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《美学散步》,《铁血》,《幸福就在抬头间》,《竞底》  相似文献   

人的审美活动,不仅能愉悦生活,而且能创造财富。广泛开展美学教育,使美学走向大众,面向生活,引导人们了解劳动创造美和创造美的劳动特点等美学基本原理,掌握和运用美学这个强大的软实力促进中华民族的伟大复兴。  相似文献   

《现代市场的美学冲击-企业审美文化论》一书问世这一国家哲学社会科学基金研究课题,经以中国工运学院为主体及其他青年学者三年多的努力,通过了以厉以宁教授等专家的评审,并最终由中国工运学院副教授黄河涛主编成书,人民出版社出版问世。在评审鉴定会上,与会的经济...  相似文献   

《劳动合同法》是继《劳动法》之后,关于改善劳动关系的重要法律文本。随着经济增长趋于平缓,关于《劳动合同法》的修订和废止问题再次引起理论界的深入讨论。文本从经济理论研究的角度对《劳动合同法》执行中关于灵活用工问题、劳动力成本和劳动生产率三个主要经济争论进行梳理和分析。研究发现,我国劳动力成本增长低于劳动生产率的提高,《劳动合同法》的实施并不会对员工工资产生显著影响,也不会显著影响劳动生产率。  相似文献   

深入贯彻《企业工会工作条例》的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《企业工会工作条例》(以下简称《条例》)是《工会法》、《中国工会章程》在企业工会工作中的具体化,为企业工会工作提供了政策依据和制度保证,对进一步推动企业工会工作科学化、制度化、规范化具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

旭晓肥  罗斯 《工友》2013,(2):50-51
在你千万次的追问之后我选择了你的背影龙应台的《目送》是一部对亲情和周边人物的感悟散文,《目送》是全书的首篇,描写的是目送孩子的成长,目送父亲的远去。第二篇《雨儿》写患老年痴呆症的年迈母亲,母女情感真心实意,让人感动。第三篇《十七岁》写的是青春期儿子的"独立",还有《爱情》、《明白》、《胭脂》、《为谁》等等,这些都是写父亲的逝,  相似文献   

2008年以来,随着《劳动合同法》、《劳动争议调解仲裁法》的实施,特别是《劳动合同法实施条例》的颁布施行,虽然澄清了《劳动合同法》中的一些模糊问题,但是,围绕企业规章制度、双重劳动关系、经济补偿金和赔偿金的计算、追索加班费的举证责任和加班工资基数,以及社会保险争议等问题,人们的认识和仲裁、司法的审理和执行仍比较混乱。因此,有待于通过进一步学习劳动法律,在实践中对《劳动合同法》及《实施条例》执行过程中的某些疑难问题做进一步探讨。  相似文献   

今年是我国《劳动法》实施20周年,社会上各种有关《劳动法》给民众生活带来的巨大影响甚或重大意义的声音早巳纷至沓来。《劳动法》以及随后出台的《劳动合同法》、《劳动调解仲裁法》、《社会保险法》等重要法律的实施,带来的积极意义不容小觑:它们为维护劳资双方的和谐关系和劳动力市场正常秩序发挥了积极的作用,开启了以《劳动法》为基础的劳动法律体系建构进程,对保护劳动者的劳动权益起到根本作用,这是主流。但同时也要看到,《劳动法》的  相似文献   

劳动美学与劳动关系学属于不同的学科范畴,但二者的内在关系非常密切。将有关“劳动过程”、“劳动者自身”、“劳动产品”美学问题研究的成果融入劳动关系研究之中,对实现和谐劳动关系并进而构建和谐社会具有十分重要的理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

各级党政和工会干部要提高认识,抓好新《工会法》的学习、宣传、贯彻工作。要认识到,各级党政干部的认识程度,决定新《工会法》的贯彻落实程度,而新《工会法》的贯彻落实程度,又决定于广大职工群众对工会的了解、支持和信赖程度。中共中央《关于加强和改善党对工会、共青团、妇联领导工作的通知》为《工会法》的修改提供了重要的指导思想和政策依据,新《工会法》充分体现了中央这一文件的理论思想和政策规定。因此,新《工会法》与中央文件是完全一致的,区别在于一个是党规。规范的是工会与党的关系;一个是国法,规范的是工会在国家、政治、经济和社会生活中的地位、任务和作用,工会与政府和行政的关系。因此,贯彻新《工会法》,要与贯彻中央《通知》紧密结合起来,联系实际,逐章逐  相似文献   

This essay puts forward a notion of “raunch aesthetics,” theorizing raunch as an aesthetic, performative, and vernacular practice: an explicit mode of sexual expression that transgresses norms of privacy and respectability. Raunch aesthetics describe creative practices that often blend humor and sexual explicitness to launch cultural critiques, generate pleasure for minority audiences, and affirm queer lives. The author activates her formulation of raunch in analyzing Yo! Majesty, a hip hop group comprised of black female emcees who openly describe their sexual desire for women, and explores how the queer youth of color she works with have responded to their music. Working beyond the unexamined moralisms that give critiques of raunch culture their legitimacy, the author argues that Yo! Majesty's raunch aesthetics transmit queer and feminist teachings. While celebrating carnal pleasures, these artists critique heterosexism, subvert narratives about the incompatibility of belief in Christ and queer sexualities, and trouble notions concerning the emancipation of coming out of the closet and declaring a stable homosexual identity. In demonstrating how raunch aesthetics generate consciousness raising, the author discusses how her youth participants critically read and consume hip hop while negotiating unwieldy meanings of sexuality and gender presentation.  相似文献   

