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李桂林 《现代法学》2004,26(6):26-30
理性是法理学的永恒主题。现代法理学的理性话语经历了从“理性法”向“法律理性”的转向,这实际上是法理学从理论理性向实践理性的转向。法律与实践理性的关系体现为“法律是实践理性的体现”、“法律是行为的正当理由”、“法律是实践性信息”等命题。同时,作为实践理性的法律也具有客观性,其客观性基础在于实践商谈。  相似文献   

The author's starting point is Bobbio's theoretical approach to the problems of the relations between law and reason. He then appraises the meanings of reason and the concept of theoretical and practical rationality in the application of law. He examines the complex problem of the rationality of legislation and distinguishes five levels of rationality.  相似文献   

The author distinguishes two concepts of practical reason: (a) practical reason as a source of practical principles, and (b) practical reason as the theory of thought operations connected with action. He proves that there is no practical recognition in the sense (a). We can deal with actions only on the basis of dichotomic semantics. Critical analyses of some theories of practical reason are presented (Kant, Lorenzen, Apel, Alexy). The critical part of the paper mainly concerns the discourse theory and its implications for practical philosophy and jurisprudence.  相似文献   

阚晓湘 《政法学刊》2004,21(6):24-25
公安民警射击训练的实际出发,利用"威氏"射击法,提高命中效果控制紧张情绪,解除心理压力,掌握据抢要领,打牢射 击基础,克服外界影响,提高射击精度。  相似文献   

犯罪构成的实践运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨兴培 《中国法学》2003,(5):142-152
犯罪构成的实践运用首先是基于对犯罪构成这一规格模型的认识和理解。犯罪构成一旦成型即获得客观存在的属性 ,成为一种中性的规格模型 ,不得随意改变。犯罪构成只有与犯罪事实相结合才具有实践价值。犯罪事实只有经过人的评价和判断 ,才能与犯罪构成进行连接与匹配。通过对犯罪构成的认识和理解、通过对犯罪事实的认识和理解 ,将两者紧密的结合起来 ,完成对犯罪构成的实践运用 ,就是一个犯罪构成的规范评价过程  相似文献   

I argue that any successful account of permissible self- defence must be action-guiding, or practical. It must be able to inform people’s deliberation about what they are permitted to do when faced with an apparent threat to their lives. I argue that this forces us to accept that a person can be permitted to use self-defence against Apparent Threats: characters whom a person reasonably, but mistakenly, believes threaten her life. I defend a hybrid account of self-defence that prioritises an agent’s subjective perspective. I argue that it is sufficient to render the use of defence permissible if an agent reasonably believes that (a) she is morally innocent, and (b) if she does not kill this person, then they will kill her. I argue that the correct account of self-defence must distinguish between whether an agent is permitted to inflict harm, and whether the target is liable to bear that harm.  相似文献   

Ota Weinberger 《Ratio juris》2002,15(3):283-293
Kant's criticism is based on the idea that all possible knowledge of facts is determined by the immanent structure of our apparatus of cognition, and that therefore we have no access to reality as it is per se (" Ding an sich "). In modern analytical philosophy some elements of this view survived, namely, the distinction between framework construction and actual data of experience, supposition or voluntary setting. The conditio humana is characterised by our capacity of acting. Acting is defined as behaviour determined and controlled by information processes. The structure of these processes defines the semantics and logical principles of practical philosophy. From this view follows the conception of value judgments, the logic of preferences, formal teleology, the analysis of utility and norm logic. The framework theories should be open in order to be able to express all possible theoretical views, namely, subjectivism as well as objectivism. The paper gives a concise account of the systems of practical thought (formal axiology, formal teleology, preference logic and norm logic) and their gnoseological problems.  相似文献   

目前,我国正处于推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的实践探索阶段。以疫情防控为视角探讨与大数据疫情预警机制相关的问题,对于提升政府应急管理能力极具紧迫性和现实性。本文在对大数据疫情预警机制价值分析的基础上,根据数据获取渠道的不同,将现阶段大数据疫情预警机制概括为三大类:即基于网络通讯及搜索引擎的预警机制、基于电子医疗信息的预警机制和基于物联网信息采集的预警机制。针对大数据疫情预警机制面临的现实困境,提出相应的建议,以期为我国公共卫生应急管理体系的完善提供参考。  相似文献   

