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基于CSSCI来源期刊文献(1998-2016)的计量分析发现,中国马克思主义研究的学科领域非常广泛,但具有不平衡性;研究热点主要集中在"马克思主义中国化"马克思主义哲学"马克思主义大众化"西方马克思主义"等方面;高被引文献与论文发表时间、期刊影响因子没有显著关联;研究方法多采用规范分析法.中国马克思主义研究的主要不足在于研究队伍仍需加强,研究领域受政策影响大,马克思主义政治经济学有边缘化的趋势.繁荣发展中国马克思主义要推进研究内容、研究方法、分析范式等方面的创新与转换.  相似文献   

通过检索与分析2007-2016年来的文献发现,学术界对学前教育免费问题的研究集中于学前教育免费的教育公平价值、地方实践探索、国际经验借鉴、政策建议等方面。文章在回顾和评述这些研究成果的基础上,对今后的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

近年来,文化旅游资源开发成为我国学界的热点研究领域。通过检索中国知网并对相关文献进行分析,本文将文化旅游资源开发研究大致分为初识期(1995-2002)、热潮期(2003-2011)和稳定期(2012-2016),并主要从文化旅游资源概念界定、文化旅游资源开发研究发展阶段、文化旅游资源开发研究主题等方面对文化旅游资源开发研究进行了回顾,分析了文化旅游资源开发研究的方向。  相似文献   

谢冬兴 《学理论》2009,(18):81-82
对中文科技期刊数据库1989-2009年中有关乒乓球运动心理学研究的论文进行检索,共检索文章93篇。文章分别从论文发表期刊、研究主体、研究内容三方面对93篇论文进行分类和分析。国内乒乓球运动心理学研究论文数量不多,研究主体过于集中在竞技乒乓球运动及高水平运动员身上,在大众乒乓球运动心理学研究上几乎是空白。  相似文献   

采用文献计量方法,从研究主题热点、研究方法、研究者队伍、引文与被引情况等方面,对《政治学研究》2000-2015年刊载的1021篇研究性论文进行统计分析.结果表明:16年来,中国政治学研究主流领域是政治行为和政治文化,政治行为、政治发展、政治性质是一级主题热点,政治管理、政治学的性质、政治民主和政治统治是二级主题热点;政治学研究方法以传统思辨式定性研究为主,缺乏实证、定量研究;政治学研究者研究方向稳定性不足,产文单位以高校为主,高产论文单位是中国社会科学院,作者合著率低,主要为独著;作者引用文献主要是中文期刊和著作,高频被引文献主要源自政治行为、政治发展领域,高频被引作者为陈剩勇、周平.由此,提出政治学研究的未来发展取向,为我国政治学的健康发展提供有益借鉴.  相似文献   

对中文科技期刊数据库1989—2009年中有关乒乓球运动心理学研究的论文进行检索,共检索文章93篇。文章分别从论文发表期刊、研究主体、研究内容三方面对93篇论文进行分类和分析。国内乒乓球运动心理学研究论文数量不多,研究主体过于集中在竞技乒乓球运动及高水平运动员身上,在大众乒乓球运动心理学研究上几乎是空白。  相似文献   

1992-2009.7我国图书馆总分馆模式研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏圆 《学理论》2009,(23):157-159
本文主要通过文献计量法、归纳分析法,同时结合布拉德福定律与洛特卡定律对1992-2009年7月发表的总分馆模式研究论文进行分析,提出目前总分馆模式发展存在的问题,最后对我国图书馆总分馆模式的发展做出展望。  相似文献   

刘晶 《学理论》2012,(29):198-199
近年来心理健康教育成为教育领域的热点,关于幼儿园心理健康教育的研究层出不穷。通过文献综述法对国内2007—2012年发表的有关幼儿园心理健康教育的研究论文进行梳理,阐述我国幼儿在行为习惯、情绪、社会交往三个方面常见的心理问题,针对这三方面的内容,从环境、课程、教师等五个领域提出了幼儿园心理健康教育的实施策略,并在此基础上提出了对幼儿园心理健康教育的趋势预测和思考:一方面进行实证的研究,找出科学、专业的方法,另一方面再根据研究归纳细致的操作程序,使得幼儿园老师能够进行运用,为幼儿的心理健康教育搭建更广阔的平台。  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济的发展以及人口老龄化的加速,我国长期实行的企事业单位养老保险"双轨制"已不能适应社会发展,如何科学合理地推进事业单位养老保险改革已成为学术界的研究热点。本文通过对1997-2014年间中国知网大量文献与主要论著的检索、阅读和分析,梳理我国事业单位养老保险改革研究的学术演进,总结当前最具代表性的研究成果,探求事业单位养老保险改革的困难和思路,以期对深化我国事业单位养老保险改革研究提供参鉴。  相似文献   

