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This article evaluates a sample of ten Best Value reviews (BVRs) using realist evaluation techniques. The underlying logic of the BVR process is taken from a reconstruction of the relationship between the review context, the mechanisms used in undertaking the review and outcomes achieved. This 'abstract configuration' is then used to map the actual processes driving the sample BVRs (the 'focused configurations') and variances explored. These variances suggest difficulties in diagnosing the root causes of service problems and selecting appropriate resolution mechanisms. Stakeholder pressure appears to be crucial in determining the focused configurations. The realist method enables the exploration of the precise intent of stakeholders. This capacity demonstrates the efficacy of a theory-based approach to understanding Best Value.  相似文献   

This paper explores the similarities between the Best Value initiative and the well-established market orientation construct. It shows that many of the benefits that Best Value could bring to local authority recreation centres could have been achieved more easily by implementing the market orientation philosophy. A study of 67 recreation centres suggests that although market orientation will increase under Best Value, the benefits from this might be somewhat illusory and represent poor value for the administrative and operational burdens entailed.  相似文献   

We examine the applicability of Best Value practices in the Nigerian public sector and present a Best Value Model for Nigeria. We find the literature does not extend to the Nigerian context. We make contributions towards understanding stakeholder perceptions of public service delivery best practice. We show Best Value as a significant initiative for improving public service delivery. The mixed methods survey reveals Nigerian Best Value initiatives do not exist significantly, but are applicable. Outcomes are exploration of a new area for Best Value application, incorporation of implementation issues into the model and the seven-stage process for its implementation.  相似文献   

The current UK government emphasizes the importance of mechanisms of accountability that involve the planning and public reporting of performance. One example of this is the Best Value performance plan. However, there has been little evaluation of the quality of the information provided in this type of document. This paper draws on literature on stakeholding and user needs to identify the data required for accountability. It then assesses whether the plans produced by Best Value pilot authorities in Wales provide appropriate information. The analysis shows that very few of the plans contained the relevant material. Interviews in the pilot authorities highlighted two key reasons for the poor level of data: a lack of performance indicators prior to Best Value and limited staff expertise in performance measurement. The evidence suggests that documents such as performance plans currently make little contribution to the accountability of public organizations.  相似文献   

This paper provides exploratory insights into the impact of the UK government's Best Value policy on employment policies in voluntary organisations. Best Value is one of a number of institutional pressures on HR policies within the sector: many of which have positive implications for the conduct of HR and delivering care. However, the data also reveal tensions in this institutional environment with regard to meeting demands of twenty-four hour care and family-friendly policies for the workforce. Moreover, continuation of aspects of the New Public Management agenda within Best Value means that pressure on pay and conditions in the sector persist, raising concerns regarding worker morale and quality of care.  相似文献   

The aim is of this paper is to conduct an exploratory study into the use of Balanced Scorecards as an approach to implementing Best Value in UK local government. Furthermore, a participant-observation method is used to study the development into a Balanced Scorecard within local government.
There is a need to critically evaluate approaches to implementing Best Value so that local government can determine how to achieve the service performance levels laid down in the framework. There is a paucity of systematic studies exploring and critiquing the effectiveness of using the Balanced Scorecard in Best Value implementation. The paper describes an exploratory multiple case research study followed by longitudinal participant-observer research on Balanced Scorecard development in a Best Value context. The findings show that the Balanced Scorecard can play a key role in Best Value implementation. Moreover it is also useful in linking other improvement initiatives. However, the Balanced Scorecard process must be informed by organizational and environmental information that is both accurate and adequate. The audit functions of the Business Excellence Model go some way to providing this information.  相似文献   

迄今为止奥巴马并未对其中东政策做出系统的阐述,但是从奥巴马执政100多天来其本人和美国政府高官的一系列讲话和对外宣示中的表态,我们仍可以厘清奥巴马中东政策和对伊朗政策。奥巴马对伊政策的确有别于布什,但实质仍是“胡萝卜加大棒”的政策——胡萝卜不多、也不新鲜,而大棒早已高高举起并随时都可能打下来。美伊开始了新的博弈。  相似文献   

