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Political behavior is triggered by the presence of a variety of material and cognitive resources, including political efficacy. The dominant view conceptualizes efficacy as capital, used to overcome obstacles to participation. Our theory suggests that unlike other resources, efficacy aids in the development of habitual participation by activating a particular negative emotion, anger. Using the 1990–1992 NES Panel, we find that internal efficacy boosts participation in part by facilitating anger, but not fear, in response to policy threats. This partial mediating effect operates primarily among younger citizens who are in the process of developing the habit of participation. External efficacy, because it is not self-referential, is not causally linked to participation via emotions. Finally, internal efficacy is enhanced by successful participation in politics, closing a feedback loop that helps explain participatory habits.
Nicholas A. ValentinoEmail:

由于人口的迅速增加,经济活动的不断深入,再加上扎龙保护区湿地保护的法律意识不强,执法不力,保护滞后等原因,使目前该地区湿地资源破坏比较严重,生物类型、数量急剧减少,水体污染,过度盲目开发等等问题十分严峻。立足于该地区湿地的实际以及目前存在的主要问题,充分借鉴其他相关区域的经验和模式,打破传统的仅靠立法就能解决湿地问题的观点,科学分析,通过立法、执法、司法相互结合,构造起一个相对科学、系统的湿地保护法治体系,从而能真正地应用到实践中去解决问题,服务地方经济;同时,通过对扎龙地区湿地保护法律问题研究,能够为湿地保护的全国立法提供了良好的经验,推进我国湿地保护的法治进程。  相似文献   

第二次柏林危机期间,美国试图牺牲联邦德国利益与苏联达成妥协,动摇了联邦德国对于它的西方最强大盟友的信心,迫使联邦德国重新审视其依靠西方实力促进德国重新统一的政策,着手改善与东方之间的关系。对美国的失望,坚定了联邦德国走德法合作道路的决心,促使联邦德国更加密切与法国的关系。从这个意义上来说,第二次柏林危机对联邦德国的外交政策影响深远。  相似文献   

《Critical Horizons》2013,14(1):141-158

In what sense could discourse ethics be linked with normative problems raised by the ecological crisis? Even if Apel and Habermas have not really addressed this question extensively, and even if their position in moral philosophy seems to develop and reinforce a neo-Kantian anthropocentric point of view, one can find in their works some evidence for the possibility of connecting a dialogical view with an ecological one. In order to defend the philosophical interest in highlighting this possibility, this essay analyses Habermas' position concerning the moral and ontological status of animality in particular, and attempts to situate this position within the history of Critical Theory.  相似文献   

《Critical Horizons》2013,14(2):197-208

This essay responds to some of the questions raised by Infinitely Demanding from the perspective of tragic conflicts. On this view, the struggle for power cannot be disentangled from the freedom at stake in liberalism and capitalism, nor from the efforts of individuals and groups to resist the powers that be. I suggest, moreover, that this entanglement threatens to divide from within not just the ethical subject, but groups and institutions as well.  相似文献   

《Critical Horizons》2013,14(1):87-99

This paper explores the complex relation between Hegel and Habermas. Centring the discussion around the key themes of philosophy, modernity and political philosophy, it argues for a gradual re-approachment of Habermas towards Hegel. In the final section on critical theory, it takes up the question of the spirit of this theory to offer a more trenchant critique of Habermas' theoretical short coming from this perspective.  相似文献   

村干部二代并不是世袭父辈的权力,而是在现代民主制度框架内选举产生。肥水不流外人田,村干部首先会选择自己的子女作为村庄权力的继承者;家庭先赋性资本会让其在竞选中赢在起跑线上;打铁还需自身硬,德才兼备才能赢得村民的支持;女大不中留,男性在村庄权力代际传承中有明显的性别优势;得民心者得选票,村干部二代的当选从根本上说是村民选择的结果;朝中有人好做官,村干部二代的产生也离不开乡镇政府的支持与认可。  相似文献   

卢志高 《学理论》2010,(12):198-200
大学生党员是党和人民事业接班人的重要力量,构建大学生党员先进性教育长效机制,是高校党建的重要任务,也是实现高校人才培养目标的必然要求。分析了构建高校大学生党员先进性教育长效机制的重要性及特点,并从实践上提出构建大学生党员先进性教育的工作机制。  相似文献   


