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This article analyses the copyright piracy in Pakistan through International Intellectual Property Alliance Reports. Copyright piracy ratio is very high in Pakistan in last fifteen years. The article discusses the piracy situation year wise and its effects on Pakistan economy. In this way, it tries to improve the implementation of intellectual property rights. In the end, the article recommends some suggestions to improve the enforcement situation in Pakistan.  相似文献   


In many societies, feeding one’s family in traditional and culturally appropriate ways is an essential part of being a mother and a wife. For migrants, food can play an important role in the maintenance of tradition, culture, and identity. This paper uses archival evidence, media coverage, memoirs, and oral histories to explore how policies associated with food in migrant hostels impacted on, and interfered with, the central role of food in the commensal circle of the family, and in the identification of migrant women as wives, mothers, and cultural gatekeepers. We identify three main factors that contributed to this negative cultural impact: the preparation of quintessentially ‘Australian’ menus that were alien to most of the population; communal dining arrangements which disrupted the basic social activity of commensality; and the fact that there was no need for women to prepare food for their families, and no opportunity to do so since having private cooking facilities was illegal. The impact of these eating/dining experiences on women and their families was obviously profound: even today, the topic of food and enforced communal dining is among the first and most vivid of memories, typically negative, reported by those who transitioned through the hostels.  相似文献   

民工子弟学校的外来教师,作为城乡结合点在个人层面上的一种突出体现,在心理上向往着城市,肉体上蛰居在城市,但却在真正意义上敲不开城市的大门,在城市扎不下根来.这一特殊的生活经历和体验,使他们的生活世界充满了"流动"的变数,而这一流动性,为人们认识民工子弟学校,理解民工子弟学校中展开的教育,提供了一个非常有教育社会学意义的独特视角.本文尝试通过对一所民工子弟学校外来教师的访谈调查,描述他们在城市边缘建构起来的生活世界以及教育实践过程所展现的特色,并借用齐美尔"异乡人"的概念,从无根的漂泊感以及与货币的联系这两个维度,对生活世界与教育实践之有机关联进行解读.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(6):957-982
The study examined the minority group-threat hypothesis across a metropolitan setting to test whether (1) increases in black and Latino representation in communities were associated with increased misdemeanor arrests and (2) if increases in minority groups in historically white communities were associated with increased police arrests. The study argued that threat trigger variables should be measured in terms of difference scores and weighted by initial dominant group representation. The latter argument is informed by the defended neighborhood perspective and assesses the threat hypotheses in historically white communities. Using negative binomial regression modeling that adjusted for spatial autocorrelation, the study found that net of theoretical controls, increases in percent black population were associated with increased black misdemeanor arrests, but only in historically white census tracts. Increases in Latino representation were associated with increased minority misdemeanor arrests both across all tracts generally, as well as in historically majority white tracts.  相似文献   

This paper looks at ways in which notions of membership and of just allocation were articulated in the everyday practices of a voluntary organization set up in the early 1990s to distribute clothing and household goods to newcomers from the (former) Soviet Union in Israel. Based on an ethnographic account of the distribution centre, this paper describes its underpinning ideology and demonstrates the implications of this ideology for the rules governing the allocation of goods. The paper analyzes three inter‐related axes around which notions of rules of just allocation were equivocally interpreted and implemented. The first of these axes related to the discourse of justice deemed most appropriate to the newcomers; the second to the status of the newcomers; and the third to the creation of social categories—primarily defined in ethnic terms—and the hierarchical relationships between them.  相似文献   

This study employs network analysis in order to study patterns of co-offending among youths suspected of violent offences in Stockholm. The study's objective is to examine the ethnic structure of relations among persons suspected of committing violent offences together. The Swedish media have presented information suggesting that violent conflicts between Swedish youths and youths with an immigrant background, based on ethnic conflicts between these groups, are common. The study also discusses the relevance of this image. The study's findings show that violent offences committed by youths in Stockholm are of an ethnically heterogeneous character. At the same time there is a tendency for marginalized and segregated ethnic groups to join together to some extent. The findings may be interpreted as indicating that youth violence in Stockholm today is characterized by ethnic diversity, but that increased ethnic segregation may lead to an increase in the level of ethnically related violent crime. Apparently there is a perception that ethnic conflicts do occur, which persists despite the fact that such conflicts are not common. It is of concern that the occurrence of such perceptions, not least in the Swedish media, may lead to an increase in the level of conflicts of this kind.1 1The author would like to thank David Shannon for his translation of the text.   相似文献   

