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How important are teenagers' cognitive skills in predicting subsequent labor market success? Do cognitive skills pay off in the labor market only for students who go to college? Does college benefit only students who enter with strong basic skills? These questions are often parts of current policy debates about how to improve the earnings prospects for young Americans. This paper addresses these questions using two longitudinal data sets with earnings information from the mid‐1980s and early 1990s. It shows that the same evidence can be used to support the claim that cognitive skills are important determinants of subsequent earnings, and that the effect of cognitive skills is modest. It also shows that while some evidence indicates that college pays off more for students who enter with strong cognitive skills than for students who enter with weaker skills, the bulk of the evidence does not support this conclusion. © 2000 by the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.  相似文献   

廖国胜 《学理论》2010,(10):230-231
思想品德教育是学校教育的重要组成部分,也是体育课应配合教学的要素之一,体育教学不仅能使学生增强体质,提高运动技巧和技能,而且还能发展智力、陶冶情操、锻炼意志,培养学生的全面发展,特别是中等专业学校的学生毕业后将直接进入社会。为了使学生更好、更快地适应社会和工作岗位,作为中等专业学校的体育教育者对学生进行思想教育更为重要。根据体育教学的特点,把思想教育贯穿体育教学之中,使学生在增强体质、学习运动技能的同时提高品德素养。  相似文献   


As the advisers for the Model United Nations and Judicial Internship programs at our university, we have witnessed first-hand the benefits of simulations and experiential learning. Specifically, students are able to apply knowledge from other classes to real-world situations, all while honing their writing skills and communication skills, as well as their ability to analyze and synthesize information—skills that are critical to success in a wide variety of careers. This practical experience also gives students confidence as they prepare for and make decisions about their future career paths. While we have anecdotal evidence suggesting that these programs contribute to student success, we use survey data from former students to assess formally the longer-term impact of participating in these programs. We find that experiential learning programs contribute to student success by improving time to graduation and increasing the likelihood of attending graduate school or law school and/or finding employment after graduation. In addition, the students’ own assessments indicate that these programs instill numerous practical skills and provide insights that help prepare students for success in their future careers.  相似文献   

李若薇 《学理论》2009,(20):231-232
在英语诗歌教学中,传统的背诵方法能内化诗歌情感、思想和语言,现代的多媒体技术信息容量大,节省时间,二者结合起来,既增加诗歌教学的趣味性和生动性,调动了参与的积极性.又培养了创造性,提高了人文素质。  相似文献   

姚其红 《学理论》2012,(7):173-175
针对高职学生在专业实践课中出现的兴趣不浓、成绩不良的现状进行分析和研究,采取"两手抓"的方法。一方面从学生的思想教育为出发点,在教育者与受教育者的和谐关系中引导学生热爱自己的专业,学好专业,培养学生的开拓意识。使学生有诚信品质、敬业精神和责任意识;另一方面以培养学生专业实践课学习兴趣为着落点,培养具备过硬专业技能的高素质技能人才,以适应在以后的就业中有机会不断拓展人生发展空间,既可以做能工巧匠,使之成为企业的中流砥柱,又可以随着社会经济结构的调整、市场的变化而随时随地地更换职业岗位,还可以自己开设店铺,实现自我价值,又给别人创造就业机会。  相似文献   

This article notes the tremendous significance of communication skills for public administrators with the authors examining the attention that has been given to teaching these skills in MPA programs. The authors hold that basic communication skills are the essential building blocks on which more advanced skills (i.e., qualitative skills and computer skills) are constructed. This article considers the various skills of communication that are most essential to public administrators and the manner in which courses addressing these skills are handled in MPA curriculum. In concluding the article, the authors offer several options for teaching communication skills to students of the discipline.  相似文献   

王文娟  赵小刚 《学理论》2010,(3):107-108
社会环境的急剧变化给大学生带来巨大的心理冲击和震荡,在以人为本教育理念指导下,辅导员要采取有效沟通来了解学生、帮助学生。本文浅析了尊重、适时提问、倾听等沟通技巧在辅导员工作中的应用,以此扎实有效地做好学生工作。  相似文献   

对园艺园林类高职在校大学生创业现状进行了调查,认为当前学生具有一定的创业意识,但缺乏主动性和学生创业能力、基本技能和实际参与能力方面还有待提高,并在此基础上提出相应对策。  相似文献   

刘会 《学理论》2012,(22):170-171
以大学生和大学教师为分析对象,从三个方面分析了高等教育过程中"马太效应"给大学生带来的消极影响,"马太效应"的存在使得大学生自我评价出现偏差、人际交往能力两极分化,同时由于"马太效应"大学生也受到了各种不公平待遇。然后相应给出了大学教师应该如何应对的方法。以期为大学生更好认识自己、更好规划发展提供指导;为广大教师改进教学方法、更好地与学生沟通、保障学生在公平友善环境中健康成长提供参考。  相似文献   

大学生必须学会培养自己获取知识和信息的能力,掌握使用图书馆必要知识和技能,了解图书馆的整体情况和具体运作是掌握打开知识宝库的钥匙;大学生学会有效利用图书馆来扩充、更新知识,有利于完善组建大学生个性发展的知识结构。  相似文献   

