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Phenomena occurring under exposure to heat such as epidural burn hematoma, hyperemia of the internal organs and extravasation of blood into the serous mucosae have been known for a long time. There has so far been less attention to an alteration which was recently observed in two burn corpses. These were punctiform hemorrhages in the conjunctivae as well as hemorrhages in the throat musculature which initially suggested application of force to the neck. After it could be established by usual investigations that the cases were suicides, an attempt was made to clarify the origin of these hemorrhages and the question of their vitality in animal experiments. To the extent that unequivocal results could be obtained, these indicated that the blood extravasations are vital phenomena which are associated with the still-intact circulation. However, differentiation between the action of third parties and extravasation of blood due to heat it difficult and can only be possible with the consideration of the overall circumstances in the individual case.  相似文献   

The differentiation of minute current marks from the faint traces of burns may offer some difficulties. Marcinkowski and Wojciechowski (1973) treated the skin of corpses with the same metal objects either heated to a high temperature or exposed to 250 V of alternating current, and determined (by an electrographic method) that metallization appeared only after applying the electric current.The continuation of these observations is linked with the actual experimental studies of Pankowski. By treating the skin of corpses with alternating and direct current of 10, 50, 100 and 250 V for 0.3 sec, 1 sec, 30 sec and 1 min passing through a radioactive electrode of 60Co, he has shown that the radioactivity of the skin at the site of electrode contact increases with the elevation of the voltage and its duration. In the case of direct current the rise was 630 – 54000-fold at the site of the positive electrode.Using electrodes of copper, aluminium and iron (not radioactive) it has also been shown (by an electrographic method) that metallization intensifies under the same conditions of time and voltage.Metallization could be detected even when no current marks on the skin were evident. Electrography appears to be extremely useful in the detection of metallization. No metallization was detected at the site of the negative electrode (as refers to direct current).  相似文献   

Reported in this paper is an attack of two adolescents on a man who was killed in the fight, with several kitchen knives being used, including two with grooved and wave-grooved blades. One of the offenders held the victim tight from behind and was injured by his attacking accomplice++. A grid mark on the left side of the victim's face and the left forearm of the second offender in the back supported the assumption of a knife with simple wave profile. Skin lesions of finer structure below the left ear and on the left forearm of the victim suggested involvement of a smaller kitchen knife with groove-milled wave profile. Offender-victim position and course of offence were verified and confirmed by evaluation of these specific findings.  相似文献   

Two cases of regurgitation of gastric juice peri mortem are reported which resulted in lesions of the thoracic skin and led to the suspicion of being caused by another possibly dangerous chemical agent. In both cases, however, other causes of death could be established. Neither could any foreign chemical substances be detected by extensive toxicological investigations nor were any alterations of esophagus and gastric mucosa revealed in the course of the autopsy. Histological investigations demonstrated a circumscribed recent necrosis of the epidermis and dermis. Therefore, regurgitation of the acidic gastric content as the agent impairing the skin was most likely. The impressive histological appearance of the peri mortem regurgitation skin lesions lesions may be due to the circulatory arrest as well as stagnation of vital cellular reactions and repair mechanisms, dehydration of the altered tissue and postmortem permanence of the impairing agent.  相似文献   

Two cases of combined suicide by burning and jumping from heights are reported. Both male cases had psychiatric histories.  相似文献   

We present a case of a 30-year-old woman with learning difficulties who was found dead at home by her mother. Her body was partially naked and covered in a number of unusual skin lesions with a targetoid appearance with red erythematous centers and well-delineated halos of pallor. These lesions were initially thought to be bruises by the police and by a forensic postmortem instigated. Postmortem examination also identified hepatosplenomegaly, severe lymphadenopathy, and focal patchy colonic ulceration. Histologic examination of the skin and bowel ulcers showed the lesions to be areas of infarction caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa vasculitis. Pseudomonas was also cultured from the swabs of the abdomen, the spleen, and the blood cultures. Histologic findings of the lymph nodes showed complete effacement of the normal architecture by a population of pleomorphic small lymphoid cells. Immunohistochemistry confirmed the predominant cell type to be T-cells. The diagnosis of peripheral T-cell lymphoma was made. The cause of death was given as Pseudomonas septicemia secondary to immunocompromise resulting from the undiagnosed peripheral T-cell lymphoma. The pathogenesis of Pseudomonas and its association with malignancy is discussed along with a brief review of peripheral T-cell lymphomas. This case report demonstrates the characteristic macroscopic appearance of cutaneous Pseudomonas-associated lesions and how they can be misinterpreted as bruises.  相似文献   

目的研究不同数值低电压对家兔皮肤电损伤的组织病理学变化,为皮肤电损伤的法医学鉴定提供一定依据。方法选取家兔35只,随机分为36V、110V、220V生前和死后电击组各3组及正常对照组,共7组,每组5只。应用自制电击装置对家兔进行生前不同数值电压电击和死后不同时间电击,然后对电击处皮肤取材,常规石蜡包埋及HE染色制片并进行组织病理学观察研究。结果 36V生前和死后电击皮肤组织学未见改变;110V、220V生前和死后不同时间予以电击均出现电流斑改变;220V和110V生前与死后电流斑形态无差异;220V较110V电击皮肤电流斑明显。结论电流斑与电压的数值大小存在相关性,电压越高电流斑越明显,36V交流电不能形成电流斑;相同数值电压下电击,生前和死后组电流斑无明显形态学差异,电流斑在36V、110V、220V电压时不能用于区分电击损伤是否为生前或死后所致。  相似文献   

