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Renal hematoma is one of the most severe complications of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL). ESWL is used in the noninvasive treatment of urinary calculosis. The shock waves can lead to capillary damage, renal parenchymal or subcapsular hemorrhage. We present a case with fatal complication and the result of the medico-legal evaluation. A 71-year-old woman was treated by ESWL, renal hematoma was detected during the clinical observation, and the patient died. The death occurred despite close clinical observation as a consequence of a rare complication of ESWL. The mechanism of death was hemorrhagic hypovolemic shock due to renal hemorrhage complications due to ESWL for treatment of renal calculi. This therapeutic complication is a known complication of appropriate treatment.  相似文献   

A fatal case of 1,1,1-trichloroethane (methyl chloroform) poisoning, in which the patient survived, without recovering consciousness, for more than 3 years, is described. The brain showed symmetrical infarction of the lenticular nuclei and of the occipital cortex, changes which may have been the cause of neurological manifestations during life. The pattern of cerebral hypoxia was similar to, but not identical with that found in carbon monoxide poisoning, and might be specific for 1,1,1-trichloroethane poisoning.  相似文献   

The death of a 72-year-old woman with respiratory debilitation due to bronchogenic carcinoma is described. She overdosed herself with probably 200 to 350 mg of zopiclone. Zopiclone, quantitated by HPLC in femoral postmortem blood, was found to be 1.9 mg/L (4.8 micromol/L). This level is higher than many other zopiclone fatalities reported. We report a case where only zopiclone was detected.  相似文献   

A fatal poisoning after oral administration of barium sulfate for contrast radiography is reported. Barium sulfate is an insoluble salt and therefore is almost nontoxic. The case described here involves a 61-year-old woman who underwent two CT scans of the digestive tract with oral administration of barium sulfate during a surgical procedure. Within several hours after the first barium swallow examination the patient presented nonspecific neurologic and cardiovascular manifestations that rapidly progressed and led to death a few days later. Laboratory findings demonstrated elevated levels of barium in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid. The most likely mechanism of poisoning was progressive intravasation of barium due to stasis of contrast material related to intestinal obstruction.  相似文献   

法医在命案现场勘查中,正确分析致命伤后行为能力至关重要,这对重构现场、准确分析解释现场疑点、判断案件性质等有重要意义,同时也是法医工作中的难点和热点问题。人体受到致命伤后不一定立即死亡,其是否具有行为能力及行为能力的大小受多种因素影响,因此分析致命伤后行为能力要结合现场和案情谨慎考虑推断。通过3例案例对致命伤后行为能力进行分析探讨,得出一些关于致命伤后行为能力的思考和观点,以供同行参考。  相似文献   

Carotid artery (CA) dissection and/or thrombosis may occur in a number of medical and forensic relevant situations. However, post traumatic carotid artery dissection is considered rare, and often underestimated due to possible delayed presentation. We describe two cases of carotid artery dissection following strangulation with delayed symptoms as well as discuss medical diagnostic problems and their forensic implications.  相似文献   

The authors report on a fatal pedestrian accident in which the victim lay on the street and got under a car being run over by one of the front wheels. Both the car driver and the killed pedestrian were strongly alcohol-intoxicated at the time of the accident (2.45 a.m.). After the car had come to a standstill, the pedestrian remained trapped under the car until she was rescued by the fire brigade. On the basis of the autopsy findings and the technical expert opinion it could be reconstructed that the pedestrian's death was not caused by the consequences of being run over by the car, but by the subsequent compression of her thorax in the final accident position.  相似文献   

A 42-year-old man was found dead after repeated exposure to 1,1-difluoroethane (DFE, Freon 152a), a propellant found in CRC Duster, a product intended for the removal of dust and lint. Toxicologic analysis detected DFE in femoral blood 136.3 mg/L, brain 117.5 mg/kg, liver 87.6 mg/kg, lung 60.3 mg/kg, adipose 235.7 mg/kg, and vitreous fluid 25.1 mg/L. The cause of death was determined to be a fatal cardiac arrhythmia due to intoxication with 1,1-difluoroethane. After comparison to previously published cases involving DFE, we suggest that analysis of adipose tissue for DFE and similar compounds, along with blood and other tissues, may be useful in distinguishing between acute versus chronic exposure. Adipose may also be a valuable alternate specimen for detection in cases where loss or elimination from blood is likely to have occurred.  相似文献   

