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论我国高校司法鉴定机构的完善与发展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
《全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于司法鉴定管理问题的决定》的实施,为我国司法鉴定的发展掀开了崭新的一页。《决定》实施以来,司法鉴定机构增长迅速,其中高校司法鉴定机构增速更居各类司法鉴定机构之首。如今,高校司法鉴定机构已经成为了我国司法鉴定系统中不可或缺的重要组成部分。如何把握好高校司法鉴定机构的优势,推动高校司法鉴定机构的完善与发展,已经成为我国司法鉴定发展中的重要课题。  相似文献   

Sudden cerebral swelling and death secondary to craniocerebral trauma has been noted in children and young adults. This is due to an increase in intracerebral blood, either secondary to an increase in cerebral blood volume or a redistribution of intracranial blood from the pial to the intraparenchymal vessels. Sequential craniocerebral trauma has been associated with the syndrome of "malignant cerebral edema"; the possibility of a "compliance compromised brain" has been suggested as the cause. The additional possibility of asymptomatic encephalitis leading to a compliance compromised brain and malignant cerebral edema is discussed.  相似文献   

馮巍 《中国法律》2011,(2):10-10,67
從1981年至今,中國委讬公證人制度在促進和保護香港特區居民和法人在内地的合法權益,促進兩地人员往來、經濟發展和社會的繁榮稳定方面發挥了重要作用。縱觀這三十年來的曆程,中國委讬公證人制度不断探索和發展,制度建设日臻完善,已成爲解決内地舆香港公證文相互使用同题的有效通道。  相似文献   

The nexus between substance abuse and intimate partner violence has been studied in depth. The interrelationship between drinking, intimate partner violence, and an officer's decision to make an arrest has not received as much attention. The issue is complicated by the fact that either or both of the involved parties may have been drinking and the effects may vary depending on who has been drinking. In this article, the authors examine the relative contributions of his, her, and their drinking to the likelihood of arrest.  相似文献   

To some extent the nature of the marriage contract has always been ‘about’ sex. Yet it is only in recent years that sex has become an explicit aspect of the legal test of capacity to marry. This paper explores how that test has been developed by the courts since the late 19th century. Through an examination of the case law it traces the nature of the relationship between sex and the capacity to marry; explores how capacity to consent to sexual relations has become a prominent strand within capacity to marry; and asks whether one effect of that prominence has been to marginalise the necessity for an individual to understand certain other important aspects of the marriage contract when assessing his or her capacity to marry.  相似文献   

表见代理的构成,需要本人具有归责性。归责性的要件地位之确立,在价值实现和逻辑贯彻之外,尚有着重大的方法论意义。归责性具有程度之维,其要件地位的确立,使得一项比较权衡的框架得以建立,从而可通过本人归责性程度与相对人信赖合理性程度的比较权衡,来决定相应的法律构成和效果。从解释论的角度看,对于《合同法》第49条之规定,透过文义、历史、比较法等解释方法,可确立本人归责性的要件地位。  相似文献   

The diagnosis of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) has been an enigma to medical examiners and coroners for decades. The recent drastic decrease in the number of SIDS cases has been associated with infants sleeping supine instead of prone. The apparent relation between sleeping position and SIDS has led to the marketing of several positioning sleep aids. We report a case of the improper use of one such device which resulted in the death of an infant.  相似文献   

侯泽福 《河北法学》2011,29(11):140-145
美国集团诉讼已介入到劳资纠纷、环境污染、产品责任等公共事务领域并产生重要作用。证券集团诉讼具有损失填补、威慑功能、教育功能、监督功能、政策形成功能等,这些功能是其作为法律制度存在的根本依据。我国应仔细考量美国证券集团诉讼制度的价值及功能后,再结合本国的法律和文化、资本市场的发展状况、政治体制等将集团诉讼制度移植到现有的法律体系中。  相似文献   

This article briefly describes quantitative criminology in The Netherlands since the seventies. Dutch quantitative criminologists have been active in most fields of the discipline of criminology: research has been done on the etiology of crime and, in relation to this, the self-report methodology. A number of victimization surveys have been executed, and in relation to this, attention was given to fear of crime, victims in the judicial system, and situational approaches to crime. There has been research on policy evaluation, sentencing, and differential treatment in the criminal justice system, and alternative sanctions. Recently three major international studies have been coordinated by Dutch criminologists: an international self-report study, an international victim survey of households, and an international survey of victimization among businesses. In this article we describe the first two studies and briefly compare some of their features. Overall, it appears that Dutch quantitative criminology is embedded in the international mainstream of criminology and, in general, has been strongly related to policy concerns.  相似文献   

It has been long recognized that cementum thickness increases with age. Much literature has recently been devoted to utilizing incremental lines in cementum as an aging criterion in animals, but only one study has been done suggesting this technique in humans. Thirty-one teeth of known age were histologically stained and sectioned to observe incremental lines. Direct predictions of age based on these lines underestimated the age of older specimens. However, there was a correlation between number of lines and age, and with a large enough specimen size, a computer-generated formula for age prediction may be possible.  相似文献   

