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R. I. MAWBY 《犯罪学》1981,18(4):501-521
From the culture conflict theory of crime, it is possible to derive several hypotheses. This article tests the effect of recency of immigration, cultural homogeneity, and percent nondominant ethnic group upon delinquency levels in Israeli communities. When the size of the population and the juveniles population are controlled, none of these variables has a significant effect. Analysis of variance reveals significant urbanization effects, particularly on property delinuency rates. The results are discussed and a minimal "critical mass" of juveniles is suggested as a necessary condition for the emergence of delinquency .  相似文献   

Power‐control theory posits that parental workplace positions affect adolescent law violation. To date, however, no test of the theory has directly measured occupational power and control. This paper tests whether parental and adolescent workplace freedom and control affect criminal behavior and arrest as the theory predicts, using data from a prospective longitudinal survey of 1, 000 adolescents and their parents. The results suggest sex differentials in the effects of maternal authority position and parental freedom and control. In particular, daughters whose mothers hold authority positions are more likely to be arrested than are daughters whose mothers do not hold such positions. The effects of adolescent employment also differ by sex, with perceived workplace power and control reducing rates of arrest among females but increasing them among males.  相似文献   

陶鹏  初春 《公共行政评论》2020,(1):63-78,197
注意力成为政策过程研究的关键要素,领导注意力的分配与优先性表达是理解政策变迁与体制运作的新维度。论文通过构建中央-省-市级政府首长的批示文本数据库,比较了府际间领导注意力在政策议题上分配的稳定性和多样性,并检验了议题优先性在中国府际结构中的呈现。研究结果表明:核心议题作为领导注意力焦点对其他议题具有挤出效应即存在议题优先性,并且随着领导层级的降低,其挤出效应愈发显著;府际间领导注意力在议题分配上的稳定性、多样性分别与领导层级呈现出正相关性,这亦与政府职责分工体系特点深刻关联;政治周期变化对于领导注意力变迁具有显著的“间断效应”。论文探索了多层次主体的注意力比较研究,为解释中国体制运作中的“议题优先”及其运作提供了注意力层面的证据。  相似文献   

我国对国际贸易行政行为中的事实问题和法律问题均进行全面深入的审查,审查标准严格。应按照WTO规则要求并借鉴其他国家相关经验,遵循法治发展的一般规律和刮益平衡理念,对我国国际贸易行政诉讼的审查标准进行如下改革:区分国际贸易行政行为中的事实问题和法律问题,确立灵活的审查标准,并将正当程序原则确立为行政诉讼审查标准。  相似文献   

The public debate over health care reform in 2009 was carried out partly through issue advertisements aired online and on television. Did these advertisements alter the course of the debate over health care reform? While millions of dollars are spent each year on issue ads, little is known about their effects. Results from a naturalistic online experiment on the effects of issue ads suggest that they can influence the perceived importance of an issue and perceptions of politicians associated with the featured policy while influencing policy support only among those low in political awareness.  相似文献   

This research tests spatial models of electoral competition using survey data on state legislative candidates' policy positions and ideology in eight U.S. states. Our data support several hypotheses: 1) candidates' issue positions do not converge; 2) party elites have more extreme positions than do candidates; 3) candidate issue positioning is a function of party‐elite issue positions and union involvement in the campaign, as well as constituency characteristics; and 4) when candidates rely heavily on elite resources during their campaign, elites become more important in shaping candidate issue positions.  相似文献   

Data collected in the National Election Survey from 2248 respondents before the 1976 U.S. presidential election and from 1909 respondents following the election was used to examine the impact of the abortion issue on the election outcome. Analysis revealed that despite the wide news coverage given to the issue and the intense effort on the part of the National Council of Catholic Bishops to politicize the abortion issue, voters gave little priority to the abortion issue. Less than 1/2 of 1% of the votes cast by the respondents could be accounted for by the voter's opinion on abortion. Although both Carter and Ford opposed a constitutional amendment restricting abortion, Ford's position was closer to the position of the pro-life groups than Carter's position. When other factors were controlled, 47.7% of the respondents who were opposed to abortion for any reason voted for Carter and 54.4% of those who though abortion should never be forbidden voted for Carter. These findings indicated that there was a relationship between voting behavior and abortion attitudes but that the relationship was very mild. Abortion was certainly not a major issue in the minds of the voters. When the respondents were asked to name the 3 major issues in the campaign only 1/10 of 1% mentioned the abortion issue. The prediction was made that the pro-life groups would attempt to make abortion an issue in subsequent elections but that the major impact of this effort would be felt only at the local level and not at the federal level.  相似文献   