目的观察兔羊水栓塞(AFE)后血浆一氧化氮(NO)、内皮素(ET)含量的动态变化。方法采用怀孕家兔制作羊水栓塞动物模型,将不同性质的自身羊水注入兔血循环,分别在羊水注入前、注入后5min、45min从兔心脏取血,用镉还原法、放射免疫分析(RIA)法分别检测血浆中NO和ET的动态变化。结果注入羊水后ET含量显著增加,NO含量则显著降低,对照组无显著变化。NO与ET含量变化呈显著负相关。结论NO、ET的动态变化在羊水栓塞早期的一过性肺动脉高压及随后发生的DIC等过程中起重要作用。  相似文献   

构建城乡统一的建设用地市场,既是制度变迁的结果,也是符合市场经济发展规律的必然,其对吉林省的经济发展具有重要的现实意义.但是,构建城乡统一的建设用地市场是一种新的尝试和探索,必须在借鉴相关省份已有模式和经验的基础上,探索构建吉林省城乡统一的建设用地市场的对策.  相似文献   

甲基苯丙胺及其代谢产物在急性中毒豚鼠体内的分布   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的研究甲基苯丙胺 (MAP)及其代谢产物苯丙胺 (AP)在急性中毒豚鼠体内的含量分布。方法应用GC/NPD技术 ,以 4 苯基丁胺 (4 PBA)为内标 ,样品经水解后碱化或直接碱化至pH >11,环已烷混旋提取 ,三氟乙酸酐 (TFA)微波衍生化 ,测定MAP急性中毒豚鼠体液和组织中MAP及AP的含量。结果急性中毒死亡豚鼠体内各器官和体液中MAP及AP含量最高为肺 ;其次为肝、脑、肾、脾、肠、心、血 ;再次为胃、胆汁 ;最少是尿。结论MAP在动物体内代谢迅速 ,组织或体液中MAP和AP浓度的比值与豚鼠给药后存活时间有关  相似文献   

增减挂钩制度在实践运行中偏离其原有的设计初衷发生异化,所以该制度在进一步推动和完善时遭到了社会各界的质疑。但是笔者认为,该制度具有相当的科学合理性,并且在我国当今建设用地短缺和集体土地使用低效的国情下有着重要的意义,不容轻易否定,但应找准问题的症结,在技术上对该政策进行完善。  相似文献   

中国农民工劳动权利实现与政府责任   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
蒋慧  张忠民 《河北法学》2006,24(2):62-67
从农民工拥有的劳动权利人手,通过对农民工劳动权利实现现状及成因的分析,认为政府应对农民工劳动权利的实现承担责任,论证政府应对农民工给予特别保护的观点,提出给予农民工特别保护的设想.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(1):156-183
Researchers have highlighted the importance of marriage when studying variation in deviance over the life course, but few studies have examined the effect that incarceration has on marriage or have considered variation by race and ethnicity. Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY), this study contrasts the effect of incarceration on the likelihood of marriage for White, Black, and Hispanic males. Incarceration reduced the chances of marriage for all men, but had a significantly stronger effect on the marital outcomes for Whites. Although Whites were most likely to be married overall, incarceration was associated with a 59 percent decline in the odds of marriage for Whites, and the odds of marriage decreased 30 percent for Blacks and 41 percent for Hispanics. The association was maintained even after controlling for time‐varying life‐course events and static individual‐level factors. This research has important implications for the study of the incarceration and the consequences it can have for spouses, families, and communities.  相似文献   

通过评述英国上诉法院作出的"Dallah Real Estate and Tourism Holding Company v.The Ministry of Religious Affairs,Government of Pakistan"判例,分析英国法院在承认与执行外国仲裁裁决时的自由裁量权行使之条件,并提出该判例可为《承认及执行外国仲裁裁决公约》缔约国提供参考。  相似文献   

