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The Smallpox Emergency Personnel Protection Act of 2003 (SEPPA), authorizes the Secretary of Health and Human Services (the Secretary), to establish the Smallpox Vaccine Injury Compensation Program ("the Program"). This program is designed to provide benefits and/or compensation to certain persons harmed as a direct result of receiving smallpox covered countermeasures, including the smallpox vaccine, or as a direct result of contracting vaccinia through certain accidental exposures. In addition, the Secretary may provide death benefits to certain survivors of individuals who died as the direct result of these injuries. On August 27, 2003, the Secretary published an interim final rule that set out a Smallpox (Vaccinia) Vaccine Injury Table ("the Table"). The table includes adverse effects (including injuries, disabilities, conditions, and deaths) within specific time periods that shall be presumed to result from the receipt of, or exposure to, the smallpox vaccine. The Secretary will use this table, as well as the procedures set out in this regulation, in deciding whether persons are eligible to receive benefits under the program. In this interim final rule, the Secretary is setting out the administrative policies, procedures, and requirements governing the program, as authorized by the SEPPA. The Secretary is seeking public comment on this interim final rule.  相似文献   

This document adopts the Smallpox Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (the Program) Administrative Implementation Interim Final Rule as the Final Rule with amendments, as follows: explains how the term "child" survivor is defined; updates the effective period of the Secretary's Declaration Regarding Administration of Smallpox Countermeasures (the Declaration); corrects an error in Sec. 102.20(d) to clarify that one of the Smallpox (Vaccinia) Vaccine Injury Table requirements to establish a covered Table injury is the first symptom or manifestation of onset of the injury in the Table time period specified; reflects the change in name from the Special Programs Bureau to the Healthcare Systems Bureau; provides the new address of the Bureau's Associate Administrator, and the new address of the Program Office; clarifies that no payments are authorized for fees or costs of personal representatives, including those of attorneys; and corrects a typographical error in Sec. 102.83(c) to make clear that the Secretary determines the timeframe for submission of required documentation.  相似文献   

On September 13, 2010, the Secretary of Health and Human Services (the Secretary) published in the Federal Register a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) proposing changes to the regulations governing the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). Specifically, the Secretary proposed revisions to the Vaccine Injury Table (Table) to create distinct listings for hepatitis A, trivalent influenza, meningococcal, and human papillomavirus vaccines. The Secretary is now making this amendment to the Table by final rule; it is technical in nature. The four categories of vaccines described in this final rule are already covered vaccines under the VICP (starting in 2004) and are currently listed in a placeholder category (box XIII) in the Table. This final rule will list these vaccines as separate categories on the Table, with no associated injuries noted at this time, in order to help the public identify clearly that these vaccines are covered by the VICP. The changes implemented here are authorized by section 2114(e) of the Public Health Service Act (the Act).  相似文献   

This document adopts the Smallpox (Vaccinia) Vaccine Injury Table (the Table) Interim Final Rule as the Final Rule with an amendment, as follows: the Final Rule clarifies that, in order for the presumption of causation to apply, the time intervals listed on the Table refer specifically to the period in which the first symptom or manifestation of onset of injury must appear following administration of the smallpox vaccine or exposure to vaccinia, and that the time intervals listed have no relevance to time of diagnosis of the injury.  相似文献   