关于无效合同确认的若干问题   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
无效合同的确认是合同法理论和司法实践中的重要问题。尽管我国民法通则、合同法对无效合同的确认标准做了原则性规定 ,但在实务中仍存在一些模糊的认识和作法。论文结合审判实践和立法规定 ,深入地探讨了确认无效合同应注意的几个问题 ,更加清晰地划清相关问题之间的界限 ,有利于更好地指导审判实践。  相似文献   

Continued from Part I published earlier this year, this partof the survey covers materials reflecting Chinese practice in2006 relating to: Fundamental principles of international law(Section IV; territorial integrity, including Taiwan issue andTibet issue, non-interference of internal affairs and friendlyco-operation); International law of recognition (Section V;recognition of States and governments); International peaceand security (Section VI; North Korea nuclear issue, Iraniannuclear issue, Darfur issue, Kosovo issue, Great Lake regionissue, Lebanon–Israel conflict issue and Middle East issue);Anti-terrorism (Section VII); Non-proliferation and disarmament(Section VIII; general policy, nuclear disarmament, Treaty onNuclear Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), ComprehensiveTest Ban Treaty (CTBT), Treaty on the Central Asia Nuclear WeaponFree Area, Security Assurances for non-nuclear-weapon States,Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty (FMCT), Bacteriological (Biological)and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction (BWC), Certain ConventionalWeapons (CCW), Ottawa Convention, Non-Proliferation of Weaponsof Mass Destruction (WMDs) and Missiles, Illicit Trade in SALW,UN Disarmament Commission, Conference of Disarmament (CD) andPrevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space (PAROS)); InternationalLaw on Territory and Frontier (Section IX; Diaoyu Islands, NanshaIslands, China–India Territorial and Frontier Dispute,China–Russia Frontier); International Law of the Sea (SectionX; UN Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf, Conservationof Marine Bio-diversity Beyond Areas of National Jurisdiction,Fishery, Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic MarineLiving Resource, Marine Navigation, Delimitation and DevelopmentDisputes with Japan in East China Sea, Principle of MaritimeDelimitation with Other Countries, Base Points of the ChineseTerritorial Sea and The Issue of Suyan Islet).  相似文献   

The purpose of this special issue is to explore how researchers, evaluators, and practitioners use community-based, participatory research (CBPR) approaches to prevent gender-based violence, support survivors, and transform communities and systems. In this introduction, the editors define gender-based violence (GBV) and briefly discuss how systemic inequities exacerbate the prevalence of GBV. The authors featured in this special issue aim to dismantle these inequities by engaging in research approaches that center those who are most impacted by the social issue, ensure that community members guide the research process, build community capacity, and aim to transform oppressive conditions. The issue includes six empirical studies across the United States that cover the process and outcomes of conducting transformative CBPR. It also contains six commentaries from GBV adult practitioners and young people who provide pertinent insights on their experiences working with academic researchers and/or engaging in participatory research. The articles in this special issue cover the major themes of defining community, working in inequitable conditions, and transforming individuals and communities.  相似文献   

西方哲学中“存在”一词在翻译成中文时出现的麻烦,从一个独特的角度映照出“存在”一词的多重含义和所谓“存在”问题的矛盾晦暗之处。汉语虽没有一个与“存在”完全对等的词语,但却用多个不同的词语来表述包含在“存在”中的问题。通过比较可以发现庄子所谈论的“是非”问题与海德格尔所谓“存在”、“此在”的问题在很大程度上是同一个问题,但他们对这个问题的解答却是不同的。这一比较实际上已经涉及到了中西方哲学传统中对个人的看法上的一个比较普遍的差异。  相似文献   