The year 2017 has seen many EU and UK legislative initiatives and proposals to consider and address the impact of artificial intelligence on society, covering questions of liability, legal personality and other ethical and legal issues, including in the context of data processing. In March 2017, the Information Commissioner's Office (UK) updated its big data guidance to address the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning, and to provide (GDPR), which will apply from 25 May 2018.This paper situates the ICO's guidance in the context of wider legal and ethical considerations and provides a critique of the position adopted by the ICO. On the ICO's analysis, the key challenge for artificial intelligence processing personal data is in establishing that such processing is fair. This shift reflects the potential for artificial intelligence to have negative social consequences (whether intended or unintended) that are not otherwise addressed by the GDPR. The question of ‘fairness’ is an important one, to address the imbalance between big data organisations and individual data subjects, with a number of ethical and social impacts that need to be evaluated.  相似文献   

石雷 《时代法学》2012,10(5):101-107
英国家事案件审判体制的变革顺应了社会发展,反映了民众呼声,从最初由宗教法院审理离婚案件发展到20世纪末建立完整的三级家事案件审判体制,即家事程序法院——治安法院中由家庭问题专家开庭审理案件;郡法院;高等法院家事法庭。英国家事案件审判体制变迁的司法理念包括建立专门的家事法庭;设立专门的保护儿童权利的机构;重视和解和调解工作。对我国未来司法体系变革的启示是:建立专门的家事合议庭;建立配套的儿童保护机构;完善家事纠纷中的法院调解。  相似文献   

运用气/质联用-选择离子(GC/MS-SIM)技术对吸食或注射海洛因嫌疑人的头发进行分段分析,根据各段头发中是否检出6-单乙酰吗啡和吗啡,并结合头发的生长速度对吸毒时间作出大致推断。该方法专一性较好,检出下限0.5ng/mg,能够推断出剪取吸毒嫌疑人头发前几个月或某一个时期内是否经常性服用海洛因。  相似文献   

既有理论框架难以全面解释违建执法的困境.实际上,违建执法的困境反映执法领域国家能力的不足.从执法的结构和过程看,国家能力不足表现在多个层面:执法机构的"孤岛现象"普遍,不同机构之间难以有效合作;一线执法人员的素养欠缺,且其工作难以被执法机构有效考核;执法人员在进入社区空间、处理执法事务时受阻严重.由于国家能力的不足,执法人员常常接受执法对象的讨价还价,违建执法表现出"日常惰性—专项治理"的循环结构,强力执法与违法不究处于共生状态.改善社会治理,需要在执法领域强化国家能力,需要从执法机构、执法人员及其与社会的互动等多方面着手.  相似文献   

侵权法一般条款的立法模式及其保护范围是侵权立法中的重要问题。从比较法上看,德国法之规定与法国法之规定各有其优劣,但德国法更具借鉴意义。我国侵权立法,应认真总结以往立法及司法的成功经验,坚持已有的成熟做法,确立符合我国国情的立法模式。我国侵权责任法应通过一般条款列举具体的权利及利益保护范围,同时规定兜底条款,而不应从规定损害概念的角度界定侵权法的保护范围。  相似文献   

This article deals with the evolution of the image of the individual and of family structure within every social class in Great Britain between 1910 and 1920, not only because of the influence of the Great War but also of the effect of new social legislative steps taken by the Radical Liberal government. Its essential findings are that the power of males declined in the aristocracy when they were faced, on the one hand, by the increasing attention and concern for children, and on the other hand, by the social, cultural, moral, and political part played by mothers within smaller working- and middle-class family units. Such units were regarded as the crucible for the regeneration and strengthening of the whole British society.  相似文献   

城镇化进程中的政治与经济问题对城市犯罪的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城镇化是人类社会现代化的必然趋势。但是,城镇化进程中产生的各种城市问题却对城市的生存与发展造成了诸多困扰。城市问题是城市犯罪孕育、发生和发展的温床,从整体层面上研究城市问题对犯罪的影响具有重要的现实意义。在所有的城市问题中,城市政治问题和经济问题是两种主要的"城市病",而且二者之间联系密切、关系复杂,其互动效应与联动效应对城市社会治安大环境的形成,对城市犯罪问题的衍变,对犯罪行为的主体与受体的塑造等,都有十分深刻的影响。建国后我国城市犯罪在政治与经济问题的综合影响下,曾形成了4个犯罪高峰期,目前仍居高不下。  相似文献   

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