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赵书 《北京观察》2021,(1):72-73
中华民族的始祖神农氏,在五六千年前就是以牛的象形字作为部落的氏族徽记,说明牛在古人心中占有多么神圣的地位。每年春耕开始,均以鞭打春牛的仪式迎接新春的到来。2021年是农历辛丑年,生肖为牛。牛属反刍偶蹄类哺乳动物。头部有角一对,体大力强,善于负重,是中国古代农业社会的主要畜力,对农业生产的发展功劳最大,是人类的好朋友。  相似文献   

Editor: In recent years, the efficacy of folk medicines formulated by various ethnic groups and practiced locally for centuries has gained increasing international acknowledgement. It is reported that the American medical research department has scheduled a US$ 220 million alternative medicine research and training program, the greater part of which entails research into Asian traditional medicines. As from this issue, China Today will look at China's traditional medicine, beginning with that practiced by the Yao ethnic group of southwestern China.  相似文献   

All forms of medicine aim to ease human suffering and improve quality of life; they differ only in their approaches to the realization of this goal.  相似文献   

<正>A restoration of the old Yushengtang herbal medicine shop.established in the 36th year of the reign of Emperor Wanli of the Ming Dynasty (1608). During the r...  相似文献   

THE publishing industry is flourishing and becoming more and more dynamic in China today.Among the 500 pub-lishing houses,the people's Education  相似文献   

GIVEN the vast cultural and linguistic differences between China and Australia, writer-director Eddie White knew he would need some serious help when he dreamt up the idea of an animated film coproduction between the two countries. Working across cultures is never easy, but producing a movie in the labor-intensive world of animation, with two teams speaking different languages, would be a maior achievement.  相似文献   

CHINESE employers often ask job applicants to send in a handwritten, rather than a printed, resume. The reason? "One can judge a person's character and attitude by his handwriting." Since ancient times, Chinese people have believed that one's handwriting mirrors one's personality. During the Tang Dynasty, calligraphy was a key  相似文献   

THERE is a saying among Chinese tea lovers: "If you drink tea, you should not miss Chinese kungfu tea; ifyou drink kungfu tea, you should not miss Tie Guanyin; if you drink Tie Guanyin, go to Anxi."  相似文献   

With the financial crisis wreaking havoc on nations across all continents, our sense of living in a globalized age has become more acute than ever. China is also feeling the pinch, despite initial confidence that it would stay immune to the meltdown. Thousands of labor-intensive plants in Guangdong Province, a major engine of the nation's export industries, have closed. And in the nation's leading coal-producing area of Shanxi Province, the highways are no longer choked with fully loaded trucks, a clear sign of the scaling-back of manufacturing nationwide.  相似文献   

李磊 《探索与争鸣》2022,(4):168-176+180-181
当前,中国多民族统一国家的历史叙事面临着话语更新的需求。国外学者从内亚史观、东北亚海域史观、民族交际空间史观出发的东北史叙事,对中国的统一多民族国家论构成了挑战。事实上,传统中国的区域历史发展是普遍政治秩序与地方因素互相作用的结果。战国、秦汉、魏晋的郡县体制塑造了东北的政治地理格局,为新兴政权提供了制度样板,同时为处于前国家阶段的诸族群提供了建立政权的文化资源与政治思想。隋唐以后,东北区域的体制化出现了类郡县化(明代都司、卫所)、属国化(渤海)、敌国化(高句丽)、王朝化(辽、金、清)等多元路径,但这些路径只是在普遍政治秩序中寻求位置变化,而不改变秩序模式本身。东北与西北、中原等各个地域之间具有联动关系,影响到中国历史运动的整体进程。因而,从区域发展的角度阐释传统中国的普遍政治秩序及其作用机制,是重构多民族统一国家历史叙事的一条可能途径。  相似文献   

"At one time, people considered Confucius their god; at another, they thought him a monster," says Professor Guo Qijia of the Education Institute of Beijing Normal University. "We now intend to re-address him and re-examine his thought in his capacity as a human being."  相似文献   

CLOTHES vendor Wang usually does good business in Silk Alley, a well-known street market in Beijing. However, last April was not one of Wang's most profitable months because the Alley's authorities closed down scores of his stands. The crackdown resulted from a case brought against the Silk Alley Company by five foreign brands peeved at its blatant selling of counterfeit versions of their products. Wang was temporarily out of a job, and he lost more than RMB 3 million.  相似文献   

THE importance of sci-ence to national devel-opment and daily life isacknowledged through-out China.Entering uni-versity is the dream of all seniormiddle school students.Owing toa lack of education resources,however,30 percent of Chineseschool leavers are unable to con-tinue their studies at higher insti-tutions Some are forced to leaveeducation altogether after junior  相似文献   

Improved urban living conditions have prompted mass moves from dilapidated one-story dwellings in traditional courtyards to well-equipped apartments in multi-story tower blocks.
Neighborhood committees governing areas of pingfang, or one-story houses, formerly consisted of local inhabitants, often housewives or retirees. Their main task was managing the community according to government guidelines. This entailed distributing government subsidies to poverty-stricken inhabitants, and keeping track of the floating population. As the lack of privacy in traditional residential courtyards made family quarrels public matters, a main function of neighborhood committees was also that of medi- ating domestic disputes.  相似文献   

LOCATED in northwest China, Ningxia is the country’s only Hui autono-mous region. Of its 6 million inhabitants, more than 2 million are Hui. While embracing modern life, the Hui people still keep faith with their own traditions and beliefs.  相似文献   

中国传统惩贪立法源远流长,内涵丰富,是中华法制文明早熟性和广博性的重要体现。中国传统惩贪立法具有一准乎礼、从严惩处、轻处“公罪”、重处“私罪”、制裁措施多样化等特点,当代中国刑法典惩贪立法应予以借鉴。  相似文献   

THE China film market is based on the so-called battle of the yellow, green and red. Yellow is American Kodak, green Japanese Fuji color, and red China's Lucky film, local counterweight to the two world-famous foreigners.At 18 yuan (about US $2) a roll, Kodak film is cheaper in China than anywhere else in the world, but only because Chinese-made Lucky film retails at 13 yuan. Kodak's professional  相似文献   

F EW champion athletes in the world can do as well when they move into another fi eld, particu- larly one as dissimilar as the high-tech industry. But Daniel Borel, chairman of the board of Logi- tech Group, is an amazing exception. A former member of the Swiss ski team, Daniel co-founded Logitech in 1981, and has turned it into the world’s largest computer mouse manufacturer. He believes his years in sports prepared him for the tough challenges in the business arena. “When I toured the …  相似文献   

正NO matter what part of the world they come from,expats in sales and marketing jobs in China and those planning to set up new businesses here need to study how the Chinese behave in the business environment.Expats come to China to be involved in the second biggest global economy.Figuring out the four rising and falling tones in spoken Mandarin–no easy task in a month–will not,however,help in delicate business  相似文献   

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