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西非区域意识先于西非领地性民族意识出现,二者在历史上既有重合的时候,也有此消彼长的时候,还有互为促进、共同发展的时候.二者的历史渊源相同,并共同促进了西非反抗殖民主义、争取独立的运动.西非知识分子既是这两种意识的代言人,也是西非独立运动的领导者,殖民主义统治加诸在这个阶层的殖民烙印,在特定的历史背景下,使他们难以拒绝以领地为基础的国家民族主义的诉求.  相似文献   

吴清和 《西亚非洲》2007,7(2):58-60
yh古代西非的马里帝国(13~15世纪)不仅在开采黄金、炼铁、农业生产等方面有重要历史地位,而且在文学和音乐舞蹈等文化艺术领域也有辉煌成就。虽然西非的文化艺术受到西方入侵与殖民统治的冲击与蹂躏,但它们却能在各种劫难中生存发展流传至今,口头文学就是其中之一。西非口头文学起源于马里帝国时期的曼丁哥文化;曼丁哥文化的思想基础是相信自然神的原始宗教。原始宗教也称拜物教,正是拜物教奇特的宇宙观孕育了口头文学。伊斯兰教、天主教,以及西方各种文化思想与价值观相继进入西非,同时随着时代的变迁与科学技术的发展,人们的宇宙观也发生…  相似文献   

While other regions of Africa have had their share of crises, the challenge of meeting numerous security threats has been particularly arduous in West Africa. Nevertheless, there are unmistakable signs that, through its collective regional integration instrument, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the sub-region is beginning to awaken fully to the need to tackle its security crisis. This article makes two interrelated arguments. First, although the creation of democratic spaces in democratizing states, or complete rebuilding of collapsed states, provides greater opportunities for security sector reform (SSR), the relationship between democratization and democratic governance of the security sector is less clear. Second, a combination of norm setting at the sub-regional level as well as activism in the non-governmental sector across the region is driving the move (even if slow and seemingly uncoordinated) toward improved governance, including in the security sector at the national level. However, the commitment of states to principles of good governance at the inter-governmental level does not naturally lead to corresponding change within the state. Therefore, there is a clear need to promote a security sector governance (SSG) agenda at both sub-regional and national levels in order to expand the space for meaningful SSR processes in West Africa.  相似文献   

Concern about terrorism in, and from, West Africa has prompted both military responses and criticisms of these. Criticism has focused on ‘hegemonic’ international attention to the region, the inappropriateness of a military and a misplaced focus on religion, and specifically Islam, where a range of ethnic, social, economic and historical problems are said to have been the real factors incubating radicalisation and violence—although empirical evidence to support this assertion was absent. We argue that a more nuanced and variegated approach is needed. On one side, contrary to the critics, we show: why international attention is warranted and inevitable, with a specific link to international terrorism (as well as local contexts) since 2001, and why a militarised approach is also relevant; why Islam and a religious focus cannot be completely ignored in assessing militancy and violence in West Africa. On the other, we use original qualitative empirical research to explore beliefs, values and attitudes in the region, which reveals that, across the region, a variety of social issues and perceptions of history are regarded as being salient factors in radicalisation—whether or not that radicalisation leads to violence. Notable among these are a ‘youth bulge’ and youth disaffection and perceptions (no matter their empirical accuracy) concerning the ‘deep history’ of colonialism in the region.  相似文献   

An international project called PADS promoted participatory learning and action research with inland valley rainfed rice farmers in West Africa. All countries received the same training, similar funding, and the same leadership. Although the staff in Ghana were conscientious and gave much training to the farmer beneficiaries, the Mali staff explicitly encouraged farmers to experiment. Farmers in Mali responded to this favourable attitude by experimenting more than those in Ghana, and in qualitatively more interesting ways. Long-term engagement with grassroots organisations may be as conducive to changing public servants' attitudes as the actual participatory approach promoted on the ground.

L'attitude compte: travail avec des riziculteurs en Afrique de l'Ouest

Un projet international appelé PADS a favorisé l'apprentissage participatif et la recherche-action avec des riziculteurs pratiquant la culture pluviale dans les vallées de l'intérieur des terres en Afrique de l'Ouest. Tous les pays ont reçu la même formation, un financement similaire et le même leadership. Alors que les membres du personnel du Ghana étaient consciencieux et dispensaient une formation considérable aux agriculteurs bénéficiaires, le personnel du Mali encourageait expressément les riziculteurs à faire des expériences. Les riziculteurs du mali ont réagi à cette attitude favorable en faisant plus d'expériences que ceux du Ghana, et ce de manières plus intéressantes sur le plan qualitatif. L'engagement à long terme avec les organisations de la base populaire peut être tout aussi propice à la modification des attitudes des fonctionnaires que l'approche participative même promue sur le terrain.

