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This examination of the revenue patterns of local governments in New Mexico finds that communities with the greatest social needs for public services-- small population rural areas, less affluent communities, and rapidly growing districts-- are precisely those that have the weakest revenue bases. Moreover, none of these types of disadvantaged jurisdictions receives above-average redistributive assistance from the federal government.Variations in revenue effort, especially among municipalities, exacerbate this problem because certain communities gain huge revenue windfalls which bear little relationship to either their social needs or taxing efforts but stem, rather, from fortuitous geographic positions. This advantage works its way through the entire revenue system, directly because state transfers are linked to place of collection and indirectly because of the overwhelming effect of revenue effort on revenue sharing allocations in the state. The local revenue system in New Mexico, therefore, works against the communities that have the greatest need for government services. Most of these inequities, however, do not appear to be the explicit goal of economic or political policy. Instead, they are the unintended consequences of a supposedly “neutral” allocation formula. This state of affairs certainly argues for policymakers paying more attention to the actual results of their policies.  相似文献   

This article examines the establishment of local government in post-communist Poland. Its purpose is to examine the realignment of central state and local government authority established through the Polish National Assembly's (Sejm) 1990 reforms and to provide an assessment of developing local government autonomy and executive authority in the new city government structure.

The conceptual framework is comparative, using an American perspective to examine issues of local government autonomy and executive authority.  相似文献   

In China the regulation of credit and capital is conducted by the banking system. Originally this system was highly centralized under the direct control the Ministry of Finance. More recently, as the Ministry of Finance has become busier with additional responsibilities such as the management of an increasingly complex tax system, and the banking system has gained its independence.

For the banks, this reorganization not only represents an increase in authority and status, it also makes possible an increased effectiveness in carrying out existing regulatory responsibilities. The need for increased effectiveness becomes evident on review of the role that the banks have played in Chinese society prior to the 1985 reforms. Without the means to enforce their authority, the banks could not be as influential in regulating the economy as had been intended.

Because they have been provided with enforcement regulations, the banks can now influence not only the provision of credit and currency but also the management of group and individual businesses and organizations throughout China. As the communist party stepping back from law and policy enforcement, the banks are partially filling the vacuum.  相似文献   

This article revisits the concept of the public sector innovation champion. Reflecting changes in sectoral and wider contexts and conceptual advances in the innovation literature, it suggests that much of the underlying thinking behind the original article is of continuing relevance and suggests a number of directions in which this could now be extended, particularly in terms of the nature of innovation and the role of champions therein. It concludes by considering how innovation champions of the future will require a new skillset which draws on new and emergent technologies to align diverse sets of stakeholders in networks of ‘open innovation’.  相似文献   

Before America began creating a federally based welfare state in the 1930s, most publicly funded responses to social problems had an institutional bias. The ways in which the welfare programs initiated 50 years ago have helped to influence institutional trends, and are likely to continue doing so in the future, constitute the major focus of this analysis. Four special problem groups are assessed from a historical perspective: (1) the dependent aged and the movement from local almshouses and state insane asylums to nursing homes; (2) the mentally ill and the movement from state hospitals to a variety of local medical and nonmedical residences; (3) the developmentally disabled--formerly the mentally retarded--and the movement from state schools to private community residential facilities; and (4) the dependent/neglected and delinquent youth and the movement away from orphan asylums and training schools to group homes, treatment centers, adolescent psychiatric units, halfway houses, and outdoor camps. Recent trends and projections, as well as present and future policy issues, are assessed.  相似文献   

This paper undertakes a political analysis of economic policy in Iran in the post-1979 period, and examines a specific kind of populist economics within the legacy of the rentier state as a result of the emergence of charismatic political authority. It discusses the implications of charismatic authority which led to the implementation of populist economics, and which coincided with economic and political instability during the reign of Ayatollah Khumaini and afterwards when his successor was involved in a crisis of routinisation of charismatic legitimacy. In doing so, the economic effects of such policies are examined in terms of the (re)distribution of income and the establishment of para-governmental organisations, the overvaluation of the national currency, and the budget deficit and its inflationary pressure.  相似文献   

欧洲的科技合作,始于20世纪50年代的欧洲原子能联营,但是欧共体层面上研究与技术发展政策的出现则是在20世纪80年代。欧盟(欧共体)研究与技术发展政策的主要内容是研究与技术发展框架计划(以下简称框架计划),到目前为止,欧盟(欧共体)已制定实施了6个这样的计划,并正在执行欧洲信息技术研究和开发战略专项计划(ESPRIT)。  相似文献   

With a two-dimensional concept of 'New Public Management' as its point of departure, the article points to the development of a specific Danish model of NPM at the local level of government. In the municipalities the market-oriented NPM dimension has been almost absent and the managerial dimension has been interpreted and translated into a 'governance'-oriented model that combines decentralized self- and user-governance from below with centralized goal-steering from above. This combined model institutes new governing roles including a new leadership role for elected councillors as central goal-steering decision and policy makers. Rather than strengthening the local councillors, the new leadership role has turned out to be problematic for the elected councillors. The problems inherent in the new institutional role as goal-steering decision makers are discussed and arguments are put forward in favour of a more 'governance' and less NPM and government-oriented role for elected councillors. What seems to be needed is another new role that stresses local councillors as co-governors and guardians of an inclusive and democratic form of local governance.  相似文献   

Local government reform 2001 is an important part of the Government of Pakistan's programme for democratic renewal. The main feature of introducing the Local Government System was to empower the people at the grassroots level and to transfer power from the elite to the masses. This paper uses councillors‘ data from north-western Pakistan to examine the economic and social status of village representatives. Land ownership, high income, education and political connections increase the chances of election to public office at the district and sub-district level, but do not have much impact at the village level. There is evidence of genuine change at union (village) level as the majority of councillors (65 per cent) at this level belong to low-income group and small landowners. So the system has changed the identity of the locally politically dominant group. But, at the same time, results suggest that while local governments units are helpful in creating spaces for a broader range of non-elite community leaders to emerge, elite control of decision making is pervasive. However, it is expected that the presence of non-elite members in the councils may change the allocation of resources in favour of the disadvantaged group with the passage of time, provided elections to councils are held regularly.  相似文献   

从2004年10月19日至今,伊拉克前总统萨达姆·侯赛因已在巴格达美军严格控制下的"绿区"--伊拉克特别法庭上多次受审.这一"世纪审判"受到国际媒体和公众舆论的深切关注.关于该法庭是否合法、萨达姆若被判有罪是否会被处死、萨案的了结将对伊拉克局势产生什么影响,众说纷纭,各执其词.  相似文献   

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