张海峰 《现代法学》2012,34(3):38-44
"十恶"是隋《开皇律》确立的一个专用法律名词,法史学界一直以来重视对"十恶"内容、罪名沿革等方面的研究,但是对于"十恶"语词的由来,除少数学者有论及外,尚未有深入的分析。实质固然重要,但名称也不可忽视。十恶原是佛教名词,后来进入律典成为法律名词,因此对隋唐律典"十恶"语词来源进行深入的研究,有助于我们了解佛教对隋唐律典的影响。  相似文献   

Over the last decade, there has been a significant shift in public policy in relation to indigenous Australians. The new policy frameworks have been marked by an antipathy towards a policy discourse based on a human rights framework. This has also been associated with a shift from an approach based on "self-determination" to one founded on the idea of "mutual obligation". This article describes these developments in detail and considers the implications for human rights discourse.  相似文献   

There has been much work dedicated to crime analysis and intelligence in recent times. Independently, physical evidence has shown great potential for linking crimes and bringing solid informative data through the increased use of multiple databases. However, their informative potential is still often underestimated and has been poorly integrated into police information systems. We propose a framework that fully introduces this data into an intelligence based system. This framework is built on the study of inference structures extracted from investigators’ every day implicit reasoning processes. Five specific inferences are studied with the particular problem of serial burglary investigation across independent police and legal structures. On the basis of such an analytical approach, a computer prototype has been designed; it has shown great promise and has resulted in several operational successes.  相似文献   

Throughout North America, there has been an increasing interest in the development of alternative forums for dispute resolution that may more effectively address the needs of victims, offenders, and the community. Concurrent with this has been an attempt to alter the adversarial framework of the criminal justice system. This has included the development and implementation of case processing strategies premised on restorative justice and attempting to secure the participation of communities as partners in the resolution of disputes. One particularly innovative initiative is circle sentencing, which has been implemented in several communities in the Yukon, Canada. The procedure by which cases are processed in circle sentencing is outlined and the involvement of the offender, the victim, the community, and the territorial court are discussed.  相似文献   

Although the notion of taking gender into account in social analyses has been around for some time, for the large partit has not been taken seriously by criminologists. In this article, Laberge shows how the neglect of women's criminality has been to the detriment of criminological inquiry. Through an examination of the questions usually asked about women in contact with the penal system, the author takes us beyond an ‘additive’ approach to explaining crime. Reorganizing these questions, she outlines a number of analytical distinctions that will transform our understanding of criminalized women, specifically, and criminological inquiry, generally.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) has been used in forensic science in many ways. The reports of cases in which SEM has been used as an auxiliary method in the investigation of exhumed bones are rare. In this article, we report an exhumation that was made to determine if a seized weapon could have been used in a homicide. We used SEM to analyze a fracture in the interior of the skull of the victim. The findings described in this article showed us that it is possible to develop new researches in this field.  相似文献   

顾永忠 《证据科学》2012,20(2):146-154
1996年刑事诉讼法只有定罪的证明标准,没有规定量刑的证明标准。多年来,理论界围绕定罪的证明标准展开热烈的讨论,实务界也进行了积极的探索。新《刑事诉讼法》首次对“证据确实、充分”从三个方面作出解释。本文认为该规定已从原来定罪的证明标准发展为定罪量刑的证据标准,是新《刑事诉讼法》对定罪证明标准的丰富与发展。  相似文献   

Since Bentham and Kant, there has been an ongoing conflict between utilitarian and rights-based philosophies of government. However, most discussions of either perspective have been in the form of an advocacy that aggrandizes the positive values of one side and denigrates the negative values of the opposing side. There has been very little systematic analysis of the values protected by utility or the values protected by rights. Nor has there been a systematic analysis of the relationship between these values. This article maps the values underlying the two perspectives, analyzes their relationships, and argues that the utility/rights conflict is an essential and potentially productive conflict because both utility and rights protect fundamental, but limited, values that are necessary for the achievement of justice. Therefore, it is imperative to understand the values underlying both utility and rights.  相似文献   

涉诉信访在当下中国俨然已经成为关涉政治大局、社会稳定和国计民生的重大问题,被广泛地视为一种严峻的社会危机而予以问题化,并因此成为全社会的攻关对象。但是,直观地将涉诉信访问题看作主要是司法部门自身问题产物的观点是不周延的,也不利于寻求有效的对策以应对之。对涉诉信访问题的成因应采取系统论的分析进路,在立法、行政、司法三大国家机构系统化处理社会纠纷流程的实证分析中去发现涉诉信访问题的真相:信访问题不过是弱势群体民生困境的制度性反射。因此,应以制度创新和综合治理应对涉诉信访问题。  相似文献   

喻中 《法律科学》2013,(5):21-28
在当代中国,法的现代性理论虽然已成为一个引入注目的学术板块,但是,有两个方面的问题需要再审视。一方面,从现代性本身来看,它其实是一个虚构、虚拟的概念,而且已经异化成为一个符号化的图腾。另一方面,从现代性与中国法律、中国法治的关系来看,在历史上,法律移植虽然持续不断,但百年中国的法律移植与现代性无关;20世纪80年代以来,现代性虽然有力地塑造了中国的法学理论,但它对当代中国法治实践的塑造能力相当微弱,真实生活中的法律与法治只能按照实践本身的逻辑来演进,现代性不足以牵引中国法治实践的方向。这两个方面表明,虽然现代性这个词的价值与意义不容全部抹杀,法的现代性理论依然只是一个虚构的理论神话。  相似文献   

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