As atitudes contam: Engajamento com produtores de arroz na África Ocidental

Um projeto internacional chamado PADS promoveu uma pesquisa sobre aprendizado e ação participativa com produtores de arroz irrigado com água da chuva no interior do vale na África Ocidental. Todos os países receberam o mesmo treinamento, financiamento semelhante e a mesma liderança. Embora os funcionários de Gana estivessem cientes e oferecessem bastante treinamento aos produtores beneficiários, os funcionários de Mali incentivaram explicitamente os produtores a experimentar. Os produtores de Mali responderam a esta atitude favorável experimentando mais do que aqueles de Gana e de maneiras mais interessantes em termos qualitativos. O engajamento de longo prazo com organizações de base pode contribuir para mudar as atitudes dos servidores públicos tanto quanto a abordagem participativa real promovida na base.

La actitud cuenta: el trato personal con campesinos arroceros de África Occidental

Un proyecto internacional llamado PADS promovió el aprendizaje participativo y la investigación-acción entre campesinos que cultivaban arroz de secano en los valles centrales de África Occidental. Todos los países participantes recibieron la misma capacitación, un financiamiento similar y las mismas orientaciones. Si bien el personal de Ghana era muy diligente y transmitió muchos conocimientos a los campesinos beneficiarios en capacitaciones, el personal de Malí se centró más explícitamente en animarlos para que experimentaran. Los campesinos de Malí respondieron a esta actitud estimuladora realizando más experimentos y de maneras cualitativamente más interesantes que los campesinos de Ghana. El compromiso de largo plazo con organizaciones de base puede ser tan importante para lograr un cambio en la actitud del servidor público como el método participativo que se promueve en la actualidad sobre el terreno.  相似文献   

殖民主义史:总论卷高 岱、郑家馨著. -北京大学出版社,2 0 0 3 .1 . -3 71页;1 8cm .当代伊斯兰教法吴云贵著. -中国社会科学出版社,2 0 0 3 . 3 . -40 6页;2 0cm .当代伊斯兰原教旨主义运动蔡佳禾著. -宁夏人民出版社,2 0 0 3 . 8. -3 0 1页;2 0cm .伊斯兰宗教哲学史(上、中、下) 王家瑛著. -民族出版社,2 0 0 3 .9. -1 0 61页;2 0cm .中东非洲发展报告No 5 ( 2 0 0 1~2 0 0 2 ) 杨 光、温伯友主编. -社会科学文献出版社,2 0 0 2 . 9. -3 5 2页;2 0cm .中东非洲发展报告No 6( 2 0 0 2~2 0 0 3 ) 杨 光、温伯友主编. -社会科学文献…  相似文献   

深切悼念我国非洲历史研究的开创者陈翰笙陈翰老与非洲史学———悼念我的老师陈翰笙 吴秉真 ( 4 .5 )中国社会科学院热烈欢迎南非副总统雅各布·祖马来访中—南友好关系再谱新篇贺文萍 ( 6.5 )热点透视伊拉克战后重建及问题刘月琴 ( 1 .5 )伊拉克战后中东国际关系的地缘性特征韩志斌 ( 1 .1 2 )伊拉克战争中的民族、宗教因素解读汪维钧 张 强 ( 2 .5 )简评伊拉克临时宪法刘月琴 ( 3.5 )伊拉克战争与中国外交余建华 ( 3.1 1 )脆弱的国家重建———对主权移交之际美国的伊拉克政策评估 达 巍 李绍先 ( 4 .1 0 )试析以色列定点清除政策余…  相似文献   

This article interrogates emerging trends and patterns in the process of radicalisation and violent extremism in West Africa and the implications for regional and international security regimes, practices and thinking. It argues that there are real and imagined challenges of radicalisation and violent extremism. The overarching view is that the emergence of intra- and extra-African preoccupation with violent extremism alone, rather than alongside seriously addressing its structural undercurrents related to preventing and interrupting the process of radicalisation, distorts the security realities and further exacerbates the security situation in Africa. Radicalisation and violent extremism further integrates West Africa into global security assemblages, yet the absence or non-incorporation of an indigenous African (civil society) perspective or counter-narrative about radicalisation and violent extremism uncritically fuses and conflates the strategic interests of major powers with the local realities in Africa. Moreover, there is a huge potential that national governments could exploit local, regional and international interests in counteracting terrorism for domestic political advantages, such as mis-characterisation of subsisting conflicts, regular political opposition and other local grievances as cases of terrorism, thereby risking a deterioration in security conditions.  相似文献   

