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Insect faunal succession on decaying rabbit carcasses in Punjab, India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Insect faunal succession on decaying rabbit carcasses was carried out at Punjabi University, Patiala (Punjab), India, from March 1997 to December 1999. Four stages of decomposition were recognized, i.e., fresh, bloated, decay, and dry. A total of 38 insect species belonging to four orders and 13 families were recorded. Diptera, Coleoptera, and Hymenoptera dominated the carrion fauna. Calliphorids were the first to arrive in all the seasons of the year. Five species of Calliphoridae, four of Sarcophagidae, ten of Muscidae, and one each from Anthomyiidae and Otitidae were observed on rabbit carcasses. Representatives of six Coleopteran families, i.e., Staphylinidae, Histeridae, Cleridae, Dermestidae, Tenebrionidae, and Silphidae, were recorded. Eight species belonging to family Formicidae (Hymenoptera) were also collected during the present studies. Only one species of Lepidoptera was observed on carrion.  相似文献   

The succession of insect communities on carrion varies at local and global spatial scales. As such, ecological succession data obtained from corpses at one geographic location cannot necessarily be applied to other locations. Our study describes this succession in the far southern part of China to provide such data for forensic cases in this region. A total of 18 pig carcasses were placed in the field in four seasons, and the timing of the following events were recorded: appearance of larvae, onset of larval wandering, when most larvae had wandered, onset of pupariation, when most larvae had pupariated, onset of eclosion and end of eclosion. Our results indicated that all of the evaluated events could be used as accurate indicators of postmortem interval (PMI). The carcasses decayed fairly quickly in spring, summer and autumn, taking 225+/-75 h, 183+/-44 h, and 247+/-70 h, respectively, to decay from the fresh stage to skeletonisation. In winter, carcasses needed longer (1180+/-291) to decay as much. Carcasses attracted 47 species of insect, with flies predominating. The larvae were mainly Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius), Chrysomya rufifacies (Macquart) and Hydrotaea (Ophyra) spinigera (Stein). Most necrophagous insects were found all year around, and there were no marked differences in species among the four seasons, except that Dermestes maculatus (De Geer) was absent in winter. Blowflies produced only one generation on a carcass before it became skeletonised, which simplified the estimation of PMIs.  相似文献   

A preliminary, systematic field study on the process of decomposition and associated insects was conducted, for the first time, in New Zealand. Using pig carcasses as an animal model for human decomposition, insect colonisation and succession was monitored in three different habitats in the Auckland region where remains are likely to be found. A significant difference in the rates of decomposition was found among the three different habitats of an open field, coastal sand dune area and native bush during the autumn/winter season. The primary colonisers of all carcasses were Calliphora stygia Fabricius (Calliphoridae), Chrysomya rufifacies Macquart (Calliphoridae) and Hydrotaea rostrata Robineau-Desvoidy (Muscidae). Two species were identified as possible representatives of the habitats in which they were found; Fannia sp. (Fanniidae) in the open field habitat and Calliphora hilli Patton (Calliphoridae) in the native bush habitat. Also identified was Sylvicola sp. (Anisopodidae) as a possible indicator of damp habitats as well as a likely indicator of a longer postmortem interval. This preliminary investigation presents a broad outline of the insects associated with remains and the order in which they appear in the Auckland region.  相似文献   

In this study, successional patterns, relative abundance of larvae and adults of sarcosaprophagous insects, carcass decay, diversity and seasonality of species, and their potential as forensic indicators were studied. Four experiments were carried out in each season in a natural area of southeastern Brazil. Two pigs (Sus scrofa L.) were used in each experiment and were exposed to sunlight and shade, respectively. The Calliphoridae outnumbered the Sarcophagidae in specimens collected and reared from the carcasses. More insects were collected from carcasses exposed to the sun, while a larger number of specimens were reared from those in the shade. Temperature and rainfall influenced the stages of carcass decay and insect activity and abundance. Chrysomya albiceps was the most abundant species in all four experiments. The carcasses were used as a protein source and substratum for oviposition. The dark putrefaction and fermentation stages yielded more flies than the other stages. These results show that flies are important in carcass decay and are, therefore, also of forensic importance. Seven species can be considered valuable forensic indicators in Southeastern Brazil. However, only three species were useful as forensic indicators in wooded areas: P. intermutans, H. segmentaria, and H. semidiaphana.  相似文献   