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) authorizes the Secretary of Health and Human Services (the Secretary) to establish the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP or Program). The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is issuing this interim final rule with request for comments in order to establish administrative policies, procedures, and requirements for the CICP. This Program is designed to provide benefits to certain persons who sustain serious physical injuries or death as a direct result of administration or use of covered countermeasures identified by the Secretary in declarations issued under the PREP Act. In addition, the Secretary may provide death benefits to certain survivors of individuals who died as the direct result of such covered injuries or their health complications. The Secretary is seeking public comments on this interim final rule.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1991,56(236):64195
On September 12, 1991, we published in the Federal Register an interim final rule with comment entitled "Medicaid Program; State Share of Financial Participation" (56 FR 46380). It dealt with the use of State taxes and provider donations as the State share of the costs of the Medicaid program. On October 31, 1991, we published a clarifying interim final rule with comment (56 FR 56132), which withdrew and cancelled the September 12, 1991, interim final rule. After further consideration, the Secretary has also decided to withdraw the October 31, 1991 interim final rule.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1999,64(143):40517-40518
This final rule amends the existing regulations governing the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) by adding vaccines against rotavirus to the Table of Injuries, which lists the vaccines covered under the VICP. This action is taken under section 2114(e) of the Public Health Service Act (the Act). The VICP provides a system of no-fault compensation for certain individuals who have been injured by specific childhood vaccines. The two prerequisites for adding vaccines against rotavirus to the VICP have been satisfied. An excise tax of 75 cents per dose was enacted on October 21, 1998, and took effect for sales of the vaccines after October 21, 1998. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended to the Secretary of HHS that this vaccine be routinely administered to children. Thus, vaccines against rotavirus are now included in the VICP.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1991,56(211):56132-56140
On September 12, 1991, we published in the Federal Register an interim final rule with comment entitled "Medicaid Program; State Share of Financial Participation" (56 FR 46380). It dealt with the use of State taxes and provider donations as the State share of the costs of the Medicaid program. Because of misunderstanding created by certain portions of that rule, we are publishing this interim final rule to withdraw and cancel it and to set forth a clearer interim final rule on donations and taxes.  相似文献   

This final rule updates and makes certain revisions to the End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) prospective payment system (PPS) for calendar year (CY) 2012. We are also finalizing the interim final rule with comment period published on April 6, 2011, regarding the transition budget-neutrality adjustment under the ESRD PPS,. This final rule also sets forth requirements for the ESRD quality incentive program (QIP) for payment years (PYs) 2013 and 2014. In addition, this final rule revises the ambulance fee schedule regulations to conform to statutory changes. This final rule also revises the definition of durable medical equipment (DME) by adding a 3-year minimum lifetime requirement (MLR) that must be met by an item or device in order to be considered durable for the purpose of classifying the item under the Medicare benefit category for DME. Finally, this final rule implements certain provisions of section 154 of the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 (MIPPA) related to the durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Acquisition Program and responds to comments received on an interim final rule published January 16, 2009, that implemented these provisions of MIPPA effective April 18, 2009. (See the Table of Contents for a listing of the specific issues addressed in this final rule.)  相似文献   

This interim final rule with comment period sets forth the State requirements to provide information to us for purposes of estimating improper payments in Medicaid and SCHIP. The Improper Payments Information Act of 2002 (IPIA) requires heads of Federal agencies to estimate and report to the Congress annually these estimates of improper payments for the programs they oversee, and submit a report on actions the agency is taking to reduce erroneous payments. This interim final rule with comment responds to the public comments on the October 5, 2005 interim final rule and sets forth State requirements for submitting claims and policies to the Federal contractor for purposes of conducting FFS and managed care reviews. This interim final rule also sets forth and invites further comments on the State requirements for conducting eligibility reviews and estimating payment error rates due to errors in eligibility determinations.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1990,55(173):36754-36771
This interim final rule with comment period implements provisions of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989 establishing the Medicare Geographical Classification Review Board (MGCRB) and sets forth criteria for the MGCRB to use in issuing its decisions concerning the geographic reclassification of hospitals for purposes of payment under the prospective payment system.  相似文献   