Fatalities caused by electrocution often lack specific morphologic evidence. Investigation of the death scene along with technical inspection of the electrical apparatus may help in clarifying the cause and manner of death. Cutaneous current marks may be the only sign of low voltage associated fatalities. The authors report a case of an electrician who committed suicide by electrocution using a time switch after oral ingestion of diazepam. Electrodes (coins) were fixed with adhesive tape at the height of the heart to the front and back of the left side of the chest. Autopsy revealed a blackish linear mark on the pleura parietalis of the inner side of the thoracic cavity, connecting the cutaneous current marks. Current-related and heat-related changes, such as hypercontraction bands of the intercostal muscles and coagulative changes of the perineurium of peripheral nerves, were found at histologic examination. Taking into consideration that the body had been under the influence of low-voltage current for 7 days, the morphologic alteration on the pleura parietalis was in accordance with an internal current mark, indicating the main route of current flow through the body. To the authors' knowledge, such a current-related phenomenon has not been reported to occur on an inner body surface before.  相似文献   

电击伤和电击死是法医实践工作中常遇到的案例,尽管有许多学者从电击伤(死)后各个组织器官的形态学以及分子水平的变化进行了大量的研究,但实际检案中,法医工作者对其诊断(主要是对无电流斑的死因推断)仍没有统一的标准和直接客观的特异性指标,且对电击工具的推断、生前电击和死后电击的鉴别以及电击死后死亡时间的判断都有一定的困难,故其一直是法医学研究的热点。本文针对以上问题对电击伤(死)的法医学研究进展做一综述,为对其进一步研究提供一些思路。  相似文献   

Fan YY  Guan DW  Wang T  Liu WW  Zheng JL  Zhao ZB  Yu TS  Ma WX 《法医学杂志》2011,27(4):246-249
目的 观察小鼠皮肤切创愈合过程中,纤维细胞募集和分化随时间变化的规律性.方法 应用免疫荧光技术共定位纤维细胞[共表达CD45、Ⅰ型前胶原(procollagen Ⅰ)]和肌成纤维细胞[共表达CD45、平滑肌肌动蛋白(α-smooth muscle actin,α-SMA)],计数纤维细胞及其分化成的肌成纤维细胞.结果 ...  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of analysis of the data obtained in experimental studies and practical expert assessments of body injuries inflicted by rubber balls for traumatic weapons. The causes accounting for the polymorphism of such injuries and the mechanisms of their development were elucidated by means of damage simulation taking into consideration the physical and dynamic properties of elastic ball-type destructive agents and the morphological structure of different anatomical regions of the human body. The results of the study may be of interest for differential diagnostics of gunshot lesions caused by elastic destructive agents.  相似文献   

This paper reports the postmortem toxicological findings for a person who died shortly after being painted with benzyl benzoate as a scabicide with a brush that had been steeped in 80% phenol and not thoroughly washed before use. The paper also describes the circumstances leading up to the death.  相似文献   

Some electrocution deaths occur without detectable current marks on the skin, making forensic examination to determine the true cause of death more difficult. Because arterial thrombosis was a frequent finding in victims of electrocution, we investigated injury to the endothelium of the aorta and pulmonary artery with a scanning electron microscope in five cases of death known to be caused by electrocution. We found large pores on the surface of endothelial cells of the aorta and pulmonary artery in those who died of electrocution, but no endothelial membrane perforation was found in those who died of cardiac diseases. These findings were present within 12h after death. Therefore, scanning electron microscopic evidence of endothelial perforation in the aorta and pulmonary artery could be a useful marker to identify electrocution for those victims without detectable current marks on the skin.  相似文献   

Death due to accidental electrocution occurs frequently. The aim of this study was to investigate alterations in cardiac connexin 43 (Cx43), angiotensin II (Ang II), endothelin 1 (ET-1), and type III collagen associated with fatal electrocution.Twenty-four Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into control, fatal electrocution (220 V, 50 Hz, 60 seconds), and electrical injury (220 V, 50 Hz, 60 seconds) groups. Animals were deeply anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital before each treatment, with the anode connected to the left foreleg and the cathode to the right hindleg, followed by cervical dislocation. Control animals received cervical dislocation alone. Immunohistochemical analysis was performed to evaluate the cardiac protein expression of Cx43, Ang II, ET-1, and type III collagen. Sections were analyzed by digital image analysis.The expression of Cx43 was significantly reduced after fatal electrocution, with the integrated optical density also lower when compared with control (P < 0.05). Expression of both Ang II and ET-1 was significantly increased after fatal electrocution, supported by integrated optical density when compared with control (P < 0.05). But no significant difference was found in type III collagen expression between the fatal electrocution group and the control group.In summary, cardiac protein expression of Cx43, Ang II, and ET-1 was found to be significantly altered with fatal electrocution, suggesting that these 3 proteins may be important underlying mechanisms of death during fatal electrocution. The current findings indicate that such alterations would be reflected in abnormal cardiac function and a possible cause of sudden death.  相似文献   

Suicidal electrocution using a time switch is relatively rare. Based on two cases from the authors' own forensic material and seven cases from literature peculiarities regarding the concomitant intake of medicines (benzodiazepines) and alcohol are discussed and comments are made how to proceed in the criminal and forensic investigation of such cases.  相似文献   

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