中国风险投资研究尚处于起步阶段,需要了解国际风险投资研究的现状和发展趋势。沿用作者2006年风险投资研究综述所创建的分析框架,将风险投资研究分为经济学和管理学两个维度、11个研究领域,使用Excel分析了2007年国际风险投资研究的特征,重点介绍了风险投资研究的前沿动态,给出了可能的研究方向。通过对检索到的87篇文献的梳理和分析,发现2007年国际风险投资文献仍然以实证研究为主,欧美学者仍然占据主流位置,美国仍然是研究焦点所在,其成功经验正被包括发达国家在内的世界各国所借鉴以促进创新经济的发展。从期刊来源分析发现,关注风险投资的期刊愈来愈多,其中包括顶级经济学和管理学学术期刊。对文献的内容分析表明,经济学维度的研究除了关注法律和公共政策因素对风险投资的影响这类传统热点之外,开始关注资本市场以及技术水平这类因素,此外,风险投资集群被特别关注;管理学维度研究的热点基本保持不变,但是观点出现分歧,新的动向是对风险投资网络的关注。  相似文献   

Committees are the backbone of nearly every modern legislature. Yet there is relatively little knowledge about how committee assignment politics occur in the multiparty parliaments with minority coalition governments that so often are the case in many European countries. Is there a pattern to which MPs are assigned to which committees? In this article the Danish case is used to address this question. A dataset of all committee assignments in the Danish Folketing from the period 1994–2007 has been collected; added to this are data on each MP. The data are analysed using a quantitative approach, and drawing on the literature on committee assignments in the United States Congress and the European Parliament, complementing the vast qualitative studies, and updating the few quantitative studies, of the Danish parliamentary committees. The results show that which variables have an influence on committee assignments varies across parties and that no uniform pattern is found.  相似文献   

Replication studies relate to the scientific principle of replicability and serve the significant purpose of providing supporting (or contradicting) evidence regarding the existence of a phenomenon. However, replication has never been an integral part of public administration and management research. Recently, scholars have called for more replication, but academic reflections on when replication adds substantive value to public administration and management research are needed. This article presents the RNICE conceptual model, for assessing when and how a replication study contributes knowledge about a social phenomenon and advances knowledge in the public administration and management literatures. The RNICE model provides a vehicle for researchers who seek to evaluate or demonstrate the value of a replication study systematically. The practical application of the model is illustrated using two published replication studies.  相似文献   

Nannestad and Paldam (Public Choice 79:213–245, 1994) published herein an extremely influential review of the literature linking economics and elections, what they called the “VP functions.” In that work, they offered a number of conclusions, in proposition form, about the state of the evidence in this field. We present the key ones (16 in all), and assess the extent to which they continue to hold, in light of the new evidence about what has come to be known as economic voting. As shall be shown, Nannestad and Paldam were prescient in their early establishment of many of the principal results explaining how the economy moves the vote choice.  相似文献   


The experience of the global financial crisis has sparked renewed interest in the role of futurity in the capitalist economy in general and in the formation and coordination of expectations under uncertainty in particular. Economic sociologists have carefully studied the ‘defuturizing’ technologies devised by private actors, but have tended to neglect the increasingly pivotal part played by central banks. Political economists have had more to say on central banks, but have focused on institutional issues rather than on the concrete practices of central banking. Making an original contribution to both literatures, this paper traces the construction and subsequent evolution, up to 2007, of the European Central Bank’s communicative apparatus. Drawing on official documents and on interviews with both ECB staff and market participants, the paper shows how this apparatus created the conditions for the formation and coordination of private sector expectations. The insights from this empirical analysis into the performative dimensions of ‘credibility’ and ‘knowledge’ in monetary governance contribute directly to ongoing debates about the recent extension of the ECB’s communicative apparatus through forward guidance and quantitative easing.  相似文献   