The issue of racial and ethnic bias in policing has been the focus of legal and criminal justice scholarship, court action, and public debate in the U.S. for a number of years. The issue has also been prominent in criminal justice scholarship, public discussion, and policy making in other countries, particularly the U.K., for an even longer period. This article surveys the history of the issue in the U.S. and attempts to give scholars and policy makers the benefit of the insights gained through the U.S. experience in handling the issue. Among these are the importance of the empirical question of the “hit rate” and how police use of race or ethnicity as a criterion changes it, and the difficulties of dealing with the thorny benchmarking issue. The article also discusses how advocates in the U.S. have attempted to meet and overcome arguments that police and their supporters have made in an attempt to minimize the problem or justify doing little or nothing about it.  相似文献   

法人制度与民法人格权编的体系构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓海峰 《现代法学》2003,25(3):67-70
人格权编的构建是民法典起草过程中的争论焦点之一 ,学者们对此也是见仁见智。为促成人格权立法的突破 ,本文没有沿袭学者们的惯常思路 ,而是从全新的视角将人格权与作为民事主体制度重要内容的法人制度相联系 ,分析法人民事主体地位的取得及其人格权利的确立对构建民法人格权体系的影响 ,为这一理论争议提供了解决方案  相似文献   

“全国首例非法证据排除案”法理研判   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
万毅 《证据科学》2011,19(6):657-666
全国首例非法证据排除案反映出非法证据排除规则在实践操作中需注意概念、效力、标准、程序四个重要的技术问题。非法证据是以严重侵犯人权的非法方法收集的证据,实践中要注意区分非法证据与瑕疵证据,切勿将非法证据误判作瑕疵证据。就效力而言,非法证据排除规则的"射程"应当及于侦查前程序。就判断标准来讲,除典型的刑讯逼供行为之外,疲劳审讯也应当纳入"等"字所指范畴予以禁止,而突破社会基本道德底限的威胁、引诱、欺骗性取证也应作为非法证据予以排除。在程序上审查非法证据,应当坚持举证责任倒置的原则,由控方承担证明证据取得具有合法性的举证责任,被告方仅承担"争点形成责任",同时控方应当举证证明至"排除合理怀疑"的程度。  相似文献   

郜尔彬 《政法学刊》2011,28(4):71-75
法的合法性问题是法学科中一个本源性问题,其学术指向在于探究法的终极本源。法的合法性是法之所以为法的内在根据,是法之所以被遵守的原因,是法得以良性运行的基础与前提。法的合法性问题不仅仅是一个理论问题,也是一个与法律实践密切相关的现实问题。  相似文献   

阎朝秀 《河北法学》2006,24(12):152-159
证明责任解决的是当事人对哪些事实应当举证证明,否则承担败诉风险.司法认知解决的是哪些事实不需要当事人举证证明,免除当事人的证明责任,而由法官直接确认.在证据法学中,人们往往热衷于从证明对象的角度来把握哪些事实应该由当事人承担证明责任,而鲜有从司法认知的角度来把握证明责任的承担.如果从司法认知的角度来把握证明责任,那么司法认知影响证明责任的分配.但是司法认知只影响主观证明责任的分配,而与客观证明责任没有实质的关联.  相似文献   

This paper provides an introduction to the articles and report excerpts included in the special issue of Trends in Organized Crime on ‘Counterfeiting’. The aim of this special issue is to add to the relatively sparse literature currently available that addresses this expansive and complex criminological phenomenon. In particular, the special issue draws together empirical research findings and theoretical accounts on the organization of the counterfeit trade across a broad spectrum of goods, and highlights a number of issues associated with researching counterfeiting.  相似文献   

论政务公开的法律体系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
政务公开是社会主义政治文明的重要内容,并已走上法治化轨道。政务公开的法治化,除制定必要的“政府信息公开法”外,还须从四个方面完善立法,以建立政务公开的法律体系:一是在有关全社会和公民重大利益的法律中增设“公开”程序;二是建立健全国家公务员财产申报和公开法律制度;三是实行财政公开,健全公共财政,确保政府事权与财权的公开透明;四是制定《个人隐私法》,完善商业秘密法,修改《保密法》,切实保障个人隐私、商业秘密和国家机密不受侵害。  相似文献   

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