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2009年期间,香港法院审理了一定数量的海商海事案件,案件领域包括提单运输、《汉堡规则》的解释、承运人在普通法下的责任、船舶碰撞和海上保险等。大部分案件在香港高等法院原诉法庭审结,部分上诉至香港高等法院上诉法庭,甚至香港终审法院。通过对若干代表性案件的描述和分析,一方面展现香港海商法判例的发展,另一方面有助于对中国内地海商法的比较研究。  相似文献   

2010年香港海商法判例综述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2010年香港海商法判例,包括海事和商事案件,来自香港高等法院原诉法庭和上诉法庭。案件主要涉及再保险人诉讼法律地位、官方法律程序及豁免、香港和内地法院管辖争议及法院对仲裁裁决的认可。作为香港普通法,2010年的判例涉及范围广泛,案件比较复杂,涉及实务中的常见问题,案件的判决结果值得实务界参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

赵亮 《中国海商法年刊》2012,(2):95-100,120
2011年香港海商法判例,来自香港高等法院原诉法庭和上诉法庭。案件主要涉及海上货物运输责任限额、海运单的法律适用、建造中船舶的所有权、管辖地的选择、船舶碰撞责任等法律问题。这些案件既有实体法律问题,也有程序法律问题,涉及多国法律的选择和管辖地法院的选择,充分体现了海商案件的复杂性和多元性。  相似文献   

The detection of insider threats is one area of ongoing work at the CERT® Insider Threat Center. This paper addresses the legal landscape surrounding employee privacy in the workplace. While this broad area implicates many different types of law, this paper focuses on some current issues that employers may want to be aware of when implementing policies and practices to mitigate the insider threat, including monitoring of current employees. Electronic, physical and other methods of monitoring are discussed, which can reveal insider threat indicators. Relevant federal and state laws are also discussed.1  相似文献   

A 20-year-old woman who suffered from septo-optic dysplasia died unexpectedly following a presumed viral gastroenteritis. Autopsy and neuropathological examination confirmed optic nerve hypoplasia with absence of the septum pellucidum. Marked adrenal gland hypoplasia reflected hypothalamic hypopituitarism. The small and large intestines were dilated and filled with liquid fecal material. This case demonstrates that individuals with septo-optic dysplasia may be at risk of unexpected death at all ages. The complexity of mechanisms of death in rare dysmorphic conditions may be overlooked if relevant clinical information is not available at the time of autopsy and unless specific steps are taken to clearly delineate the underlying features of the condition.  相似文献   

Legal content: This article intends to raise awareness of the English law doctrineof licensee estoppel and how it may be relevant in practice.The relevant English case law and its relationship with Englishstatute and European legislation are discussed. Key points: Many practitioners are unaware of the nature and significanceof licensee estoppel under English law. The doctrine of licenseeestoppel seems at first sight to run contrary to European competitionlaw: this situation is made more complicated by the fact thatEuropean legislation and case law seems to presume that sucha doctrine does not exist. Once the doctrine itself and itsrelationship with European competition law have been explained,the remedies that are available and commercially relevant tolicensees become clearer. Practical significance: These considerations are relevant to practitioners draftingand negotiating technology transfer agreements under Englishlaw, as well as to those advising licensors and licensees ontheir rights and available remedies.  相似文献   

Hugh Beale 《The Law teacher》2013,47(3):323-345
This article explores ways in which mooting can provide high school students with insight into life as a law student. In gaining high school students’ insights on their early exposure to a legal research skills environment involving oral argumentation exercises, the authors argue that law schools can incorporate experiential learning pedagogies into student recruitment efforts to ensure that both law school and prospective student are better prepared for each other during the delivery and study of law at university level.  相似文献   

曹明 《行政与法》2007,(6):90-91
市场监管法以市场监管关系为调整对象则属于行政法范畴,要使其能够真正发挥应有的作用,则必须以竞争关系为调整对象,并以有关国家机关为辅助机关,以司法救济途径为主的方式重新构建之。  相似文献   

民法与经济法价值之比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏志义 《时代法学》2004,2(3):80-83
本文首先从经济关系层面出发 ,对民法与经济法的互动进行了分析。指出二者价值差异的根源在于经济思想、公平理念和利益观的差异。二者价值体系在总体上具有一致性、谐和性和互补性。同时揭示了他们间的文化与精神的互补、功能的相互矫正及调整对象的交叉。  相似文献   

法律是什么?——这无疑是所有法律人感兴趣的一个问题,也是法学家们终生孜孜以求的法学领域的“哥德巴赫猜想”。“所谓法律”是法学家们喜欢各抒己见的命题,也是一个仁者见仁,智者见智的问题,以法学研究为志业的我自然也有自己的法律观。 敬畏法律 卢梭曾说过这样一句悲天悯人的名言:人生而自由,却无往不在枷锁之中。这句隐含着太多无奈的箴言实际上道出了人类真实的永恒宿命般的生存境遇:人类永远不可能摆脱由种种社会关系形成的枷锁。法律,就是与人类共存的枷锁之  相似文献   

Ronnie Warrington died on 28th September 1994.  相似文献   

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