development of the ideas that inspire it: the foundational myth; ‘skinhead, a way of life’; Odinism or paganism; the skinhead as victim; skinheads as a vanguard of white, male, working-class revolutionaries; National Socialism and antisemitism; and, above all, racialism.  相似文献   

Cities across the U.S. have turned to summer youth employment programs (SYEPs) to improve the behavioral, economic, and academic outcomes of inner‐city youth. This paper evaluates the impact of the Boston Summer Youth Employment Program using both experimental and non‐experimental variation. Similar to previous studies of summer jobs programs in other cities, I make use of an embedded randomized controlled trial and find that the program reduces violent crime by 35 percent, as measured by the number of arraignments from administrative records during the 17 months after participation. In contrast to prior work, I also find a similar reduction in arraignments for property crimes (?29 percent). This study also provides exploratory evidence on the mechanisms driving these reductions in crime using self‐reported responses of participants from a pre‐/post‐program survey. The results provide suggestive evidence that the beneficial impacts on violent and property crime are largely driven by improved conflict resolution skills versus other factors that would increase the opportunity cost of crime. These findings give researchers some insights into the behavioral changes that occur during the program while also providing a look inside the “black box” as to how SYEPs affect youth outcomes in the long run.  相似文献   

This article presents an empirical investigation of young partisan first-time voter attitudes toward the use of negative attack advertising in a British general election. Partisanship, particularly in relation to negative advertising and third-party effects, is significantly under-researched, yet it advances understanding of youth electoral interaction. Our study confirms that young British partisans are not passive recipients of information, but are actively involved in information processing, interpretation, and counter arguing. Our findings also highlight a third-party effect among young partisans in their evaluation of the attack advertising. Overall our young partisans broadly reject image-attack election ads, which raises a “health warning” on its use in future election campaigning. The findings of this study are of significant interest to election campaign strategists in their planning for future elections and to political researchers striving to advance understanding within the field of political marketing.  相似文献   

This article examines the commercial practices and sales income of national nonprofit social services associations in the United States. The associations span the fields of youth services, health charities, community and recreation services, and advocacy programs for older Americans and children. The commercial ventures of these associations reflect an important trend in the non-profit social services sector, which has implications for taxation, financing,and regulatory policies. The conceptual framework that defines nonprofit organizations as multiproduct economic organizations helps illuminate the relationship of commercial sales to the pursuit of the mission. In general, the commercial initiatives of the associations examined are not solely revenue-producing ventures in that they make direct contributions to the mission as well; indeed, pains are taken by association leaders to avoid activities that would damage their associations’ abilities to pursue their missions. Statistical analysis of the sales revenues of local affiliates of one association—the Jewish Community Centers Association—demonstrates that losses of external income from grants and contributions stimulate sales income whereas increases in memberships expand the markets within which these organizations can generate revenue from user fees.  相似文献   

The Speaker's Conference on Parliamentary Representation reported in January 2010. The report calls for a host of measures to improve the representativeness of the House of Commons and to revitalise political parties, as well as to enhance citizenship education, develop youth and community citizenship engagement programmes, and more generally to revitalise British democracy. Early responses indicate that the government and political parties will take the report seriously. The report is thoughtful, thorough and extensive, a treasure trove for policy makers, advocates and researchers. If it has a weakness, it is that it shows a better understanding of parliamentary reform than of party reform.  相似文献   

Airport Security, High Reliability, and the Problem of Rationality   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The events of September 11, 2001, have raised troubling questions regarding the reliability and security of American commercial air travel. This article applies the concepts and logic of high–reliability organizations to airport security operations. Contemporary decision theory is built on the logic of limited or buffered rationability and is based on the study of error–tolerant organizations. The concept of high–reliability organizations is based on the study of nearly error–free operations. For commercial air travel to be highly secure, there must be very high levels of technical competence and sustained performance; regular training; structure redundancy; collegial, decentralized authority patterns; processes that reward error discovery and correction; adequate and reliable funding; high mission valence; reliable and timely information; and protection from external interference in operations. These concepts are used to inform early–stage issues being faced by both local airports and the newly established Transportation Security Administration.  相似文献   

Experiments have become an increasingly common tool for political science researchers over the last decade, particularly laboratory experiments performed on small convenience samples. We argue that the standard normal theory statistical paradigm used in political science fails to meet the needs of these experimenters and outline an alternative approach to statistical inference based on randomization of the treatment. The randomization inference approach not only provides direct estimation of the experimenter’s quantity of interest—the certainty of the causal inference about the observed units—but also helps to deal with other challenges of small samples. We offer an introduction to the logic of randomization inference, a brief overview of its technical details, and guidance for political science experimenters about making analytic choices within the randomization inference framework. Finally, we reanalyze data from two political science experiments using randomization tests to illustrate the inferential differences that choosing a randomization inference approach can make.  相似文献   

《Patterns of Prejudice》2012,46(4):359-376
Taking recent developments in the study of fascism as a cultural system as a starting point, Spurr examines the interrelationship between notions of race, sportsmanship and Britishness in the subculture of the British Union of Fascists (BUF). More specifically, by focusing on the BUF’s understandings of Britishness and sportsmanship, he highlights the self-reflexive qualities of the movement’s subculture in which a fascist world-view shaped not only explicitly political programmes but also the ways in which this variant of European fascism mirrored particularly English modes of defining national identity and cultural difference in the rhetoric of sportsmanship. In addition, Spurr outlines one of the many ways that this fascist culture shaped social practice in the fascist community, so reflecting an assumption that fascism was as much a lived experience as it was a world of ideas and political philosophy. In so doing, he examines the implications of the BUF’s distinctly English notion of sportsmanship for its followers’ self-definition as Britons, and how this understanding functioned in the construction of the counter-image of the Sporting Jew. As a metaphor, while seemingly rather innocuous, this characterization of the Jew enabled Mosleyites to express a multilayered critique of Jews in a manner that encapsulated their wider ideological concerns and in an idiom readily recognized in the wider context of British inter-war culture. In adopting this approach, Spurr rejects suggestions that the BUF mimicked Nazi models of antisemitism and moves beyond revisionist historiography’s concern with origins and forms to explore the cultural functions of racism in the movement’s subculture.  相似文献   

廉政文化建设中如何对待亚文化,是一个值得研究的课题。干部的生活圈、社交圈、工作圈是当前亚文化集结聚合的三个主要领域。在廉政建设中,它从深层次制约和支配个体的行为和社会活动,对廉政文化或者起着某种补充、强化作用,或者起着干扰甚至消解作用。调和亚文化与廉政文化之间的冲突,东西方文化有着各自不同的路径,但“和而不同”是应遵循的一条重要原则。  相似文献   

Reducing youth exposure to alcohol advertising is a global health priority. In most countries around the world, the alcohol industry is given the opportunity to regulate itself with respect to advertising practices. Generally, the alcohol industry self‐regulations are lax, allowing youth to be disproportionately exposed to alcohol advertising. However, Beam Global Spirits and Wine (Beam) voluntarily adopted more restrictive advertising standards in the United States in 2007. This study assessed Beam's compliance with their new standard and estimates its effect on youth exposure and advertising costs. We found that Beam's compliance with its more restrictive standards was imperfect, but never‐the‐less, we estimated that youth exposure to alcohol advertising was reduced compared to other spirits brands. Beam's more restrictive standards did not increase their advertising costs, and therefore other alcohol companies should consider adopting similar standards around the world. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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