A 66-year-old man received a local infiltration of cortisone and xylocain in the left paravertebral region between the fifth and sixth cervical vertebrae. Respiratory failure occurred 2.5 h later with subsequent successful resuscitation. During the following 2 months of assisted ventilation up to the patients death, tetraplegia with concurrent full consciousness throughout was observed. Magnetic resonance imaging confirmed an ischaemic lesion of the upper anterior cervical myelon. The forensic autopsy revealed pneumonia as cause of death. Neuropathology confirmed anterior infarction at the C2/C3 level of the cervical myelon, with obstruction of the anterior spinal artery by an epithelialised fibrocartilaginous embolus. The autoptic findings suggest that this embolus stems from the site of previous analgetic infiltration, with accidental laceration of an intervertebral disc and subsequent transportation of discous material via injection canula into an artery.  相似文献   

4 fatal cases after tracheotomy and 35 cases after endotracheal anaesthesia were examined taking pathomorphological aspects into consideration. In long-period intubation mucous membrane necroses occurred as of the 4th day. After 6 days' intubation skeletizations of the tracheal rings were established in each case. Infections of the decubial ulcers and errosion haemorrhages from the necrotically altered tracheal wall were frequent complications. Faulty intubation of the oesophagus and the right bronchus, aspirations and reflex-related circulatory failure during intubation as well as hypoxic damage as a result of the windpipe opening being impaired are discussed from the morphological point of view.  相似文献   

Acupuncture is practiced as a complementary medicine worldwide. Although it is considered a safe practice, pneumothorax is one of its most common serious complications. However, there have been few reports of deaths due to pneumothorax after acupuncture treatment, especially focused on electroacupuncture. We report an autopsy case of a man in his 60s who went into cardiopulmonary arrest and died immediately after receiving electroacupuncture. Postmortem computed tomography (PMCT) showed bilateral pneumothoraces, as well as the presence of numerous gold threads embedded subcutaneously. An autopsy revealed two ecchymoses in the right thoracic cavity and a pinhole injury on the lower lobe of the right lung, suggesting that the needles had penetrated the lung. There were marked emphysematous changes in the lung, suggesting that rupture of bullae might also have contributed to bilateral pneumothoraces and fatal outcome. The acupuncture needles may have been drawn deeper into the body than at the time of insertion due to electrical pulses and muscle contraction, indicating the need for careful determination of treatment indications and technical safety measures, such as fail-safe mechanisms. This is the first case report of fatal bilateral pneumothoraces after electroacupuncture reported in the English literature. This case sheds light on the safety of electroacupuncture and the need for special care when administering it to patients with pulmonary disease who may be at a higher risk of pneumothorax. This is also the first report of three-dimensional reconstructed PMCT images showing the whole-body distribution of embedded gold acupuncture threads, which is unusual.  相似文献   

Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is an uncommon inherited systemic disorder of the connective tissues characterized primarily by varying degrees of bony fragility. Consequently, individuals affected by this condition frequently suffer severe skeletal injuries from otherwise innocuous traumatic events. This syndrome has other associated abnormalities, including hydrocephalus and brain stem compression on the basis of cranial developmental defects (platybasia), cardiac and vascular problems, respiratory disease from spinal deformities, vascular fragility, a bleeding disorder caused by an apparent platelet function abnormality, and anesthesia-related hyperpyrexia. A case is presented here of a young girl with advanced OI in whom intraoperative death occurred as a consequence of inadvertent rib fractures, with subsequent uncontrollable hemorrhage. OI may also potentially be mistaken for child abuse by an inexperienced examiner.  相似文献   

A rare iatrogenic complication of subclavian vein catheterization for hemodialysis is massive hydrothorax. A case is presented that illustrates the need for adherence to a standard procedure of prompt roentgenologic examination in conjunction with catheterization, and emphasizes the importance of the autopsy as a means of quality assurance.  相似文献   

