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我们党有丰富的历史经验。站在马克思主义的立场上,坚持辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义观点,科学地总结党的历史经验,是中共党史研究的一个重要内容。这些年来党史研究一直比较活跃,其中一个重要因素,就是对党的历史经验如何认识,见仁见智,各抒己见。去年以来,对有些问题展开了不同意见的争论。在这里,我也谈点对一些问题的看法。(一)关于党在新中国50年历史的分期党在新中国执政50年的历史,以1978年12月的党的十一届三中全会为界碑,划分为前后两个大的阶段。从新中国成立到十一届三中全会前的29年,是党领导建设社会主义的前期。…  相似文献   

Chinese VP’s North Korea trip seeks to foster peace and dialogue on the peninsula Chinese Vice President Li Yuanchao paid a visit to North Korea from July 25 to 28 in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Korean War truce.The outside world saw the trip as a move by Beijing to renew relations  相似文献   

Pushing Granite     
IF you want to look at what it means to be transformed by tech- nology, what better fast-track, hothouse case to consider than China, a society that has morphed itself in an alarmingly compressed window of time. That's what inventor and stone sculptor Daniel Henderson concluded. You likely use a piece of Henderson's work regularly; he holds the patent for wireless transmission of photos and video from cell phones. Having made a solid fortune manipulating the ethereal, it's not so surprising that he then gravitated towards stone.  相似文献   

正Against the backdrop of rampant anti-globalization across the world,China is set to open itself wider to the outside world,a move that will not only drive globalization but also pave the way for future economic growth.On April 10,in his keynote speech at the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2018,President Xi Jinping unveiled a series of measures to further open up China's econ-  相似文献   

正Schools of thought weigh in on the country’s future By Lan Xinzhen After 30 years of reform and opening up,China’s economic aggregate has risen to the world's second largest-an incredible accomplishment given that it was once below 100th place.  相似文献   

正As usual,China’s annual Central Economic Work Conference,which was held on December 15-16,reviewed developments in the past year and outlined goals for the next.But this year’s conference grabbed special attention because it was the first of its kind since the new leadership of the ruling Communist Party of China came to power in November.A shift of focus from speed to quality in economic growth and a call for reform were the messages emitted from the conference.The new leaders pledged to stick to the guideline of transforming the country’s growth model while maintaining economic stability.They also emphasized that next year’s focus should be enhancing the quality and efficiency of economic growth.  相似文献   

人民警察核心价值观必须具有人民警察的职业特色,必须以社会主义核心价值体系为指导和依托,包括“坚持党对公安工作绝对领导”的政治观、“立警为公、执法为民”的宗旨观、以“严格执法、热情服务”为基本行为准则的职业道德观,以及“忠诚可靠、秉公执法、务实创新、无私无畏、甘于奉献”的基本内容。构建和培育人民警察核心价值观,要强化理论灌输,解决突出问题;要结合岗位践行,注重机制建设;要真心关爱民警。  相似文献   

正China and ASEAN team up to create a more dynamic and interconnected region China pledged more than$20 billion in loans to support the construction of Southeast Asia’s connectivity on November 13.The offer,announced by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang at the Ninth  相似文献   

积极推进社区文化建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今世界,在综合国力的竞争中,文化的作用越来越被人重视。诚如季羡林先生所言:历史上任何一个社会的发展,表面上看是经济、生产力的发展,其背后实质是个文化问题,也即是文化的发展,在推动社会的前进。上海,曾被世人誉为"东方巴黎",创造出许多不亚于卢浮宫的文艺珍品。然而,当代上海的文化与世界先进文化相比,尚有不少差距。基于文化对经济具有强大的反作用的理念,我们将上海的文化发展,放在上海整体发展的战略高度来认识。本期特邀几位著名学者、作家就未来上海文化发展的问题发表高见。  相似文献   

Supporters of President Donald Trump gather near the Capitol in Washington,D.C.,the U.S.,on January 6.Pro-Trump protesters broke into the building that day,obstructing President-elect Joe Biden's certification process.  相似文献   

邬明汉  张乐平 《公安学刊》2010,(4):42-43,47
面对当前刑事犯罪高发,犯罪的暴力化、组织化、智能化、职业化程度不断提高,新的犯罪类型不断涌现的犯罪新形势,必须以打击“盗、抢、骗”犯罪为主线,推进初侦初查和便衣侦查工作;以情报工作为突破口,推进刑侦基础和专门手段建设;以机制建设为重点,推进队所协作;以专业化为导向,推进刑侦队伍建设。  相似文献   

Paper From Rocks     
Traditional papermaking techniques are being replaced by methods involving new materials Papermaking techniques are undergoing a great revolution and a new papermade from stone is lining up to take  相似文献   

Rocks to Riches     
正Desertification of karst regions remains a major challenge for people in south China Stony desert areas in China had shrunk to 12 million hectares by the end of 2011, representing a 7.4-percent reduction from the 2005 figure,  相似文献   

On November 2,the American public sent a clear message to Washington and President Barack Obama was forced to recognize the country's dissatisfaction after an election he described as"humbling."It was an unusual election in some ways,due partly to new rules that allowed a flood of money from opaque sources to support campaigns and spawn a handful of outrageous messages.  相似文献   

以改革创新精神全面推进党的建设,是对党的建设的根本要求。十六大以来凭着改革创新的精神,党的建设取得了重大进展。继续推进党的建设新的伟大工程,必须坚持弘扬改革创新精神。要认真研究、贯彻落实十七大提出的党的建设的新思路新举措,用改革创新的思路和办法破解党的建设中的重大课题。  相似文献   

宁波市推出的"基层和谐促进工程",由市综治组织具体实施,秉承了"枫桥经验"的时代要求,以和谐促进会等社会融合组织为依托,以各类和谐促进员队伍为主体,通过实行社会管理终端化、力量整合兼容化、诉求解决初始化、工作保障常态化,构建起了化解社会矛盾纠纷、应对复杂形势的长效机制,实现了基层社会的和谐稳定。  相似文献   

THE Peking Opera Mei Lanfang, performed by the Beijing Peking Opera Troupe to the accompaniment of the German Symphony Orchestra, played in Berlin in late April 2006. The opera was an aspect of the Cultural Reminiscences per-  相似文献   

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