At the end of summer and beginning of fall 2005 insect succession and pig carrion decomposition were studied in pine-oak forest, hornbeam-oak forest, and alder forest in Western Poland (Central Europe). Five stages of decomposition were recognized: fresh stage, bloated stage, active decay stage, advanced decay stage, and remains stage. The highest rate of decomposition was observed in the alder forest and the lowest in the pine-oak forest. A similar composition of carrion entomofauna was found in each forest. Numerous adults of Lucilia caesar, Phormia regina and Calliphora vomitoria (Calliphoridae), Hydrotaea spp. (Muscidae), Stearibia nigriceps and Parapiophila vulgaris (Piophilidae), Necrodes littoralis and Thanatophilus rugosus (Silphidae), Creophilus maxillosus, Omalium rivulare, Oxypoda acuminata and Philonthus spp. (Staphylinidae) as well as larvae of L. caesar, P. regina, C. vomitoria, Fannidae (Diptera) and N. littoralis, C. maxillosus, Philonthus (Coleoptera) were collected. There were no differences between forests in the sequence of insect occurrence on carrion. However, differences between forests in occurrence time and activity period of some taxa were found. Implications of these results for forensic entomology are discussed.  相似文献   

Insects have an important role in minimum postmortem interval (PMImin) estimation. An accurate PMImin estimation relies on a comprehensive study of the development and succession of local carrion insects. No published research on carrion insect succession exists for tropical north Queensland. To address this, we aimed to obtain preliminary observational data concerning the rate of decomposition and insect succession on pig carcasses in Townsville and compare these with other regions of Australia and overseas. Adult insects were collected daily from three pig carcasses for 30 d during summer and identified to family level. Observations of decomposition rate were made each day and progression through the stages of decomposition were recorded. Adult insects were identified to family and their presence/absence used as a proxy for arrival at/departure from the remains, respectively. These preliminary data highlight several interesting trends that may be informative for forensic PMImin estimation. Decomposition was rapid: all carcasses were at the dry/remains stage by Day 5, which was substantially quicker than all other regions in the comparison. Differences were also observed in the presence/absence of insect families and their arrival and departure times. Given the rapid progression through early decomposition, we argue that later-arriving coleopteran taxa may be more forensically informative in tropical Australia, in contrast with temperate regions where Diptera appear most useful. This research contributes preliminary observational data to understanding insect succession patterns in tropical Australia and demonstrates the critical need for comprehensive local succession data for each climatic region of Australia to enable accurate PMImin estimation. These data will inform future research targeted at gaining a more comprehensive understanding of insect succession in the Australian tropics.

Key points:

  • We obtained preliminary observational data concerning the rate of decomposition and insect succession on pig carcasses in tropical Australia.
  • Decomposition was rapid: all carcasses were at the dry/remains stage by Day 5.
  • Coleopteran taxa may be more forensically informative in tropical Australia than dipterans.

Knowledge regarding the succession patterns of insects that visit carcasses as well as the other arthropod that colonise them and analysis of the parameters that are associated with larvae allow calculation of the minimum postmortem interval (PMI). This information is obtained from experiments carried out under specific geoclimatic conditions, which determine their application in forensic environments under similar conditions. The field study presented here is the first in Chile to analyse the decomposition process of pig carcasses and the associated succession of insects, colonising species and parameters related to larval masses. All of the larvae obtained from daily samples were measured (in mm), and their mean, range, standard deviation and stage of development (instars) were determined. The carcasses reached the dry remains stage in only 11 days. Seven species of Diptera visited the carcass during the process, but only two species colonised it by means of egg deposition followed by development of larvae: Cochliomyia macellaria (Fabricius) and Lucilia sericata (Meigen) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), which exhibited a duration of the development cycle from egg to adult of 21 days. The collected Coleoptera correspond to five predator species (Staphilinidae and Histeridae). From the results of this study, it can be concluded that only some of the insect species present in this region can provide information that can be used in forensic entomology and that analysis of larval masses of colonising species can be a valuable tool for determining the PMI(min) in this region of Chile.  相似文献   

Forensic entomology as a science and a tool for investigation has had slow beginnings in Australia. A number of small animal decomposition trials have been recorded in the literature but mostly from an ecological rather than a forensic entomology perspective. In the last 20 years, a number of more forensically orientated field trials on small pigs and some fly developmental trials in the laboratory have been conducted but lack any replication. The following article was presented at an international seminar to detail the current research in forensic entomology, the applications of forensic entomology in scene of crime (SOC) and homicide investigations and the education of police and judiciary in the discipline of forensic entomology in Western Australia over the last 10 years.  相似文献   


The purpose of the current study was to examine the effect of clothed and unclothed human figure drawings (HFDs) on children's reports of touch. Eighty 4/5-year-olds and 80 9/10-year-olds participated in a staged event in which measurements of their body parts (e.g. waistline) were taken. Specifically, they were touched on 10 different locations. Immediately or three weeks after the event, they had to report where they had been touched. Half of the children received a clothed HFD while the other half was provided with an unclothed HFD to assist children in their recall. When we compared children's recall before and after the presentation of a HFD, we found that clothed and unclothed HFDs significantly decreased the accuracy of children's reports of touch. So, although children reported more correct touches after the presentation of a HFD, they were also more likely to include more incorrect information in their reports of touch.  相似文献   

