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I Do,Do I?     
正A detailed survey on marriage reveals changing attitudes among young people In China, as in most other parts of the world, marriage has traditionally been seen as one of  相似文献   

WHEN the Beijing Olympic torch relay passed through Shangrila (Zhongdian) County in June, seat of Yunnan’s Deqen Tibetan Auton-omous Prefecture and the likely inspiration for James Hilton’s book Lost Horizon, it began its second leg with a lighting ceremony at Po-tatso, China’s fi rst national park on the mainland. The park was the brainchild of Kyhigyala, secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Deqen Prefectural Committee, who proposed establishing the nature preserve in Shangrila three years ago, and today the park’s pristine beauty compares favorably with Hilton’s mythic Shangrila, an imaginary kingdom where no one grows old.  相似文献   

Despite European leaders’ efforts to address fearsover the euro, there is no quick solution to the crisis While most of Europe goes on holiday or sits glued to the London Olympics,  相似文献   

I never imagined the Ambassador of Romania to China, Mr. Isticioaia-Budura, would be so skilled in speaking both Chinese and English. He came in exactly at the time we appointed with a hospitable smile, making me feel rather relaxed.  相似文献   

Nobody likes a critic-especially one in a foreign country. There's something deeply irri- tating about foreigners moaning  相似文献   


Academic procrastination is considered to be a result of self-regulation failure having detrimental effects on students’ well-being and academic performance. In the present study, we developed and evaluated a group training that aimed to reduce academic procrastination. We based the training on a cyclical process model of self-regulated learning, thus, focusing on improving deficient processes of self-regulated learning among academic procrastinators (e.g., time management, dealing with distractions). The training comprised five sessions and took place once a week for 90?min in groups of no more than 10 students. Overall, 106 students completed the training. We evaluated the training using a comprehensive control group design with repeated measures (three points of measurement); the control group was trained after the intervention group’s training. The results showed that our training was successful. The trained intervention group significantly reduced academic procrastination and improved specific processes of self-regulated learning (e.g., time management, concentration), whereas the untrained control group showed no change regarding these variables. After the control group had also been trained, the control group also showed the expected favorable changes. The students rated the training overall as good and found it recommendable for procrastinating friends. Hence, fostering self-regulatory processes in our intervention was a successful attempt to support students in reducing academic procrastination. The evaluation of the training encourages us to adapt the training for different groups of procrastinators.  相似文献   

ON July 9, 2010, I paused on the Great Wall of China on the outskirts of Beijing, trying to imagine all the people who had stood in that spot before, feeling the same breeze and viewing the same horizon.  相似文献   

Every morning as I pedal my biketo work, I see scores of Beijingersout walking their dogs. Once I evensaw an elegant elderly lady walking  相似文献   

Shanghai is a beehive of activity as the city prepa r es to host the Special Olympics World Summer Games in October 2007. At pre- sent, Special Olympics China and the Shanghai Organ i z i n gCommittee for the 2007 Special Olympics Wor ld Summer Games, to …  相似文献   

WHEN the Beijing Olympic torch relay passed through Shangrila (Zhongdian) County in June, seat of Yunnan's Deqen Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture and the likely inspiration for James Hilton's book tatso, China's first national park on the mainland. The park was the brainchild of - Kyhigyala, secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Deqen Prefectural Committee, who proposed establishing the nature preserve in Shangrila three years ago, and today the park's pristine beauty compares favorably with Hilton's mythic Shangrila, an imaginary kingdom where no one grows old.  相似文献   

SMG isn’t trying to imitate anyone, and that’s its secret for successAs a competitor of TBI, Shanghai Media Group (SMG) also produces content, which has already begun airing. But the company is focused on a lot more that only it can do, according to SMG President Li Ruigang. Li recently talked about his new understanding of how to integrate new and traditional media. How is SMG progressing with its new media business? Li Ruigang: In terms of digital TV, we have launched pay TV and…  相似文献   

Awhile ago aladyImetona plane toldme I wasvery lucky and musthavebeena really goodperson in a past life. Itook the bait, and askedher why? “Some Chinesebelieve that if you aretall in this life it meansyou are being rewardedfor many acts of kind-nessyouha…  相似文献   

On August 30, the Graduate School of Huazhong University of Science and Technology announced it would expel students who were taking too long to complete advanced degrees. The relevant regulations say completing a master's degree shouldn't take longer than four years and a doctor's degree eight.  相似文献   

<正>As has become the norm lately,annual sessions of China’s National People’s Congress (NPC)and the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC)coincided with the International Women’s Day.The retirement age for women,which has long been a  相似文献   

AT 30 kilometers from Mount Tai,one of China’s famous five peaks,and 100 kilometers from Confucius’ hometown of Qufu,the location of Feicheng City in Shandong Province could not be more auspicious.With famously fertile plains extending for miles around the city,Feicheng is fast becoming an important base for China’s burgeoning organic vegetable industry.  相似文献   

The Chinese have long ago found strange and interesting ways to express love on their own traditional Valentine equivalents.  相似文献   

New Words找zhao v.speak to,look for别bie adv.don’t担心danxin v.worry游泳池youyongchi n.swimming pool怎么zenme pron.how走zou v.walk,get(to)向xiang prep.to,towards东dong n.east路口lukou n.crossing,junction,intersection右you n.right拐guai v.turn,change direction等deng v.wait(for) David is on the phone to Wang Jiaming.They are going for a swim.大卫:喂,我是大卫。我找王家明。  相似文献   

Saving face is something that is deeply rooted in Chinese culture, and for over 5,000 years this con-cept has motivated and deter-mined the outcome of decisions and behavior across the spectrum of Chinese society. It was, therefore, particu-larly surprising when Tang Jie, Secretary General of the Municipal Government of Shenzhen, in Guangdong Province, made a vow to local lawmakers that, if his govern-ment did not perform well in terms of administration, the officials involved should apologize publicly for their misconduct. His  相似文献   

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