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Whenever foul play is suspected in a death, the forensic pathologist is required to examine the corpse where it is found. In the case described here, the unusual location of the corpse initially led investigators to suspect a crime was involved. A thorough examination of the site and the autopsy results ultimately pointed to a not-violent manner of death, although the advanced state of decomposition made it impossible to determine the exact cause of death. The fact that the victim crawled into a fox's den to die can be interpreted as a primitive reaction in a case of death due to hypothermia. Criminological aspects of the case are also discussed.  相似文献   

A total of 36,274 forensic autopsies was performed in Berlin, between 1980 and 1987, including 152 cases (0.42%) in which death had been caused by blunt violence due to kicking. Data were collected on both victims and offenders, postmortem findings, causes of death and the way violence had been perpetrated. The greater part of victims and offenders had been males originating from lower social strata. Most of the victims and offenders had been in relationship with each other prior to the offence. Typical course of events: Victims and offenders, under influence of alcohol, became involved in a brawl, usually for trivial reasons, which soon led to physical fighting. When the victim had been knocked to the ground, the offender started forceful kicking. Bleeding to death and head injury were frequent causes of death. More than 50% of all offences were committed by single offenders. The diagnosis of kicking to death can at best be derived from presence of boot traces leaving shaped injuries. The trace-generating boot can be identified as offending tool by means of comparative police investigation. In addition to evaluation of shoe sole profiles, there is other trace-relevant material that may be sampled from a suspected offender's footwear (skin cells, hair, blood, body tissue) and used to identify findings by DNA analysis. There may be injuries with visible patterns supporting suspicion of kicking and trampling, although conclusive confirmation can be obtained only by testimony by a witness or confession by the offender.  相似文献   

The investigation was made of dismembered corpses parts in time aspect. Various conventional features of the late postmortem period were under consideration: corpse potherb, emphysema, maceration of the skin. The time of manifestation of rotten transformation of a corpse was specified for each dismembered part: the head, the upper and lower parts of the body, the extremities. The results allow the investigator to define time of death by each fragment of a dismembered corpse.  相似文献   

A case of corpse dismemberment into 850 fragments was investigated at the Cracow Department of Forensic Medicine. The perpetrator employed various tools to divide the body into fragments and subsequently boiled the pieces to reduce their volume. The thus-prepared body decreased its volume to 30 kg. Subsequently, the perpetrator placed the body fragments in 2 large pots, which were then positioned in the space under the stairs and walled in.  相似文献   

Forensic science in China--traditional and contemporary aspects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A case of homicidal stabbing resulting in bilateral penetrating ocular injuries is described. The case is noteworthy in that it highlights an unusual mechanism of death in homicidal stabbing. Disturbances in heart rhythm including asystole can be ascribed to the so-called oculocardiac or trigeminocardiac reflex. Although this phenomenon is well known to ophthalmologists, neurosurgeons, and anesthetists, it is much less familiar to forensic pathologists. This is a potential mechanism of death worthy of consideration in cases of sudden unexpected death occurring in the context of facial injury.  相似文献   

Water intoxication (WI) is a rare condition that originates from over-consumption of water, with a potentially fatal outcome. Increased water intake (polydipsia) is followed by urination of high amount of diluted urine (polyuria) which are the main initial symptoms of WI. We present four case reports of WI. Two of them are unusual pediatric clinical cases using medical documentation and police case files, one of which is related to child abuse, and the other to a psychiatric disorder. The other two cases are fatal adult cases submitted to autopsy from a psychiatric hospital. Also, we present a diagnostic algorithm for polydipsia and polyuria before death. WI is usually seen in patients with psychiatric disorders, victims of child abuse or torture, drug abusers or it can be iatrogenically induced.  相似文献   

Radiology has been used extensively in conventional dental identification, anatomically based identification and identification using maxillofacial skeletal landmarks such as the frontal sinus. Examples of these are well documented in the literature. The purpose of this paper was to revisit the methods where radiographic methods may be used to determine identity using the teeth, the root structures and the frontal sinuses. Additionally suggestions are offered for management of radiography in mass disasters and cases where age determination is required. Computer assisted tomography can be used in the assessment of the degree of fit of a weapon to a wound in cases of blunt force skull injury and plane films can assist in depicting the pattern of post mortem skull fractures. Micro-computed tomography has been used in matching weapons to wounds in sharp-force injury cases. The radiologist's role in cases of civil litigation and fraud is discussed and case examples are given. There are gaps in the science where radiological methods are used. The author offers several suggestions for possible research projects to close some of these gaps.  相似文献   

During a walk a man found the partially unclothed body of a 16-year-old girl in a field near a village in South Baden. The body showed numerous injuries caused by sharp force. Several stab wounds were discernible on the neck, the chest, the genital region, the back and the right thigh. Postmortem, the anterior wall of the trunk had been severed with one long cut reaching from the mons pubis to the jugular fossa. The injuries and the scene suggested homicide with a sexual motive. Already on the next day a male suspect was ascertained. Blood traces of the victim could be demonstrated on his car. The man confessed the homicide, but did not describe the course of events in detail. He denied a sexual motive for the homicide. The psychiatric examination did not furnish any clues to internal, neurological or psychiatric disorders. The perpetrator did not claim intoxication for the time of the offence, which might have been relevant for the question of criminal responsibility. Psychodiagnostically, it was found that he had a narcissistic personality structure with a pronounced lack of self-esteem, deficits in affect processing and control as well as anxiety and aggression problems. The man was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder.  相似文献   

The assessment of Aboriginal skeletal remains and their distinction from whites is an area of major importance to the Australian forensic pathologist. The Aborigines, the indigenous people of Australia, are a distinct racial group with many characteristic anthropological features. The assessment of race is best made from an examination of cranial traits, 20 which are of value. A characteristic pattern of attrition of the teeth provides a method for establishing a skeleton as pre-European contact Aboriginal or postcontact tribal Aboriginal. The limb proportions of Aborigines differ significantly from other races and provide a useful adjunct to other racial discriminants. Quantifiable sex discriminants in the Aboriginal pelvis and femur differ in their ranges of values from other races. The humerus and shoulder girdle are of no value in making a racial distinction and are of limited value in sexing Aboriginal skeletons. Some pathological changes seen in Aboriginal skeletons are of value in corroborating race. These pathological changes include evulsion of incisor teeth, healed "parry fractures" of the ulnae, tibial squatting facets, treponemal changes, and auditory exostoses. The place and manner of burial together with related artefacts, features, and ecofacts may also provide corroboration.  相似文献   

Multiple homicide. Forensic medicine and criminal aspects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This paper reports the results of a number of investigations into forensic medical aspects of bone tissue injuries and pathology that may be of value, both theoretical and practical, for the further studies in this field. The data obtained shed light on the influence of bone porosity on the mechanism of fractures and processes of reparation in the bone tissue. Moreover, they can be used for the purpose of forensic medical expertise.  相似文献   

Two cases of poisoning with 2-propanol (isopropylalcohol) are reported. In one case, nail polish remover was drunk by a 2-year-old child. The concentration of 2-propanol and its metabolite acetone in the blood could be observed over a period of approximately 50 h. The highest concentration of 2-propanol determined was 4.22 g/l. Acetone reached a maximum value of 2.27 g/l 12 h after ingestion. The child survived without any observable after-effects. In the second case, a 35-year-old man drank ethanol in addition to 2-propanol. The poisoning was lethal. The possible time of intake before death is discussed in relation to the estimated levels of ethanol, 2-propanol and acetone found in the blood and urine. The histomorphological findings are often important as well with regard to time of intake.  相似文献   

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