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The Los Angeles Olympic Games brought hope to other host applicant countries, but the Athens Olympic Games ended in loss after the host country spent 10 billion euros. This understandably makes the next Olympic Games host feel a little uneasy.  相似文献   

DURING the Olympic Games, Beijing is expected to host about 250,000 foreign spectators a day. When visiting Chinese spectators and general domestic and overseas tourists are added to this figure, the total number of visitors is expected to be around 550,000 a day during the Olympic weeks. With insufficient hotels to accommodate this number, tile city has adopted another strategy. In March 2007, the Beijing Tourism Bureau announced its Olympic Homestay Plan, the perfect choice for those wishing to experience the life of ordinary Beijingers.  相似文献   

THE Beijing Olympics attracted over 10,000 athletes from 204 countbes and regions, who went on to break 38 wodd records and 85 Olympic records, According to IOC president Jacques Rogge, the Olympic Games has made China a better place, and a place the world understands better. It has been a journey of over 70yeors, with poignont milestones.  相似文献   

The seven-year run-up to the Olympics has seen China’s white-hot economy chug along with an annual growth rate of more than 10 percent. But the global economic race is more of a marathon than a sprint. Several former Olympic host countries, including Japan and Australia, suffered economic slumps to varying degrees after the euphoria. Now eyes are turning to China to see if the Games will have a similar impact after they end. Will a post-Olympic slowdown play out here, or could it even prompt another economic take-off in the country? China Development Observation, a business monthly, interviewed Chen Jian, Executive Director of the Beijing Olympic Economy Research Association; Li Yining, a renowned economist; and Zhuang Jian, a senior economist at the Asian Development Bank China Resident Mission, for some answers.  相似文献   

The 2013 Beijing International Marathon was just concluded in October.First organized in 1981,the event is an annual race of 42.195 km held each October.It starts at TiananmenSquareandfinishesattheNational Olympic Sports Center.In addition to the main event,a mini-marathon and a half marathon also take place.It attracted more than 30,000participants from over 60 countries.Entering the new century,marathons  相似文献   

THE Olympics is a worldwide event,in which China is a devoted participant-the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games certainly proved that.As the Games’ most recent host,the Chinese people are naturally paying close attention to the Olympic extravaganza as it rolls into London.My foreign friends,including some British,often tell me how they marveled at the Beijing Olympic Games and its spectacular opening ceremony,excellent performances by Chinese athletes and impeccably run Olympic services.They say the event really had the effect of spurring them to learn more about China.This is high praise,especially when considering that unlike countries  相似文献   

It is well known that it is a poor tactic to start dashing at the very beginning of a Marathon race. But for the 2000 metre rowing, players should spare no effort during the first 500 metres.  相似文献   

BEIJING, already a comparatively secure city, has taken special measures to ensure a safe Olympics. About four years ago, the Beijing Olympic Security Coordination Group was set up to establish a national command system involving the police, army and armed police, as well as security companies and volunteers. Since January 12 this year, security work has shifted from the planning to the implementation stages across the capital. "We have drawn up 546 detailed plans regarding security at Olympic venues, counterten'orism, intelligence, and the guarding of VIPs," says Liu Shaowu, director of the BOCOG security department.  相似文献   

正The XXII Winter Olympic Games opened on February 7 in a spectacular ceremony which was attended by Chinese President Xi Jinping at the invitation of his Russian counterpart,Vladimir Putin.Xi’s appearance at the Sochi Olympic opening ceremony was the fi rst attendance by a Chinese president at a major overseas sports event,signaling China’s strong support for the Olympics and Russia’s efforts to host the Games.  相似文献   

AS the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games approach, China has become the focus of world media attention. Certain groups hostile to the PRC have been using the occasion to demonize the country and pressure the government. They have made a concerted effort to stir up trouble and generate controversy at home and abroad, and a number of Western media have amplified the resulting cacophony, producing distorted reports about China and infuriating Chinese everywhere.  相似文献   

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