(括号内数字分别为期、页 )学习“三个代表” 贯彻“三个代表”以“三个代表”重要思想指导  国际问题研究陈公元 (6·5 )热点透视海湾政治的石油味与海湾石油的政治味安维华 (1·4 8)美国对伊拉克动武的强势与弱势安维华 (3·5 )美国“倒萨”的战略意图常泽鲲 李新华 (3·10 )伊拉克战争与中东新格局董漫远 (3·14 )伊拉克战争对非洲的影响贺文萍 (3·19)伊拉克战争与俄罗斯立场评析李靖宇 杨 刚 (4·5 )从伊拉克战争看土耳其与美国关系章 波 (4·12 )中国石油安全面临的挑战与对策  ———兼谈伊拉克战争的影响 吴 磊 (4·17)伊…  相似文献   

(括号内数字分别为期、页)编委会议与时俱进力创精品徐拓(5·5)纪念郑和下西洋六百周年郑和下西洋时代西亚形势及与中国的关系郑家馨(2·47)中非友好合作与共同发展宗合(2·55)中国与东非友好合作关系发展初析高晋元(2·60)下西洋与非洲动物的引进张箭(2·65)全球化与中东社会思潮研究战后中东社会思潮的演变及特点王铁铮(3·41)全球化对复兴社会主义思潮的影响与特征———对后冷战时代伊拉克和叙利亚的个案考察韩志斌(3·48)从伊朗内外政策看“哈塔米主义”蒋真(3·54)非洲经济发展研讨会论文选登非洲经济改革的走向———《拉各斯行动计…  相似文献   

王南 《亚非纵横》2011,(5):25-29
西亚北非发生变局,对相关国家和地区局势发生了巨大和深刻的影响,并对以西方为主导的现有国际秩序产生冲击。而今变局仍在持续、变化和发展之中。国际社会一直对此予以高度关注。有关变局对于相关各方造成的影响,也是值得各方关心和热议的话题。变局将对西方产生何种影响?本文认为应从西方的主要利益关切、西方所依托的主要势力、西方应对变局的做法及效果等方面,加以观察和评判。  相似文献   

By 2000, ‘radicalisation’ had become a major global issue. Although ‘9/11’ was still a year away, the American Embassies in East Africa had been bombed in 1998 and violent conflicts simmered in many parts of the world. At just about the same time, bitter civil wars, resource-centred conflicts and intra-ethnic strife raged in West Africa. Against the background of research being undertaken at King's College London,1 1. For example, Dr Olonisakin was researching into the civil wars in the region and was completing her book on the politics of United Nations involvement in the Sierra Leone war, while Dr Alao Alao, Abiodun. 2007. Natural Resources and Conflict in Africa: The Tragedy of Endowment, Rochester: University of Rochester Press.  [Google Scholar] was looking at the politics of natural resource conflicts in the region and was also completing a book on the subject. The Conflict Security and Development Group (CSDG), King's College London, was awarded a grant from the UK Department for International Development (DfID) to undertake a research project on youth vulnerability and exclusion in West Africa, with Dr Olonisakin Olonisakin, 'Funmi. 2008. Peacekeeping in Sierra Leone: The Story of UNAMSIL, Boulder: Lynne Reinner.  [Google Scholar] as principal investigator. the mutually reinforcing links between ‘radicalisation’ and ‘violence’ (potentially sensitive terms, discussed below) in West Africa became clearly obvious and a successful application to investigate this was submitted to the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).2 2. ‘Militancy and Violence in West Africa: Reflecting on Radicalisation, Comparing Contexts, and Evaluating Effectiveness of Preventive Policies’. Dr F. Olonisakin and Prof A.J.W. Gow. ESRC Award No. RES-181-25-0024. This Special Issue contains articles emerging from that work, with a set of country studies complemented by overarching synthetic analysis.  相似文献   

This article looks at a hitherto unexamined area of Libyan foreign policy. It looks at Libyan involvement in West African politics since 1980, and specifically at three states: Ghana, Burkina Faso and Liberia. It comes to the conclusion that Libyan foreign policy in these areas is oriented towards sustaining “progressive” regimes, perceived allies in the Libyan fight against US and Zionist imperialism.  相似文献   