An interim final rule establishing procedures for the imposition, by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, of civil money penalties on entities that violate standards adopted by the Secretary under the Administrative Simplification provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) was published on April 17, 2003. The interim final rule expires on September 16, 2005. This regulatory action extends the expiration date to March 16, 2006 to avoid the disruption of ongoing enforcement actions while HHS completes with rulemaking to develop a more comprehensive enforcement rule.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1991,56(245):65995-65998
Section 4152(c)(4)(B) of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 (Pub. L. 101-508) amended section 1834(a)(4) of the Social Security Act to provide that a wheelchair furnished on or after January 1, 1992 is treated as a customized item for payment purposes under part B of Medicare if it meets the definition provided in that paragraph, unless the Secretary develops specific criteria before January 1, 1992, in which case the Secretary's criteria go into effect. This interim final rule with comment period sets forth the Secretary's criteria that a wheelchair must meet to be considered a customized item.  相似文献   

This interim final rule with comment period establishes waivers of the application of the Physician Self-Referral Law, the Federal anti-kickback statute, and certain civil monetary penalties (CMP) law provisions to specified arrangements involving accountable care organizations (ACOs) under section 1899 of the Social Security Act (the Act) (the Shared Savings Program), including ACOs participating in the Advance Payment Initiative. Section 1899(f) of the Act, as added by the Affordable Care Act, authorizes the Secretary to waive certain fraud and abuse laws as necessary to carry out the provisions of section 1899 of the Act.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1991,56(107):25458-25489
This final rule with comment period responds to public comments on the September 6, 1990 interim final rule with comment period that established the Medicare Geographic Classification Review Board (MGCRB) and sets forth the criteria for the MGCRB to use in issuing its decisions concerning the geographic reclassification of hospitals for purposes of payment under the prospective payment system. In addition, this final rule with comment period implements provisions of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 concerning the MGCRB.  相似文献   

This interim final rule establishes requirements and procedures for implementation of TRICARE Reserve Select. It also revises requirements and procedures for the Transitional Assistance Management Program. In addition, it establishes requirements and procedures for implementation of the earlier TRICARE eligibility for certain reserve component members. The rule is being published as an interim final rule with comment period in order to comply with statutory effective dates.  相似文献   

This final rule with comment period revises the Medicare hospital outpatient prospective payment system to implement applicable statutory requirements and changes arising from our continuing experience with this system. In addition, it describes changes to the amounts and factors used to determine the payment rates for Medicare hospital outpatient services paid under the prospective payment system. These changes are applicable to services furnished on or after January 1, 2003. This rule also allows the Secretary to suspend Medicare payments "in whole or in part" if a provider fails to file a timely and acceptable cost report. In addition, this rule responds to public comments received on the November 2, 2001 interim final rule with comment period (66 FR 55850) that set forth the criteria the Secretary will use to establish new categories of medical devices eligible for transitional pass-through payment under the Medicare's hospital outpatient prospective payment system. Finally, this rule responds to public comments received on the August 9, 2002 proposed rule for revisions to the hospital outpatient prospective payment system and payment rates (67 FR 52092). CMS finds good cause to waive proposed rulemaking for the assignment of new codes to Ambulatory Payment Classifications and for the payment of influenza and pneumococcal vaccines under reasonable cost; justification for the waiver will follow in a subsequent Federal Register notice.  相似文献   

This rule finalizes the interim final rule with comment period published in the Federal Register November 24, 1999 (64 FR 66234) and the interim final rule with comment period published in the Federal Register on October 1, 2002 (67 FR 61496). The November 1999 interim final rule implemented sections 4801 through 4803 of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (Pub. L. 105-33) and established requirements for Programs of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) under the Medicare and Medicaid programs. The interim final rule with comment period published on October 1, 2002 (67 FR 61496) implemented section 903 of the Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Benefits Improvement and Protection Act of 2000 (BIPA) (Pub. L. 106-554).  相似文献   

《Federal register》1992,57(233):57109-57111
This final rule responds to public comments on the October 9, 1991 interim final rule with comment period that set forth the Secretary's determination, required under section 1834(a)(7)(A) of the Social Security Act, of the meaning of the term "continuous" as that term is used in defining a period of continuous use for which we make payments for durable medical equipment.  相似文献   

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