Fatal acute ethanol intoxication is frequently encountered in medicolegal practice. Although the vast majority of acute ethanol toxicity deaths follow the ingestion of conventional alcoholic beverages, ethanol can be obtained from a variety of commercial products, which often contain high levels of ethyl alcohol but are not manufactured or designed for consumption. Such products may be easily purchased in locales where statutory limitations restrict liquor availability on Sundays or during the early morning hours. Several acute ethanol fatalities have been encountered in New Mexico that were directly related to consumption of non-beverage ethanol-containing products, all of them occurring during times when alcoholic beverage sales were restricted. Despite the fact that manufacturers deliberately include compounds in these products that discourage ingestion, this policy apparently does little to deter individuals who are searching for a source of ethanol when no conventional beverages are available. The products that were consumed in these fatalities also contained other compounds which would be toxic at much greater concentrations, but which were inconsequential in their effects in comparison with the direct toxic effect of ethanol. Investigation of the scene and awareness that alcohol-containing products can be fatally abused are essential to detecting these unconventional ethanol sources.  相似文献   

An unusual death caused by carbon monoxide poisoning after the detonation of explosives in an underground mine was investigated by the Office of the Medical Investigator of the State of New Mexico. The 50-year-old miner had 18 years of mining experience but no documented safety training. He collapsed approximately 20 minutes after entering the mine and working at the bottom of the single vertical shaft. The tight confines of the mine shaft hindered rescue personnel from reaching him, and the body was not recovered until 2 days later. The autopsy showed severe coronary artery atherosclerosis with remote and resolving myocardial microinfarcts, as well as the characteristic pink lividity of carbon monoxide poisoning, which was confirmed by laboratory analysis. Detailed investigation of the scene revealed no sources of carbon monoxide other than the explosives. The case represents an uncommon cause of death in mining that may have been avoided through the use of proper safety procedures, and illustrates the importance of recognizing the many sources of carbon monoxide.  相似文献   

A case of fatal hypernatraemia after laparoscopic treatment of hydatid livers cysts is presented in order to highlight the risks associated with the implementation of newer techniques and the use of hypertonic saline as a scolecocidal agent in hydatid disease. Additionally this case raises some concerns on the importance of obtaining a patient's informed consent.  相似文献   

A retrospective study was carried out on 93 autopsy cases who died after a fall from a height. For each case, following parameters were reported: age, sex, manner of death, estimated height of fall, ground type, estimated site of primary impact, type of laryngeal and hyoid bone trauma, presence of associated local trauma in the neck and cephalic region. Mean age of the studied population was about 33 years. Sex ratio (men/women) was 1.8. Mean height of fall was about 15 m. Manner of death was, respectively, suicide and accident in 70 and 23 cases. The type of ground was concrete in 94% of the cases. The site of primary impact was, respectively, head, front of the body, back of the body, feet/lower limbs, and lateral body in 31, 26, 19, 12, and 5 cases. Cervical soft tissue bruising without laryngohyoid fractures was found in 5 cases. Laryngohyoid fractures were found in 5 cases. These fractures could be explained by direct impact of the neck structures against the ground. The mechanism of these fractures could also be indirect fractures due to high muscle strains on the hyoid bone or thyroid cartilage due to cervical hyperflexion or hyperextension or secondary to mandible or cervical vertebral column fractures.  相似文献   

This study examined characteristics and profiles of 196 child maltreatment perpetrators in Florida, including 126 who committed fatal assaults during 1999–2002. Results of logistic regression suggest that being a biologically unrelated caregiver is the strongest predictor of fatal child maltreatment. Latent Class Analysis (LCA) was used to classify perpetrators, and three classes were identified: Biological Mothers with Health Problems, Male Perpetrators with Domestic Violence History, and Multiple-Problem Perpetrators. Results of LCA showed that compared to Biological Mothers with Health Problems, Multiple-Problem Perpetrators were seven times more likely and Male Perpetrators with Domestic Violence History were 12 times more likely to commit a fatal assault. Implications of the findings are discussed.
Svetlana YampolskayaEmail:

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