This comparative analysis draws on field research in several West African countries to illustrate the dynamic relationships between political violence and organized crime in this sub-region. These relationships are often transactional, and almost always on a temporary basis. While some alliances of convenience may be forged, in other cases an adversarial relationship exists between organized crime and terrorist networks. In some cases, key actors within West African governments have benefited from these relationships. We then examine recent policies and strategies pursued by the U.S. and the international community that, in the name of combating terrorism, seek to constrain the illicit economies of the region, but in doing so may do more harm than good. The article concludes with some policy recommendations based on this analysis.  相似文献   

This article identifies some key factors shaping the micro-enterprise sector in urban French West Africa. Drawing on interviews with micro-entrepreneurs and micro-finance practitioners in Benin, Burkina Faso, Niger, and Togo, the study explores the needs, characteristics, motivations, and success factors for micro-entrepreneurship in the region, together with some of the impediments to the growth and success of micro-enterprise ventures. It was found that those operating micro-enterprises in the informal economy are entrepreneurs principally by necessity, and that their most basic needs tend to drive their business activities and behaviours. It was also observed that their success was constrained by a number of barriers, including poor access to capital, poor training, and general aversion to risk. As a result, the development of the micro-enterprise sector in urban French West Africa has been sub-optimal, and the authors conclude that this situation may persist unless broader economic and social barriers are addressed.  相似文献   

自2010年底以来,西亚北非地区持续上演着一场史无前例的剧变,多股势力之间的明争暗斗使得这一地区充满了极大的不确定性。作为世界上最为重要的石油生产地和供应地之一,西亚北非地缘政治动荡必然会对国际能源格局带来十分广泛而深远的影响。中国对西亚北非地区石油资源的高度依赖,使得中国能源安全不免面临着一系列严峻挑战:局势动荡使得西亚北非地区油气合作的政治环境进一步复杂化,中国石油企业海外投资风险骤增;在中国石油进口对西亚北非地区的对外依存度与来源地集中度“双高”的情形下,中国能源安全的脆弱性凸显;中国对石油运输渠道的控制力薄弱,中国的能源安全有可能陷入“马六甲困局”。鉴于当前国际能源角逐日益白热化,着眼于应对西亚北非地区的复杂形势,中国应当密切结合现存的具体问题抓紧进行顶层设计,从多方面着手全面构建中国的能源安全战略:尽快建立西亚北非地区油气投资预警机制;稳步推进石油进口路径多元化举措;积极拓展为能源安全保驾护航的军事手段。  相似文献   

20 0 3年国际恐怖与反恐斗争形势综述 /李 伟 / /国际资料信息 . - 2 0 0 4 ,(1) . - 9- 16美国反恐怖战争第三阶段的政策 /王建平 / /阿拉伯世界 .- 2 0 0 4 ,(2 ) . - 12 - 15恐怖主义的深层原因 /康兴平 / /中国党政干部论坛 . -2 0 0 4 ,(6 ) . - 5 8- 5 9自杀性爆炸恐怖主义的特点 /万 点、潘 莉 / /中国党政干部论坛 . - 2 0 0 4 ,(6 ) . - 6 0 - 6 1欧盟 -非加太新贸易体制谈判及其对发展中国家的影响/郑先武 / /国际论坛 . - 2 0 0 4 ,(2 ) . - 6 8- 72大中东民主的历史“洗礼” /李绍先、张晓东、殷 罡/ /世界知识 . - 2 0 0 4…  相似文献   

巴格达的快速占领 影响到全世界脉动 /张锡模 //中阿文经 . -2 0 0 3 ,( 165) . -18-2 2原教旨、资本主义与圣战 /黄凤礼 //明报月刊 . -2 0 0 3 ,( 5) . -54-562 0 0 2年西亚非洲工运总结 /刘积镛 //国际工运 . -2 0 0 3 ,( 1) . -16-19从洛美到科托努———欧盟 -非加太贸易体制从特惠向互惠的历史性转变 /郑先武 //国际问题研究 . -2 0 0 3 ,( 3 ) . -55-59中东的民族主义 :基本类型及世界影响 /田文林 //国际论坛 . -2 0 0 3 ,( 1) . -14 -2 0对中东民族主义的多维思考 /田文林 //世界民族 . -2 0 0 3 ,( 3 ) . -1-12中东恐怖主义产生…  相似文献   

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