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引言作为一名法律出版行业的从业者,从十几年前走出校门进入梦寐以求的出版社从事法律出版编辑工作,我完整地走过了从助理编辑到首席策划编辑的所有编辑岗位。这些年来,在每一个编辑岗位上都一直困惑、思考的问题是:怎样才能成为一名优秀的法律图书策划编辑?或者说,一名优秀的法律图书策划人应具备哪些核心竞争力?尤其是在我们身处的传统出版业受到互联网冲击的时代背景下,对于我们这些互联网时代的图书编辑,这个问题的重要性和紧迫性尤其凸显。  相似文献   

学报编辑选题策划原则断想   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选题策划是学报编辑工作中一项非常重要的工作 ,学报编辑要策划出经典选题 ,在选题策划过程中 ,必须坚持和遵循选题策划原则。社会效益和经济效益是选题策划最全面、最权威的原则 ,但由于理论上的空泛性 ,使之在实际运用中多将其具体化。具体化的选题策划原则是多方面的 ,并且各具体化的原则对学报编辑选题策划时的影响作用是不同的。本文认为 :为读者服务原则、从实际出发原则、创新性原则、前瞻性原则和信息性原则等五条原则起主要的影响作用。  相似文献   

说实话,被确认为“人物”版块的主编,我是偷着乐的;第一期稿件组完后,我是很战战兢兢的。  相似文献   

This paper examines main preconditions of acceptance and development of the RtoP conception and explains why it should be defined as a multi-disciplinary "route map", which, being based on the existent legal and politieal doctrines and rules and developing them, establishes the list of actions, which the states and the international community should undertake in cooperation with each other in order to protect populations from RtoP crimes.  相似文献   

This essay applies Polanyi's theory of "double movements", with an emphasis on mutual transformation between state and society, to analyze China's staterebuilding since the economic reform and challenges it faces in the future. This paper argues that since the economic reform and before the recent turn of state governance, state-rebuilding in China has been driven by one single movement: marketization. However, since entering the 21 st century, state-rebuilding has to be undertaken in the tension between a double movement of marketization and self-protection of society which move in two different directions. To respond such a challenge, China must restructure the relationships among state, market, and society.  相似文献   

The Microfoundations of Governance : Why Psychology rather than Economics Could Be the Key to Better Intergovernmental Relations
Abstract Microfoundational assumptions about what drives human behaviour can have an influence on not only the construction of social science explanations but also the development of intergovernmental relations. A microfoundational base premised on economistic rationality-in particular a principal-agency framework-tends to pervade the construction of intergovernmental relations. A case study of central-local relations in the UK from 1997 to 2005 is used to illustrate the costs involved in constructing intergovernmental relations on that basis.  相似文献   

To develop a simple,validated method for identifying and quantifying 1,3-butadiene(BD) in human blood by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS) and head-space gas chromatography(HS-GC).BD was identified by GC-MS and HS-GC,and quantified by HS-GC.The method showed that BD had a good linearity from 50 to 500μg/mL(r0.99).The limits of detection and quantification were 10 μg/mL and 50 μg/mL,respectively.Both the intra-day precision and inter-day precision were 6.08%,and the accuracy was 96.98%-103.81%.The method was applied to an actual case,and the concentration of BD in the case was 242 μg/mL in human blood.This simple method is found to be useful for the routine forensic analysis of acute exposure to BD.  相似文献   

Dairy Collectively Destruct, and Where Are the Law Enforcers? This is a collectively sinking industry. They respectively chase market share with madness, but ignore the rear challenge- the whole industry are losing consumer trust. It didn't find the crucial point that blame the commercial moral decay for all the enterprises' wicked behavior, in fact, nominal supervision and powerless punishment is the chief culprit of Chinese dairy collective co~lapse.  相似文献   


SYMPOSIUM: Comprehensive Reform in Shunde
Institutionalizing Deliberative Democracy and Innovating Local Governance: a Case Study of Advisory Committees in Shunde, China Yapeng Zhu
Abstract Deliberative democracy provides an important means and channel of political participation, and also promotes good governance, representing a possible orientation of political development in China. However, controversies are found on issues such as whether real deliberative practices exist in China, whether sporadic,  相似文献   

跟随时间脚步,搭乘《人民检察》之舟,在编辑路上奋力前行,用心编织检察理论与实践的美丽画卷,绘就一路风景。一天又一天,一年又一年,认真编辑每一篇稿件,精心策划每一个选题,想读者所想,让读者读到好的文章,读到想读的文章。  相似文献   

班运华 《法制与社会》2013,(18):180+182
本文以法律图书出版为视角,针对当前普遍存在的"急稿"现象对其产生原因、造成的后果进行了分析,并在此基础上提出解决此问题的对策。  相似文献   

李占永 《知识产权》2002,12(5):20-21
我国的著作权法规定,作者对其作品享有著作权,其中署名权、修改权和保护作品完整权受永久保护;作品发表、复制、发行、改编、翻译、汇编等权利,对于自然人,保护期限为作者终生及死后50年,对于法人和其他组织的作品,保护期限为50年。著作权保护作品的表现形式,不保护作品的思想观点和反映的事实。图书出版是发表著作和传播知识的重要渠道,由于出版者在作品的编辑加工、出版过程中付出了智力劳动,因而其利益也应受到保护,这属于著作权的邻接权,称为出版者权。著作权法规定,  相似文献   

本栏目发表读者对本刊的建议、对某篇文章的意见、对某种现象的观点或对某个问题的疑问……欢迎您的参与,精彩内容择优刊登。一经录用,赠法律图书一本。来信请留下联系电话、所属职业。  相似文献   

几年前,我供职于一家图书馆,负责阅览室里的图书借阅工作。阅览室里。常来的读者是几个老者。其中有一老人,几乎天天都来看书读报.每次到来.都会对我轻点一下头。只要看到他走近,我也会对他微微一笑。每一天,老人都先是从报架上取下报纸,坐到桌前摊开,戴上老花镜,铺开笔墨纸砚,开始一天的阅读和记录。  相似文献   

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