《Electoral Studies》1998,17(4):483-503
Despite various electoral reforms enacted in Mexico between 1988 and 1994, large numbers of Mexicans doubted the honesty of elections and the general integrity of their country's policy making process. Such doubts did not automatically lead, however, to support for opposition parties that called for greater democratization. Rather, voter preferences were largely dependent on judgments about the opposition's viability and competence. Widespread suspicions about fraud and corruption in Mexico did affect electoral outcomes by making it less likely that potential opposition supporters turned out to vote. Data are drawn from seven national public opinion surveys conducted in Mexico in 1986, 1988, 1991, 1994 (3 polls), and 1995.  相似文献   

针对T-S连续模糊系统的稳定性和镇定问题,本文重点总结了T-S模糊系统的几个稳定性条件,从理论上比较他们所用方法的保守性和可实现性,并运用Matlab工具通过仿真实验,说明各个结论之间的有效性区别.  相似文献   

中国住房制度改革的政策评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国的住房制度改革是渐进式的,渐进式的房改避免了激进式改革中因利益关系迅速调整而引发的社会震荡,较好地实现了房改深化、经济发展和社会稳定的共同目标。根据不同时期中国住房制度改革的背景和特征,可以将其划分为四个阶段,即初步实践阶段(1980年6月—1994年6月)、综合配套阶段(1994年7月—1998年6月)、全面推进阶段(1998年7月—2007年7月)和结构调整阶段(2007年8月至今)。在对各阶段的房改政策进行梳理、分析与评介的基础上,可以发现:政府在房地产市场中的有效介入,居民住房消费梯度观念的形成,房地产开发商责任感的增强,分层住房供应体系的完善,全国住房普查的适时开展以及其他配套改革的整体推进,将是影响今后中国住房制度改革的顺利推进和在全国范围内实现"住有所居"目标的关键。此外,受社会经济发展状况和资源环境条件的制约,中低收入家庭的居住问题往往表现出住房支付能力不足的特征。因此,如何完善住房保障体系,为中低收入家庭提供满足其基本生活需求的居住条件是构建和谐社会的重中之重。  相似文献   

During its lifetime, the U.S. Advisory Commission on IntergovernmentalRelations periodically published estimates of each state's relativefiscal capacity. This research note provides new estimates updatedto fiscal year 1994, the latest year for which all requisiteunderlying data are available. We find that dispersion in capacitynarrowed from 1987 to 1994, largely because the capacities ofCalifornia and the Northeast states, historically enjoying amplecapacity, fell relative to the national average. We also findthat these states generally experienced an increase in relativefiscal need, further narrowing interstate dispersion in fiscalcomfort (capacity relative to need). We conclude with evidencesuggesting that states with low fiscal comfort generally preferrelatively low levels of state and local public services.  相似文献   

张红春  卓越 《公共管理学报》2011,8(4):111-121,128
近年来,社会保障一直是社会关注的热点话题,也是公共管理学科中一个研究热点。本文以中国期刊全文数据库作为数据来源,以2001至2010年共3094篇社会保障研究的核心期刊论文为样本,采用文献计量学的共词分析方法及其可视化技术,绘制出国内社会保障研究热点的知识图谱。根据知识图谱的导引,进一步挖掘出了国内社会保障近十年研究的六大热点主题:农村社会保障、城市化进程中农民工社会保障问题、社会保障主题内容、社会保障筹资及社会保障基金管理、社会保障制度改革、社会保障与政府责任。从纵向来考察十年间社会保障研究的热点主题,则在相对稳定中呈现出不断发展变化的趋势。结合高频关键词的变化趋势和经济社会发展方向,笔者预测今后一段时期社会保障城乡一体化、社会保障城乡统筹、社会保障与社会公平等话题会成为社会保障研究热点的增长点。  相似文献   


The Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding celebrates its tenth anniversary this year. This special volume opens up with a selection of nine of the most influential articles published in the journal. JISB's editorial team has asked the authors for their reflections on their original articles, telling us more about the writing process at that time, what they would do differently (with hindsight), or how they see their articles contributing to current debates on intervention and statebuilding. We have selected one article per volume, and we have ordered the contribution starting from volume 1 (2007) to volume 9 (2015). The articles will be made open access for the year, and we highly recommend (re-)reading the original articles along with the comments from the authors.  相似文献   

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