I argue for a new conception of practical authority based on an analysis of the relationship between authority and subject. Commands entail a demand for practical deference, which establishes a relationship of hierarchy, vulnerability, and responsibility that involves a variety of signals and commitments. In order for this relationship to be justified, the subject must be under a preexisting duty, the authority’s commands must take precedence over the subject’s judgment regarding fulfillment of that duty, the authority must accept the position and responsibilities of command, and the authority must be sufficiently trustworthy relative to how vulnerable the subject makes herself by deferring. This results in an instrumentalist conception of practical authority that can be favorably compared to Joseph Raz’s influential service conception. The relational conception’s main advantage is that it focuses on the authority as much as the subject, requiring that the authority accept responsibility for the relationship and be sufficiently trustworthy. This allows the relational conception to avoid problems that the service conception faces and illuminates institutional authority.  相似文献   

吴逶 《中国司法》2007,(9):54-57
在实行拉丁公证制度的国家和地区,公证立法都对公证和认证在证明权限、程序以及目的上作出了区分。例如,存证明权限上,虽然两者都属公证机构的职责,在公证立法中通常以公证人的职责或职权来统一表述,但具体的权限仍然有所区别。例如,《日本公证人法》在第一条就区分了公证和认证,并在第五章规定了认证。  相似文献   

实践法律观要义——以转型中的中国为出发点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在当今问题时代,对何谓法律的回答,应围绕事实与规范的紧张关系而展开。这一关系表现有二:认识论上的事实与规范的不对称性,伦理上的事实与规范的对立,前者极具普适性,而后者主要为中国特有。以往的法律观,集中于认识论,在事实与规范中偏袒一方,造成两者不可沟通。本文欲提取实践的两大要素,以"践行"应对两者在伦理上的对立,以"反思"解决两者在认识论上的不对称性,形成以"法是实践智慧"为核心命题的打通事实与规范的实践法律观。  相似文献   

白建军 《法学家》2001,(3):37-43
烛光有两个地方未曾到达:太远的地方和蜡烛下面。法律实证分析也是一样。对法律实证分析来说,象公平、正义、本质、本原这些范畴都似乎有些遥远,而法律条文本身,也很少成为法律实证分析的对象。本文认为,对法律条文其实可以进行实证分析。…….  相似文献   

法律社会成本之实证分析——以“卖淫法”为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵军 《犯罪研究》2007,(2):2-9,22
法律应当是公正,也应当是功利的,不计成本的法律绝非正义之良法。除了对法律进行经济成本分析而外,运用社会科学的经验性研究方法对法律之社会成本展开实证分析,也是检验法律合理性的重要路径之一。以解剖麻雀的方式,运用个案访谈、参与观察等现代社会调查方法,依据可靠的经验材料,对现行卖淫法运行之社会成本进行实证分析,无疑将有益于我国相关刑事政策及法律规范的调整与完善。  相似文献   

实践法学是对以往的法学理论的反对,但同时又承继了它们的合理性特质.它以实践理性为基础,坚持实践辩证法的基本理念和思维方式,主张在普通与特殊,抽象与具体之间寻求良好的结合点--实践智慧.实践法学包含了深刻的目的论理念,集中体现在它对人的存在与发展及其价值的关怀.同时实践法学是行动的法学,以此为基础的法治必然是实践中的法治,它主张通过一个又一个的事件,让人们行动起来,并运用自身的实践智慧完成对中国法治的重塑.实践法学是中国自己的法学.  相似文献   

王欣新 《人民司法》2021,(7):95-100,105
一、预重整的概念和基本特征预重整是在庭外重组和破产重整两种制度的基础上融合创新产生的一种企业挽救辅助性模式,其设置目的是通过两种制度进行先后的有机衔接、补强组合,发挥各自优势,规避劣势,市场化、法治化地解决债务与经营困境企业的挽救再生。随着破产法制的日益发展与健全,预重整在企业挽救制度中逐渐兴起,开始占据重要的地位。  相似文献   

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