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Bioethics is clearly a field in transition, if not confusion. The author examines two questions at the core of this transition. First, how will bioethics accommodate the different training needs and professional interests of those who understand themselves to be primarily scholars of bioethics, and those who understand themselves to be primarily practitioners of bioethics? And second, whether bioethics will continue to function as an interdisciplinary field or whether it will morph into a discipline in its own right.  相似文献   

Good empirical research is essential to providing sound answers about the facts of the matter, thereby informing bioethical theory and policy. Nevertheless, relatively few topics have been addressed adequately and the most powerful methods have not been exploited to maximize the potential contribution of this work to the field.  相似文献   

This study assesses the effectiveness of an evidence-based counseling strategy employed by Colorado parole officers called Motivational Interviewing (MI), which aims to reduce parolee recidivism. I employ a quasi-experimental research design in which the caseloads of MI-trained officers are divided into two sub-samples: parolees supervised before the achievement of MI certification and parolees supervised after certification. Regression analyses show that MI is associated with recidivism reduction, but this relationship would not have been revealed without accounting for a high-profile crime that interrupted the study period—the murder of the Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Corrections by a high-risk parolee that had absconded from supervision. This crime caused a public relations crisis for the parole agency, which responded by lowering tolerance for misconduct. This reduction in tolerance increased recidivism rates among parolees in Colorado, obscuring the effect of MI on parole outcomes. Theoretical and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

世纪之交的 2 0 0 0年是我院科研工作承前启后、继往开来的一年 ,在邓小平理论和党的十五大精神指引下 ,在学院党委的领导和重视下 ,全院干部教师奋发拼搏 ,在科研工作中取得了新的成绩。一、科研成果数量与质量保持发展势头   (一 )科研成果数量与上年大体持平 ,质量又有新的提高 ,继续保持良性发展态势。据不完全统计 ,全年共公开发表成果 2 2 3项 ,(治安系 4 3项、技术系 4 3项、公共部 3 6项、法律系 3 5项、马列部 1 8项、侦察系 1 4项、科研处 1 5项、警体部 6项、图书馆 2项、其他处室共 1 2项 ) ,总体上基本与去年持平。其中我院…  相似文献   

为全面展示国内学术界关于基层社会治理研究的热点、前沿和发展脉络,本文借助Citespace5.5 R2软件,对CNKI数据库中的937篇中文核心期刊和CSSCI文献(2006—2019年)进行研究,同时结合文献计量学研究方法,从年度发文分布情况、论文的学科分布、发文的重要期刊、发文作者分布、高被引论文情况、研究机构分布、关键词共现和内容版图解读等方面进行全方位分析。研究发现,以2013年11月召开的十八届三中全会为节点,从2014年起文献呈爆发式增长。研究热点主要围绕创新、社会治理创新、社会治理和基层社会治理四个核心关键词展开。通过对既有研究进行分析和总结,预测未来研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

公共行政价值研究:一个文献述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
公共行政价值是公共行政的灵魂和旨归 ,但由于受实证主义的影响 ,学界对其的研究却很不够。本文以公共行政价值及相关范畴为起点 ,根据现有文献 ,综述了公共行政价值的研究现状 ,归纳了学者对公共行政价值研究的三种维度 ,以期能有助于推进对这一问题的深入探讨。  相似文献   

We outline a comprehensive research program on institutional reforms in European parliaments. Original data show that parliamentary rules in Western European parliaments have been changed frequently and massively during the period from 1945 to 2010 suggesting that actors use institutional reforms as a distinct strategy to pursue their substantive goals. We discuss how institutional instability affects existing theoretical and empirical arguments about institutional effects. Furthermore, we present four ideal‐typical approaches to analyzing rule changes, present new software tools for identifying and coding changes in large text corpora, and demonstrate their usefulness for valid measurement of the overall change between subsequent text versions.  相似文献   

尽管当下司法调解的实践本身比各种话语表述更富创造力,然而一种以"中国"为中心的司法方法论、以"中国"为中心的司法调解观远远未能被我们发现或发明。这至少是因为我们如何评判司法调解与如何表述它皆成了问题。分析这些问题就是在表述:我们的司法调解不是完全经由法律适用来确认权利或利益,而是主要通过实践智慧弥合了公正问题与合法问题,亦即需要解决的争议重点不在于依据哪些法律来裁断,而是借助于转变了裁判者的身份,使其在现行的法律制度内作为调解者来促使纠纷的解决,并以此来追求某种社会公正与社会和谐。  相似文献   

孟娟  彭运石 《金陵法律评论》2009,(2):108-112,132
人本心理学家穆斯塔卡斯发展的启发式研究方案具有自身的独特内涵、特征、概念框架和研究过程.作为一种有着系统的概念框架和完整研究步骤的心理学方法体系,启发式研究方案使人本心理学方法论不再流于理论倡导,而是融入到个人经验研究的具体实践,丰富、增进了心理学的质化研究方法.但它尚需进一步澄清、消除自身概念、设计与操作上的混乱之处,并需以辩证唯物主义实践观看待人的本质,确立心理学的整合视野.  相似文献   

Recent transnational HIV research projects have raised questions about the ethics of research in developing countries, and with good reason. Lower ethical standards are often applied in these settings, yet the field of bioethics has remained relatively quiet on the subject, concerning itself primarily with issues that only affect affluent countries. Here we call for a new focus on equity and human rights in bioethics.  相似文献   

冯玉军 《法学家》2005,1(2):38-45
全球化目前已成为涉及经济、政治、法律和文化等众多领域的客观趋势.本文分别从经验史、知识史和事实史三种研究语境,阐发全球化概念的既有内涵,论证全球化理论的哲学依归及其历史意义,并以法律与全球化的基本互动关系为例,描述和解释了作为视角与研究语境的全球化理论.  相似文献   

论倡导性规范——以合同法为背景的分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对合同当夺人之间的利益关系进行协调,除任意性规范外,尚有倡导性规范.倡导性规范即提倡和诱导当事人采用特定行为模式的法律规范.本文结合民法价值判断问题的实体性论证规则,借助对<合同法>有关条文的分析,就倡导性规范在<合同法>中的具体体现,其与任意性规范之间的关系以及我国现行合同立法就倡导性规范的配置尚存在的缺陷,进行了初步的分析.  相似文献   

The influence of demeanor in criminal justice research has predominantly centered on arrest and sanctioning outcomes. This study examines demeanor at the juncture of juvenile drug court admission by attributing behavior perceived to be favorable or unfavorable to program compliance and success to either juveniles or their parents/guardians. Analysis of 76 juvenile drug court case files enabled examination of how parent and child demeanor impacts specialty court admission. Findings suggest that program admittance (i.e., system leniency through diversion) is largely a function of projected attitude and behavior during screening interviews, but selection decisions are made irrespective of demeanor source. Implications of the findings for drug court processes and continued system involvement are discussed.  相似文献   

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