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本文论述了网络教育的重要性和优越性,指出制作高质量网络课件是实现网络教育的关键。提出了对网络课件的基本要求,分析了当前网络课件制作中存在的问题和解决办法。  相似文献   

Net Effect     
正The growing trend of Internet hospitals could mean more quality medical servicesWhat is common to a housewife in Zhejiang, a lama in Gansu and a professional basketball team in Sichuan?To put it simply, all of them "go" to the same hospital. But to see it from a wider perspective,  相似文献   

网络、网络文化与思想政治教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
计算机网络的产生及其优势对人们日常生活的冲击遍布社会各个领域,以至形成网络社会和网络文化,受其影响最大的群体当属高校学生.因此,互联网已成为高校思想政治教育的主战场和制高点,高校思想政治教育工作者必须抓住机遇,迎接挑战,充分利用计算机网络这一现代文明的工具为思想政治教育工作服务.  相似文献   

Closing the Net     
Government acts to end flight overseas by corrupt of ficials At a press conference on December 27, 2008, Vice Minister of Supervision Yao  相似文献   

A Tightening Net     
At the age of 75 and having retired years ago, Wang Zhenlin, former head of the coalfield geology bureau of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, north China, thought he had safely put his past behind him.  相似文献   

A Net Result     
Web writer Zhang Wei, known as Tang Jia San Shao, used to primarily write fantasy novels before he began contributing to Web literature in 2004. In February, his contemporary urban romance Embracing You Beyond Lies made it to the List of Excellent Original Web Literary Works published by the State Administration of Press and Publication and the China Writers Association (CWA).  相似文献   

'Environmental challenges are not figments of our imagination, but a key issue of mankind's future," Laurent Fabius, former French Prime Minister and one of the leaders who helped turn the 2015 Paris UN Climate Change Conference into a success via the Paris Agreement, said when pointing out what is at stake during a recent webinar. Acknowledging the urgent need for solid actions tackling climate change, the webinar high-lighted the importance of partnerships between governments, the private sector and civil society and the significance of synergy between China, Europe and the United States. Known as the first dialogue of the China-Europe-America Net-Zero Transition Platform, it took place on December 20, two months after the 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow of the United Kingdom, which adopted the Glasgow Climate Pact.  相似文献   

State of the Net     
A white paper is issued on Internet growth The Chinese Government on June 8 published a white paper on its Internet policy, stressing the guarantee of citizens’ freedom of speech on the  相似文献   

<正>Frenchman gets a taste of life as a cyberstar in China On August 18,a Frenchman living in Beijing set out to make a live broadcast of an event at the Chinese Royal Gastronomy Museum.Antoine Bunel,38,fi lmed an overseas students’visit as part of the Beijing International Youth Tourism Festival,an initiative aimed at helping young people know more about Beijing  相似文献   

Hooked by a Net     
Internet Addiction Disorder is spreading through Chinese cables at higher-than-ever speeds.NEVER mind smoking, gambling, or crack co-caine, Chinese youths are developing a com-pulsion for a differentfeature of modern life–the Internet.  相似文献   

正Since its introduction to China 20-plus years ago,the Internet has flourished like mushrooms after a spring rain.Its users now top 600million and there are around three million Chinese websites.The Chinese word for Internet is互联网(hùlián w ng)–interconnected network–very close to its English equivalent.Logging  相似文献   

<正>E-commerce is the key to boosting slow produce sales Apples,pears and peaches color the landscape of Qianxian County in northwest China’s Shaanxi Province.However,since last winter,pear sales have fallen.In the county’s Yanghong Town alone,millions of kilograms of pears await buyers.  相似文献   

网络文化对青少年的成长有着深刻的影响。网络文化特有的开放性、虚拟性、及时性和综合性等特点,给青少年的思想观念带来了相当大的冲击,造成很大的负面影响,为青少年犯罪心理的形成和发展提供了文化背景,一定程度上导致了青少年犯罪。为此,必须高度重视各种消极影响,积极采取对策,使负面影响降到尽可能低的程度,惟此才能使青少年在网络文化环境中健康成长。  相似文献   

网络伦理问题之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着国际互联网的崛起和迅速普及,产生了一种新的全球性的社会组织形式———"网络社会",它对传统的社会道德观念、伦理体系提出了挑战,使人们面临着技术上的"可能"与伦理上的"应该"的严峻挑战,并带来了许多政治、法律、伦理道德问题。本文就构建网络伦理相关问题作一些探讨。  相似文献   

I missed hanging around with my schoolmates, but there was noth- ing I could do to tear myself away from the computer. I thought of nothing but on-line gaming, even in my dreams.” That’s the story of a 17-year-old ex-Internet addict named Zhao Cheng. Zhao, who comes from a single-parent family and was a capable student before he became capitivated by Internet games two years ago. Shortly afterwards, his exam scores began to plummet, and he eventually dropped out of school. He conf ined hi…  相似文献   

正New measures to better coordinate social assistance and help prevent fraud .On January 2,2014,the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council,China’s cabinet,released a draft of regulations on social assistance,in order to solicit public feedback.  相似文献   

网络会计是网络环境下的会计信息系统,它是随着网络技术发展而产生的,它弥补了传统会计的不足,成为会计未来发展的新领域。本文拟就网络会计的特点、存在的问题及对策等方面作一些探讨。  相似文献   

粤盾牌YD系列捕网器主要由发射器、空包弹和飞网三部分组成,分为YD-1型和YD-2型两种,它们分别采用79式轻型冲锋枪和警棍式手持发射器作为发射工具,以51式7.62mm空包弹为动力将飞网发射出去,是一种以撒网方式利用缠绕技术捉拿目标的非致命性警用器材,主要配备给公安、武警等执法部门使用,可用于抓捕和有效制服各种持械抢劫、行凶杀人和顽抗拒捕等犯罪嫌疑人。YD-2型捕网器的发射管长约20公分,重量0.8公斤,捕网面积4×4平方米,发射速度50米/秒,有效作用距离5~12米。使用时从捕网器内发射出一张飞网将犯罪嫌疑人网住和缠绕,使其失去逃跑及反抗能力。它的特点是非致命性,非常合适在人流多、环境复杂的情况下使用。  相似文献   

大学生网络道德建设研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
张晓燕 《理论月刊》2002,(8):115-117
随着信息化、网络化的兴起,网络社会化作为一种与真实社会化相并列的社会化机制对大学生的成长产生了越来越重要的作用,同时网络社会化也对大学生提出了新的要求。本文主要从网络环境和大学生网络道德的现状探讨如何加强大学生的网络道德建设。  相似文献   

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