美学是研究美和审美认识的科学,将其引入工会工作中即称为工会美育。工会美育是以美学基本原理为指导,以工会组织、工会干部和工会会员为研究对象,探索如何实现工会美的规律的科学。我院工会坚持以培育爱心,塑造完美人格;以创建省级文明社区,打造美好空间;以建设学习型组织,提高美育素质等美育活动,推动了精神文明建设。  相似文献   

This is a reflection on the visual installation piece, Hanging On, produced collaboratively for the Feminist Legal Studies ‘At the Kitchen Table’ zine in 2016. The author and co-artist considers the research that informed and helped conceptually drive the aesthetics of the piece, including academic research on abortion within literary aesthetics. How these concepts ‘translated’ into hands-on artistic practice and physical materials is discussed, including the difficulties and knowledge gained from the process. The author finally considers the benefits of such interdisciplinary, aesthetic encounters within contemporary feminist knowledge production.  相似文献   

Feminism has long been committed to a critique of stereotypic examples of women in patriarchal discourse and has been keen to see what it could offer by way of alternatives. Yet to suggest that alternatives are possible raises the question of whether feminism itself can altogether avoid the trap of turning women into stereotypes, turning the specific example of woman into a universal model, in its own efforts to represent women. Communication demands the particular; it is not possible to refer to everything at once. At the same time, judgements that arise from the use of those particulars are always to some extent faulty - inaccurate or incomplete, too particular or too general. This applies as much to aesthetics (models of beauty) as it does to politics (another matter of representation). What is at issue here is the entire problematic of inclusion and exclusion, whether in politics or aesthetics. Focusing on the significance of Kant's reliance on woman as an example in the Critique of Judgement , Elam argues that it would be a mistake to dismiss all aesthetic discourses of beauty as ploys on the part of patriarchy to keep women for men's eyes only. The Critique of Judgement stands to be useful to feminism because it demonstrates that the problem of the example cannot be solved by striving for the perfect representation of woman - either an inclusive aesthetics or a fully representational politics - or even by overcoming the use of examples altogether. Rather, taking 'woman' as an example stages both aesthetic and political questions about representation that call attention to the challenges feminism faces in its attempt to form political communities.  相似文献   

工会美育是工会工作创新必须高度关注的领域。工会美育是以美学基本原理为指导,以工会组织和工会干部为研究对象,探索工会美在何处和如何更美的规律的科学。  相似文献   

The article presents a reading of Mary Wollstonecraft's “Letters written during a short residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark”, dated 1796, in which the concept of the Picturesque is used as an analytical framework. The Picturesque is a contemporary British aesthetics concerned with how we look at landscape, and with the aestheticism of viewing. It is suggested that the Picturesque offers a new way of understanding Mary Wollstonecraft's position in‐between Enlightenment and Romanticism, Revolution and Restoration, authorship and journalism.  相似文献   

Boredom is a permeating, trespassing force – an intensity not necessarily recognized as such. This essay approaches the aesthetics of political failure, and in particular, the cinematic intensities of boredom as affective expressions of post-traumatic malaise. Lou Ye’s Summer Palace (2006), one of only three Chinese narrative films to represent the 1989 Tiananmen Incident, draws upon an aesthetics of banality to dramatize the epistemological limits and resultant trauma of 6/4, a historical event subsequently repressed in mainland Chinese media. Refusing melodramatic catharsis, the film’s stalling and stupefying effects perform both the amnesiac circumstances surrounding 6/4, as well as the compassion fatigue that followed. Even more surprisingly, Lou’s overuse of sex, a dull instrument by the film’s end, constitutes Summer Palace’s privileged sight/site of boredom. Indeed, sex, rather than constituting the censored obscene act, stands in for something far more offensive. Summer Palace frenetically pivots around an open secret, the historical memory of Tiananmen, as nervous sensation is composed within and without the text, centering on women’s bodies. Drawing on close textual analyses, this essay contends that the excessive contours and shapes of the memorial wound in Summer Palace take on the particularly anxious forms of dull sex in a messy Square.  相似文献   

根据90后大学生对大学语文的学习期待,从探讨语言魅力、哲理智慧、作家人格精神等方面提高其审美鉴赏能力;用课堂演讲等方式提高其口语表达能力;通过征文比赛等第二课堂提高其写作能力;以开拓系列公选课来满足其不同的学习需求并提升其综合能力.大学语文老师要不断探求,加强自身的学习和修养,以适应学生对老师的授课期待,使大学语文教学...  相似文献   

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