In the present study I examine meaning-making as an integral aspect of successful writing assignments in political science. Results of a semester-long quasi-experimental pilot study show that meaning-making writing tasks help students in Introduction to American Politics courses become more politically engaged through the inculcation of civic skills.  相似文献   

This article describes the author’s experience using SCAMPER, a creativity-building technique, in a creative problem-solving session that was conducted in an environmental conflict course to generate ideas for managing postconflict stability. SCAMPER relies on cues to help students connect ideas from different domains of knowledge, explore random combinations between ideas in the same area and reduce mental blocks. Insights from classroom observation show SCAMPER’s utility in helping students formulate novel ideas and encourage divergent thinking and classroom participation. Combining SCAMPER with another session designed to evaluate the ideas’ logical connection to the problem is likely to maximize the students’ ability to deliver both original and relevant ideas. SCAMPER is a promising tool that instructors could use to develop their students’ creative problem-solving skills to tackle policy challenges across different subfields in political science.  相似文献   

王曦  王立梅 《学理论》2011,(20):224-226
在英语写作过程中,学习者拥有一定的元认知基础,能有意识地用英语进行写作并进行自我反省,同时对写作过程进行有效的规划、监控和评价,使写作成为学习者自觉、能动的认知活动。大学英语写作教学中由于学生缺乏有效地写作策略而存在种种问题,在教学过程中教师应指导学生运用元认知策略调节和监控自己的写作行为,提高写作能力。将元认知与大学英语写作教学融为一体,对深化英语课堂教学改革具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

College campuses have taken on increased responsibility for mobilizing young voters. Despite the discipline’s commitment to civic engagement, political science departments play a minimal role in this programming. This article outlines a course structure—including learning objectives, course outline, and assessments—that treats a campus-wide voter mobilization drive as the basis of an applied political science course. Transforming a campus voter mobilization program into a political science practicum offers advanced skill-building for students seeking political careers and links learning objectives to real world activities. Participants report gains in both knowledge of campaigns and grassroots campaign skills. We argue this type of course particularly benefits students attending colleges and universities in geographic areas that receive little attention from political campaigns as well as those students for whom the traditional route of gaining political experience—an unpaid, off-campus internship—is impractical or even impossible.  相似文献   


This short review demonstrates how the use of American Mock Trial Association (AMTA) case materials, both throughout intercollegiate competitions and in academic courses, can engage and invigorate students while teaching them crucial skills in a way that few other programs or activities can do. The AMTA case provided for the 2017–2018 academic year, State of Midlands v. Dylan Hendricks, offers a comprehensive introduction to the rules of evidence and crucial criminal law concepts while teaching students the importance of thorough preparation in a way that is difficult to do in a classroom setting. This case requires student attorneys to make difficult choices while preparing their case, witnesses, and evidence for trial. Arriving at an optimum strategy (or strategies) can only occur after critical and reasoned examination of each side of an often complex problem, thereby providing an excellent opportunity for students to use critical thinking skills and to analyze all sides of an issue and all potential outcomes of a strategy. Students must thoroughly study and understand the rules of evidence, rules of criminal procedure, and relevant statutory and case law, and be prepared to use all of these as part of a reasoned, logical argument at a moment’s notice. Overall, this is an exceptional case for skill-building and engaged learning, and can be a valuable tool for faculty and students alike.  相似文献   

Inadequate curriculum materials frequently impede the teaching of public sector financial management to graduate and mid-career students. The Curriculum Development Project at the School of Public Affairs of the University of Maryland has produced a draft curriculum that emphasizes the use of microcomputers and associated analytical skills in integrating topics in finance, accounting and budgeting.  相似文献   


Active learning techniques are being use with increasing frequency in the classroom and more time is being dedicated to designing and implementing them. However, the literature still suffers from a lack of rigorous empirical methods to test the effects of simulations. Most of the claimed benefits of utilizing simulations, and other active learning techniques, are improved soft skills and higher order thinking like empathy, confidence, public-speaking abilities, and interpersonal skills—all of which don’t lend themselves well to scientific measurement. This gap in the literature is especially troubling considering that time spent using simulations is time not spent using other methods. This article seeks to test the differing impacts of simulations versus traditional lectures over the long-term using a simple 30-minute simulation and rigorous experimental methods. The most important results show that students learn more initially from a lecture, but that students who were exposed to the simulation were better able to retain that information over the long-term.  相似文献   


Statistical software applications are increasingly used to measure student engagement in the classroom. However, more work remains to be done to clarify how meaning is created and measured in classroom settings. With the growing use of technology in the classroom, students’ peer review has become a standard practice to improve students’ writing skills. This article examines the use of an open-source R software application based on Peirce’s sign theory to analyze students’ peer-review comments. Peer review is the assessment of student or professional work by others. The importance of open-source R as a platform lies in the fact that users can extend its code without having to ask permission. The results suggest a new approach, based on computational and social semiotics, to the assessment of students’ peer-review comments in higher education.  相似文献   

张毅  张晋 《学理论》2012,(1):150-151
社会实践是培养大学生专业技能及社会适应能力的重要环节。学校需从完善运行机制、注重基地建设、突出专业特色、强化社会服务等方面统筹考虑、扎实推进、确保实效。  相似文献   

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