Civil societies are related in complex ways with the nature that surrounds them. Drawing upon ecological principles, social, economic, and political theories, and empirical evidence from environmental psychology, we explore the ongoing dialectic between nature and culture—how humans alter nature and nature alters humans, their cultures and associations—with particular reference to civil society. In our view, civil society scholars overlook much by not paying close attention to nature. Nature provides opportunities for citizens to work together to improve their neighborhoods, schools, and workplaces. Joint action can improve the physical and psychological health of people while also restoring and protecting natural systems. Indeed, a vibrant civil society is essential to achieve the many nature-related goals that require co-ordinated action at landscape scales. At the same time, nature provides appealing opportunities to strengthen the types of social values and institutions that are vital to all versions of civil society. We consider the various forms of civil society that are needed to promote healthy, appealing environments, using specific examples of community-based civic engagement. We particularly endorse citizen-run associations (i) that embrace nature-respecting normative values; (ii) that work with land and undertake political action; and (iii) that encourage participants to become more alert, engaged members of their natural homes.  相似文献   

This article discusses the important British social, literary and cultural critic, Raymond Williams, in his relation to Romanticism, seen as a broad movement of protest expressed in many cultural fields against the conditions of life in capitalist modernity. After exploring the Romantic dimension of Williams’s major works, including Culture and Society [Williams, Raymond. 1958. Culture and Society, 1780–1950. New York: Harper & Row], The Country and the City [Williams, Raymond. 1973. The Country and the City. New York: Oxford University Press] and several works of the 1980s, the article focuses on his trajectory from the ecological point of view, in terms of his attempts to deal with cultural attitudes towards Nature on the one hand and threats to the environment on the other.  相似文献   

This paper examines the gender distribution of the benefits of economic growth in several Asian economies from 1970–90. Using Borda rank ordering, we compare the progress made in these countries towards closing the gender gap in well-being. In addition to commonly-used indicators, trends in the ratio of females to males in the population are examined. We explore determinants of changes in this ratio, using regression analysis. The results indicate that gender equity in quality-of-life ratings is highest in those Asian economies that grew the slowest over the period in question. Further, the data indicate that economic growth does not have a significant effect on the female-to-male population ratios for this set of countries. Variables that affect women's bargaining power do, however, have a positive effect on relative female life chances, as does spending on public education.  相似文献   

人性中的恶是腐败的深层基础,但权力的异化和滥用则是导致腐败的根本原因。必须正视人性中的恶及善恶互变现象,以外在的刚性制度约束和内在的文化心理约束激发人性的正能量;必须加强权力制约和监督,把权力关进制度的笼子里,防微杜渐、惩恶扬善,这是人性向善和政治走向文明的内在需求;必须加强制度设计,提高制度执行力,规范权力运用,防止制度虚置,形成不敢腐的惩戒机制、不能腐的防范机制、不易腐的保障机制,提高制度反腐的科学化水平。广大领导干部必须习惯于在监督下谨慎用权,为民掌好权,自觉抵制形式主义、官僚主义、享乐主义和奢靡之风的侵蚀,为全体人民的全面而自由的发展营造民主、平等、公正、和谐的社会氛围和精神乐土。  相似文献   

《Critical Horizons》2013,14(2):181-199

The core argument of the paper is that the modern philosophical notion of self-constitution is directed against the prospect of human beings dissolving into idleness. Arguments for self-constitution are marked by non-philosophical presuppositions about the value of usefulness. Those arguments also assume a particular conception of superior experience as conscious integration of a person’s actions within an identifiable set of chosen commitments. Exploring particular arguments by Hegel, Kant, Korsgaard and Frankfurt the paper claims that those arguments are problematic in the various ways in which they suppose usefulness and explicitly or implicitly take extra-philosophical views of idleness.  相似文献   