2009年1月20日,奥巴马正式宣誓就任美国第44任总统。对于美国民众来说,这是又一个美国梦成为现实的故事,一个来自于曾经处于被奴役、被歧视地位的族群的黑人小子,成为美国总统的奋斗故事。而大多数中国人所关心的.更多是奥巴马时代的中美关系走向,是这个以“改变”为口号的新任美国总统,将会怎样把握这一当今世界上最重要的双边关系。  相似文献   

In the fall of 2009, the city of Prague set out to conduct a critical analysis of its overall performance by closely examining the performance of the city's districts. In conjunction with the E-Governance Institute at Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey, and the Public Technology Institute in Washington D.C., a quantitative survey of all 22 administrative districts' e-governance and online presence was conducted. Guided by the survey results, qualitative case studies of the top five performing districts were carried out in January 2010. The underlying goal of this research project is to further improve e-governance in Prague and foster a greater understanding of successful digital government initiatives. The findings of the survey and the case studies are presented, and key findings in the case studies are highlighted.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe the international regime governing foreign direct investment in the Americas and assess its implications for regional economic governance. The article develops a novel methodology to map the multi-layered patchwork of investment agreements according to the level of investment protection offered by each agreement. The mapping exercise demonstrates the existence of two distinct legalization projects in the Americas, one which broadly corresponds to the investment protection concerns of the United States, and a second, overlapping regime, which better reflects the interest of many Latin American governments in maintaining their policy autonomy. The article argues that these distinct visions are anchored in a common dispute settlement system based on binding international arbitration, which tends to harmonize the governance effects of the regime.  相似文献   

陶文钊 《当代世界》2010,(2):24-26,20
奥巴马总统当政一年了。他接受了前任留下的一场危机、两场战争,也可以说是临危授命。他在竞选中高举变革的旗帜,许下了许多诺言,这些承诺在头一年里兑现得怎样?在他上任一年之际,我们来进行一个大致的盘点。  相似文献   

近十多年中国参与了诸多国际制度,中国参与多边制度外交是审视中国多边外交的视角之一。中国在参与国际反贪腐制度时采用了更加灵活多元的多边外交方式,体现了中国多边外交从形式到理念的新特点。  相似文献   

The rule of Alyaksandr Lukashenka in Belarus has created one of the most resilient authoritarian regimes in post-communist Europe but the sources of its stability have not been clearly understood until now. The article suggests that President Lukashenka's authority is sustained on the basis of a national ideology, which he uses to drive his economic, social and foreign policies. The Belarusian transition reveals a new type of national mobilisation in the post-communist area: egalitarian nationalism. It is suggested that this ideology provides the principal source of the failure of democratisation and the authoritarian consolidation in post-Soviet states such as Belarus.  相似文献   

从法国社会党看法国第五共和国民主政体的发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
法国社会党对法国民主政体的总体判断是需要通过建立有效的对抗权力来使民主制得到平衡.法国第五共和国民主政体的发展趋势是分层治理.在高层,要限制总统集权和政治权力表现无能这两种可能出现的现象.在基层,要扩大社会民主和参与民主.法国政党所面临的困境是参选人数逐年减少,新社会运动蓬勃兴起对政党提出了严峻的挑战;人们的参与意识和参与能力大大提高,不再满足于原有的代议民主制;民主政体有向参与式民主方向发展的趋势.  相似文献   

This study finds that on average aid has little impact on economic growth, although a robust finding is that aid promotes growth only in a politically stable environment irrespective of the quality of the country's economic policies. Aid is ineffective in an unstable environment even in the presence of good policies. The results, however, indicate that policy is more effective in promoting growth when supported by increased aid flows rather than aid being more effective in good policy environment. The empirical results also provide some tentative support for the presence of an aid Laffer curve in the politically stable countries. The allocation of aid is found to be influenced by the country size and its state of development, rather than the quality of policy.  相似文献   

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