On 3 October 2002, the District Court convicted an HIV-positive man, Houghton, of unlawfully causing grievous bodily harm to his girlfriend for having unprotected vaginal and anal intercourse with her. Houghton had not told her of his HIV status prior to intercourse. He had been aware of his status for some years before meeting the woman, but testified at his trial that he believed that he could not transmit HIV if he did not ejaculate inside the woman. The woman became HIV-positive as a result of the sexual intercourse. The question put before the jury was twofold: whether there had been bodily injury caused by the applicant to the complainant; and whether that injury was of sufficient severity to constitute grievous bodily harm. The jury found Houghton guilty and in doing so made a finding that the transmission of HIV constitutes grievous bodily harm.  相似文献   


Publically accessible information about sex offenders through an online registry of sex offenders has been a polemic issue for governments, police and the wider community with debate largely driven by community expectations of police ensuring the safety of children and women from sexual predators. In October 2012, Western Australia became the first and currently only state or territory in Australia to allow public access to a three tiered register via the Community Protection Website (CPW) that would be monitored by West Australian Police. The introduction of this website triggered significant debate across the country. A survey was developed to capture the opinions of members of the public who had accessed the online registry to understand their views of the online tool and its purpose as a form of community safety. Findings from the survey reveal that the community lacks understanding of the prevalence of child sexual abuse and the fact that a child is more likely to experience sexual victimization within the family unit. There is also a need for greater community education and awareness about the purpose and limitations of the CPW as many believed that all sex known sex offenders are publicly registered, therefore creating a false sense of security.  相似文献   

Stab wounds upon bone are analyzed to interpret the weapon used and the physical context in which the attack occurred. The literature demonstrates that most research conducted pertaining to wound patterns has been carried out on defleshed and unclothed bone samples, not adequately replicating actual circumstances. For this research, six half pig torsos (Sus scrofa), fleshed (including muscle, fat, epidermis, and dermis layers) and clothed, were stabbed using three knife types, applying both straight and downward thrusts. Analysis conducted macroscopically and through a scanning electron microscope with an environmental secondary electron detector revealed a general lack of consistency in wound pattern and associated secondary effects. Consequently, it was not possible to establish wound pattern per knife type as suggested in previous research or relate it to stab motion. Advantage of microscopic analysis was evident in recognizing wound traits and observation of trace evidence not visible macroscopically.  相似文献   

Managing student behaviour is a primary task of principals and teachers, but it is not their responsibility alone. Parents are also responsible for their children's behaviour inside and outside school. As primary educators and caregivers parents have a duty of care and are responsible for nurturing, disciplining and socializing their children. In the wake of growing concerns about the apparent increase in antisocial behaviour inside and outside schools, the Government of Western Australia is planning to introduce the use of responsible parenting agreements and orders, modelled largely on UK policy. The aim of responsible parenting agreements and orders is to provide a statutory mechanism for directing parents to take responsibility for their children. The goal is to reduce truancy, antisocial behaviour and juvenile crime and to improve children's socialization and school performance. The Children's Court will be given power to issue orders that impose certain requirements on parents regarding the upbringing and discipline of their children. The purpose of this article is to examine the Western Australian government's policy on responsible parenting agreements and orders and their use in the school context. The article first provides an introduction to the role of parents in the area of school discipline, followed by an analysis of the State Government's discussion paper Parental responsibility orders and an overview of the proposed legislation. The discussion then focuses on the application of responsible parenting agreements and orders within the school context as a strategy for engaging parents in improving school discipline.  相似文献   

Rabbit carcasses were used to compare rates of decomposition and associated assemblages of Diptera at four discernable habitat types in Kuwait; a country of a region with a paucity of such reference data. Carcasses in an urban habitat showed faster decomposition (as measured by percentage weight loss) than in agricultural, coastal or desert habitats, even with accumulated degree days (ADD) as the explanatory variable (t=2.73, df=34, p=0.010) to compensate for temperature differences. Taxa of Diptera at the four habitats became more similar as decomposition progressed, suggesting such differences between habitats were not marked. The occurrence of Chrysomyia megacephala and Lucilia sericata had not previously been recorded in Kuwait.  相似文献   

Ethel Rosenberg's prison letters illustrate women's prison writing at a transitional point. Preceding her work are prison writings that focus on self-justification and autobiography; afterward come texts that assert the writer's pride and challenge the penal system and society. Rosenberg's correspondence includes elements of both traditional and contemporary women's prison literature. Along traditional lines, her letters focus on family matters and her own mental state as she attempts to adapt to imprisonment. In their outright assertions of pride in self and anger at perceived injustice, Rosenberg's letters point ahead to the writing of women inmates today.  相似文献   

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