In this theoretical intervention, I argue that Karl Marx’s theory of value remains a powerful way to understand nature–society relations under capitalism. I suggest environmentalist critiques often misunderstand Marx’s value theory as a theory that “values” workers over nature. His critical theory is better understood as an explanation of how capitalist value exploits both workers and the environment. My defense of Marxian value theory is articulated through five “theses.” I provide empirical illustration based on recent research into the nitrogen fertilizer industry. (1) Value theory does not refer to all values. (2) Marx’s contention that nature does not contribute to value helps us explain its degradation under capitalism. (3) Marx’s value theory rooted in production allows for a critique of environmental economic valuation schemes (e.g. payments for ecosystem services) which are based on neoclassical value theories rooted in consumption/exchange. (4) Value is abstract social labor, but that means it also abstracts from nature. (5) Capital does value certain parts of nature and that matters. I conclude by advocating a “value theory of nature” in the spirit of Diane Elson’s powerful articulation of Marx’s “value theory of labor.”  相似文献   

共同正犯是刑法中的一个重要概念,研究这一概念对于共同犯罪的定罪和量刑具有重大意义。在德、日等大陆法系国家,共同正犯是法定的共犯种类,我国刑法并未明确规定共同正犯,共同正犯相当于我国刑法理论中的共同实行犯。关于共同正犯的本质,存在犯罪共同说和行为共同说,部分犯罪共同说具有合理性。立足于主客观相统一的标准,成立共同正犯,需要二人以上的行为人在主观上存在共同实行的意思,在客观上存在共同实行的事实。  相似文献   

Recent decades have seen an acceleration in public concern about the allocation of increasingly scarce water supplies. There are many reasons for this concern, such as growth in urban populations. In this article, we focus on how surface water’s special qualities (the combination of spillovers, rent-seeking behavior, and common pool resources) complicate the assignment of property rights in any legal framework. These characteristics make specific market structures necessary in order to efficiently allocate rights. The state usually designs those structures. Yet, just like markets can fail, so can governments fail to effectively allocate those rights. So designers often turn to quasi-judicial conservancy boards as a second-best solution. We argue that those boards may themselves fail through a form of “corporation failure.” We address these three types of failures, and offer an analysis of two cases that suggests that the likelihood conservancy boards will suffer from corporate failure depends on the actions of the boards and outside stakeholders (like governments).
Benjamin Y. ClarkEmail:

网络问政本质上是公众通过网络表达诉求、实现参政议政的新型民主形式。建立和发展网络问政制度,对于提高信息化条件下党的执政能力、创建人民满意的的服务型政府、构建社会主义和谐社会具有重要战略意义。网络问政现象流行警示我们既有的人民群众利益表达和聚合机制功能发挥不足或严重弱化,必须进一步通过深化政治民主体制、社会管理体制改革,切实创造条件让人民安全地批评和监督政府。网络问政要取得实效必须与现有的政治制度、法律制度、政治组织形式运作紧密结合起来。  相似文献   

报应和功利是刑法的两大基本范畴 ,理论上对报应和功利在刑法上的意义的认识比较混乱。本文认为报应是刑法根据意义上的范畴 ,功利是刑法目的意义上的范畴 ,纯粹的报应论和功利论都是不可取的。但是由于各自的刑法意义不同 ,相应地在刑法理论和立法中对两者进行取舍、权衡时也不能等量齐观。因此 ,应在整个刑法范围内坚持报应优先、兼顾功利 ,并指出一些和此结论不一致的比较典型的立法规定。  相似文献   

李洁  石彤 《青年研究》2012,(3):11-20,94
本文以"新时期中国妇女社会地位调查研究"之"女大学生群体调查"的数据为样本,采用了结构方程的方法,探究了男女大学生在成功评价标准上的社会性别差异。研究发现:当评价对象为男性时,男性应答者更多地强调生活富足、身居要职等"物质主义"因子;而当评价对象为女性时,女性更多地强调"社会联系"和"生命意义"因子;研究继而通过引入"社会支持"因子和"社会性别观"因子作为控制变量来说明:这一性别差异并非"本质主义"的,而是在社会处境与性别观念的影响下出现的。  相似文献   


This article offers a conceptual framework to identify and analyse the contemporary behaviour of the paradoxical government-organized, non-governmental organization (GONGO). We discuss how GONGOs’ activities fit within mainstream civil society theories and traditions. Furthermore, we compare and analyse GONGOs and NGOs in terms of their sources of power, main activities and functions, and dilemmas. Finally, we theorize the effects, and implications, the growth of GONGOs has on state and society relations globally.  相似文献   

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